Lull Them In

Upon seeing Mu Yu return Mystic Beast Store after laying down the groundwork to justify Yi Feiying’s imminent death at his hands, Xuan Zhengtang inquired, “Master Yu, do you have a plan to sell the level six fiend beast?”

Mu Yu smiled. “We’ll get through this.”

“Master Yu, please let me know if I can be of any help because you are unfamiliar with the city.”

“That’s perfect timing, then.”

“I am at your service.”

“Not yet. I’ll let you know in the evening.” Mu Yu went through the store to the backyard, Xuan Zhengtang following behind, where Xiaoshuai was playing with Xuan Sitong. “Xiaoshuai, we have work to do tonight.”

Mu Yu needed to bring Xiaoshuai along in case he needed the latter to snap him out of his murderous mode.

“Did something happen? Is it a dangerous job?” queried Xuan Sitong.

“Why do you think it’s dangerous?” Mu Yu asked.

“I… just have a gut feeling.”

“It’s not.”

Carrying out some dishes from the kitchen, Xuan Chisan called, “Come on over for lunch, everyone.”

“What about me?” Xiaoshuai questioned, standing akimbo.

“Of course you have a share. I prepared some grilled thighs for you here.”

Nobody but Mu Yu and Xiaoshuai had any appetite. They had so much free time on their hands due to all their business channels being closed off that Xuan Chisan delivered food to Mrs. Xuan. For the rest of the afternoon, Mu Yu meditated in his room, while Xiaoshuai napped. Meanwhile, the other three loitered in the courtyard.

“Senior Sister, I noticed you keep spacing out all the time ever since Master Yu came here. Are you…”

“Am I what?”

Xuan Chisan leaned in close. “Do you have a crush on him?”

Xuan Sitong pinched Xuan Chisan’s ear. “What nonsense was that?”

“Ow, ow, ow, I’m just speaking facts.”

“That’s not a fact. I’m just worried for him because he’s been helping us.”

Xuan Zhengtang chimed in. “Sitong, he’s in a different world to us.”

“I know that. I wasn’t thinking anything along those lines,” responded Xuan Sitong, pinching her chin as she recalled the scene of Mu Yu killing One-Eyed Snake.

“Look at you,” grumbled Xuan Chisan, rubbing his ear.

“What’s it to you if I like him?!”

Xuan Chisan poked his tongue at his senior sister whom he had a crush on for a long time to hide his disappointment. He mulled, Indeed, he goes better with Senior Sister than I do.

Xuan Zhengtang shook his head as he read his disciple’s mind.

Upon seeing Mu Yu, who had to carry Xiaoshuai since Xiaoshuai would not wake up, Xuan Zhengtang went to greet him. Mu Yu took a gander at Xuan Sitong, then said, “Let’s go, Mr. Xuan.”

“I’m coming,” voiced Xuan Sitong.

“No. Master Yu and I are going out for business. You wait at home,” scolded Xuan Zhengtang.

“I also want to help, though.”

“We’ll be back before you know,” assured Mu Yu.

Mu Yu didn’t want Xuan Sitong to witness him commit murder; he brought Xuan Zhengtang along to lead Yi Feiying into believing they were going to sell the level seven fiend spirit. Unsurprisingly, someone started tailing them as soon as they exited the store.

“Shall I deal with those tailing us, Master Yu?”

“Leave them be. We’re stepping outside the city.”


Yue Wenyang reported, “Xuan Zhengtang and the kid have left the city, likely to sell the level seven fiend spirit at another city. Young Master, what do you sugg-”

“Perfect. Now I can take it without anyone knowing what happened,” declared Yi Feiying.

“Shall I follow you?”

“No. I alone am plenty.”

Yue Wenyang saw no reason to object, confident in Yi Feiying’s abilities.


“Master Yu, further up ahead in this forest is where elemental demons are usually active.”

“That means there shouldn’t be many people around here, right?” Mu Yu questioned, sensing the pressure in the distance.

“Yes.” Sounding poignant, Xuan Zhengtang asked, “May I ask why you brought me out here?”

“Please take care of my brother.  I will regroup with you in a moment,” requested Mu Yu, passing Xiaoshuai over and reassuring Xuan Zhengtang with a shoulder pat. “Come out.”

Xuan Zhengtang flinched for he was sure the individual tailing them stopped tailing them once they left the city, yet it now occurred to him that he was oblivious to the one who took over.

“Good senses,” satirically praised Yi Feiying, emerging from the shadows.

“Be careful, Master Yu.”

“Xiaoshuai, wakey, wakey,” hollered Mu Yu, nudging Xiaoshuai.

Upon opening his eyes and seeing Yi Feiying, Xiaoshuai mumbled, “Have you still not swatted the fly?”

“Hand over the level seven fiend spirit and fiend beast, and I shall make it painless.”


“Otherwise, I’ll feed you to my crimson blood green fox as a snack,” replied Yi Feiying, summoning a small cage that expanded upon appearing.

The level six green and red fiend beast, standing at roughly ten-metres tall, kicked up a tornado upon arriving, even aggressing with its voice.

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