Level Seven Fiend Spirit

“Level seven fiend souls, if smelted properly, can upgrade cultivation, be used to concoct high-level pills and even as a formation foundation, yet he spat it out like it was an irritating fish bone. Who the hell is this kid? How did he even tear apart something that’d take a Body Synthesis Realm cultivator to put a dent in?” wondered the bystanders.

“I don’t feel like eating anymore,” complained Xiaoshuai, tossing the fiend spirit back to Mu Yu. “Let’s go sell the remainder somewhere else.”

“All right.”

“Stop!” exclaimed Yi Feiying, cutting their path off.

“Good doggies don’t obstruct their master’s path,” Mu Yu insulted.

“Say that one more time!”

“You illiterate? I’m not repeating something just because you demand so.”

“You seriously speaking to me in that tone?” Yi Feiying discharged his energy to intimidate Mu Yu.

“So your business policy is to assault customers and force them to do business with you? Wow.”

“You not only slighted Beast-Taming Hall but also insulted our personnel. There’s no way you’re walking out scot-free.”

“You started it, prick,” blustered Xiaoshuai, standing akimbo.

“Young Master Yi, we were in the wrong first; we cannot attack them,” advised Yue Wenyang, voice soft.

Yi Feiying still had enough to rationalise his decisions. Thus, he withdrew his energy. “I’ll let it go for today. For all we know, you might’ve snatched the fiend spirit from somewhere. We don’t buy fiend beasts of shady origins.”

“You telling me you ask your customer where they killed the fiend beast, the procedure used and for evidence that they actually killed it themselves?”

Yi Feiying found himself lost for words. Beast-Taming Hall did not care how the customer obtained the goods; the company only cared about having the good.

“If you have so much time to invest on prying into how people obtained their fiend beast, how about spending some of that time into upgrading customer service, especially how to appraise fiend beasts. You don’t want to be paying for a level two fiend what you would a level six fiend beast now, would you?” Mu Yu derided, sauntering up to Yi Feiying.

Yi Feiying tried to intimidate Mu Yu with his gaze. When they locked eyes, though, Yi Feiying instinctively stepped aside. Xiaoshuai, who meandered at the forefront, poked his tongue out at Yi Feiying, putting Xuan Zhengtang and his daughter on high tension.

“By the way, I forgot to mention that how I obtained this level seven fiend soul,” began Mu Yu, sweeping his gaze around and stopping on Yi Feiying, “has nothing to do with you.”

“I swear I w-”

“Young Master.” Yue Wenyang whispered, “Young Master, we will be the losers if we jump him. I have an idea, however. We do not need to get our hands dirty. Instead…”

Yi Feiying bobbed his head and grinned. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to take a moment of your time to remind you that a level seven fiend soul is worth, at least, three million here. If anyone obtains one, we would love to buy it from you… I apologise for how we addressed our customer just now. As per his words, we do not mind where the fiend spirits you offer us come from. We will not make things difficult for anyone next time over the origins of your fiend beasts.”

“They’ll pay more than a million spirit stones of the market price?”

All eyes made their way to the exit a level seven fiend soul just departed from.

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