Handicap Match

Four Phenomenon Sky Scorcher Formation required the four to cast it together for maximum output and would automatically defuse if there was only one caster, meaning they could only afford to let Jade Wyrm and Long Keshuang leave. In addition, the two staying behind had to increase their output to compensate and continue pressing the attack.

Long Shentu and Long Xingan had the option of abandoning Four Phenomenon Sky Scorcher Formation to go smash Clinging Fire Divine Shield in person as a different means to the same end. The downside to that tactic, however, was it increased the chances of primitive fiends slipping past their radar, particularly since the primitive fiends were more familiar with the local terrain. Moreover, not all primitive fiends were pushovers.

“Fine by me. I’ve been dying to kill him.”

Jade Wyrm fixed his beast bone, then took off toward Mu Yu, spawning a spear aimed at Mu Yu’s face.

Seeing Long Keshuang join Jade Wyrm in a concerted assault, Qiao Xue cried, “Mu Yu, watch out!”

“Just focus on maintaining Clinging Fire Divine Shield,” Mu Yu instructed in his monotone voice.

As Fiend King Phoenix imparted Qiao Xue with the knowledge to operate Clinging Fire Divine Shield, she had to hold it up together with the doctor – not that she would have been able to hold up in a skirmish against two Ascension Realm adepts if she tried to help Mu Yu. In fact, nobody else in the valley could hold a candle to the four dragon leaders; if anything, they would hinder him from firing on all cylinders.

Jade Wyrm’s power had the clouds cowering together around the moon. Long Keshuang whipped red rings that illuminated the darkness. Mu Yu teleported himself out of their attack range, judging it to be folly if he was to try and tank their attacks, a fact the mountain they aggravated could testify in support of. Mu Yu sped kilometres away in order to prevent the valley being disfigured.

“You two are fighting too conspicuously!” griped Long Xingan, stating the fact after the sonorous avalanche woke up fiends within hundreds of kilometres.

Jade Wyrm and Long Keshuang promptly locked onto Mu Yu’s bloodlust – which was impossible to hide – aiming to swiftly wrap up before they had to silence more fiends.

Mu Yu abruptly halted in his tracks and spun around to face the two. The two also pulled over as they were not sure what was going through his mind. Upon seeing the swamp and yellow mist, Jade Wyrm brayed, “You lured us here!”

“That just means we’ll bury him here instead of in the valley,” stated Long Keshuang, bearing in mind the fact that they had to put an end to the mission quickly.

Mu Yu was not aiming to kill the four using ruins poison; he wanted to use ruins poison to occupy their minds, leading to abysmal concentration and hesitation, the catalyst he needed to take them down.

“Don’t damage the reeds,” reminded Jade Wyrm, seeing Mu Yu fire reeds from the marsh as darts.

Since they would not damage the reeds, Mu Yu exploded them himself, spurring the two to flee five kilometres away. Hiding within the range of ruins poison, Mu Yu unleashed his black and white sword on them, prompting them to fall back further.

“Hiding in the ruins mist won’t save you!” threatened Long Keshuang, reversing back toward Mu Yu and extending her vermillion whip into a whip longer than three kilometres to break the reeds. With Mu Yu cleaving back, the energy emanating from their clash carved a crevice in the ground, consequently taking the plants in the swamp.

“You’re nothing now without your plants!”

Mu Yu triggered the growth of reeds again, angering Long Keshuang, who proceeded to decimate the plants a second time.

Instead of trading with Mu Yu again, Long Keshuang executed “Dragon Python Sky Sunderer” to slip the former’s attacks and gradually coil around his sword, caging in his sword qi. Opportunity presented, Jade Wyrm extended his spear a wild three kilometres. Due to Long Keshuang’s whip wreathing around his sword, Mu Yu’s qi breaker fired to counter Jade Wyrm’s thrust started to crumble.

Mu Yu strategically transformed his fragmented sword qi into small swords, retargeting the duo from multiple angles.

Instead of aiming for Long Keshuang directly, Mu Yu opted to have them cut down her whip, taking advantage of their smaller size to outmanoeuvre her dexterous style.

Using “Sky Breaker”, Jade Wyrm stowed away his spear then launched it from his hand, numerous dragons weaving around aforementioned spear. Jade Wyrm’s manual launch allowed him to boost the output of his spear. Hence, it ploughed through the multitude of small swords Mu Yu fired at him.  Seeing Mu Yu, who cast a golden eight trigrams diagram to spawn a hand as a means of catching the spear, Jade Wyrm simpered.

As Jade Wyrm expected, the spear went through the hand as though it was penetrating a water screen. The velocity of the speed speared through Contiguous Horizon Formation, alas. The positive news was that the formation managed to decelerate the spear – consequently reducing its force – to an extent.

Mu Yu’s hundred metre circumference eight trigrams diagram glowed golden once again, and the yin yang symbol rotated. The splitting and merging flow of black and white qi twisted the spiritual qi in the vicinity around the black and white qi. Once the spear entered its territory, the formation lines started revolving around the spear as it confined said spear, forcing the spear to slow down.

While Mu Yu was slowing down after the big energy expenditure, Long Keshuang bridged the gap and trapped him within her flailing whips.

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