True Dragon VS Bootleg Dragon

Long Wenmao, a lanky man clothed in a black robe, aloofly watched the dragon vine. In his high-pitched voice, he ridiculed, “A true dragon needs to have the might of one.”

“You’ll be finding out what the difference between a true dragon and a bootleg dragon is in a second.”

“I’m keen on seeing what makes a ‘true dragon’ different to us,” responded Long Wenmao, raising up the corner of his lips the way a cunning man would.

Long Wenmao’s feathers were rustled upon facing the dragon vine’s domineering aura at first, but it soon subsided.

“I’ll be sure to show you, then,” jibed the dragon vine, folding his arms.

“I don’t know how strong Dragon Vine is, but I know how strong Long Wenmao is, and I’m worried for Dragon Vine,” Qiao Xue expressed, watching the two square off in the ring.

“The onus is all on him now. You can’t call yourself a professional and only be as good as an amateur. If he doesn’t grow stronger, he’ll just be my minion,” Mu Yu opined. “He needs to prove his worth, or the other fiends won’t submit to him.”

“Get ready, fight!” announced the referee.

Long Wenmao turned himself into a phantom, closing in on the dragon vine. The dragon vine lowered his arms slowly and then timed Long Wenmao’s dash to intercept the latter’s struck, neither out-striking the other. Long Wenmao ended his feint there and retreated out of range, then orbited around the dragon vine in search for openings.

The two continued to trade for a while, neither taking the win. The dragon vine deemed it was time to press the attack, but Long Wenmao timed a counter, landing his slash on the dragon vine’s chest.

“Dragon Vine doesn’t look fast enough,” opined Qiao Xue.

“Nah, that kitten won’t beat Big Earthworm.”

“Are you sure?’

“Fighting that kitten is comparable to me fighting with one arm. Big Earthworm has never won a sparring match against me, but he quickly learnt to deal with my ground and pound game.”

Xiaoshuai’s deft movement and unpredictable attacks were helpful in helping the dragon vine gain plenty of experience in different scenarios.

“Lord Dragon Vine is on the back foot, though,” groaned the doctor.

“Relax. He’s still adapting to Long Wenmao’s rhythm and style,” Mu Yu assured.

On the other hand, the dragons started running their mouths.

If I can defeat a true dragon, nobody will question me in the future, thought Long Wenmao, getting into the zone.

Long Wenmao had enough experience to tell he was only grazing the dragon vine despite the latter focusing on solely defence, implying that he would need some time to fell the dragon vine. The problem with his grind soon presented itself. The dragon vine gradually figured out his rhythm with each strike he threw, making it increasingly difficult to land blows.

Suddenly, the dragon vine clapped his hands together and formed a green energy ball in his hand. “You’re too slow.”

The dragon vine pulled his hands apart, extending his condensed dragon essence into a sword. Upon clashing again with Long Wenmao, the latter managed to take the swing but made a swift retreat.

Damn, his sword attack got into my body, inwardly cursed Long Wenmao, claw glowing grey.

The dragon vine flowered and aimed his sword at Long Wenmao, pushing himself away from the ground. Long Wenmao strafed to his left instead of blocking the green blade. Unexpectedly, the dragon vine switched from a straight thrust to a horizontal cut from right to left. With one leg airborne, Long Wenmao had to rely on his mobility, twisting his body to avoid being separated from his lower body. As the next stab approached, Long Wenmao tried rolling his chest off its target. Alas, the dragon vine managed to catch Long Wenmao’s shoulder.

Cornered, Long Wenmao tumbled away and transformed into his black mystic cat form, a two-metres-tall fiend with a three-metres-long tail, to slip away. Long Wenmao whipped his furless tail in the air, sparking a sharp rise in atmospheric temperature.

Long Wenmao used his tail as a weapon, chambering as fast as possible whenever it connected with the dragon vine’s sword. In his scaly form, Long Wenmao’s speed was double what it was in his human form, allowing him to blast the dragon vine with a maelstrom of flicks, jabs and whips.

How is he keeping up with me when I’m now twice as fast? He wasn’t even able to keep up before, pondered Long Wenmao.

“I don’t even need to transform to lay you out.”

The dragon vine hit pause for a brief moment, then orchestrated a barrage of attacks that would lead one to believe there were multiple dragon vines attacking in a concerted effort. Long Wenmao pushed to seize the initiative again, yet none of his attacks could find its target.

I’m going to lose at this rate! This protracted battle is already slowing me down, noted Long Wenmao, second ranking among the black tigerdragons. He told himself, No, I will defeat this dragon!

Long Wenmao took advantage of his speed to slip a pill into his mouth without the audience noticing.

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