Fiend Equality

“Ancestor Green Dragon mentioned he would pass the reins onto a true dragon. Does that not mean you will be the next ruler?”

“Will you really put those haughty dragons in their place once you succeed Ancestor Green Dragon?”

“I couldn’t care less about becoming a r-”

Mu Yu interjected, “Correct, we will help you end their tyranny. As fiends, you should have equality. They are the ones who have foregone their roots and marginalising their ancestors. There should be equality among fiends and not discrimination, right?”

“Equality among fiends!” chanted the residents of Sunshine Valley.

“Unfortunately, the four factions are striving to steal his blood to evolve themselves into true dragons. We cannot let their ill will bear fruit, so we must protect our true dragon!” Mu Yu asserted.

“Protect our true dragon! Protect our true dragon!” the crowd began to chant.

Xiaoshuai whispered, “Mu Yu, why do I get the impression you’re a snake oil salesman? You been taking pages out of the village chief from Waterstream Village? You bad boy.”

“It’s called leadership. Nobody is born a duke. All rebellions are carried out under justified causes. Thanks to Dragon Vine, we won’t have a shortage of supporters. Furthermore, wherever there is oppression, there is resistance. We are merely providing guidance. You can’t expect to run solo in enemy territory now, can you?”

Mu Yu gave the dragon vine a nudge, hinting for it to say something. Thus, it replied, “I don’t know what to say.”

Using Gentle Wind Interlinked Hearts, Mu Yu instructed, “Just repeat what I say.”

“Rest assured, everyone. As a true dragon, I will take it upon myself to protect you. The dragons are a classic example of ungrateful curs; they’re responsible for marring our unity. If we can’t stay united, how can our race flourish? Never forget that dragons were never born nobler than anyone. We believe in equality. Even I don’t deserve any special treatment. Differences in strength are acceptable, but discrimination between each other because of lineage is unacceptable!”

“Now we’re talking! Why should the dragons be born on a higher rung than us?”

“Yeah, do away with the hierarchy system the dragons invented. Equality for all fiends!”

“End the dragons’ tyranny! We will fight alongside Lord True Dragon to the end!”

The doctor was moved to tears. “I can’t believe Lord True Dragon would see us as equals. Our fiend race finally has hope for a brighter future.”

“Hahahaha, Big Earthworm is your typical puppet emperor, while Mu Yu is the corrupt regent behind the scene, manipulating everyone in the imperial court for his ambitions.”

“What are you, then, General manager of the interior?” Mu Yu ribbed.

The doctor delegated bodyguard tasks to everyone to ensure the dragon vine was protecting round the clock. Some residents left the valley to spread the word to other fiends.

“Mu Yu, I really don’t care for any throne. I’d rather be out and about, enjoying freedom,” voiced the dragon vine, having returned to Qiao Xue’s place.

“Hahaha, the four dragon factions are going at each other’s necks for it, while you’re indifferent to it,” mentioned Qiao Xue.

“Fame and riches are superficial to me,” the dragon vine responded with its head held high.

“Says the parasite who relies on Mu Yu’s spiritual energy to cultivate,” jabbed Xiaoshuai.

“Mu Yu doesn’t care, so get off my case!”

Having to feed and protect a parasite, he sure is one hell of a parasite, Mu Yu thought to himself. “Anyway, we need to be extra vigilant until the fiend kings return. The dragons will now think twice before trying to kidnap the dragon vine. By the same account, thinking twice will mean we can expect slyer and more elaborate deceptions. They’re not giving up until they’re in their graves.”

“Bloody bootleg dragons are ruining my image. Either be an ordinary fiend, or be a complete dragon,” cursed the dragon vine.

“Grandpa Green Dragon doesn’t like the four factions, either. He holds the ordinary fiends in higher regard for the same reason as Dragon Vine, hence his succession policy,” Qiao Xue explained in an amused tone.

“Why does he turn a blind eye to their bullying, then?” questioned the dragon vine.

“Because those carrying a true dragon’s blood are stronger than primitive fiends and the former are necessary soldiers to take the fiend race back to its glory days. As long as they know where to toe the line, Grandpa Green Dragon will turn a blind eye to it. It makes things hard when they make up 80% of the fiend race now.”

“Are our actions considered an uprising, then?” Xiaoshuai enthused. “Let’s usurp the diabolic Fiend King Green Dragon’s rule!”

“Why does that even tickle your fancy? We’re only doing this because of the four dragon factions, get it?” Mu Yu scolded, flicking Xiaoshuai’s head.

“It sounds fun and exhilarating! Big Earthworm, how about we form an alliance to overthrow him?”

“I’d rather sleep.”

“You disappointment.”

“Oi, oi, oi, you two better not start anything. We need to focus on getting through this window,” Mu Yu warned.

“It’ll be tough. We’re out in the open, while they’re creeping around in the darkness,” Qiao Xue opined.

“I’m not being the sitting duck. The best defence is a strong offence,” Mu Yu voiced, pouring himself a cup of rice wine Elder Tiantu personally brewed for him.

A flood of fiends wanted to enter Sunshine Valley to get a glimpse of the dragon vine. The doctor put visitors under strict surveillance in case they were a henchman of one of the four factions. In addition, Mu Yu implemented an interrogation system using Divine Soul Formation. The formation did pick up a spy here and there, each being laid into before being thrown out. Nonetheless, most of the foreigners were genuinely visiting or seeking refuge. The dragon vine would do a small lap in the sky for the admirers to see what a true dragon was and to reinforce the story.

The dragon vine’s supposed “fiend equality society” movement struck a nerve on the four dragon factions. Primitive fiends did try to offer their services to the four factions once their cultivation reached a certain level, but even they were discriminated against. As such, many of them resigned and fled to Sunshine Valley for protection upon hearing the dragon vine’s movement. The four factions, therefore, believed it was necessary to take action before they lost all of their influence.

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