
Sitting in front of his tall bookshelf, the doctor burnt the midnight oil out of habit to record the formulas for several ailments Mu Yu shared with him prior to the latter absconding. “Curing pupilla parasite conditions require lunarfang willow vines, which can’t grow in desolate places, and scorched dry meat sesame. I suppose it’s time I made a trip outside to find these two rare herbs.”

Due to the environment, few herbs could weather nature’s harsh attitude toward the area. As such, the doctor frequently sneaked into humanity’s territory to collect herbs. He never had any safety issues thanks to his advanced cultivation and appearance that did not reveal any fiend traits.

The doctor returned the book to the shelf and blew out his candle.

“Careful not to make any noise. We can’t afford to alert the Body Synthesis Realm fiends.” whispered Jiao Dahu.

“They don’t implement security practices here because Phoenix Fiend King is usually around; they don’t even lock their doors. We successfully kidnapped the divine silkworm’s kids last time. This will be a breeze,” assured Jiao Dalang, getting haughty.

“That’s all the more reason to think they’d exercise caution.”

Jiao Dahu lit up a candle made from the fat of night ritual spirit fiend beasts and grabbed a book from the doctor’s bookshelf to check. The light emitted was visible only to those holding the candle.

“Where is it? Don’t tell me he didn’t record the formula for ruins poison,” griped Jiao Dalang, continuing to scan though the books. “Bloody bugger didn’t write it down!”

“Are we going to kidnap him, then?”

“Can you use your flipping brain for a change? How are we going to stealthily kidnap a Body Synthesis Realm fiend? Let’s get out of here. We’ll ambush him when he leaves fiend territory; we’ll have plenty of opportunities we have to nab him once he leaves.”

The doctor left the clinic in the hands of his assistance the next morning, which was par for the course, as his assistance still had visible fiend traits. Admittedly, part of the reason for leaving his assistance behind was because he preferred to hunt for herbs on his own.

The doctor took his usual route out of the fiend territory. Howbeit, instead of crossing the bog, he turned into a forest some distance from Celestial Fiend River and halted on a tree branch. “Come out!”

“Impressive, Doctor,” sardonically praised Jiao Dahu, clapping as he emerged from behind a tree.

“What do you two want?”

“Hehe, we heard you know how to neutralise ruins poison, which is why our lord asked us to request your aid.”

“You know my principle is never to treat anyone from North Shore Abyss’ Jade Wyrm.”

The brothers cut off the doctor’s path as he went to leave, with Jiao Dahu saying, “Doctor, we are all fellow fiends. Our lord will handsomely reward you for relieving him of ruins poison. You should feel honoured to have his favour.”

“Honoured? I couldn’t care less about any reward. Remind me why I should help the one who vandalised my clinic, kicked me out of the imperial city and forbade me from setting foot in there again over a decade ago purely because he didn’t like my advice to amputate his left arm to save his own life.”

“Doctor, why be hung up over the past? Now that you have an antidote for the poison that plagues our race, you should share it with everyone, right?”

“I’ll help any fiend but him. Now run along!”

“You want to do this the hard way?”

“What do you two want?!”

“If you don’t come with us, we’ll have to make you.”

Jiao Dahu stomped, trapping the doctor in a white net the former set beforehand.

“You’re going to brazenly attack me here?”

“Doctor, we are merely following orders. Besides, we are inviting you to be a guest.”

Jiao Dahu shrunk the net Jade Wyrm Dragon personally invented.

“Release me!”

Jiao Dahu activated a feature that muted the doctor and then sped off.

“Those two really were behind it,” scoffed the dragon vine, emerging with Mu Yu where the brothers just kidnapped the doctor.

“We not going to rescue the doctor?” Xiaoshuai asked.

“Our goal is to find the two kids. The fact that they kidnapped the doctor instead of Elder Tiantu should raise alarms. I’ll bet my nut sack they’ve kidnapped the two kids. We need to rescue the kids to prove our innocence,” Mu Yu answered. “We need to tail those two to North Shore Abyss in order to confirm the kids are safe. Before we go there, though, we need to drop by the ruins.”

“What for?” queried the dragon vine.

“I’m of the opinion that Jade Wyrm Dragon’s poison isn’t that severe. What do you two say?”

“Oh! You plan to…”

Mu Yu nodded.

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