Zombie Race

“You can worry about how to cross the bridge when you come to it. I know you’ll make the right decision. There’s someone else outside waiting to have a word with you. I shall return to Revealing Cauldron. See if you can help Nilei and Chu Buqu when you have spare time.”

“All right, Dad.” Mu Yu made his way outside and asked, “Can I help you?”

“I… have a big favour to ask of you,” replied Gu Jiangyou.

“Let’s hear it.”

“Help me kill someone.”


“An Apotheosis Realm zombie.”


“Aren’t you going to ask for my motivation?”

“Does it matter when they all deserve to die at this point?”

“I went out to investigate the zombie race while you were absent. I found out that their style resembles mine, minus the twin part, since they hunt for strong peoples’ bodies to take over. I can’t grasp a natural law and, consequently, have plateaued at Ascension Realm Ninth Layer. If I can refine an Apotheosis Realm zombie, I’ll be able to steal their domain and eventually their cultivation to break through my bottleneck… That’s the only way I can continue forward. I’m aware that everyone in Sword Shadow is wary of me due to my reputation; even Reverend Nilei has qualms about trusting me. I, therefore, can only ask you to help.”

“Found your target, yeah?”

“Yes. Two of them are at Life and Death Sect.”

“If I proceed, I will have to wipe out your fellow sect members. Can you accept that?”

“… I don’t exercise justice. That being said, I am human; I know which side I should take when it counts.”

“I’ll accompany you to Life and Death Sect tomorrow.”

“What do you want in exchange?”

“More heads from the foreign races. The more the better。”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”


Ku Mu asked Nameless Swordsman to accompany Mu Yu to be on the safe side after Mu Yu shared his plan.

“Aren’t you going to grab another sword?” Mu Yu inquired.

“No need. Anything can be a sword as long as I want it to be. You shouldn’t have to ask that when you’re a swordsmen yourself,” replied Nameless, still dressing in simple clothing as usual despite the status bestowed upon him.

“You have a point. Still, it’s better to have a sword than be unarmed.”

“And better to be bare handed than wield a sword you’re not used to. Unless it’s my sword, every other sword feels like scrap iron. I’m eager to see your swordplay after hearing of your accomplished swordplay and, of course, the swordplay that is hailed as the best in the world. Your progress has piqued my curiosity.”

“That’s why you acquiesced to join me, isn’t it?”


“You’ll get to see it when I slay the foreign races.”

The trio stopped some distance outside the enslaved city as there were over a dozen Apotheosis Realm foes in the city.

“Given the forces they’ve stationed here, Elder Yuande must be on the money,” Mu Yu remarked.

“We sneaking in?” Gu Jiangyou queried.

“No. Let’s pay Life and Death Sect a visit first.”

Gu Jiangyou pointed to the snowy alp in the distance, where no plants could survive the harsh chill, after flying for a while longer. “Low temperatures preserve corpses, which is why Life and Death Sect is situated there. Non-cultivators won’t survive in this low temperature and snowy weather all year round. There’s a spring on the mountain that’s used to submerge corpses in. I have a strong suspicion that the two Apotheosis Realm zombies are in the spring.”

“There are four Apotheosis Realm qi signals,” Nameless notified.

“I thought there were only two!” exclaimed Gu Jiangyou. “We should turn back and reconsider our approach.”

Mu Yu eyeballed the surrounding area. “Leave the four to us. You go catch the fish.”


“No buts. Fighting is kill or be killed. End of story,” interjected Nameless, taking off with Mu Yu.

Mu Yu wasted no time darkening the sky and lopping off the tops of four mountains, starting four avalanches. Needless to say, scores of disciples and zombies were wiped out in the single slash.

“A staunch advance and potent qi, Celestial Swords Nine Catalysts isn’t touted as the number one style without a good reason,” Nameless commented before four Apotheosis Realm zombies came out to square off against him and Mu Yu.

“Filthy ants, I will kill you!” Apotheosis Realm zombie Shi Xiuluo blustered in a high-pitched voice.

The zombie race, which was born from corpses that developed intelligence, had four limbs just as humans did. Their race’s main activity was searching for stronger corpses, whether it was lunar race monsters, humans, soul race members and so forth to trigger evoke intelligence in the corpses. They would then have the revived corpse learn a different cultivation method, thereby altering their appearance. Their new form did not have any fur, had a face of ancient races, sharp shoulder bones rising vertically over their heads and copper skin as tough as iron.

“I still think humans have the best appearance after seeing so many races,” commented Nameless.

“You have my vote,” Mu Yu added.

“Apotheosis Realm humans have finally decided to show themselves, huh? Maybe you should classify yourselves as Coward Realm humans,” disparaged Shi Qianyou.

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