Ghost Formation Walk-in!

“I never realised. Why did you spy on my sect for all these years?” fumed Gui Mohan.

Huang Quan replied, “We do what we’re paid to do. If you can pay me better, I’m more than happy to kill for you. Nobody has hired me for a job. I’m just here for Mu Yu. I don’t care about what the grudge between you two is.”

“What do you want from me?” Mu Yu inquired.

“I want to know where Dong Zhi is,” answered Huang Quan.

“Why are you asking me where your man is?” asked Mu Yu, thinking, I have a bad feeling about this.

“Before we lost contact with him, he was taking on a job connected to you on his own accord.”

“I don’t remember having an obligation to babysit your assassins.”

“Haha, I believe you know who he is as well as I do. If you tell me where he is, I’ll help you with this pinch.”

I know who Dong Zhi is? Is he hinting my suspicion is correct? Is Dong Zhi really Cheng Yan? What is he doing with Shadow Syndicate? Mu Yu mused. Refusing to sell out his brother, he stated, “You can leave. I don’t need to work with you.”

“Think carefully before you speak. You won’t be escaping without me.”


“You sure?”

“I don’t like working with people I don’t know.” Mu Yu bolted off with Tian Ran and Elder Meng.

As opposed to rejecting the offer, it would have been more accurate to say Mu Yu wanted to deny Cheng Yan was potentially in danger.

With nothing left to fear, Gui Mohan asserted, “The only way out is across Narakade Bridge because we have a barrier erected. You have nowhere to run to.”

Teleporting out was not an option. There was no using Teleporting Handsome Formation due to the delay after crushing the jade piece, and Mu Yu did not have time to set a fixed one after entering Ghost Gate.

Once they reached the border of the barrier, Elder Meng inquired, “What’s the plan?”

“I have an idea.”

Mu Yu loosened Wood Spirit’s hold on Walk-in Heart Switch, shining Walk-in Heart Switch’s red beam onto the barrier. The barrier gained a pair of red eyes that exuded malicious intent toward Ghost Gate’s trio.

“Mu Yu, you stole our Walk-in Heart Switch!” snapped Gui Mohan, recognising what Mu Yu did to the barrier. Worried about the consequences of Mu Yu taking Walk-in Heart Switch, he roared, “Give it back!”

Mu Yu stowed Walk-in Heart Switch away as he retreated, refusing to engage an advancing Gui Mohan.

Those who were privy to Walk-in Heart Switch’s ability adopted a circumspect attitude until they confirmed the barrier would not attack them. In reality, Mu Yu merely did not know how to make the barrier attack them. Either way, he achieved his goal.

Gui Mohan brought his flag down at Mu Yu. Mu Yu easily evaded the large flag, resulting in the flag hitting the barrier. Not only did the barrier convert the flag but also converted rocks and whatnot on the ground as the barrier was linked to the entire sect. Previously, Chi Yue prevented Walk-in Heart Switch from contaminating everything with its will.

Gui Mohan, vexed, retreated and severed his connection to the ghost qi around, regrouping with his airborne allies. “Nobody attack!”

“What is that?” Tian Ran questioned.

“Walk-in Heart Switch, Ghost Gate’s treasure. Apotheosis Realm adepts wouldn’t screw with it.”

“How do we escape now? It’s going to convert even the bridge we crossed.”

Elder Meng added, “Exactly. They won’t recklessly attack us, yes, but how do we escape?”

“Just wait,” Mu Yu answered smugly.


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