Since the Interdimensional Flag War had just ended, rather dramatically at that, the Tritan Alliance had many things to do. Therefore, Michael didn't occupy too much of Alice's time to reveal a few things about Extraction. He didn't go into detail, but told her everything he'd revealed to the others before.

Alice was shocked, but it was not really a surprise that she had already expected Michael to have a similar power. She knew how to use her head, after all.

After his short talk with Alice, they reunited with the others and began to discuss the Interdimensional Flag War. The discussion didn't last long because the Professors and every other higher up of the Tritan Alliance was called to meet up. The post Flag War meeting was about to begin soon.

During the meeting, the higher ups would talk about the incidents that occurred in the Interdimensional Flag War, how to improve their combat prowess for the next Flag War, new changes, how to distribute the merit points, and much more.

Alice, Oliver, and Olivia attended the meeting, but only Oliver and Olivia were mentally present. Alice was deep in thought, trying to figure out what would happen to Michael now, how to help him out, and what to do now that his powers must have been exposed.

Michael didn't seem to be too worried, but Alice couldn't help but worry about his future. Everyone – even Killian – seemed to praise Michael's strength, and Michael said that he was about to advance to Tier-3 in the next few weeks. It was obvious that his combat prowess would skyrocket once he advanced to Tier-3, especially since he possessed so many Soultraits, but his power turned him into a must have trophy to not only High Society, but also the Tritan Alliance, Dark Heaven and the Supreme Human Alliance.

"Since everyone is present we should start with the most important topic for the Tritan Alliance's continuance. Some may think that something else is more important, but I can reassure you that this is not correct," The War Priestess began the meeting, her serious voice thundering through the large, antique, hall. 

Pillars adorned with intricate carvings of vibrant murals and ancient times depicted scenes of rituals and the Berserkers' conquests supported the hall's lofty ceiling that seemed to touch the heavens. The air in the room was heavy from the tense atmosphere, but the calming scent of incense wafting from ancient braziers all around the edges of the hall dispelled the tension ever so slightly.

The floor, paved with meticulously placed stones, resonated with the echoes of ceremonies that had been performed in these halls a long time ago. The walls of the antique hall were filled with grand artifacts of the old days, fashioned with meticulous craftsmanship. 

Overall, the ambiance in the antique hall spoke of their rich heritage. It transported the visitors through the annals of time to an epoch where the Berserkers and Warlock Centaurs fought war after war, drenching their lands in blood and bodies.

"It is very important that we receive an official statement from the human race given the incidents in the Interdimensional Flag War. We need to find out which families betrayed the Tritan Alliance, and what your kind will do about the Supreme Human Alliance and the traitors who decided to side with these psychopathic mass murderers!" The War Priestess thundered, her expression filled with fury.

It was only obvious that nobody wanted traitors in their own rows. The Berserkers and Warlock Centaurs didn't have a single traitor, but sadly dozens of human Descendants decided to betray their own kind, and the Tritan Alliance to become a part of the Supreme Human Alliance.

Michael was in possession of, at least, 8 Soultraits. However, he had only been in possession of two Soultraits before. That meant he must have gained, at least, six more Soultraits within eight months. But that was not everything. Michael did not only gain new Soultraits, but they were growing stronger as well. The first medical examination in the Sapphirelake Military Academy indicated that Michael was in possession of two rather weak Soultraits, but the witnesses' reports and the results of the Interdimensional Flag War revealed the exact opposite.

There was no way that Michael possessed only two rather low-ranked Soultraits!

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "I agree. How about we turn rumors into hard evidence first?" A Professor pointed out while pushing the rim of his thick glasses back. His smile gave the people around him the creeps, but the Professor couldn't care less. He was exhilarated, "We should test Michael Fang's Soul Power to prove that he gained more Soultraits and that his Soultraits can grow stronger as well!" 

It was at this point that the previous calm and composed meeting erupted into chaos. Fortunately, Alice was finally pulled out of her train of thought as well when she heard Michael being mentioned.

"Michael won't agree to the medical examination. In fact, he won't elucidate anything about his Soultrait if anyone present were to inquire him," She said, reducing the turmoil all over the hall into hushed whispers.

"There is no way he can escape us if we force him. If it's true what we assume his power to be, can be considered a national treasure, which will give us more leeway to work around some laws. Forcing him to do a medical examination won't be an issue," A young woman in her late twenties said, earning a deep frown from Alice.

"He doesn't have to inform anyone anything. Do you consider you will gain his favor by forcing him to tell you his secrets? Isn't it common knowledge that asking someone about their Soultrait, their unique powers, and star rating is forbidden?" Alice asked, the room temperature dropping as the last words escaped her lips.

"I never expected you to be this old-fashioned, little brat," An old man from another academy voiced out, "If this young Lord truly possessed the power we suspect him to control, he could change the power balance in the Tritan Alliance drastically. He would not only be a national treasure to the human race but the entire Tritan Alliance. We should make sure to discover out what his powers can do and how we can use them in the most efficient way to improve the Tritan Alliance's situation."

"Your beloved student shouldn't be too selfish. That is a well-meant advice from an old man. It's for his own good!" The old man was done speaking – or threatening. Alice pressed her lips together, and clenched her armrest, breaking the reinforced wooden armrest with brute force.

The room temperature dropped further, and Alice's eyes turned even colder than ever. Some people never expected that this was even possible.

Alice was ready to beat the shit out of the old man, even if she might lose the combat with that old monster. Fortunately, the War Priestess intervened before anything could happen. 

She sighed deeply.

"Sometimes I really wonder how humans managed to survive this long." 

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