Supremacy Games

Chapter 753 - The Reunion.

Chapter 753 - The Reunion.

"Where is little Oli and the rest?" Felix asked.

Noah turned around with his hover platform and gestured with his hand for Felix to follow him.

Felix jumped on his hover platform, and they went together towards the cafeteria.

When they reached it, Felix was surprised to see that most of the main team members were eating breakfast together.

He thought that he would be seeing only four or five at most since he told Mr. Rodrigas to bring back only those, who reached peak 5th stage of replacement.

'It seems like no one is lazing around.'

Soon, Felix spotted Olivia laughing while sitting with Sylvia and Hina.

Immediately after seeing her oval cute face and plump cheeks, a wide grin couldn't help but get affixed on his face.

'You are really a shameless bully.' Asna rolled her eyes after reading his evil thoughts.

Felix ignored her and entered the void realm in a sneaky manner under Noah's curious eyes.

He might be distant and silent, but it didn't mean that he wasn't fascinated by unique abilities.

"When do you think Felix will be returning?" Hina asked while drinking orange juice.

"I don't know, but Grandpa Robert said he will be contacting us soon in the UVR." Olivia replied while munching on cookies akin to a squirrel.

'She is really adamant at eating cookies like this.' Felix chuckled while extending a finger at her back.

Then, he opened a tiny void rift and poked her.

"Hmm? Who is it?" Olivia dropped the cookies at once and turned around with a vicious expression.

When she saw no one, she jumped away and began floating in the air by standing above two hovering purple Lilly's flowers.

"What's the matter Oli?"

Sylvia and the rest of the team stopped eating at once and entered a battle stance, using their own abilities.

"Someone poked my back." Olivia shared while examining the area carefully.

The others had gotten even more serious when they heard so, knowing that Olivia wouldn't joke about such a thing.

'Not a bad first reaction.' Felix nodded in satisfaction.

He thought that Olivia would scream 'ghost' in fear and jump away, but it looked like he was selling her short a bit too much.

'Might as well test them all and see if they have gotten any better.' Felix changed his plan from pranking Olivia to examining his teammates' improvement.

'Let's start with you, Miss vice captain.' Felix pointed his finger behind Sylvia's back and fired a thin lightning arc.


When Sylvia sensed danger, she knew that evading would be impossible. So, she concentrated on her back, activating one of her newest ice abilities...Icy Skin.

Ice formed on her back instantly, protecting her from the lightning arc.

However, before she could warn the others, she realized that all of them were being under attack simultaneously!

Lightning arcs were flying everywhere.

The only one, who appeared carefree in such a situation was baldy Ronaldinho...The only lightning elementalist in the main team.

However, soon enough he was forced to defend himself as poisonous arrows began raining down on him from every direction.

"Show yourself!" Zhang Wei shouted furiously while being bombarded by both lightning and poison arrows.

He didn't even attempt to dodge them as his skin was turned into metal, enhancing his defenses greatly.

Unfortunately, when Felix saw that his attacks weren't causing much trouble to his teammates, he decided to strengthen them a little.

Now, everyone was being attacked by lightning spears and thin poisonous needles that were hard to be spotted.

"Allow me!!" Hina clapped both of her hands together, managing to create water bubbles that encased her teammates without touching them.

Water was perfect counter to both poison and lightning...As long as, no one touched the bubble.

Now, that the water bubbles were taking care of the bombardment, the team were given a few seconds to communicate properly.

'The attacks are literally coming out of nowhere...I don't sense a single soul around us.' William informed.

'Should we inform Mr. Rodrigas?'

'Wait, we are being attacked by poison and lightning abilities.' Sylvia looked around her, 'They are coming from nowhere. Doesn't this remind you of someone?'

The moment she put it like this, everyone was stunned when a picture of Felix manifested before them.

"Felix! You prick! I know it's you!" Olivia immediately yelled out.

"Took you a while, slow head." Felix emerged next to Olivia in the air and patted her head with a faint smile.

When Olivia felt his warm hand above her head, she turned around slowly and stared at him with widened eyes.

"It's really you." She mumbled in disbelief.

Felix was gone for so long, it was hard for her to accept his sudden appearance.

"No hug? Are you going to shake my hand like that mute No.."

Before Felix could finish his sentence, Olivia embraced him tightly while tearing up, "You prick, I missed you."

"I missed you too." Felix patted her back gently and looked at the rest of his team, "Same applies to all of you."

"Welcome back captain!"

Thrilled, Leo and Ronaldinho broke through the water bubble immediately and rushed towards Felix.

"Did you really need to test us like this?" Sylvia commentated while eyeing Felix in annoyance.

"I am the captain after all." Felix coughed, not wanting to expose that his first intentions were to prank Olivia.

"We are glad that you came back." Zhang Wei nodded at Felix.

"Yes, we might have gone offline in the camp for a couple of years, but we caught up to everything that happened in our journey." William smiled bitterly, "You really made our struggles in the camp appear like a joke."

In the span of three years, Felix's MMR was already high enough to participate in universal diamond games.

He graduated from the royal witch academy in a single year and became a master potioneer.

He went to the guardian empire and became the void guild's president and most reputable person in the the empire.

He joined the galactical war and ended it in a single day, which allowed him to become the unofficial leader of the federation.

He turned Earth into the capital city and was boosting its development into new heights.

All of this while still increasing his strength at a phenomenal level.

On the other hand, his teammates' achievement was reaching peak 5th stage of replacement in the same period.

Such a comparison was truly too brutal and hard to stomach.

When it was brought to light like this, even Olivia felt ashamed to boast about her integration before Felix.

Worst of all, most of the team were still back in the camp, having not even managed to reach peak 5th stage of replacement.

Kenny, Sarah, and more teammates with low affinity rating had their struggles doubled.

"Why so down all of a sudden?" Felix pulled Olivia's cheek playfully and said, "If you keep comparing yourselves with me, you will just hurt your motivation...You know that right?"

"My starting line was thousands of kilometers ahead of you, so don't feel bad about not being able to catch up." Felix eyed all of them, "Even the most talented human in the universe will fail to do so."

Felix would rather be straight with them and destroy any kind of fantasy they had about reaching his level, than lie to them and encourage them to the do the impossible.

Felix knew that his progress would be nothing without the help of Asna and his masters.

That's just a fact.

For them to catch up, they needed their help too more than hard work and talent.

Seeing that most of them were still finding it hard to accept it made Felix smile in satisfaction.

This just proved that Olivia and the others were extremely competitive and ambitious individuals.

They weren't going to stop trying just because he told them so...Their motivation might be affected a little but not killed completely.

'They are worthy of primogenitors bloodlines.' Felix was certain more than ever that he needed to help them.

Just like he found a way to break through human limitations, they might also find their own path, no matter how impossible it seemed.

Felix had never forgotten that one of his main goals was to lift the human race as a whole by breaking limitations in their cultivation system.

If he was going to start somewhere, might as well start with his own teammates.

"Let's gather in the conference room, I got something that will cheer you up." Felix smiled as he patted Olivia's head.

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