Supremacy Games

Chapter 1608 Five Thousand Years Of Slumber.

1608 Five Thousand Years of Slumber.

A few moments later...

The three celestial rulers had announced the bounty, an unprecedented decree that sent shockwaves through the territories of the Unigins.

At the heart of this tumult was the target of the bounty: Asna's core, now residing within Felix.

In Apollo's territory, a magnificent city known as the Domain of Duality, the news of the bounty reached the god of light and darkness himself.

This city was a marvel of divine architecture, split down the middle — one side bathed in blinding, eternal light, and the other shrouded in impenetrable darkness.

The contrast was not just visual but symbolic, representing the balance between light and shadow, day and night.

Apollo, seated in his grand palace that straddled the two realms, received the announcement with a raised eyebrow.

His appearance was as striking as his domain: his hair shone like spun gold, and his eyes flickered with a light that seemed to capture the essence of the sun itself.

He was draped in robes that shimmered with a radiant luminescence on one side, while the other melded into the shadows.

As the proclamation echoed through his hall, a look of interest crossed his divine features.

"That boy has been the greatest source of entertainment besides the unigins' celestial promotion event. I would have never thought he would be bringing it home."

The prospect of capturing Asna's core was intriguing, but the involvement of Felix, a being who had endured and transformed so dramatically, piqued his curiosity even more.

"Should I join the bounty hunt? I am not too interested in becoming an upper celestial, but the hunt does sound fun."

A thoughtful smile played on his lips as he considered the possibilities, the gears of strategy already turning in his mind.


Meanwhile, in Hephaestus's territory, the reaction was starkly different.

This realm was known as the Inferno Dominion, a vast expanse that resembled hell itself. Fire and magma flowed freely, creating rivers and lakes of liquid flame.

The sky above was dominated by multiple suns, each casting an oppressive heat that kept the land in a perpetual state of smoldering fury.

At the peak of the highest volcano sat Hephaestus's palace, a fortress carved from obsidian and magma, its walls glowing with the intense heat from within.

The god of fire and forge, Hephaestus, stood at the heart of his domain. His eyes, usually a molten orange, now burned with a deep-

seated anger as the announcement reached his ears.

The pondered of Felix, and by extension, Asna's core, being the target of a bounty ignited a fierce rage within him.

A sheen of cold sweat formed on his brow as he thought, 'Was this all one nasty nightmare?'

But then, cutting through the silence of the hatch and the turmoil of his thoughts, a familiar voice greeted him.

It was Lilith, the Paragon of Sins, her tone warm and filled with concern. "Little darling, awake at last? You sure had me worried for a second there. You slept for close to five millennia."


At the sound of her voice, Felix's seven hearts plummeted to the bottom of his stomach. The realization that it wasn't a nightmare, that everything he recollected had indeed happened, weighed heavily on him.

But this time, he didn't give in to his emotions as his mind was stronger than ever.

He closed his eyes once and when he snapped them open, his expression was that of utter coldness.

"Paragon, I believe you owe me an explanation."

"So serious, how scary." Lilith chuckled, "Join me in your consciousness space."

As Felix entered his consciousness space, a place that once buzzed with the presence and energy of his tenants, a starkly different scene welcomed him.

The vibrant town that had been the hub of activity and camaraderie was now deserted, a ghostly echo of its former self...

"Where is everyone..."

Felix's heart sank as he took in the desolation, the absence of his tenants leaving a palpable void in the space that had once been filled with their laughter, arguments, and support.

As he wandered the empty streets, trying to make sense of the silence, his eyes were drawn to a tranquil area at the town's edge.

There, a pool, clear and inviting, shimmered under the gentle light of the consciousness space...And by its edge sat the Paragon of Sins, Lilith.

Lilith lounged gracefully, her posture relaxed yet inherently powerful.

She wore a two-piece swimsuit that left little to the imagination, accentuating her voluptuous body and curves.

The fabric hugged her form, a tantalizing display of her divine physique. Her presence was an arresting sight, a being of immense power and enigmatic allure at ease amid the deserted town.

Standing next to her was Candace dressed in a maid outfit. She held a tray with a couple of drinks, her posture attentive and her eyes watchful.

Felix's arrival did not go unnoticed...Lilith's eyes, sharp and discerning, lifted to meet his.

A slow, charming smile spread across her lips, and she gestured subtly, inviting him to join her. "Cutie, come sit with me...We have much to discuss."


Felix neglected her completely and stared at Candace, who seemed on the verge of breaking into tears.

He could see from her expression that she wanted dearly to rush into him, but her feet refused to budge...

"What did you do to her and where is everyone?" He inquired with a bone-chilling tone.

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