Supremacy Games

Chapter 996 A Century of Growth For Nimo

Chapter 996 A Century of Growth For Nimo

Nineteen Years Later...

"If your boy doesn't wake up in the next two years, I will be forced to kick him out while he is asleep." Ancestor Imyr disclosed while playing chess with Lady Sphinx, "My mental energy is on the verge of exhaustion."

"Don't worry." Lady Sphinx replied calmly while moving up a pawn, "He will be waking up in a few days."

"How are you so sure?" Thor asked from a far.

"He has lost 10% or so of the natural treasures benefits...This should have reduced the time of absorption."

"Makes sense."

As Lady Sphinx anticipated, Felix's eyelids started making movement at first light of the next day.

After a few moments, Felix opened his muddled eyes and started looking around him with a cloudy vision, not able to focus on a single object.

To make matters worse, he felt like body didn't belong to him. He kept ordering his head to turn around, but it refused to budge.

'What a shitty feeling.' Irritated, Felix mumured in his mind and gave up trying to move.

He knew that slumbering for such a long time had caused his limbs to stiffen and his nervous system to shut down temporarily.

'Haha, if you are complaining about this after two decades, I don't know how you will react if you have entered the same slumbers as us.' Thor laughed after seeing Felix's inability to stand up.

'I have a feeling that I will be joining your sleep schedule eventually.'

Felix sighed at the thought of needing two decades to reach the tenth mark...He didn't even want to imagine how many years he would need for the next marks.

'Welcome back, kiddo.' Carbuncle greeted with a sleepy expression.

'Thanks elder.' Felix asked, 'How long was I asleep for?'

'About nineteen years.' Lady Sphinx replied.

'That's shorter than I thought.' Felix raised an eyebrow in surprise.

'You haven't absorbed 100% of the natural treasures benefits.'

'No wonder.' Felix inquired, 'Where is Asna? Is she asleep?'

It was quite weird for her b*tchy voice to not be the first thing he hears after opening his eyes.

'She went into slumber a few moments after you. She has been sleeping ever since.' Thor informed.

'Don't wake her up.' Felix grinned wickedly, 'I will do it.'

The tenants' eyelids twitched, knowing that he was up to no good.

In a short while, Felix's muscles were finally relieved from the tenseness of being inactive for a whole two decades.

If it was a normal human, it was doubtful if he could even walk properly after months of physical therapy.

Without further ado, Felix emerged from the cocoon fully nude like he had just gone into rebirth. Felix blocked his eyes from the sunlight and kept them squinted due to their high sensitivity.

He threw some clothes on him and sat next to the cocoon.

'At least it was worth it.' Felix smirked faintly after sensing that his strength been enhanced to the point he could feel it without even testing it out.

Before he entered the dimensional pocket he had 116k BF and was at the sixth mark.

Now that he had reached the tenth mark, his bloodline force had been increased to a generous 146k!

He was officially stronger than the youngest generation of the Dragons...Including prince Domino! Though, not as much if he entered his enraged state.

Eee Eee!

Just as Felix wanted to enter his consciousness space, Nimo appeared out of nowhere and collided with his chest.

"Easy there." Felix chuckled as he picked up Nimo and rubbed his face with his soft black fur.

Eee Eee Eee!!

Nimo started making giggling noises while trying to escape from Felix's grasp.

"Were you making trouble when I was asleep?" Felix smiled.

"He was behaving properly." Mistress Candace defended Nimo after she emerged from a void rift nearby.

"That's what I like to hear." Felix patted Nimo with a pleased expression.

"He has been eating and growing quite well." Mistress Candace disclosed.

"What about his abilities?" Felix inquired, "Did he unlock anything new?"

Before he entered this slumber, Nimo had unlocked many abilities and techniques related to void laws.

The process of unlocking those abilities was related to growth and age. Now that almost a century had gone by, Nimo had stacked up many abilities.

"He did unlock new ones." Mistress Candace eyed Nimo before confessing, "However, they aren't related to void laws."

"Hmm?" Felix raised an eyebrow in surprise, "Don't tell me..."

"Yes, he finally started using the laws of sins." Mistress Candace confirmed with a fanatic look.

Felix looked at Nimo's innocence but loving eyes and mumured, "How can such a cutie control those evil powers."

"Have you guys already tested them?"

"No." Mistress Candace smiled wryly, "But, I saw Nimo using the lust powers to control some animals and force them to play tag with him..."

Felix didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the sound of that.

"Are you certain that he has used the sins laws instead of just using his spiritual pressure?" Felix wondered.

"I am certain." Mistress Candace said, "I have the same powers after all."

Felix didn't doubt her anymore after hearing so...As Void Succubus, she was also capable of using some abilities related to lust laws.

Although she was capable of using the laws, she couldn't manipulate them or even understand how her abilities worked.

The other unique void creatures were also the same.

It was like they were bloodliners and the paragon of sins was the beast they get their abilities from.

The only difference was that bloodliners have elemental abilities while unique void creatures possess law-based powers.

If it wasn't for so, the Paragon of Sins wouldn't have been hit by one of the harshest punishments ever.

"Did he use any other sins besides lust?"

"No." Mistress Candace shared, "Nimo is still merely following his emotions instead of rationality. So far, nothing had affected him in a manner to use the other sins."

"I see." Felix nodded with a thoughtful expression.

He truly had no clue why Nimo's intelligence hadn't matured much even though he spent an entire century growing.

He assumed that Nimo would be capable of communication after a decade gone by. Alas, the only thing that had gotten bigger was his size.

He might appear to be small and cute now, but Felix knew that his original size had already gone past one hundred meters...He was bigger than dragons.

If he had this size before he entered his slumber, god knows how big he had gotten now.

"Don't forget he is a unigin. He might have hatched from an egg unlike them, but he is still one." Lady Sphinx said.

Upon being reminded of this fact, Felix realized that it was quite normal for Nimo to still have a child intelligence even though a century passed.

He was told by Asna that the unigins three stages of maturity were unlike any other. In fact, anyone below millennial or so was still technically a child in their race.

In other words, Nimo still had a long while until his intelligence resembles that of humans and surpass them.

Eee Eee!

"Is it wrong to hope that he stays like this forever?" Felix mumured as he rubbed Nimo's tummy while listening to his happy chortle.

Felix knew that Nimo would thoroughly change when he grew older and start to realize his position in the universe.

He would rather have him remain as a cute racoon-like creature than turn into the new Paragon of Sins...


A few minutes later...

Felix could be seen teasing Asna's perfect mounds while lying next to her in bed. Too bad, Asna's sleep was quite light, making her wake up in the first couple of seconds.

"What are you doing?" She asked while staring straight at Felix's soul with a gentle smile.

"Giving you a well-needed massage...You must be stiff after sleeping for such a long period." Felix replied with a serious tone while still fondling her breasts, knowing that if he stopped or acted guilty, he would screw himself big time.

"Is that so?" Asna giggled, "Let me give you a massage as well."


In the blink of an eye, Felix's jewels were struck by Asna's knee ferociously, making his eyeballs bulge out instantly.

"You witch..." In a great deal of pain, Felix cursed while holding his crotch and rolling away from her.

"How mean, I just thought that your balls will be stiff as well." Asna chuckled as she stood up and walked towards her bathroom while wearing nothing underneath.

Alas, Felix was in too much agony to bother focus on her bewitching curves and lustrous skin.


Asna closed the door and started showering.

Because both of them had slept and woke up at the same time, it felt like they were away from each other for merely a few minutes instead of entire two decades.

So, there was not much affection shown as the last time.


Sometime later, everyone was gathered in a round table within the consciousness space.

"Boy, you have two years left." Ancestor Imyr sighed, "I wish I was able to prolong it even more."

"Elder, please don't say so. You have already given me too much." Felix said with a grateful tone.

"It might look much in your eyes, but later in the future, you will realize that my contribution was nothing but a drop in the ocean." Ancestor Imyr smiled wryly.

"Maybe, but for now, I am beyond satisfied and grateful." Felix smiled back.

Felix meant every single word...The time spent in this dimensional pocket had entirely changed the course of his life.

Most of his weaknesses were either gone completely or reduced...Even Nimo benefited greatly from the time difference.

"I think we should spend another year here and leave after." Lady Sphinx suggested, "It's never good to completely exhaust your mental energy."

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