Translator: MarcTempest

Editor: AgRoseCrystal

Chapter 524

He realized that he had never used [Orchestra Conductor’s Connection] on someone as skilled as Jason Moore.

‘After all, the BrBl hyungs were just rookies when they debuted, and Blue Moon had only been in the industry for a year, so they were practically newcomers.’

They had been using his ability since they didn’t know their own level of skill, so they probably thought it was normal.

‘Like training wheels on a bicycle.’

Now that he wasn’t using his ability, they might feel a bit wobbly, like when they removed the training wheels, but once they got used to riding a two-wheeler, they would be more free than ever.

‘But Jason is different.’

Jason Moore, the violinist.

He became a disciple of Professor Benjamin Morton in his teens, won numerous competitions, and started to make a name for himself with his solo concerts in less than a decade. 

And now, he was one of the top performers in the world.

In other words, he was already a rider who was running hard on a two-wheeler. He might even be able to do some tricks on his bike.

‘And I added training wheels to him, so he must feel some discomfort.’

Of course, his ability was not really training wheels, and it also had the function of boosting his musical skills by several times, so the situation was a bit different.

Seo-jun looked at Jason Moore.

Jason Moore looked a bit strange, but he didn’t seem to know why.

“Is it just me…”

He muttered, and Seo-jun heard his voice. It was a bit frustrating, but his skills had improved, so it was understandable.

The orchestra members who looked at Jason Moore with curiosity came into Seo-jun’s sight.

“Weren’t you great earlier?”

“Right? It felt like we were in perfect sync today…”

“Right! Don’t you think we did our best during the tour?”

For them, especially for the conductor Derek Rutz and the eight performers who were registered in his ability, the performance that was better than the morning practice was strange to Jason Moore.

To the orchestra members, his ability was not like training wheels on a bicycle, but like a rope that helped them in a three-legged race.

They had to run together with nine people, including the conductor, towards the same destination, without any tools, just looking at each other’s feet. In that situation, what helped them was his ability, the ‘rope’ that tied their feet together.

If they didn’t have his ability, they would have to look around and match their steps, but with the sturdy rope (ability) tied, they could know when the people next to them would move, and they just had to run along with the moving rope.

‘It would make moving easier and faster.’

It was a matter of perspective.

Solo and orchestra.

‘Then what should I do now…’

Seo-jun was lost in thought.

His ability improved the performance overall, but Jason Moore felt some discomfort.

He only felt a slight discomfort for now, but what would happen if the practice continued. He had to think more about how to use his ability.

Jason Moore, who shrugged off his slight discomfort as a mood swing, said. 

“Let’s start the practice.”

The conductor Derek Rutz nodded.

Seo-jun rested his chin on the violin. Dmitry and the other violinists, as well as the other performers, reached for their instruments again for the practice.

Derek Rutz swung his baton vigorously from top to bottom.

[Orchestra Conductor’s Connection is activated.]

A splendid concerto filled the practice room, better than the morning practice.


The next day, Saturday.

Originally, they planned to visit the tourist attractions of Paris together on the weekend when the other friends had no schedule, but Seo-jun had a schedule.

“Then when will you rest, Seo-jun?”

Seo-jun, who was preparing to go to the Paris Music Hall, answered Ji-yoon’s question.

“I think I’ll only rest on the days of the concerts. Tomorrow, Tuesday, and Thursday.”

Dmitry Vasilyev was participating in three performances with a day off in between, on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, and thanks to the smooth practice, only Dmitry participated in the practice that day.

“Then we can go together tomorrow.”

“Leave it to me today.”

Charlie, who promised to guide the kids today, smiled and said.

“Have fun, everyone.”

“You too, Seo-jun!”

Seo-jun headed to the Paris Music Hall with the farewell of his friends.


“You came early!”

Seo-jun greeted the orchestra members warmly and shook hands with them, registering the performers who were different from yesterday in his ability.

“Jason, I’m here!”


He also shook hands with Jason without forgetting.

He looked like he wanted to ask if shaking hands had become a habit since they hadn’t seen each other, and Seo-jun smiled.

“Da Ho hyung said it’s okay to use G.V.”


At Seo-jun’s words, Jason Moore immediately sent a message to the general manager with his phone. Soon, the pamphlet for the last concert would be made.

“Let’s start the practice!”

The musicians took their seats one by one at Derek Rutz’s words. Seo-jun also sat next to Dmitry. Jason Moore was holding his Stradivarius and getting ready for practice.

[(Line)Orchestra Conductor’s Connection is activated.]

The instruments started playing along with the conductor’s baton. The intense melody burst out, then slowed down, and then exploded again with sounds.

The musicians who were registered in the ability yesterday felt a completely different sensation from yesterday and regretted, ‘I had a good condition yesterday…’ The musicians who were registered in the ability today were surprised and wondered, ‘Why is my condition so good today?’ They continued to play along with the conductor with a bright face.

Derek Rutz, who was conducting himself, also felt a different feeling from before and was momentarily excited, but soon suppressed his mind and calmly continued the conduct.

Then, Jason Moore’s performance came in at the right timing. 

The orchestra’s performance subsided and the majestic melody of the Stradivarius filled the practice room.


A silent exclamation came out.

His basic skills were amazing, but thanks to [(Line)Orchestra Conductor’s Connection], Jason Moore’s performance skills, which had risen, made Seo-jun and the members not performers but spectators.

‘It seems like he’s doing better than yesterday?’

He didn’t seem to be the only one who thought so.

‘What should I do if this happens?’

Except for once, when he stopped practicing yesterday afternoon, Jason Moore seemed to feel no more discomfort and played as usual. 

With the power of the ability added, the afternoon practice ended wonderfully enough for Professor Benjamin to say oh, wow.

Today’s performance was even better.

‘I think it’s okay to use the ability…’

As he thought so and listened absent-mindedly, the music continued. And at some point, [(Line)Orchestra Conductor’s Connection] stimulated Seo-jun, Derek Rutz, and the registered musicians.

It was time for the orchestra to play.

Derek Rutz, who came to his senses, swung his baton in time, but there were some late musicians, so the practice started again from the beginning.

“We’ll start over from the beginning. Please focus, everyone.”

That morning, swept away by Jason Moore’s brilliant performance, which was better than usual, the afternoon practice was over.

“Good job, everyone…”

As if his soul had been taken away, he greeted the members who were more tired than usual and packed his luggage. Seo-jun decided to keep registering Jason Moore in [(Line)Orchestra Conductor’s Connection] after much thought.

‘He might feel uncomfortable, but… today’s performance was so good.’

And the timing was good. It was only Seo-jun’s guess, but [(Line)Orchestra Conductor’s Connection]'s rating could rise within a few days. It seemed like Jason would gain a lot if he went on stage like this.

“Good luck at the concert tomorrow, Jason!”


Jason Moore smirked and answered Seo-jun’s cheer.


Sunday, when he had a blast with his friends in Paris, passed by in the blink of an eye and Monday, the practice day, came.

“Did you see the article, Jun?”

“Yes! I saw it!”

Choi Yoo-seong asked Seo-jun. Seo-jun smiled brightly and nodded his head. The classical world had been buzzing since yesterday with articles on one topic.

[The genius violinist who is still growing!]

[Where is the end? The next tour is awaited.]

The articles were about the genius violinist’s concert, and of course, that genius violinist was Jason Moore.

“Yesterday’s concert was really the best. It didn’t feel like I was playing with my own hands.”

“I don’t think I can do it twice.”

The orchestra members also talked about yesterday’s performance with a dreamy expression. They said that the practice and performance were so great that even the members who were not registered in the ability were swept away.

“How was Jason, Dmitry?”

“He was amazing.”

He was a friend, but also a rival.

Dmitry Vasilyev, who was always ranked second after Jason Moore, recalled Jason Moore on stage.

“To be honest, I was wondering if I could get something that would help me. But I think I only learned how great Jason is.”

Oh. He had such a situation.

Seo-jun smiled and shook Dmitry’s hand. Dmitry looked at Seo-jun with a puzzled face.

[(Line)Orchestra Conductor’s Connection is used. (10/10)]

‘Handshake… It’s going to be a habit.’

Seo-jun smiled as if nothing had happened and clenched and unclenched his right hand.

‘I think it would be nice to use it for other musicians as well.’

It was a fate that they met like this, and he thought it would be nice if they all had a good experience. It would be fine if he kept registering Derek Rutz, the conductor, and Jason Moore.

“But where is Jason? He hasn’t arrived yet?”

“He’s over there. He seems to have something on his mind.”

Seo-jun turned his head. As Dmitry said, Jason Moore had a slightly thoughtful face.


Today was Tuesday and the second concert was held, so only Dmitry Vasilyev participated in the practice, so Seo-jun had a day off. His friends also had their own schedules, so he was wondering what to do.

“Then do you want to play with me?”


Seo-jun answered with a bright smile at Professor Benjamin’s words.

“Do you like art, Jun?”

“Uh… A little?”

He liked stage art and movie art, things that became the background of the work, but he was just so-so about the paintings hanging in the art gallery.

Professor Benjamin grinned at Seo-jun’s answer.

“My acquaintance’s students are having an exhibition. How about going to see it together?”

Professor Benjamin Morton’s acquaintance was a professor at the Paris School of Fine Arts, and he said he had opened a small exhibition with his students’ works.

“Yes! Sure. But do you also know people in the art field?”

“You get to know a lot of people when you go around. And sometimes I get inspired by paintings or artworks.”

Seo-jun nodded his head. He also watched Park Ji-ho’s games from time to time and moved his excited heart to the staff. He thought a good song would come out.

Seo-jun followed Professor Benjamin to the exhibition hall and opened his eyes wide.

“…Professor. Didn’t you say it was small?”

“…That’s right. It’s bigger than I thought.”

He thought it would be small because it was a college student’s exhibition, but it seemed like he rented a whole big gallery and there were more visitors than he thought. Seo-jun, who wore a hat, followed Professor Benjamin.

There were people who looked like students and professors talking to each other, and the professor who saw Professor Benjamin smiled brightly.

“Long time no see. Benjamin!”

“You’re still big. Arno.”

Professor Benjamin also smiled broadly and shook hands with him.

“Jason? Is he your new student?”

“Jason was busy preparing for the concert today. That’s right. He’s my second student that I’ve been hiding until now.”

Professor Benjamin squinted his eyes. Seo-jun smiled.

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