
Unlike in middle and high school, where he only reduced his presence and increased his familiarity, he now needed to prepare for malice as well.

In middle and high school, outsiders were strictly controlled and he took classes with the same kids every year, but in college, there were many people who came and went without strict control and he met various people in each lecture.

“I met them again.”

Seo-jun's eyes turned to the entrance of the restaurant where he was eating spicy chicken.

Three men he had strangely seen often these days were spinning around the entrance and left.

Their faces were twisted with annoyance.

“I wonder when they’ll give up.”

He didn't know what they wanted to meet him for, but it wasn't something ordinary like greetings or signings.

It was hard for Seo-jun to predict what kind of rumor his obvious refusal would turn into with malice.

“It's better to avoid them from the start before something happens.”

Fortunately, he had read about a suitable ability among the abilities he had read before, so he had been diligently carving patterns since last Friday.

Now, all he had to do was carve it in the classroom of the class he was taking tomorrow and this semester would be over.

“By the way, Friday is Seo-jun's birthday.”

The kids’ eyes turned to Seo-jun at Yang Ju-hee's words. Seo-jun nodded his head.

“That's why I can't go to the Sprout Cafe either.”


Han Jinho and Jeon Seong-min tilted their heads and Park Si-young and Kim Joo-kyung laughed.

“Seo-jun's fans are preparing a birthday event. The easiest way for all the fans to participate is to announce it on the fan cafe.”

“But it would be a shame if Seo-jun knew about it. It should be revealed on his birthday so that he can be surprised and touched.”


Exclamations flowed from his friends.

“What kind of event is it?”

“The last event was amazing. They dominated SNS.”

They recalled the messages from Seo-jun's fans around the world that dominated SNS from 0:00 to 12:00 Korean time.

“We did it too.”

“Can't we go to the fan cafe even if Seo-jun can't?”

“That's right. We just have to keep it from Seo-jun, right?”

At Han Jinho and Kang Jae-han's words, everyone made interested expressions and quickly picked up their phones and logged into [Sprout Cafe].

“Oh… oh…!”

“Sprouts are amazing!”

“Isn't this the best ever?”

Seo-jun was really curious at the sight of his friends who were sincerely surprised.


On the night of Thursday, March 9th, turning into Friday, March 10th.

Unlike usual, when he fell asleep around 11 o’clock, seo-jun was reading a script with no sign of sleep in his eyes as 12 o’clock approached.

-Ahn Da Ho: Be sure to watch it at 12 o’clock today.

[Okay. I got it.

-Ahn Da Ho: Don't go online as much as possible.

[Hehehe okay.

Since he couldn't go online, all he could do was watch videos on Plus+ or read books, so Seo-jun decided to read scripts and synopses that he hadn't read yet.

As if anticipating that Seo-jun would spend time reading scripts, Ahn Da Ho sent him about twice as much as usual, which was about six scripts, so there was a lot to read.

“As expected of Da Ho hyung.”

Seo-jun smiled softly as he read the script.

As usual, he tried to give him a variety of scripts to respect Seo-jun's choice, but today's scripts seemed to be carefully selected with only interesting works, as if to tell him to wait happily for his birthday.

“Well, I don't want to star in them, but.”

Still, it was fun to read the scripts.

“…But I can't concentrate today.”

Normally, he would have focused on the script and moved on to the next one, but he was curious and excited about what kind of birthday event it would be, so he couldn't focus at all.

It seemed even more so because his phone was right next to him.

He was happy every year to receive birthday wishes from his fans.

Seo-jun muttered as he touched his lips that were about to rise.

He felt like he would smile unconsciously.

He tried to turn his hand that was reaching for his phone toward the script.

Seo-jun sighed lightly with anticipation and flipped through the script.

Time passed like that.


While Seo-jun was looking forward to what kind of event it would be, [Sprout Cafe] was filled with tension.

They had prepared thoroughly with all their strength, so they hoped there would be no big problems, but human affairs were unpredictable.

Especially since it was an event that involved fans from all over the world, they were very careful.

-I'm so nervous;;;

-Seo-jun doesn't know yet, right?

=Kkua He said he doesn't know.

-It was faster last yearㅋㅋ Time doesn't go by fast today.

=That's because Seo-jun was watching his works then… But today… Hehehe

-Is the donation still open?

=Sunlight) Yes! It's open! It will be open until tomorrow!

=Sunlight) The amount doesn't matter, please participate a lot!

=Sunlight) Thank you for watching the fan-made video! I watch it every day!

=Sunlight) Thank you!]ㅁ

-I wish the photobook would arrive tomorrow.

=22 I'm looking forward to it too!

The posts on [Sprout Cafe] were created endlessly like waves.

The views were also higher than usual.

There were too many posts to read them all. In such a situation, there were some posts that had unusually high views.

They were the posts on the new board that was created for today's birthday, [From the Birthday Event Scene!].

[Title: I'm waiting right now!]

Here… I'm so happy! I'm having fun!

(Photo of the inside of the theater)

Hukhuk I also saw (Sunlight and Sprinkler are in different theaters!) (Sunlight's fan-made video is really…! I watch it 12413 times a day.) Manager Seo-jun who I only saw in passing photos!

(This is probably the closest theater in Seoul.)

(Photo of goods)

The golden hands gave me the goods they made themselves… I only gave them small snacksㅠㅠ Please enjoy themㅠㅠ

(Photo of sandwich, cookie, drink)

Cocoa Entertainment also sent us a late-night snack. They prepared separately for those who have allergiesㅠㅠ

You can also have drinks and popcorn freely, but I don't think I’ll have time to eat themㅎㅎ

We’re all waiting for 12 o’clock with our sprout light sticks. I came alone, but I became friends with the people next to me, so I'm not bored!

+) Huk! These people saw play 436 in person! I’ll come back after hearing their vivid review!

-It must be funㅠㅠ I wanted to go too… But I have to go to work tomorrowㅠㅠㅠ

=22 Real life is getting in the way of fangirlingㅠ

=333 Me too studyingㅠㅠ Being a senior is so sadㅠㅠ

-Was the scene also by lottery?

=Yesㅠㅠ They rented theaters in each region, but they said it wasn't enoughㅠ

-I’ll have to watch it at homeㅠㅠ

=If you leave a proof shot of watching it at home on the cafe, you might get a chance to be in the video later!

=I’ll join in through the video!

=222 Me too!



Song Yu-jung and Lim Ye-na looked at the screen with excitement.

The screen showed the current time, and their hearts beat faster as the time went up.

“I'm so nervous.”

“Me too.”

They had met for the first time today, but they became close with the person next to them just because they were both newbies.

There were only three minutes left until midnight when [Over the Rainbow] and [Grey's Violin Concerto NO.1] softly played from the speakers. Then, a voice came out of the speakers.

“Hello, newbies. This is Hukhuk.”

Cheers and applause erupted.

Hukhuk was the one who planned and prepared today's event.

He was the hero of the day.

“It's almost Seo-jun's birthday. I hope you all enjoy and have fun with the birthday event. There will be some breaks in between, so feel free to leave whenever you want. Don't faint from watching too long, seo-jun will be sad. Let's all have a happy and joyful day on Seo-jun's birthday.”

Song Yu-jung and Lim Ye-na, as well as other newbies, nodded their heads. It was a birthday event meant to be fun and happy, so it would be a disaster if they forced themselves to stay and fainted.

“I wonder if there will be any articles.”

“I hope not on Seo-jun's birthday.”

Song Yu-jung and Lim Ye-na whispered to each other.

“Don't forget to tell us your seat number when you leave. And as we told you before, this is a YouTube live broadcast, so please understand.”


As a strong answer came back, hukhuk smiled brightly and raised his voice.

“Then let's start the countdown!”

The number 10 appeared on the screen.

Ahn Da Ho, who was looking at the newbies waving their light sticks with sparkling eyes, took out his phone and sent a message to Seo-jun.

[Go to (YouTube link) now.

-Seo-jun : Okay!

[Don't watch too late.

Seo-jun : I got itㅎㅎ



As the fans cheered, it became March 10th.

At the same time, [Happy birthday, seo-jun!] and [Happy birthday! JUN!] appeared on the screen.

And the newbies who knew that this scene was being broadcast live on YouTube also shouted loudly.

“Happy birthday, seo-jun!”

“Keep doing your work!”

“Be happy and joyful!”

After a brief message time, a video started playing on the screen.

On the screen, a baby with pink cheeks smiled brightly at the camera.


A groaning sound came from most of the audience seats.

-So cute!

It was [Brown Black and Jun's 48 Hours].


March 10th, 0:00 KST.

[Brown Black and Jun's 48 Hours] was screened in theaters around the world that were rented by the newbies.

And the audience's reactions were being live-streamed on the YouTube channel [From Newbies].


Seo-jun clicked on the link he received from Ahn Da Ho and exclaimed.

The fans in the theater were sending him congratulatory messages in unison.

Seo-jun smiled brightly at the lively voices of the fans.

-So cute!

I couldn't help but burst out laughing when I heard that.

Seo-jun's eyes moved down.

Below the video, there was a detailed explanation of this birthday event in the more section.


[This birthday event for actor Seo-jun will be conducted in Korean time.

List of theaters rented by [From Newbies] in each country: (link)

List and time of works to be screened in each theater: (link)

Empty seat information for each theater (to prevent no-shows, first-come-first-served): (link)

YouTube live time information for each country and theater: (link)

Donation site: (link)

Happy birthday, seo-jun! -From Newbies-]

This birthday event will last for 24 hours in Korean time, and [From Newbies], who rented one theater in each region of the world, decided to screen Seo-jun's works for 24 hours, starting with [Brown Black and Jun's 48 Hours].

Of course, since there were too many works that Seo-jun had starred in and the running time was long, they screened different works in each theater.

There were theaters that collected Hollywood movies like [Shadowman Series], [Over the Rainbow], and [Survivors], and theaters that collected dramas like [The Royal Physician], [Reinvestigation (cameo appearance)], and [Spring Has Returned].

There were also theaters that collected historical dramas like [The Royal Physician], [Station], and [MOEB-436] ([MOEB-436] had some controversy), and theaters that collected Korean movies like [Evil Spirit], [Escape], and [Flowing Away].

There were also theaters that collected [Children's Play Spring], [Mirror], [MOEB-436], and variety shows that Seo-jun had appeared in.

All negotiations related to the screening of the works were conducted by Cocoa Entertainment's actor Seo-jun dedicated team 2.

“In theaters around the world… for 24 hours…”

Seo-jun spoke in a dreamy voice.

Continuous screening was also an event that was held occasionally for series movies, but it was an amazing and happy feeling to fill 24 hours with only his works.

Seo-jun stared blankly at the YouTube live.

He couldn't see the faces of the Newbies one by one because the camera was capturing the whole audience, but he could feel the cheerful atmosphere.

Suddenly, he worried.

[But Da Ho hyung.

[Isn't it hard to watch for 24 hours straight?

-Ahn Da Ho : ㅋㅋㅋNo. There are breaks in between.

-Ahn Da Ho : Then people who are tired can go back. We also Imit it to 6 hours.

-Ahn Da Ho : If there are empty seats, we’ll announce it here (link) and fans who are nearby can come first-come-first-served and sit down.

“I see.”

Then that's a relief.

He let go of his worry and turned on the theater live with his PinePad and went to [From Newbies] with his phone.

Tomorrow, no, today was Friday, so maybe because of that, newbies who couldn't go to the theater were posting proof shots of watching [48 Hours] at home.

They were sad that they couldn't go to the theater, but they didn't forget to send birthday messages to Seo-jun.

-I wanted to go tooㅠㅠ Happy birthday, seo-jun!

-Why do I have to go to work tomorrowㅠㅠ Happy birthday!!

-I want to see baby Seo-jun on the big screen tooㅜㅜ Please do a lot of work in the future!

Not only Korean [From Newbies] but also overseas [From Newbies] and SNS had many proof shots taken with their favorite works of Seo-jun as backgrounds.

“Haah. What should I do…?”

He was so happy that he couldn't stand it.

His chest was full and he giggled. His heart beat non-stop and his body felt like a drum.

The happiness and joy that spread throughout his body with his heartbeat were so intense and thrilling and warm that he felt like tears would come out.

Seo-jun, who was washing his face, took a deep breath to calm his emotions and exhaled, then picked up his phone.

Then he posted a sincere thank-you note to his fans who loved him and his works.

A moment later, the comment section was flooded with tears of the Newbies who saw his thank-you note.

It was only natural.

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