‘Is it similar?’

Uncle and Da Ho hyung didn't fight, but somehow the conclusion was similar.

The reorganization of Cocoa Entertainment was inevitable and natural as a president.

At the current situation of Cocoa Entertainment, blue Moon was the limit of their capacity.

If they didn't intend to end everything with the debut of Blue Moon, they had to move to a bigger place with more staff.

‘That's when he noticed Team 2.’

He must have thought that even if he took half of the staff from Team 2, he could make a new team that would be better than any average actor management.

And if he made an actor team, he would need someone to oversee it instead of himself as the president, so naturally his eyes went to Ahn Da Ho, who was managing Team 2.

‘Isn't it too much to take Da Ho hyung and Team 2 hyungs and noonas?’

Was this the situation where he didn't feed the caught fish?

He looked at Seo Eun-chan, who was making excuses and explaining awkwardly.

His expression was deliberately stiff.

He acted more sincerely than usual to fool Ahn Da Ho.

‘I have to be a little mean.’

He was too convinced by Uncle's reasons, and he had already decided to let go of Da Ho hyung and Team 2 staff.

‘…I can't help it.’

If he put aside his personal feelings, Ahn Da Ho's ability and Team 2 staff's ability were too precious to be poured into one actor.

‘They find good scripts, filter out directors and writers, prevent other problems by being good supporters, think of fans before me, always stay with me during filming…’


He felt sorry again as he recalled the moments when they lacked nothing.

‘They are my manager… my team…’

Seo-jun looked ahead.

Ahn Da Ho was sitting with a slightly pale face.

Uncle was babbling next to him, but he didn't care.

‘Da Ho hyung must have been struggling a lot.’

If Da Ho hyung didn't struggle at all, he would have refused as soon as he heard it, and only Team 2 staff would have been mentioned in this place.

The fact that he struggled meant that he had some interest in it.

That made Seo-jun's heart a little sad, but.

Suddenly he thought.

‘What Da Ho hyung wants to do…’

He felt a little happy when he thought that way.

To Ahn Da Ho, who said that supporting Seo-jun was his dream, who always put Seo-jun first, a new dream had come.

‘That dream came too suddenly and it's too small, so he's struggling… but it will bother him more and more.’

Dreams are bound to change, grow and mature.

Seo-jun wanted Ahn Da Ho to live passionately by doing what he liked and was interested in.

Seo-jun looked at Ahn Da Ho who was sitting in front of him.

He didn't do anything wrong, but he seemed sorry and then determined.

He smiled bitterly at Ahn Da Ho's expression.

He felt like he knew what he was thinking.

He must be thinking that he would support Seo-jun as before.

‘If it were me, I would say sorry but I really want to do this.’

Because Ahn Da Ho always thought of him first, he had no choice but to give up first with both hands.

Seo-jun felt a little bitter but smiled as if he couldn't help it.

“It's okay. A new manager.”

Seo Eun-chan and Ahn Da Ho looked surprised and looked at Seo-jun.

Seo-jun spoke in a light voice that sounded like he would laugh at any moment.

“Uncle is doing what he has to do as a president. And Da Ho hyung is interested and struggling. I like it better if Da Ho hyung stays with me, but…”

Seo-jun shrugged his shoulders.

“I'm going to act for the rest of my life, so Da Ho hyung can't stick with me forever. It would be hard for you to be my manager when you become a grandfather, right?”

The atmosphere loosened up a bit at Seo-jun's joke.

It was natural that a new manager would come along at the right time since there was an age difference.

“I've been feeling bad because we don't have a road manager and Da Ho hyung seems to be doing too many small things for his position. I just… didn't expect it to change so soon.”

He also played a little trick because of the thing that bothered him all day yesterday and the sudden news.

It seemed to work too well.

“Ah… really?”

Seo Eun-chan sighed with relief and leaned back on his chair.

He felt like his life span had been shortened and then returned to normal.

He thought he saw Seo-jun angry for the first time.

Ahn Da Ho still looked unhappy even after hearing Seo-jun's words.

He looked like he had struggled a lot.

He had to push him away at times like this. So he could be more greedy.

“Da Ho hyung.”


“You’ll do well, hyung.”

Ahn Da Ho clenched his lips at Seo-jun's smiling face.

Even though he had experienced countless farewells in his previous life, seo-jun felt sorry and reluctant to let go of his manager who had been with him for 12 years like a brother.

He was a little annoyed too.

But he hated it more when Ahn Da Ho made that face, so Seo-jun smiled brighter and said.

“Don't think too hard, Da Ho hyung. You can do well even if you do half of what you do for me. Find good actors, actors who haven't shown their talents yet, and nurture them.”

He suddenly wondered what it would have been like if he had a manager like Da Ho hyung in his first life.

“Find the right works and characters for the actors, make sure there are no problems in filming, help them practice, listen to their worries… Do that. Grow up and become great actors.”

Could he have been the protagonist?

“Be a strength to the actors who don't know the way, who are struggling in the same place for years.”

He would have been a great protagonist, for sure.

That's why Seo-jun decided to send Da Ho and the second team to the actors who were in a similar situation as his first life.

“Da Ho hyung. Go to where they need you more than me.”

Da Ho smiled back at Seo-jun, who was smiling brightly.

He made up his mind.

Seo-jun felt Da Ho's determination and said in a very bright and playful voice.

“But if it's really hard or the actors or staff don't listen to you, you can always come back with the second team hyungs and noonas!”

He wanted to say that because he knew that Da Ho hyung would not give up easily once he started.

You can always come back.

“Uncle will take care of the rest, right?”


Uncle will do well.


After finishing the story somehow, seo Eun-chan got up without energy and brought two bottles of cold water.

He put one in front of Da Ho and drank the other one in one gulp.

He didn't realize how tense he was and how dry his throat was.

Seo Eun-chan put down the empty bottle and opened his mouth.

“It will take some time to find a new manager. I have to choose someone trustworthy as Seo-jun's manager, and I have to teach them this and that.”

“How are you going to choose a manager?”

They wouldn't announce that they were looking for Seo-jun's manager.

‘Wouldn't the mailbox explode with applications?’

Seo-jun smiled softly.

Seo Eun-chan seemed to have the same thought and shuddered.

He couldn't leave it to someone else because it was his job to choose a manager for Seo-jun, who was his company's superstar and his nephew.

“I'm going to tell them that I made an actor team while looking for a new building. If I tell one or two people, it will spread quickly, so actors who are interested in our company will show up. Whether they are established or rookies. And team leader Da Ho and the second team staff will choose from them.”

New actors.

Da Ho, who slowly realized it, held his trembling hand and swallowed his dry saliva.

“You can send a proposal first if you find a good actor. Team leader Da Ho.”

“…Yes. I’ll look for them.”

Da Ho swallowed his dry saliva again at Seo Eun-chan's words.

He felt like he could work well with him, who even brought him water.

“And then I’ll choose a manager under the pretext of supporting those actors. I'm going to set a long recruitment period until I find some candidates that I like. And when there are about five candidates, I'm going to let Seo-jun choose his manager from them. Until then, team leader Da Howill have to stick with Seo-jun as usual.”

“Then there won't be any rumors about me looking for a manager.”


Seo Eun-chan nodded at Seo-jun's words.

It would only make more work if some pranksters applied knowing that he was looking for a manager.

“And I’ll take enough time to get to know the person. I have to make a detailed plan with team leader Da Ho from now on, but… Please let me know if you have any good ideas from the second team. Team leader Da Ho.”

“Yes. I understand.”

Seo Eun-chan sighed.

After overcoming the mountain called Seo-jun, another mountain called recruiting a new manager appeared.

“I wish someone similar to team leader Da Ho came…”

“How did you choose Da Ho hyung?”

Seo-jun asked, and Da Ho also listened carefully.

Seo Eun-chan recalled his memory.

“I picked a few candidates from the staff and gave them various tasks. Team leader Da Ho passed.”

Da Ho smiled unconsciously as he remembered that time.

It was the day when Seo-jun said he wanted to do a play, when he brought a bunch of reviews on what would be good for his next work.

It was the first time he met Seo-jun.

“What was the criterion?”

“Someone who looked gentle, diligent, and trustworthy among those who didn't have much experience in the entertainment industry?”

“? Isn't it the opposite? It would be better if they knew the entertainment industry well and did their job well.”

Seo Eun-chan smiled bitterly at Seo-jun's question.

“You were eight years old then. You always had to be with your manager, but if someone who knew the entertainment industry well and did their job well stuck with you, they would have manipulated you 100 percent. Whether it was you or us who knew nothing about the actor industry.”

Seo Eun-chan didn't know much about child actors, but he knew well about idols.

Among the idols, the young or timid ones are afraid of their managers.

The managers who realized that look down on the idols and treat them roughly. It's your fault, you can't do it, they curse at them and make them do this and that event by adjusting their schedule.

How would it be for a teenage idol, let alone an eight-year-old child actor who just entered elementary school?

That's why he needed such a criterion and a test, and the one who passed was Da Ho.

“I see.”

Da Ho sighed with relief as he learned why he was chosen.

He almost got into trouble if he had more experience.

“I didn't know we would work together for so long. He was an actor, but he was also a child… I thought he might lose interest in being a manager.”

Seo Eun-chan said, and Da Ho shook his head quickly.

“No! I never thought that. It was really good.”

“Yes. It seemed like that.”

So much so that he felt sorry for bringing him here.

He might have made mistakes unknowingly as he got closer to the actor, but Da Ho didn't change from the beginning.

That's why Seo Eun-chan trusted Da Ho more and wanted to give him the position of ‘actor team leader’, one of the two pillars of Cocoa Entertainment.

“But uncle. Isn't it okay now? Even if they have a lot of experience.”

“I think there will be almost no manager who can manipulate you now… You don't seem like someone who can be easily fooled either.”

Maybe he was like that when he was eight years old.

‘He didn't give up even when he was filming Shadowman 2…’

That was when he was seven years old.

He didn't have much stubbornness about other things, but he had a lot of ambition for acting and his works.

If a manager who wasn't Da Ho gave him a script and forced him to do it, he would have read it and shouted ‘I don't like it!’ and complained to Seo Eun-chan.

In a cute but powerful way.

‘I’ll do what I want to do! Uncle!’ Like that.

It was just a brief imagination, but the fact that he would read the script first seemed strangely realistic, and Seo Eun-chan laughed.

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