Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 981 - The Result of Breaking the Rule!

Chapter 981: The Result of Breaking the Rule!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Tragic indignation! Hurt! Despondence!

At this very moment, these emotions were what Fei Quan felt.

Utter devastation. Nothing remained of the bustling Fig Corporation!

The Skywings had actually flattened the top technological organization in the entire universe in one stroke!


Fei Quan tasted sweetness in his throat and spat out a thick mouthful of blood. He then collapsed onto the ground, his face pale and lacking in strength.


At that moment, a mysterious figure appeared. He looked at Fei Quan and then what remained of the ruins of Fig Corporation. Expressionless, he remarked, “The Skywings did this?”

Fei Quan nodded his head vigorously, feeling absolutely aggrieved. He had a fierce look on his face when he said, “The Skywings destroyed Fig Corporation, destroyed the work that I’ve dedicated my entire life to! I must mete out an exacting punishment for what they’ve done!”

This person was still expressionless, like an unmelting iceberg that chilled people’s hearts with his cold aura.

“First, Fig’s not yours. Second, the Skywings didn’t just destroy the company; they’ve also demolished the home you had by Sudi River.”


Hearing that, Fei Quan spat yet another mouthful of blood, his eyes turning red. He wished that he could just smash his head against the ground and die right there and then!

The Skywings were too vicious, to have even razed Fei Quan’s base in the Law Realm to the ground!

The Fei Clan had been decimated!


“Blackie and Whitie, may I ask what the two of you are planning to do from here onward?” asked Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng earnestly.

The Hua brothers were stunned, but Hua Bai soon replied, “Since the venerable elder is now safe, we’ll of course head back.”

Xia Gucheng smiled. “How do you think I, Hua Gucheng, compare to Tie Mujin and the others?”

Hua Hei somewhat animatedly answered, “How could the venerable one compare himself to the likes of Hubei and the others? In terms of level or cultivation, you’ve already left them far in the dust! In terms of character, you’re the ideal patriarch in the heart and mind of every warrior, respected everywhere you go. It’s foolish, also disrespectful, to even consider you an equal existence to them!”

This was when Xia Fei interjected. “Respected everywhere, you say? Isn’t that because they’re afraid that our grand ancestor will have their heads?”

Everyone burst into raucous laughter upon hearing that. Xia Gucheng had always been a brutal individual, and the respect the Law Realm inhabitants had for him was mostly out of fear. After all, he was the patriarch of the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade. All it would take was an accidental slight, and potential victims would find themselves and their clan tethering on extinction.

After a brief pause, Xia Fei continued speaking. “Indeed, our grand ancestor strikes viciously, but that’s a treatment only reserved for his enemies. Everyone in the Law Realm knows well just how the Skywings treat their own. While we are by no means the strongest clan around, we’re definitely the most carefree and the most united. This is all due to the efforts that our grand ancestor has made for us.”

Xia Gucheng chuckled and patted Xia Fei on the shoulder. “Don’t praise me so flippantly, you brat! I’m not the sort who likes to beat around the bush. Just one word and you brothers won’t have to stay with the Rebel faction anymore. Come join me here; I’ll treat the two of you exactly how I treat Xia Fei and the others.”

The color on the faces of the Hua brothers changed. While the words had been spoken casually, they actually bore great responsibility. What Xia Gucheng meant was that he would treat Hua Hei and Hua Bai as part of the clan!

Hua Hei was somewhat hesitant. Now that the grand ancestor Xia Gucheng had reached the Founder tier, even sincerely extending an invitation to him and his brother, their future would definitely be much brighter by going with the Skywings compared to staying with the Rebels. Besides, the Huas had deep ties with Skywings, and the relationship both parties shared was amiable to say the least.

Hua Bai spoke. “My brother and I are traitors to the Law Realm, so staying under your venerable wing will of course be a great boon to us, but I’m afraid that it’ll stir up rumors and trouble within the circle.”

Xia Gucheng scoffed. “Trouble? Yours truly has never had a lack of trouble! Besides, we Skywings are about to depart as well. From here onward, we’ll be walking our own path, away from the Law Realm. People who walk different paths can’t make plans together!”

Hua Hei was surprised. “Do you mean to say that the Skywings truly intend to leave the Law Realm?!”

“That’s right. The Skywings have merely been living in the Law Realm, not selling our souls to them! We’ll naturally leave since that’s our intention, especially now that we know of the dirty things those people have been doing behind our backs. I, for one, no longer have any desire to stay in the Law Realm.” Xia Gucheng carefreely gave this reply, as if leaving the Law Realm was a piece of cake, not requiring much consideration at all.

Turning around, Xia Gucheng asked Xia Fei, “The clan should be done with the departure, right?”

Xia Fei nodded. “Almost. All we’re waiting for is for Xia Ke’s team to finish wiping out Fig Corporation. Once that’s done, he’ll meet up with the rest of us, and we’ll head off to the location that the venerable one indicated.”

“Wipe out Fig Corporation?!” Xia Gucheng was surprised to learn of this development. “Did you plan that?”

“Well, since Fei Quan and the Fig Corporation he was in charge of dared to have designs on you, it only makes sense for us to eliminate any form of power he has, roots and all! We must completely ruin his foundation in the Law Realm, or else others will think that we Skywings are unworthy of our title,” said Xia Fei ruthlessly with a raised eyebrow.

Xia Gucheng frowned as he spoke in a deep voice. “It’s fine that you wanted to trample Fig Corporation to the ground, but you shouldn’t have sent Xia Ke to accomplish this! That’s because Fei Quan isn’t the one pulling the strings from behind the scenes of Fig Corporation!”


Out in the sea of stars was an inconspicuous red planet. It was the rendezvous point Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng had designated for the clan.

In truth, he had underestimated Xia Ke. The Skywings’ operation to flatten Fig Corporation had indeed been subjected to interference from some hidden forces, but Xia Ke and Xia Guanghai’s wolfpack had managed to beat back this retaliation!

Seeing the pieces of bodies littering the ground, Xia Gucheng asked, “A Law God expert, huh? You’ve all done well. I even thought that you’d be suppressed quite a lot by the enemies, maybe incurring injuries or losses as a result.”

Xia Guanghai laughed as he threw his arm around Xia Gucheng’s shoulder and said, “The moment each of us received news of you being in a precarious state, we all saw red! Our combat strength, thus, increased by many folds! We cleaned them all up the moment these people appeared!”

Xia Ke chimed in. “It’s nothing that exaggerated. The battle was indeed hard-fought, and quite a few of our comrades received wounds.”

Xia Gucheng nodded. “Still, it’s good that you’re all safe. They’re but one of the few moles that the Founders planted in the Law Realm. Still, it’s strange that, even after your destruction of Fig Corporation, not one of them showed up. That’s truly rather strange.”

Xia Gucheng laughed. “Well, that’s all thanks to Xia Fei. This rascal stole Fig’s prized possession, Pinnacle, so the Founders figured that keeping around the giant tech company hardly had any value and decided not to hold onto it anymore.”

Everyone guffawed. Xia Fei’s theft of the Pinnacle research station had been a classic, and everyone felt amused just by thinking about it.

“Look! We’ve learned Xia Fei’s five-finger discount skill. These are our haul from Fig. With it being the number-one technology company in the Law Realm and it having a deep foundation, this stuff from Fig should be enough to tide us, Skywings, over for several hundred years!”

With that said, Xia Guanghai and Xia Ke handed over a huge sack containing spatial rings, their ill-gotten wealth all stuffed inside, to the grand ancestor. Suits of war armor, various kinds of weaponry, Origin Crystals, rare types of metal… and even warships!

On the other end, Xia Ya and the others had also taken out the many spatial rings they obtained from the Redbrow Sword Mountain, which could fill a basket to practically spilling!

“You’ve taken so many?!” The eyes of Xia Gucheng sparkled. “We, Skywings, have aided the Law Realm plenty of times, so we’ll treat the loot here as remuneration before we leave. We’ll take them all!”

Xia Fei suddenly felt that the scene playing out before him was like a TV series of the mountain king returning home from a successful raid. Xia Fei’s habit of looting had subconsciously affected the entire clan, so after every battle now, Skywing wolves would not only bravely slay their foes but also abscond with anything valuable they found.

The Skywings had the Law of Speed as their clan inheritance, so it hardly took much effort for them to pick up valuables along the way.

Xia Gucheng spoke to his fellow clansmen a bit more. Now that everyone had seen that their grand ancestor was safe and sound, all felt much more at ease.

“Aside from Xia Fei, the rest of you should take your leave first. I need to have a few words with The Executor,” said Xia Gucheng.

The people departed, leaving Xia Gucheng, Xia Fei, and that executor whose face no one could make out, by themselves.

At this moment, The Executor was tightly restrained by the Broken Dragonstone shackles, his body littered with scars, appearing to be in a very bad state.


Xia Gucheng lifted this person’s head and examined it closely. “I recognize you. Ji’an of the Small Orbit Mountain, with the nickname of the Twin-headed Hound, level 3 Law God cultivation. To think you’d be a diehard loyalist to those Founders, even going as far as to put your life on the line for them!”

Ji’an glared at Xia Gucheng with hate-filled eyes and gave a stern reply. “Xia Gucheng, you’re already a fugitive of the entire Law Realm—no, the entire universe! You don’t have the qualifications to criticize me!”

Xia Gucheng retorted, “I’ve walked my path; how’s that a crime?!”

Ji’an responded. “Your crime isn’t just on you but your entire clan, too! Don’t you worry. The Skywings will soon be decimated to the point of extinction because of your arbitrary action! How I wish that I could see it; just what expression you’ll wear when the time comes?!”

Xia Fei was astounded. Ji’an had been taken care of by Xia Guanghai and the others, yet who knew where this deep-seated grudge toward the grand ancestor had come from? Still, the moment this person saw the old man, he struggled to shout in retaliation almost immediately.

Xia Gucheng arched an eyebrow and said, “You’re someone who refuses to bow even in the face of death! If you don’t explain yourself right now, this old man will take your life!”

Ji’an laughed loudly. He then put on a look of absolute defiance without a shred of fear.

“You want to take my life? I’m a level 3 Law God; while it isn’t as impressive as you, Xia Gucheng, I’m also an immortal! Even if this body of mine is reduced to nothingness, I’ll still be able to come back, hale and hearty, in a hundred years’ time!”

However, just as he said that, Ji’an witnessed Xia Fei raise his fiendish blade, Nirvana!


The blade flashed like lightning as he cut off Ji’an’s left arm!

As both energy and vitality was being drained, Xia Fei’s cut also severed a portion of Ji’an soul!

This was the power of Nirvana!

With a flash of the fiendish blade, all things became silent, for everything could be reduced into nothing by it!

Next, they saw Ji’an scrunch up into a fetal position from the pain, his face twisted. Nirvana’s power chilled Ji’an right down to his core, and it was far harder to withstand compared to anything he had ever experienced in this life.

This was especially so when he experienced what it was like to have his vitality sapped away; Ji’an , meanwhile, felt the sensation of a complete mental breakdown. It was made apparent to him that people who die by Nirvana would not be reborn again! Even if they were a Law God!

“What about now?” asked Xia Fei emotionlessly as he sheathed Nirvana.

Ji’an let out a mournful howl; he appeared to have aged a great deal.

However, what should have been a culled Ji’an let out another bellow. “Xia Gucheng, you must be ecstatic over promoting to the Founder tier, but do you know that the entire universe is doomed now that you’ve broken the rule? The Cosmic Gate is currently under attack by the Inverse!”

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