Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 974 - An Ultimatum! Sword Pointed at the Domain of Gods!

Chapter 974: An Ultimatum! Sword Pointed at the Domain of Gods!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales




In the name of the Skywings, Xia Fei had completely exploded in the outer hall of the Domain of Gods!

His inner demon soared into the air! Xia Fei pointed one arm at the manager of the outer hall and shouted, “If you try to delay my clan’s business, I’ll kill your entire family!”

Everyone was startled. Xia Fei’s argument actually made some sense. If something happened in the clan, the first to be notified would naturally be the patriarch. For the major clans in the circle, this was a very normal affair. Not only did no one feel that Xia Fei’s actions were wrong, many of them blamed the employees of the outer hall for not fulfilling their duty and doing their utmost to convey the message. After all, the outer hall of the Domain of Gods existed specifically to facilitate communication between the major clans and their Law Gods.

Many clan patriarchs were here, and when they put themselves in the shoes of the Skywing Clan and thought about what they would feel if their subordinates reported something to the outer hall yet its employees did not accurately convey the message, the patriarchs would naturally not feel very pleased.

The tables had silently turned. The spectating experts were initially blaming Xia Fei, but now, they stood on his side. As for that display of overbearing attitude, they came to understand it as him being anxious and spurred on by his duty to the clan.

“Hurry up and report. Their clan has encountered a problem and needs to meet their patriarch. Reporting this is your duty!”

“Yes, what are you still standing there for? Go go!”

Several righteous-minded patriarchs barked in criticism. That outer hall manager had never imagined that, despite Xia Fei clearly causing a ruckus in the outer hall, these experts would choose to side with him, instead.

Human nature was fickle; Xia Fei had, of course, taken into account the various twists and turns of the human mind when he was making his plan! Everything went as he predicted. His act of making a scene was certain to achieve excellent results. After all, the patriarchs of the various clans also feared that a similar situation would happen to them one day.

There was no fighting back against the rage of the masses, and the small-eyed hall manager hastily ran out to report the matter to his master.

“What’s our next step?” whispered Xia Ke into Xia Fei’s ear. “They probably won’t hand over the grand ancestor just like this.”

Xia Fei smiled, his lips forming a vicious smile.

“Watch my signal for what to do next! If they don’t hand him over, we’ll fight our way in, and we’ll do so openly and with justification!”

Xia Ke was stunned!

He did not know what Xia Fei’s plan was, but it appeared that the latter had no intention of sneaking into the Domain of Gods. Rather, he would openly defy the Palace of Gods!

The small-eyed manager soon returned, and his forehead was caked in even more sweat, his eyes unfocused.

“Your grand ancestor isn’t in the Palace of Gods. He may have gone out on business,” said the man, a bitter look on his face.

Xia Fei’s eyebrows shot upward as he bellowed, “Very good! You’ve got the guts to strike against our Skywing Clan’s patriarch! Our patriarch has probably already encountered some mishap by now, hasn’t he?!”

A wonderful baseless accusation! Xia Fei had instantly framed the Palace of Gods of an immense crime!

Conspiring against a Peak Law God was simply unfathomable in the Law Realm! With Xia Fei pinning a severe crime on the Palace of Gods, everyone went pale.

“Don’t speak nonsense! How could the Palace of Gods conspire against the mighty patriarch of the Skywing Clan! Are you mistaken, perhaps?”

“That’s right. I saw Venerable Xia Gucheng two days ago, and he was brimming with energy then.”

The patriarchs began to comment, and the outer hall manager was left dumbfounded! What sort of crime was killing a Peak Law God? It was a crime heavier than the heavens!

It must be understood that all of mankind had only two Peak Law Gods, and Xia Gucheng was one of them; he was the patriarch of the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade, the Skywing Clan! He was a figure of immense prestige!

Xia Fei gazed at that warrior who had first received him and coldly said, “Moments ago, the outer hall warrior said that my Skywing grand ancestor is in the Palace of Gods! How is that he went from discussing matters with the other God Kings to no longer being in the Palace of Gods?! How am I supposed to believe anything you say?!”

“Is that true?”

“It is. I heard with my own ears from this person that the Skywing patriarch is in the Palace of Gods. Now, they’re saying that Xia Gucheng is out on business. It’s nothing but lies all the way down!”

“I heard it, too. This man was the one who said it.”

The outer hall exploded!

It had just been proven that the outer hall of the Domain of Gods could also lie, and they could even try and lie to the illustrious Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade!

This was the trap!

Xia Fei’s trap-setting skills were well-honed. Already having a handle on the outer hall, this was the moment that Xia Fei had been waiting for!

The time was ripe! Xia Fei furiously pointed at the small-eyed manager and said, “If you don’t give me an explanation today, I’ll tear apart the outer hall and fight my way into the Palace of Gods!”

“Right! The Palace of Gods needs to give the Skywings an explanation!”

“Subordinates of the mighty Palace of Gods are colluding with each other to fabricate lies! You’ve truly forsaken your duties to the great clans!”

Everyone was standing on the side of the Skywings, and they were exerting even greater pressure on the outer hall.

Xia Fei looked around and sternly said, “I now have sufficient reason to suspect the Palace of Gods of conspiring against my Skywing Clan’s patriarch. I’ll give you one hour to hand over my clan’s grand ancestor, or else it’s war!”

*Whoosh whoosh!*


This word had everyone sweating. This was truly the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade, even declaring war against the Palace of Gods!

“Are you threatening the Domain of Gods, the Palace of Gods?!” asked the outer hall manager furiously.

“Threat?” Xia Fei sneered. “No, this is no threat!”

After a pause, Xia Fei gathered his energy and said loudly, “Right now, I represent the Skywings in giving the Palace of Gods an ultimatum! One hour! In one hour, if I don’t see my clan’s patriarch, it’s war!”


Xia Fei clenched his right hand, crushing the Demonic Wing Token!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

No doubt that Xia Fei was serious!

The ultimatum issued toward the Palace of Gods was an action of indescribable madness!

In front of all these patriarchs and experts, Xia Fei had made the strongest declaration the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade could ever make!

“The Skywings are insane! They even issued an ultimatum against the Palace of Gods?!”

“Immediately report this news back. The Skywing patriarch has gone missing, and the fiendish blade has issued an ultimatum to the Domain of Gods. The Law Realm might soon be embroiled in another war!”

Bad news always spread very quickly. After only a few moments, the entire Law Realm, including the Demon Race, knew that the Skywings had issued an ultimatum to the Palace of Gods!

In a flash, half of the universe was in the center of a brewing storm.

For one clan to be capable of stirring up a stagnant pool like the Law Realm, the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade was truly formidable!

This was what it meant to go all-out in a single battle, to risk one’s life for a single strike!

Xia Fei’s ultimatum gave the Palace of Gods no room for maneuvering! The grand ancestor would be handed over within the hour, or the Skywings would openly attack the Palace of Gods!

It must be said that Xia Fei’s plan had put the Skywings in the most favored position—the position of indignant soldiers! The other clans may not stand on their side, but they would never make enemies of the Skywings.

After all, Xia Fei had a firm handle on the Palace of Gods. It was the Palace of Gods who lied first, causing Xia Fei to suspect them of plotting against his clan patriarch, so the Skywings’ series of actions was completely justified. Even this ultimatum issued to the Palace of Gods was very extreme; everyone knew that the Skywing Clan was essentially a madhouse! It had always acted in this unreasonable and crazy way!

However, these Law Gods did not know that this ultimatum was only the start of Xia Fei’s insanity!

The moment the Demonic Wing Token was shattered, the entire Skywing entered a combat-ready state!

Xia Guanghai and Xia Lianning, who had been waiting all this time, immediately arrived along with all the forces stationed at the Fiendish Wing Villa, their faces ashen and their bodies exploding with killing intent!

“What’s happened?!”

“Why was the Demonic Wing Token broken? Is the clan in danger?”

The majority of the Skywing wolfpack did not know what had just happened, so they began to ask questions.

Xia Fei and Xia Ke walked out of the outer hall. As he scanned the several hundred Skywing Clan members, he sternly said, “Right now, the Palace of Gods has seized our grand ancestor and is attempting to hurt him! This is why I activated the Demonic Wing Token!”


The Skywing wolfpack went pale in shock!

“They dared to touch our grand ancestor?! I’ll kill them!”

“Tear down the Palace of Gods! Fight with them to the death!”

Furious and frenzied shouts filled the air; the Skywing wolves were verging on madness!

One word from Xia Fei would be enough to have these iron-blooded men rushing into the Domain of Gods!

Xia Fei continued. “Chief Steward Xia Ke and I have already issued an ultimatum to the Palace of Gods; in one hour, if they don’t hand over the grand ancestor, we will charge into the Domain of Gods and turn the Palace of Gods upside down!”


Xia Fei turned around and began to tap on his spatial compass. A countdown soon appeared. The seconds went by, and in fifty-five more minutes, it would hit zero.

“Fifty-five minutes! When this time is up, the Skywings will declare war against the Palace of Gods! A war that will not end!” Xia Fei glared as he roared! His voice was like an iron nail, stabbing into their chests!

Madness! Absolute madness!

Xia Fei had fully exhibited the peerless arrogance of his clan!

None of the Skywings wolves felt the slightest bit uneasy about this declaration of war against the Palace of Gods. In fact, they felt that one hour was too long! They should have declared war immediately! They were unwilling to wait for even one second!

“Is this the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade? You dared to threaten the Palace of Gods?!” A deep voice came from afar, and a white figure drifted over. The spectating Law God backed away when they saw this old man, looks of extreme respect on their faces.


Xia Fei glanced at the white-robed elder. He cared not for who he was, shouting, “Dare? There’s nothing that my Skywing Clan would not dare to do!”


Xia Fei leaped into the air, the fiendish blade Nirvana coming out and pulverizing the golden sign of the outer hall.

“This is only the beginning! In fifty-four minutes, if I still haven’t seen my clan’s patriarch, I will dismantle the Palace of Gods! You can see how daring I am then!”

Xia Fei’s face turned savage as he spoke, the aura from his inner demon threatening to envelop the white-robed Law God!

At the slightest sign of disagreement, Xia Fei had gone and smashed the signboard of the outer hall!

This was the stance of the Skywings!

This was Xia Fei’s stance!

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