Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 821 - Intermediate Energy Master!

Chapter 821: Intermediate Energy Master!

Xia Laoshi finally emerged from the training room, an exhausted look on his face. Meanwhile, Xia Fei was still attempting to reach level 4 of the Law of the Energy Purification and appeared to be brimming with enthusiasm.

Holding a grade 5 Origin Crystal in his hand, Xia Laoshi slowly recovered his energy and returned to his room. Any elite of the Skywing Clan had a residence, large or small, within the Wind Garden, and Xia Laoshi was no exception. It was just that he normally did not stay here.

As he was a major creditor in the clan, the moment he came to Wind Garden, it would immediately become deserted. Everyone except Xia Wuye avoided him.

Cultivation had not just exhausted him physically but mentally as well. The Origin Crystal could restore his physical energy, but it could not clear up the fog in Xia Laoshi’s mind. He was anxious to get some sleep and refresh his mind.

“It’s truly bizarre. Where does Xia Fei get so much mental energy?” Xia Laoshi shook his head as he entered his room. Without even taking off his clothes, he dropped onto his bed and fell asleep.

By the time he woke up, it was noon of the next day. When cultivating law force, strong people normally did not need to sleep this long, but Xia Laoshi had truly been too tired.

Xia Liaoshi stretched and then headed for Xia Fei’s personal training room. He saw that Xia Wuye was also there and was watching Xia Fei cultivation with a look of contentment.

“Wuye, has Xia Fei already started cultivating?” Xia Laoshi respectfully asked. There were only two people in the entire clan who did not owe Xia Laoshi money. One was Wuye and the other was Xia Fei.

Wuye chuckled. “Young Master Fei hasn’t come out since yesterday. I came over to take a look, worried that he might be too tired.”

Xia Laoshi was stunned! Xia Fei had not left the training room this whole time, meaning that he had been cultivating the Law of Energy Purification for twenty-four hours straight!

The cultivation of the Law of Energy Purification was extremely taxing. Even as a master, Xia Laoshi had been unable to endure. However, Xia Fei was able to go for twenty-four hours in a single session! That was just too astonishing!

Xia Wuye spotted the gray circles around Xia Laoshi’s eyes and said, “Young Master is one of the rare few in our clan with the potential to be a Godwing. Even our grand ancestor highly values him. You do a great service by personally passing on your energy master skills to him.”

These words immediately made Xia Laoshi blush. He actually had not done very much, for Xia Fei was already starting from level 3. Moreover, for most of the time, he had lacked the strength to help Xia Fei cultivate. All of this had been purely accomplished through Xia Fei’s own efforts!

His face red, Xia Laoshi mumbled as he entered the room. Wuye tactfully closed the door and went back to the front courtyard.

“Xia Fei, going without sleep isn’t a solution. Cultivation is about gradual progress, and when the conditions are right, success will follow. You can’t rush it,” Xia Laoshi said as he walked up to Xia Fei.

Xia Fei was very excitd, hurriedly saying, “I can already feel the threshold! I’m only one step away from condensing the pattern!”

Xia Laoshi almost did not want to believe his ears. Condensing the pattern was the final threshold for advancing to the next level. The moment the pattern condensed was the moment Xia Fei succeeded!

“What?! You’re already at the condensing phase? That’s quick!” Xia Laoshi’s mouth dropped, and he started to feel dizzy. Ever since he met Xia Fei, his poor nerves had been stimulated again and again.

First, there had been that rocket-like ascension to maxing out his speed ability, and after that was his consumption of twenty thousand grade 5 Origin Crystals. However, none of that could compare to the speed at which Xia Fei cultivated the Law of Energy Purification. It was clear that Xia Fei could cultivate this law extremely fast!

“That’s right. I’ve really reached the condensing phase. To tell the truth, I feel like the Law of Energy Purification is very suitable for me. It’s much easier to cultivate than before,” Xia Fei nodded and said.


This word made Xia Laoshi wince. If this evaluation got out, countless elites of the Law Realm would probably bash their heads against a wall. The Law of Energy Purification, which had brought down countless elites, was being described as ‘easy to cultivate’?!

Xia Laoshi suddenly realized that the universe was a very absurd place. While others found the Law of Energy Purification to be unreachable, Xia Fei was advancing a thousand kilometers a day. This was unfair! Very unfair!

Xia Laoshi pouted, sighed, and then sat down next to Xia Fei, his belly bursting with envy.

“Grandpa Laoshi, I won’t hide it from you. While I managed to cultivate all the way to the condensing phase, I’m really having a hard time getting through this threshold. I’ve thought of an idea that can help you save strength while also helping me cut through my problems and swiftly break through the threshold,” Xia Fei earnestly said, his eyes flashing.

“What’s your idea?” Xia Laoshi asked.

Xia Fei lit a cigarette and said, “Look here. When you drew out the pattern to help me out, it really did help me move faster at the start, but now, I can get to the condensing phase all on my own. Instead of helping out from the very beginning, you can wait until I finish the pattern and start on the condensing phase before you unleash all your strength!”

Xia Laoshi was startled. He understood what Xia Fei was getting at. This was like fitting a car with two engines. While one engine’s output was enough for the car to get around normally, if it was trying to get up some steep slope, two engines working at once would make it much easier to get across!

It was the same principle in using good steel only on knives.

Xia Laoshi was undoubtedly a big help to Xia Fei, and Xia Fei wanted to reserve this help for when it was most needed! That way, he could succeed in a single step!

After a moment of hesitation, Xia Laoshi nodded. “There will be a problem of synchronizing our frequencies. If I join you midway, it will be somewhat difficult for us to match paces, but we can just try it out first.”

“Let’s just do it!”

Xia Fei was reinvigorated. Perhaps because of his extraordinary ability to control energy, he found it much easier to cultivate the extremely difficult Law of Energy Purification compared to the similarly difficult Law of Primal Chaos and Law of Speed. With a breakthrough right before his eyes, Xia Fei felt like he was brimming with energy.

Of course, the energy reserve in his brain region and the White Jade Dragon Ring’s energy distribution were also key factors in his rapid progress.


The pattern in the seventh brain region began to form. Xia Laoshi carefully observed and found that Xia Fei’s ability to control energy was truly outstanding. He did not make even the smallest error in the formation of the pattern.

It was not long before Xia Fei reached the end phase of the condensation of the fourth pattern. Xia Laoshi promptly joined in on Xia Fei’s cultivation, giving him a powerful push!

Alas, this intervention was too abrupt, and it was not at the same speed as Xia Fei’s cultivation speed. Xia Laoshi was moving too slowly!

‘Oh, no!’ Xia Laoshi froze as he mentally groaned.

The speed at which a cultivator formed a pattern would be different every day. After all, the consumption of energy and the increasing familiarity with the pattern would lead to minor differences in speed!

This sort of situation was actually very dangerous, for the law was being condensed in the vital seventh brain region! If the brain region was even slightly damaged, it would cause unbearable consequences!

Energy masters were rare partially because of the required talent and difficulty, but another reason was the danger of the cultivation process.

However, just when Xia Laoshi thought that he would fail, Xia Fei suddenly changed his speed! He adjusted his pace to match Xia Laoshi’s!

While it was just a minor adjustment, it was a sign of Xia Fei’s incredible control! Unimaginable talent in energy! Even Xia Laoshi was incapable of this!

Rather than the higher-level Xia Laoshi adapting to Xia Fei, it was the novice Xia Fei adapting to Xia Laoshi!

Xia Laoshi did not have time to think, for what came next was the sprinting phase!


Both of them exerted their strength! Xia Fei was able to condense even more of the pattern!

A breakthrough was only inches away!

“How!? How did you do it!?” Xia Laoshi released his hands and asked in shock.

Xia Fei shrugged and casually replied, “I found that your speed was a little slow, so I slowed myself down to match yours. Isn’t that very normal?”


Xia Laoshi paled. This was very abnormal! The formation of a pattern was all about momentum. Once the momentum got going, an ordinary person would have to let the momentum wear out to slow back down, with no means of adjusting it. As for Xia Fei, he was able to adjust his speed during cultivation whenever he wanted!

This could only mean that Xia Fei’s energy control was not just powerful; it was heaven-defyingly powerful!

Moreover, he was not a master yet. The moment Xia Fei reached the level of a master, was there anyone else who could compare to him?! Was there anyone who could stop him?!

“Let’s try one more time. The effect just now was wonderful!” Xia Fei excitedly said.

Six hours later, the threshold of level 4 of the Law of Energy Purification shattered!

Thirty hours!

In just thirty hours, Xia Fei had broken into level 4! The intermediate energy master of the Skywing Clan’s new generation had been born!

Xia Laoshi was both excited and dejected. He was excited because of Xia Fei’s unreasonable cultivation speed, but he was disappointed because Xia Fei was now the same rank as him as an energy master! After only thirty hours!


Xia Laoshi really did not know what to say. There was nothing he could do about Xia Fei’s maddening cultivation speed except sigh at the unfairness of the heavens.

“This is wonderful!” Xia Fei jumped up and waved his arms, a fervent light in his eyes!

The Law Realm used energy as its foundation. Now that he was at level 4, he would no longer have to worry about energy, for he could produce his own Origin Crystals!

After moping for a bit, Xia Laoshi took out a few energy ores and placed them on the ground. He then took out an empty crystal. “You have the cultivation, so the next step is to put it into practice. Don’t celebrate too soon. Performing energy purification isn’t simple and requires a bit of technique.”

Xia Fei nodded and grabbed one of the yellow energy ores. The energy in the energy ore was very restless. Xia Fei needed to use his body as a vessel to purify it into the completed product that could be easily absorbed.

Xia Fei had attempted this process before, and with his excellent control over energy, he was able to remove the impurities quickly and pour the energy into the empty crystal.

Under Xia Laoshi’s guidance, Xia Fei finally completed the conversion, creating a bright yellow Origin Crystal! It was bursting with energy, its glossy luster free of impurities!

Xia Laoshi was astonished, for energy masters normally needed to use up three energy ores to create one crystal, but Xia Fei had only used two and a half! This meant that Xia Fei was twenty percent more efficient than ordinary energy masters!

This twenty percent could not be underestimated. This was a question of production efficiency! With the same quantity of energy ore, Xia Fei would be able to produce far more than other energy masters!

Xia Laoshi curiously grabbed the grade 4 Origin Crystal that Xia Fei had produced and carefully examined it. “A full luster and abundant energy, but why do I feel like there’s something different about this crystal?”

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