Chapter 808: Extermination!

“Honestly, the wolfpack formation of the Skywing Clan has never once had a designation for a lone wolf, so you’ll be the first!” Xia Tian said firmly.

After all, Xia Fei had joined the Skywing Clan a bit late. He was truly unfamiliar with the wolfpack formation. Furthermore, he had the ability to act solo, so Xia Buyun and Xia Tian had decided to just let Xia Fei run freely as the lone wolf. Perhaps he would be able to achieve some inconceivable effect on their war efforts.

The Skywings knew a bit about the various treasures that Xia Fei wielded. Be it Furball or Peacock Blue, either could be considered to be exceptional, not to mention that his Blood Crystal was a wicked dagger that would make people shudder when they saw it in action!

Xia Fei could not be more compatible with this role, which allowed him to be the guerilla attacker separate from the main body. Besides, Xia Fei was quick-witted; his observational, analytical, and decision-making abilities were all topnotch, too. All these were very crucial traits that a guerilla attacker needed.

Xia Fei nodded to Xia Tian. “Don’t worry. I’ll give it my all.”


The agreed-upon time had finally arrived, and the spatial doors opened, suddenly and loudly.

The wolves of the Skywing Clan were on the move!

There was a large warship drifting in the dark and murky backdrop of space beyond the Law Realm. This sort of warship was common in the Law Realm, as practically any large clan would have at least one, with the only difference merely being their tiers.

This warship was as big as a planet, its flat and rounded hull akin to a huge flying disk sailing through the stars. A transparent energy protective barrier contained the air within while warding off comets and meteors from crashing into the ship. Within the protective barrier were deserts, grasslands, rivers and oceans, as well as the many cities dotting the landscape.

The warship was equipped with an extremely advanced system that could create moisture, air, and soil—everything necessary for sapient lifeforms to survive and flourish. If someone was not standing out in space, they would definitely be convinced that this was a living and breathing planet, for the environments within mimicked the real thing too closely; there was even a sun and a moon to create a day and night cycle.

This warship was the present residence of the Moonward Clan. Because they had been driven out of White Horse Constellation, the members of the clan had no choice but to leave their native home and temporarily live onboard this enormous warship.

In the warship’s control deck, Ent Ward stood with a pleased smile on his face. He was the commander of the warship, and as someone in the know, Ent knew very well that their clan elites had all been sent out in force to deal with the most fiendish blade in the Law Realm.

At the moment, what Ent had to do was ensure the safety of the people in the clan during this critical moment and avoid unnecessary losses. Toward this end, Ent was not too concerned. He believed that, since the formidable Moonwards had combined its strength with the two major religions of the Shas, there would be no way for the Skywings to deal with them and that his clan would surely emerge victorious from this war!

These previous six days had proven his speculation, too. The Skywing Clan had been utterly suppressed in Xia City, barely having the strength to retaliate!

“Who knows what their patriarch is even doing? Consecutively besieging Xia City for the last six days, I’m sure even the patriarch and the others are feeling quite tired,” his deputy, Geuse Ward, mused.

Ent chuckled breezily as he replied darkly, “I have no idea about their patriarch and whatnot, but I do know that the Skywings must already be too busy to the point of exhaustion at this point. Never in their wildest dreams did they imagine that it’s not one or two clans besieging them but three major forces, instead!

“In no time, the Skywings will descend into terrified panic due to the mixture of exhaustion and anxiety, and the moment this sets in, they’ll begin to make mistakes, and that’s the moment we’ve been waiting for!”


Ent and Geuse burst into raucous laughter, sounding very arrogant. It seemed to them that the elimination of the Skywing Clan was all but certain!

“Change our position in ten minutes’ time,” Ent said.

Geuse furrowed his brows. “Is there a need? The Skywings are presently under severe suppression; where will they even get the time or energy to care about us? Besides, the people of the Skywing Clan are considered righteous; they shouldn’t be attacking us since we’re just commoners.”

Ent shook his head lightly. “It’s our patriarch’s orders to change the position hourly. If I were him, I wouldn’t even give the Skywings an ounce of concern. They’re just a bunch of fools; We’re clearly at war, yet they still uphold righteousness. They’ll surely let the members of our clan off, while we have no problems flattening Xia City!”


Yet another burst of sinister laughter. The Moonward Clan’s upper hand in battle was making them become more brazen, completely rejecting the idea that the Skywings had the ability to launch a counterattack under the suppression from three forces.


Just as these two men were laughing, the stars had abruptly turned unstable!

A rippling wave began to undulate right above the Moonward Clan’s warship! It was as if something was trying to break out of the very universe, breaking out of this sea of stars!

“Crap! There’s a warship! There’s a warship heading right in this direction! It’ll collide with our ship if they continue on the same path!” barked the radar operations officer on the control deck in alarm, his eyes nearly falling out of their sockets in his disbelief!

This was completely unconventional. The direction of this warship was dashing through the stars toward their present coordinates, and it did not appear to be taking any evasive maneuver. It seemed like it was intentionally planning to collide with them!

Ent Ward was stunned as he yelled, “Don’t panic! We are onboard a B Tier composite warship of the Law Realm! Our defensive rating is extremely high that no normal warship can pose a threat to us! Even if we do collide with that incoming ship, they’ll just end up killing themselves!”

At this time, they could already see half the head of this warship appearing. All they saw was a gigantic black warship’s hull taking an ax-shaped form. A pair of dark cannon barrels, which seemed like a pair of evil eyes, poked out from the bow of the warship, staring deathly down on the Moonward warship!

This super Tier warship that the Moonward Clan was proud of, able to harbor a capacity in the millions for the entire clan, was nothing compared to this gigantic warship!

Not only did they lose to this newcomer in terms of size, even its shape was not as threatening as the other!

This black warship was like a sharpened axehead, dashing straight ahead for collision!

After exiting its wormhole and without even a second to spare, it began charging right to the round-shaped Moonward warship!

Ent’s face went pale. Smacking his two hands audibly on the thick viewing glass, he yelled, “That’s the Mountainbreaker Diabolist! The elite A Tier warship of the Skywing Clan! H-hasn’t… i-it been scrapped?!”

Sweat the size of soybeans kept flowing from his forehead. Given what he was seeing before him now, it was apparent that the retaliation of the Skywings was already in full swing without any fanfare!


Righteousness was only something that the Skywings talked about when it was time to do so; they would transform to become the most unreasonable lunatics in the Law Realm when they had no wish to talk about it!

Who cared that they were just the commoners of the clan? At the moment, each and everyone was now seen as an enemy by the Skywings!

They must be exterminated, and not one would be spared!


It was as if a huge ax had come cleaving down on them!

Mountainbreaker Diabolist used its sharp and sturdy bow to ram straight into the hull of the Moonward warship!

A conflagration erupted in the darkness of space, and it illuminated everything in the surroundings!

This was a confrontation between a warship and another warship, and it was not in the slightest bit fair.

The Moonward Clan had their B Tier clan fortress, but the Skywing Clan was using an A Tier universal warship! The two had an entire tier of difference!

Even their uses differed from each other. The clan fortress was a composite warship used to carry people, while the Mountainbreaker Diabolist was a true universal warship. It had no other function aside from combat and war!

Why would anyone scrap such a gigantic universal warship like the Mountainbreaker Diabolist?!

That was impossible!

It had merely been a farce, so as to entice their enemies who were lying in wait!

Warships had constantly been suppressed ever since the spatial traversal technique was discovered, and it had been a very long time since the Mountainbreaker Diabolist was mobilized. However, the very first flight it took after all these years of inactivity had directly taken millions of Moonward lives!

It used its most cruel method to crush the enemies without firing a single shot!

The precision that the Skywing Clan demonstrated could definitely be described as surgical. Just as the gigantic universal warship Mountainbreaker Diabolist came speeding out from its wormhole, forty Law Emperors, as well as two Law Overlords, of the clan formed a wolfpack and charged to the Sha territory at the very same second!

“Skywings’ business; the uninvolved can f*ck off!” Facing the Sha civilians, who had no idea what was going on, the Skywings yelled their signature cry in unison, to an explosive effect.



“Did I hear correctly? Why are the humans’ Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade here in the Sha territory?”

There were few who stuck around and wondered. Most already began scrambling to flee after hearing the word ‘Skywing’. Though this was Sha territory, just like the humans, hearing the word ‘Skywing’ had an effect like lightning to the ears. This truly worked everywhere!

Xia Buyun pointed to the huge castle in the center of the city as he shouted, “That’s the Primordial Sect’s lair! I want everyone inside dead! Leave nothing untouched and no one alive!”

Unruly to the point of unreasonableness! The Skywing Clan completely did not care that the two major religious groups of the Shas had only fallen victims to Moonwards’ scheme; anyone who fought with the Skywings was an enemy! There was nothing to understand, nor was there any need for a reason! They would just decimate their ranks and call it a day!

*Whoosh whoosh whoosh*

Black figures charged into that ancient city one after another. A capable man could find success living in the wilds, but an extraordinary man thrived living in the city. Xia Fei never could have imagined that the nest of the Primordial Sect would actually be situated in a bustling city. However, that did not matter, for even if it was located at the end of the world, the result would still be all the same!

The wolves of the Skywing Clan were not vegetarians, so now that their inner demons had completely been released, what they yearned for was fresh blood from this cult!

All the elites of the Primordial Sect had joined the troops that were besieging Xia City, and so there were hardly any experts stationed inside. The wolves of the Skywing Clan directly charged into that old castle and began their mad slaughter!

As a group of speedsters, how much time did the Skywings need to eradicate all seven thousand followers of the Primordial Sect?

The answer was five seconds!

In just five seconds, not a single being remained breathing in the castle of the Primordial Sect!

The Law of Speed was simply that fierce! Each and every figure shuttled through like a bolt of lightning, leaving corpses in their wake! Their kills’ collective blood flowed to form rivers!

It was too fast!

Simply too quick!

The Skywings were like killing machines running at high speed, and the moment they made their move, it took them just five seconds to wash the Primordial Sect in blood!


These ghost-like figures completed their task in the blink of an eye and returned to their patriarch’s side. Meanwhile, Xia Buyun and Xia Tian had not even made their move yet!

Just seven thousand people were not enough for the forty Law Emperors to consider as warm-up!

Only people who had faced the craziness of high-speed warriors could understand just how terrifying this clan of speedsters was. Such a level of slaughter was hardly even worth mentioning!

“Wipe them all out!”

“Leave none alive!”

The wolves of the Skywing Clan yelled at the top of their lungs. Xia Buyun slightly nodded his head and suddenly raised his two hands, conjuring a large hand that was even larger than the Primordial Sect’s castle.

This was the power of the Law of Space!

The Skywing Clan was not only famous for its Law of Speed but also its cultivation of the Law of Space!

The giant hand was like a cannon that immediately came slamming down once raised!


The compressed force of the Law of Space instantly turned the ancient castle into ruins! The law force exerted from this attack dug into the ground, several kilometers deep!

The location of the Primordial Sect’s castle was now just a sinkhole! Not a tile or a pebble remained!

“Remember: I don’t just want them eradicated; I want not a single tile to remain intact!” Xia Buyun said with a solemn expression on his face.

The wolves of the Skywing Clan were stunned! Their eyes glowed intensely with vigor!

“Understood! Not a single tile will remain!”

A bellow rang through the sky as their demonic aura broke through!

Xia Fei gritted his teeth. Two religious groups and one clan were being exterminated in the time it took to blink. Next would be the fight against the over a hundred Law Emperors and stronger elites!

Forty Law Emperors versus one hundred Law Emperors!

The real battle began from here on out!

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