Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 792 - It is very easy to spend money.

Chapter 792: It is very easy to spend money.

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Xia Fei took stock of the funds in his account. After spending sixty-five thousand grade Origin Crystals on the Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa, he had nine hundred thirty-five thousand left of the one million crystals he had obtained from the transaction this time. His Rock Private Bank account had started with ten thousand grade 5 crystals, and if he also took into account the grade 4 crystals, Xia Fei currently had nine hundred eighty thousand grade 5 crystals.

According to the rules, if he won the Tree of Life, Xia Fei would have to pay at least fifty percent of the final price upfront, while the remaining fifty percent could be transferred to Boundless Heaven Trading Association’s account within three days. This was a service to gold card VIPs. Anyone else would have to pay everything immediately.

Besides cash, Xia Fei had some weapons, such as the darkness metal weapon Ode of Hundred Spirits and the psychokinetic weapon Dragonscale Hectoslasher, that he was unwilling to sell. These weapons no longer held the meaning they once did to him, so selling them off would not affect him too much. Together with a few high-value support items, Xia Fei could be considered to have 1.05 million grade 5 crystals.

Gritting his teeth, Xia Fei decided that he would put his upper limit at one million.

“The starting price for this Tree of Life is fifty thousand Origin Crystals. Is there anyone willing to pay fifty thousand grade 5 Origin Crystals to take away this precious Tree of Life?!” the auctioneer hollered.

“Fifty thousand!”

“Sixty thousand!”

“Eighty thousand!”

The price rapidly soared, and it was not long before it hit six hundred thousand!

After all, this was the Tree of Life, a mystical tool that could grant a warrior a second life. The competition was clearly much fiercer than the others.

The price stopped at six hundred thousand for a while. At this price, only those who were deadset on the item would act recklessly.

Xia Fei lightly tapped on his bidding device, raising the bid by a full one hundred thousand, to a price of seven hundred thousand grade 5 crystals!


The crowd immediately fell into turmoil. No one had yet to raise the price by a full one hundred thousand! This was a display of absolute confidence, or else they would not have raised the price by such an insane amount!

Everyone looked around, hoping to find this person who would go at any lengths to get the Tree of Life; alas, there were too many people around, and they did not find out that Xia Fei was the bidder in the shadows.

Madly raising the bid was a sort of psychological trick. When those people who wanted to get the Tree of Life ran into such an intense rival, the vast majority would choose to stand aside. After all, Xia Fei had revealed through his actions that price would never be his first consideration.

Someone quickly bid seven hundred and ten thousand; alas, the moment this bid appeared, Xia Fei raised the bid by one hundred thousand more, bringing it to eight hundred ten thousand!

Xia Fei bid very quickly, giving no one else any time to hesitate. The moment that other person made a bid, he cut them down at the waist!

“Eight hundred fifty thousand!”

“Nine hundred fifty thousand!”

Another pause of less than a second! Xia Fei used his powerful momentum to once more provoke all those opponents who fought with him for the Tree of Life!

The unseen enemy was the most frightening. Hidden in the shadows, Xia Fei had made big bid after big bid, displaying an overwhelming advantage! Anyone who wanted to keep bidding would first have to check their wallet.

It was a good thing that this sort of item had come out to cause mischief.

There was still one more item left in the auction, the last item of the night. Everyone wanted it, so almost everyone had decided to give up on the Tree of Life and put everything into the fight for the last item.

They did not realize that everyone was looking at the final item, and as this was the last item, the final hope, nobody would back down. The intensity of the bidding competition would probably be far greater than anyone had anticipated. Xia Fei had given up on the last item and was madly bidding on the Tree of Life, precisely to exploit this hopeful mindset.


“Nine hundred fifty thousand grade 5 Origin Crystals! Sold!” The curly haired auctioneer slammed his gavel down, and Xia Fei felt like a great load had dropped from his heart. His mad bidding had a limit. If someone had chosen to lock horns with him, Xia Fei would have been forced to give up. After all, that bid had taken almost every penny he owned.

Oro said in shock, “You’re really impressive there, bidding without blinking an eye.”

Xia Fei shrugged. “This is just a bidding strategy that’s supposed to be about overwhelming the other opponents. Besides, in your opinion, is nine hundred fifty thousand for another life cheap or expensive?”

Oro burst into laughter. “Cheap! Absurdly cheap! Nothing can compare to a person’s life. These people will definitely be so remorseful that they will want to die. Quite a few people could take out that sum, but in the end, you’re the one who got it.”

Xia Fei said nothing. The situation had been perfect. If everyone had not been hoping to get the last auction item, he would have been unable to exploit this gap. Auctions were not just about money but also the mind.


The last item up for auction took Xia Fei completely by surprise. It was an Immemorial Mystical Armament!

The Immemorial Mystical Armaments were divided into five categories: metal, plant, water, fire, and earth. Of the Five Flames of Lux Gloria, there was the Wolf Butcher Blaze, the Empty Valley Conflagration, the Rending Yang Fire, the Fire of Sorrow, and the Fire of Linked Sound. The last item was actually the Rending Yang Fire of the Five Flames of Lux Gloria, the flame of extreme yin!

A candle-like flame was presented, and the entire auction house immediately became extremely cold, seemingly having been converted into an icehouse.

“Your Plant Mystical Armaments are known for having the greatest vitality, while Fire Mystical Armaments are the most explosive existences. This Rending Yang Fire, on the other hand, belongs to the fire category and has an extreme yin nature. Among the Five Flames of Lux Gloria, it is the flame of cold gloom. Look at how that little flame is brimming with icy cold energy. That’s precisely because its foundation consists of cold yin,” Oro explained.

“It’s a good thing that you didn’t give up on the Tree of Life to try at this Rending Yang Fire. After all, you have Wood Immemorial Mystical Armaments. Even if you managed to get the Rending Yang Fire at an astronomical price, it would just be a display piece.”

Xia Fei nodded. It seemed that he had made the right choice. Immemorial Mystical Armaments could repel one another. As Xia Fei had chosen the plant type, he could no longer take in the weapons of the other four types.

Xia Fei already had three of the Seven Plants of the Cloud Sea. If this had been a Plant Immemorial Mystical Armament, Xia Fei would probably have sold everything he had to try and get. Alas, it was fire, so Xia Fei did not care much about it.

Just as Xia Fei expected, the Rending Yang Fire was ultimately sold for 3.4 million grade 5 Origin Crystals! That was three years worth of revenue for the Skywing Clan! Every person here had gone all out, pushing the price to world-shaking levels!

Sticking out his tongue, Xia Fei looked at his arm and muttered, “One Immemorial Mystical Armament for 3.4 million? In other words, my arm is worth ten million grade 5 crystals?!”

Oro chuckled. “Of course! I’m guessing that your arm is the most valuable thing in the Law Realm! It’s carrying three Immemorial Mystical Armaments!”


“Haa... If I knew that the Rending Yang Fire would go for so much, I would put everything into that Tree of Life! I’ve really done it now. I brought 1.7 million crystals from the clan, but I didn’t manage to acquire, either.”

“Be happy with what you have. I brought every asset of my clan, which amounts to 2.8 million, but I still lost!”

While the people in the crowd expressed their frustrations, Xia Fei smugly smiled. There was only one Rending Yang Fire, so most of these people had to go back in defeat.

Once he was done with the paperwork, Xia Fei handed over the cash and got the Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa and the Tree of Life. He moved to a deserted area outside of Boundless City and activated his spatial compass to return.

Xia Fei had paid a heavy price for these two mystical tools, leaving him with only twenty thousand grade 5 Origin Crystals and 3.7 million grade 4 crystals in his account. Xia Fei could not help but sigh in wonder at just how easy money was spent.

“Seems like I’ll have to find a new job so that I can end my money problems once and for all,” Xia Fei muttered.

Oro replied, “You should be happy with your lot. You got both the Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa and the Tree of Life for very cheap. If not for that Rending Yang Fire at the end, I wager that the Tree of Life would’ve gone for no less than two million!”

Xia Fei shrugged and said nothing.

“Eh? Where are you going?” Oro realized that Xia Fei was not inputting the Wind Garden’s coordinates and curiously asked.


Rather than replying, Xia Fei activated the spatial compass and arrived at a barren wasteland.

“This is the Exiled Grounds! Why would you come here?!” Oro looked around in shock and surprise.

Unruffled, Xia Fei took out the Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa and Tree of Life from his ring. Raising the Blood Crystal, he removed two button-sized pieces of metal from the packaging around the two items.

“We’re being followed. The Boundless Heaven Zhous seem to be very interested in me,” Xia Fei sternly said as he put the two mystical tools away.

Oro was speechless. It turned out that Xia Fei had realized something was fishy when he was receiving the goods, so he had instead lured the enemy to the Exiled Grounds rather than going back to the Wind Garden!

“There’s something strange in the eyes of the person handing over the goods, and they even agreed to let me use grade 4 crystals in place of grade 5. This is far too abnormal of an action from merchants,” Xia Fei softly commented.

The perpetrator was naturally Zhou Xiaoman. That girl was furious that Xia Fei had driven her out of the box seats, so she had made up her mind to find out who Xia Fei was. However, she had forgotten about Xia Fei’s sharp eyes. How could her clumsy tricks possibly have been able to fool him?

Moving his arms around, Xia Fei did some stretches on the wasteland, the power of the Law of Primal Chaos gathering in his arms. Xia Fei had decided to give Zhou Xiaoman a good lesson in exchange for these unfriendly actions.


Sure enough, several seconds later, a spatial tunnel opened. The other side was using a spatial compass to pursue!

“Falling Leaves of Twin Decimation!”

Without the slightest hesitation, Xia Fei attacked the tunnel!

The subversive power of the Law of Primal Chaos could even subvert spatial tunnels!


Two palms slammed into the just-opened tunnel. Before the people inside could come out, Xia Fei sealed it! As for where those people would end up, Xia Fei did not care!

These poor fellows following Zhou Xiaoman’s orders to pursue Xia Fei died without knowing how they died. Xia Fei did not even give them a chance to fight back!


In an office in the Boundless Heaven Trading Association’s headquarters which had a breathtaking view, Zhou Xiaoman received the news that her pursuit squad had been wiped out.

“Where was their last location?” Zhou Xiaoman angrily asked.

“The Exiled Grounds,” Li Ning dejectedly reported. The Boundless Heaven Trading Association had lost three Law Emperors this time, a tragic loss, and this was all solely because of Zhou Xiaoman.

“Hmph! The Exiled Grounds? I’ve already deduced that these criminals wouldn’t dare to set up shop in the Law Realm!” Zhou Xiaoman spoke with a pale complexion. “Send people to the Exiled Grounds to investigate! I wanna know who he is and what his goal is!”

Zhou Xiaoman was still stubbornly clinging onto her awful deductions.. She had no idea that Xia Fei had already returned to Wind Garden, taken a comfortable and hot bath, and then gone to find Master Artificer Huo Yutong.

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