Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 455: Questions about the Seventh Brain Region plus a Play for Ascendancy

Chapter 455: Questions about the Seventh Brain Region plus a Play for Ascendancy

“All the other races who possessed blueprints of a Titan were eradicated,” Xia Fei said with a somber expression.

Phantom was in disbelief. “Are Law Adepts afraid of Titans? Ancient mankind was wiped out by robots, which had nothing to do with the Law Adepts, but if we go with your theory, humans should’ve been made extinct by Law Adepts.”

Xia Fei shrugged and helplessly said, “I don’t get it, either. We would probably have to find the Sentinel Goddess to learn why she ordered her masters to be wiped out.”

Saying this, Xia Fei and Phantom looked at Pod. Pod naturally could not hear their conversation, and he did not know about Phantom’s existence. Seeing Xia Fei look at him, Pod returned him with a kind gaze and asked if Xia Fei wanted to drink some juice.

Phantom and Xia Fei were speechless. In their minds, they found it hard to associate robots with destruction and betrayal. Pod was the most obedient and compliant servant. To say that he harbored ill intentions, Phantom would not believe it, and neither would Xia Fei.

“The ancient human civilization was desperately searching for Titan before it was destroyed. Why was this? They clearly already possessed Titan blueprints,” Phantom asked.

Xia Fei replied, “Look at this box and this lock; it’s built so exquisitely and so toughly. It doesn’t appear to be a product of ancient human civilization. I’m guessing that it’s a product of the Uran race. The blueprints ended up in humans’ hands long before they were extinguished. The humans must have sensed the danger of keeping such technology, so after making duplicates of the blueprints, they hid them again. Besides, ancient mankind might not have possessed the ability to construct a Titan even then.

“Many, many years later, when their technology reached the peak and was getting close to the strongest civilization in the universe, the Urans, humans began to contemplate making Titans, and so they sought out those blueprints they had lost many years ago, but they didn’t know that the blueprints were at humanity’s land of origin, the Venal Star Region.”

Phantom asked, “Since even the humans did not know where the blueprints were, how did Uti find out?”

Xia Fei shook his head. “That’s as far as I can speculate. Uti is dead now, and that secret followed him to hell.”

This matter was getting weirder and weirder. Titans being capable of threatening Law Adepts was truly an exciting fact, but this knowledge that any race who had attempted to produce Titans were all wiped out made these blueprints feel extremely heavy. The consequences for offending the Law Adepts were obvious.

“Ancient mankind was truly too foolish. Since they knew that Law Adepts didn’t like other people having Titans, they just didn’t need to build them. Xia Fei, we should handle these blueprints cautiously. As for the idea of building a Titan, we should put it aside,” Phantom seriously said.

Xia Fei smiled. “I actually think that humanity’s desperate desire to build Titans is very matching with their undisciplined and freedom-seeking nature. Law Adepts are like big mountains, always pressing down on their heads. Although they say that they won’t interfere with our lives, don’t forget what the Black and White Gods did to the insectoids, or what Yujiang and Yuhua did to us.

“Them not disturbing the lives of ordinary folks is not just because they disdain to do so but also because they don’t even think of us. They’re existence is akin to sharp blades hanging over our heads. They seem to be fixed there, but who knows when they might suddenly drop down?”

Phantom replied, “In other words, if you have a chance, you’d still choose to build a Titan to use against Law Adepts?”

Xia Fei pursed his lips. “I’m not crazy. If I don’t need to, why would I pick a fight against Law Adepts? But I don’t like living a life controlled by others. Who’s to say that the Law Adepts won’t come find me if I choose not to go and find them? Thus, if I have the chance, I will definitely try to build a Titan.”

Phantom repeatedly nodded. “It makes sense. Ever since I got to know you, the troubles have never stopped coming.”

Ignoring him, Xia Fei locked the black metal box again and then hung the key around his chest.

“Besides Titans and Law Adepts, did that metal box contain something else?” Phantom asked.

Xia Fei replied, “There’s information about the seventh brain region.”

Phantom became interested. The degree to which the seventh brain region was opened would directly affect a person’s cultivation talent. It could be said that besides, persistence and hard work, this was the other factor that a warrior needed the most.

“What did it say?”

“It’s still related to Law Adepts. It seems that the complete opening of the seventh brain region is extremely rare, even in the world of Law Adepts. Even gene optimization fluids or the most refined arts have a very hard time completely opening a lifeform’s seventh brain region.

“That section was rather cryptic, and the expensive translation chip in my head gave a very unclear explanation. Almost every incident of a complete opening of the seventh brain region requires a perfect lineage. Cases where it’s opened through chance are basically nonexistent.”

Phantom said nothing. While Xia Fei was communing with Peacock Blue, he had unintentionally turned up a set of long-ago memories. Xia Fei had chosen to forget that bitter experience. After reading Xia Fei’s memories, Peacock Blue had very smoothly climbed up his right arm. It had basically taken no effort at all.

It seemed that those unpleasant memories had not just affected Xia Fei but also affected Peacock Blue’s choice.

Those who did not know what was in those memories would think that Xia Fei’s luck had gone to work for him again. Only Xia Fei and Phantom understood how cruel the process had been.

Every person had their secret pains and things they did not want to remember. Peacock Blue had forcibly cut open a living person’s mind and forced them to relive that agony and darkness again and again. If he had been a little weak mentally, he would have been driven mad by that cruel torment.

In truth, luck played only a small role in how Xia Fei had managed to get this far. Most of it was due to his hard work and perseverance, his sharp observation skills, and his choices which differed from the vast majority.

“Law Adepts don’t want there to be many warriors with completely open seventh brain regions among ordinary folks. They believe that only their descendants are worthy of such a feat, for their bloodlines are the most outstanding, so if any sapient race is to have too many people with completely open seventh brain regions, this race will become very dangerous. Perhaps, one day, the Law Adepts will choose to exterminate this race quietly.”

Phantom was speechless. “Law Warriors are truly quite vicious. They even care about whether or not other beings can open their seventh brain regions. Do they really take themselves as gods?”

Xia Fei replied, “Their cultivation is truly profound. In the eyes of ordinary people, they will be no different from gods.”

Returning to the command center, Xia Fei connected to the insectoid military internet and carefully examined the movements of the army and public security forces in the last few hours. There was not much time left. In ten or so hours, the news of Uti’s death would spread. If Qingliu wanted to make his move, he must do it now. By the time everyone knew of Uti’s death, he would have lost his chance.

Xia Fei did not like Qingliu, but his success or failure was connected to the distant war with the Panhuman Alliance. The thought of Avril’s haggard face made his heart ache.

‘This war must end!’ Xia Fei said to himself.

Even as minutes went by, the insectoid military internet remained quiet. There were only thirteen hours left until Silent Valley closed. At this moment, an unremarkable piece of news entered Xia Fei’s eyes.

“Consort Qingyan is pregnant with Uti’s son! Qingyan’s cousin, Qinggu, commander of the 79th Public Security Fleet, wishes to head to the imperial capital and congratulate his cousin immediately!” Phantom sternly said. “Xia Fei, Qingliu and Qingyan have started to move!”

Xia Fei nodded. “It truly is a clever move. If Qingyan is pregnant with Uti’s child, that makes him the son of the king, the rightful heir to the throne. Presumably, her cousin is coming with troops to ensure that they win the power struggle.”

“I recall that Qingyan wasn’t pregnant a few days ago, and Uti entered Silent Valley not long after. She had no time to do anything with Uti,” Phantom said in confusion.

Xia Fei smiled. “She’s definitely pregnant. It’s just not necessarily Uti’s child.”

“What do you mean?”

“Power is a beautiful thing, and it can make people go crazy. Qingyan and Qingliu will do anything to ascend to the Golden Tent.”

Phantom shivered. “Do you remember how Qingyan was trying to seduce you?”

Xia Fei was speechless. If he had fallen to temptation and lost control of himself even for a moment, it might have been his child sitting in the Golden Tent; to which, he would have nothing to say.

Xia Fei was an ordinary man and naturally had biological needs, but he was not in the habit of bedding with his enemy, not now and not in the future.

There were many beings in the universe who would get antsy upon seeing beautiful female species, but Xia Fei was not that sort. Even a fairy whose beauty could make anyone catch their breath would die all the same if she were Xia Fei’s enemy, for he was not one to show the slightest pity. In this aspect, Xia Fei truly was a stubborn and crazy fellow.

Another twenty minutes passed.

“The radar has picked up the signal of an abnormal fleet 430,000 lightyears away from the imperial capital. The Capital Security Force’s deputy chief, Vice Admiral Teli, has been sent to investigate.

“This vice admiral is probably one of Uti’s blood relatives. Qingliu is luring him away from the capital in preparation for the coup,” Xia Fei said.

More information was coming in. It had to be said that Qingliu’s plans were cautious and meticulous, starting from the unimportant and irrelevant individuals first. Anyone who stood in the way of his path to power was entrapped in his scheme.

As time advanced, Qingliu’s actions grew bolder and bolder. When dawn approached, Consort Qingyan announced that she had a dream. She dreamed of a blood-drenched Uti approaching her; he caressed her belly as he spoke affectionate words to her, hoping that his son would inherit the throne and grow up into a wise sovereign.

A prepared astrologist immediately jumped out and conjectured that Uti had most likely encountered some problem in the Holy Realm, and he also divined that Uti’s child would receive the protection of the Black and White Gods and perform momentous deeds in the future, along with a whole host of other auspicious predictions.

A fierce power struggle was about to commence.

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