Chapter 442: Uti’s Secret

Li Mo had been knocked away by the Tier 4 combat technique of Xia Fei’s psychokinesis ability and was sent flying right into the rolling waves of lava.


His huge frame caused lava to fly everywhere, and after a few moments of struggle, he gradually sank into it!

Though Li Mo had died, Xia Fei still did not let down his guard. That was because the shapeshifting brothers, Grux and Gruy, were still alive. When the two merged into one, the strength they possessed was simply unimaginable, and perhaps even the Tier 3 skill, Thousand Venerables, would hardly harm them. If he wanted to win, he must unleash an even more powerful attack.

His left wrist slightly shuddered, and that was the repercussion of using the Fearless combat technique. This was how it worked with psychokinesis, and its prowess meant that it took quite a toll on the body. Given Xia Fei’s present cultivation, this Tier 4 combat technique was a strain to use.

Fortunately, the effect it created was decent, and it allowed him to shove Li Mo into the ocean of lava before the latter could even begin fighting him, taking care of the enemy in advance!

Halleh’s darkness ability was slowly receding; using it over a wide area like this heavily impaired his ability to fight. As he took back the clouds of darkness in the surroundings, Halleh managed to recover half of his expended energy, which was why he could stand side by side with Xia Fei when he stepped out of the darkness.

Xia Fei suddenly remembered that large black metal casing he had obtained and how the key to it was still in Uti’s possession. This point alone made it not a bad idea to let the Gru brothers come onshore. At the very least, he now could have a chance of obtaining the key. Had Uti and the Gru brothers ended up falling into the lava like the others, Xia Fei would have therefore lost the chance of ever learning what was enclosed in the case.

“Let them come on. We should be able to defeat the two if we work together,” Xia Fei said.

Halleh nodded.

Suddenly, a huge, black figure leaped ashore, and it was of course none other than the Gru brothers!

The two worked as one to form that huge and strange bug which held Uti close to its bosom, protected by layers of dense carapace!

Halleh took a step forward and yelled, “Don’t you two wish to challenge me? I’ll gladly satisfy your request!”

The Gru brothers laughed uproariously, their two heads seemingly making the same movement. Even their expressions were the same!

“Back then, we brothers had yet to perfect the technique of joining our bodies as one. Now that we do, you wish to spar with us despite the injuries you’ve sustained? You must be tired of living!”


The two immediately joined in battle without another word exchanged!

Because Grux and Gruy still had to protect Uti, they very quickly became at a disadvantage after a few rounds, their middle leg taking repeated stabs from Xia Fei’s October Flying Snow. However, because of their hard carapace, even a powerful weapon like October Flying Snow could not completely penetrate it.

“Butterfly Serpent!”


Xia Fei did not let the opportunity slip and hurled his Immortal-grade weapon, Butterfly Serpent. Just as the weapon swiftly serpentined in the air, seeking to bind the Gru brothers, something strange happened!

The Gru brothers split in the middle and became two strange bugs, evading the attack from the Butterfly Serpent!

Xia Fei furrowed his brows. “Since I can’t bind the both of you, I’ll just bind you one by one!

The expressions of the Grux brothers changed immensely. They shared both weals and woes together; so as long as one of them got eliminated, the other who survived would be completely incapable of taking on Xia Fei and Halleh; their shapeshifting ability was only at its most powerful when they merged with each other!

Xia Fei retrieved his Butterfly Serpent. He was preparing to send it out anew when he suddenly heard a blood-curdling bellow from behind!

He turned around to look. Unbeknown to him when, Li Mo had managed to crawl out of the ocean of lava. Though the clothes and that giant battleaxe of his were dissolved by the lava, his body, which was resistant to the scorching heat, had stubbornly crawled his way back from hell!

“That indestructible special ability sure is something! Looks like you’re in for trouble this time now that Li Mo has become a monster with an undying body!” Phantom said.

When the Gru brothers saw that they were getting a powerful aid on their side, they let loose another raucous laugh. While it was true that the twins could not match Xia Fei and Halleh individually, the jury was still out with the abomination Li Mo added into the equation. At the very least, no one out there was strong enough to break that indestructible body of his.

Uti was also reinvigorated by Li Mo’s return. He loudly yelled at Li Mo to join in the fight, ordering him to kill both Halleh and Xia Fei.

However, Li Mo completely ignored Uti’s instructions. His body was now like a heated piece of steel, the ground sizzling and emitting thick smoke with every step he took, searing out two deep holes; no one dared to go anywhere near him!

Li Mo’s bloodshot eyes glared at Xia Fei hatefully as his teeth gnashed in fury. He was blind to everything around him, and the only enemy left in his vision was Xia Fei alone.

“I’ll leave the Gru brothers to you. Looks like this monster and I have some old scores to settle.” Xia Fei flexed his wrist as he coldly remarked.

Halleh was slightly stunned but promptly nodded. “Take care!”

Just as the last syllable of the word left his lips, Xia Fei and Li Mo attacked!

Halleh unleashed a mass of darkness which enveloped Uti and the Gru brothers, then he moved to join them in the darkness. Sounds of fighting reverberated in the massive cavern. No one knew how they were able to fight while blanketed in that darkness, but from the urgent sounds, the fighting must be very intense!

On the other side of this battlefield, Xia Fei was holding October Flying Snow in hand as he ran in circles around Li Mo.

Speed was king in the martial arts world!

Li Mo was wildly swinging his two arms, but he was never able to get anywhere near Xia Fei.

October Flying Snow contained rimefrost, and the surrounding air gradually turned cold. Even Li Mo’s body temperature was slowly lowering.

*Ping ping ping!*

Xia Fei’s assault had begun!

In the span of a second, Xia Fei rapidly unleashed 763 attacks successively. Every attack was blocked by Li Mo’s body, and though he was unable to deal any damage, a layer of ice had begun to form over his body, which was the unique trait of October Flying Snow!

Furball also fired energy balls relentlessly from the sidelines. With how cumbersome Li Mo’s body was, he was momentarily at a loss on what to do now that he was expected to dodge both Furball’s attacks and deal with Xia Fei’s pestering.

However, Li Mo did not relent. Now that he had transformed into his monstrous self, he was completely devoid of the concept of death or injury. There was but one thought in his mind: ‘Fight! Fight! Keep fighting!’

Xia Fei’s speed climbed, and a layer of frost was left after October Flying Snow made contact with Li Mo’s body. In the blink of an eye, Li Mo had already sustained over 16,000 cuts from Xia Fei! An utterly astounding number of attacks!

Though Li Mo was uninjured by them all, his body was slowly becoming slower and slower. The chill of October Flying Snow was slowly freezing him!

A sinister smirk spread across Xia Fei’s face. How would Li Mo know that, right from the very start, Xia Fei had already come up with a way to deal with his indestructible body and that Li Mo was slowly being led deeper into the abyss Xia Fei had prepared!

At this point, Li Mo had sustained thirty thousand cuts!

Like a clumsy bear, Li Mo was fierce and vicious, yet his movement was slowly becoming rigid over time.


Xia Fei leaped away from the fight and arrived next to Furball. He patted his pet on the head. “This guy’s so slow; if you’re unable to hit him, then you can’t be my exclusive beast.”

Furball pouted in disdain and took a deep breath, ready to unleash his energy ball!

It was already too late even if Li Mo realized what was going on. Xia Fei’s continuous attacks were not done in an attempt to kill this monstrosity but to freeze him in place through the frostiness of October Flying Snow so that Furball could calmly unleash its attack!


A small energy ball shot forth and struck Li Mo right in his chest!

Li Mo rapidly disappeared, beginning from his toes, as his body disintegrated bit by bit!


The change sped up, then Li Mo’s body exploded!

Quite a lot of energy was contained within Li Mo’s body, but Furball ignored it all. He deemed that energy from Li Mo as too dirty and was unworthy of consuming.

Xia Fei sighed and pulled out a Purple Heart of Spirit, tossing it to Furball. The creature proceeded to very ingratiatingly express his approval to Xia Fei before gobbling it up.

On the other side, Halleh was still in the middle of an intense fight with the Gru brothers. They were surrounded by a mass of darkness, so there was no way for Xia Fei to jump in and lend a hand; all he could do was watch and wait.

Xia Fei tossed three White Dews into his mouth. While the fight before did not appear to be executed with much difficulty, the fact was that he had devoted every bit of strength in it, and every cut he struck came with the force of a thousand ton! Were his opponent not Li Mo and someone else, they would most likely quickly turn into paste.

All of a sudden!

Halleh got expelled from his darkness while coughing fresh blood. There was a gash from his left shoulder down to his waist, the result of a particularly fierce blow landing, practically cleaving him in half! It ought to be known that Halleh was wearing an Immortal-grade combat suit to protect himself!

Xia Fei was slightly shocked, hurriedly approaching to assist him. Unfortunately, it was all too late. Halleh struggled to tell Xia Fei something, but he was choking on the blood pooling in his mouth.

“I originally wanted to keep this secret hidden, but you ended up finding out about this.” An icy voice could be heard coming from the darkness.

Xia Fei let go of Halleh’s corpse and turned to that mass of darkness. He had no idea who killed Halleh or whom this sinister voice belonged to.

Halleh was already dead, so the darkness soon dissipated.

Xia Fei screwed his eyebrows together as he felt a powerful killing intent, which he could not ignore, coming about.

Inconceivably, the insectoid standing before Xia Fei was actually Uti!

The Gru brothers were both on the ground, their bodies completely covered in black markings, most likely eaten to death by Halleh’s darkness ability.

Meanwhile, Uti was currently standing there with a small smile. His height barely reached one meter, yet in his hand was a two-meter-long transparent scimitar, forming a bizarre sight.

“You’re a warrior?” Xia Fei asked skeptically.

Uti laughed loudly. “Human, do you find it very strange?”

Xia Fei nodded. “Indeed, I do. To think that the emperor of the Golden Tent is actually an Immortal rank warrior, I’m sure that even your fellow insectoids don’t know this. You’ve really managed to hide too deeply.”

“Actually, they know, but what they don’t know is that both Uti and Tiufu are one and the same insectoid.” Uti waxed lyrically. That transparent scimitar suddenly disappeared from his hand, and it was unknown how he had conjured it in the first place.

“Uti, Tui,” Xia Fei muttered to himself. “It’s really a good name. Even if anyone manages to link the two together, they will never believe that the insectoid is both you. Who made you emperor of the Golden Tent?”

Uti chuckled and patted his bald head. “You’ve got no clue? No matter. Those who learned of my secret before ended up dying, and you’re no different.”

Xia Fei’s expression hardened. “Tuifu, second on the Sacred Warrior Leaderboard, known as the Supreme War God, a grade 7 windblade ability user, equivalent to an Immortal rank human warrior.

“I did find it strange how there’s not one piece of information about the warrior who stands atop the food chain when I first arrived in the insectoid territory as if the insectoid doesn’t really exist. Now, I finally understand; it’s because there are some who don’t wish their existence to be known.”

Uti cackled. “Hehehehe! Since you’ve figured it out, do you still wish to fight me? My ability is the natural bane of any speed ability user.”

With a cold stare, Xia Fei ran his finger through his hair and plainly stated, “What do you think, Uti, or should I call you his eminence Tuifu?”

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