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Chapter 334: Rich Good-for-nothings

Chapter 334: Rich Good-for-nothings

No one liked having good intentions returned with harm, and Xia Fei was no exception. He had tried to help that young man from the Monastic Order to get back up on his feet, but all he received in return was a green fireball which partially burned his clothes.

Xia Fei was enraged, not imagining that someone would take his kindness for evil. What exactly could he say?

“Screw you!” Xia Fei’s face was ashen as he gave a vicious slap.

Xia Fei thought that he had not put much strength into this slap, but he was actually stronger than these youths. An obvious handprint soon swelled up on the young man’s face, and the young man clenched his teeth as he coldly stared at Xia Fei.


The young man wanted to counterattack, but Xia Fei was not about to give him a second chance. He gave the youth a swift kick, which sent the latter flying ten-some meters away, where the youth crumpled on the ground while clenching his stomach and moaning in pain.

Xia Fei used his sleeve to wipe his face, and when he put down his arm, he realized that several dozen fiendish pairs of eyes were staring at him. He hastily turned his head and saw that the rich good-for-nothings from the Adjudicator Union had already been beaten down, and they were all lying on the ground and painfully groaning.

It was clear that the youths of the Monastic Order had taken Xia Fei as one of their enemies.

“You’re an Adjudicator?” angrily asked the stocky youth as he pointed at Xia Fei.

Xia Fei recalled what Thuram had told him. If he caused any big problems, since he was not wearing any sort of identifying badge, he could just push the responsibility onto someone else.

However, before Xia Fei could make up a lie, someone in the crowd shouted, “You don’t have to ask! Of course they’re all together!”

The several dozen youths immediately charged forward. Xia Fei felt rather indignant. This matter had nothing to do with him, but he was now being attacked from all sides. Anyone else in the situation would be unhappy.

‘It’s true that I’m part of the Adjudicator, but I’m just an insignificant librarian there. When did the affairs of the union become my responsibility?’ Xia Fei inwardly grumbled.

With his greater martial prowess, Xia Fei dealt with the ceaseless attacks while trying to explain what was going on. Alas, these youths were red in the eyes from anger, so why would they listen to him?

Those little scoundrels from the Adjudicator Union lying sprawled on the ground saw Xia Fei singlehandedly deal with the Monastic Order and grew excited. Taking Xia Fei as their savior, they struggled to their feet and began cheering for Xia Fei.

This made it seem even more like Xia Fei was with them, which vexed him to no end.

The Monastics were enraged, believing that Xia Fei was not being genuine. He just watched as his brothers got beaten up and then tried to explain himself. Thus, they intensified their offensive, using every attack at their disposal.

Xia Fei had never had a good temper, and after a few rounds, he was truly angry. Since these fellows would not listen to reason, he would just end them!

“Screw you all! Get on your knees!” Xia Fei suddenly changed tact, going from pure defense to a swift and fierce offensive.


Xia Fei accelerated and vanished from sight.

By the time these young Monastics reacted, they had already been struck!

*Crack!* *Boom!*

In the blink of an eye, the twenty-some Monastics all dropped to the ground, holding their shoulders in pain. Xia Fei had used a knife to stab each of them once in the shoulder, taking all of them down in one go!

“Great job!”

“Which department of the union do you belong to? I’ll have my father richly reward you!”

“Have you thought about joining the Arbitration department? I’ll have my dad put in a word! I can guarantee that you’ll get in!”

These rich good-for-nothings, who had received sound quite the beating, all regained their vigor, putting to use the lessons they had learned in life and beating down their downed enemies. Some mounted their enemies and punched them more; others even took out knives and stabbed their foes in the butt, with a short and scrawny youth even urinating on the stocky youth.

Xia Fei truly wanted to just disappear into the earth. After all, these youths all wore badges of the Adjudicator Union. This was the first time Xia Fei had felt ashamed to be in the Adjudicator Union, being grouped with trash like this.

Looking more closely at them, he realized that the lowest of these youths had bronze badges, and there were even a few silver badges in their ranks. Xia Fei himself only got an iron badge and was merely a cadet Adjudicator, making him lower ranked than all of them.

‘How the hell does this world work? A bunch of lazy good-for-nothings can be silver Adjudicators? With this level of cultivation? Just mentioning it will make anyone blush with shame!’ Xia Fei sullenly complained to himself.

The rich Adjudicator good-for-nothings used very shameful methods to take revenge, then they gathered around Xia Fei and began chatting him up, calling him their brother. Their faces were not red at all; the thickness of their skin was truly praiseworthy.

Xia Fei sighed, but just when he was about to keep his distance from this useless bunch, a large group of people charged to the scene.

They wore identical pseudo-classical fighting uniforms and held various weapons. The leader was a big man with a yellow face. Sweeping his gaze around the crowd, he roared, “Very good! Daring to cause trouble at The Brotherhood’s carnival? Arrest them all!”


Xia Fei was once more sitting in a jail cell, but unlike his past experiences, he was innocent this time, at least far more innocent than at any other time before.

What sort of world was this where one got jailed just for watching other people fight?

“It seems that it’s been several months since you’ve last been jailed. From a probability perspective, it’s about time you went back inside for a while.” Phantom counted with his fingers as he spoke.

Xia Fei rolled his eyes. “You’re not actually saying that it’s just my fate to sit in a cell, are you?”

Phantom sternly nodded. “I don’t want to believe it, either, but that’s reality. I advise that you accept it. In any case, it’s not a big deal, just sitting around in a jail cell every once in a while.”

Xia Fei was speechless. If Phantom was not a spirit, he really would have given him a good kick or two.

Lighting a cigarette, Xia Fei sullenly sat in a corner of the cell with a helpless look on his face. Meanwhile, the young Adjudicator good-for-nothings did not seem to care much. They grouped together and excitedly talked about the fight earlier, spittle flying from their mouths. It was as if they had personally taken care of the Monastics, completely forgetting that they had all been knocked to the ground and begged for their lives like dogs then.

“Big bro Xia Fei, you don’t need to worry. Even if they arrest us, they have to let us out. We’ll make them regret this for the rest of their lives! Daring to anger me? Those guys must be tired of living!”

After a short introduction, Xia Fei could be considered to have acquainted himself with this group of youths. This one had the nickname of Bean and was no more than sixteen years old. His height did not reach Xia Fei’s waist and his phoenix eyes glimmered with a crafty light. Before the fight, he was the one who yelled the loudest, but once the fighting began, he was the first to run.

If not for Xia Fei beating up those Monastics, causing Bean to run back and try to beat down the defeated enemies, he would not even end up in jail.

“To not even ask who my dad is? Just watch! I’ll have these guys begging for their lives at my feet!” Bean clenched his fists and viciously said.

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