Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 311: A Cruiser with the Most Explosive Firepower

Chapter 311: A Cruiser with the Most Explosive Firepower

Life was like that. Xia Fei was seen as no more than a pauper without becoming an A-list supplier for the military; at best, he was someone who could play a bit of the Galaxy Piano.

However, after General Tai announced that Xia Fei had the qualifications to become an A-list supplier of the military, everyone’s attitude toward Xia Fei did a one-eighty. With Nucleus Mining folding, Quantum Holdings’ mineral supply had become alarmingly scarce, which would have lost them a large profit. But that no longer mattered, for several large mining corporations in the Alliance immediately sought cooperation with Xia Fei. Not only did they step in to provide his company ores with expediency while also forgoing the deposit, their price was even twenty percent lower than the going rate. It was a level of treatment that was simply unimaginable before.

There were also many businessmen who were eager to make deals with Xia Fei, and their reason was the same: that shiny golden plaque that Xia Fei now owned, with engravings in a large font ‘A-list Supplier of the Pan-human Alliance’s Military’.

As day broke, this extremely luxurious banquet came to an end.

Xia Fei had one hand holding onto the railing, leaning as he admired the view beyond, a single Hongtashan between his lips.

“Congratulations.” Avril’s father Newman came walking over. From his steely expression, it seemed that this was not exactly what he was feeling inside.

Xia Fei nodded, not saying a word. There would always be a gulf between him and the whole family due to his hand at Barty’s death. None could be happy over what had happened, and it was only for Avril’s sake that no one had outright mentioned it.

“Looks like you didn’t really enjoy this banquet,” Newman said.

Xia Fei smiled, expressing himself frankly. “I did not, but I will learn to accept it.”

Newman looked far and watched Avril, who was sending the distinguished guests off. She was wearing a sweet smile on her face, most likely the happiest person last night.

Sighing, Newman extended a hand to Xia Fei. “I welcome you to the most decadent circle in the whole Alliance.”

Xia Fei was slightly surprised. He reciprocated by extending his own and shaking their clasped hands. The two did not have anything more to say to each other, but both men knew that they could no longer ignore the other’s existence, and it was all for Avril’s sake.


Gaia Industries. One of the four major warship manufacturing companies in the Pan-human Alliance.

Nicole Sawyer sat in her office, eyeing the clock on her desk. It was 8:58 in the morning, Venal timezone, yet Xia Fei’s call had yet to arrive.

Frowning, Nicole pushed a button and connected to her secretary outside.

“What time is it?” Nicole asked.


“8:58. Charwoman, do you have something on? This is already the third time you’re calling me to ask for the time. Is the clock on your desk spoiled?” asked her secretary curiously. There were many ways to get the time, be it via the communicator or with a clock; even the microcomputer would have the time displayed.

Actually, all the equipment was directly connected to a standard atomic clock, only going by a second off every million years. The secretary simply could not fathom why Nicole would still be asking him the time despite the various ways to find out herself.

“Yeah, no worries. You may get back to what you’re doing.”

Ending the call, Nicole had both her hands placed under her chin, looking out the window as she wondered to herself, ‘Is he actually not coming?

‘That’s impossible. That’s a heavy assault cruiser; why would he have any reason to reject it?

‘Could Avril have said something to him?

‘Maybe he doesn’t trust me?’

No matter what wild thoughts Nicole was contemplating over, the person whom she was hoping to appear did not show up. Turning on her computer, Nicole got ready to begin work for the day as she silently told herself that life must go on and that she should not be discouraged by this little matter.

That was when the communicator on her desk rang. Nicole was first startled by it before grabbing it with gusto.

“Nicole Sawyer.”

Only after hearing her name did the video image of Xia Fei appear. Nicole realized that she had made quite the gaffe by picking up the call in such a hurry.

Xia Fei smiled. “Morning, Miss Nicole.”

Nicole raised her eyebrow, forcing herself to be calm as she said evenly, “Sorry, it’s already nine. It’s already too late for you to call now.”

Xia Fei replied, “I’m never late. Please take a closer look at your clock.”

Nicole looked at the time on her clock and saw numbers jumping. It was nine in the morning, on the dot.

“Of course, I’m not of the habit of being early, either,” Xia Fei said, smiling.


“Where are we going?” Xia Fei was seated in a Gaian Tristan-class frigate, and beside him was the lady he met with last night.

“Why are you asking so many questions? Besides, it’s not like I’m selling you off.” Nicole’s eyes ran over Xia Fei as she added, “Plus, you aren’t really worth much when sold.”

Xia Fei was speechless.The smartest thing to do when a woman was being unruly was to remain quiet, so Xia Fei continued to stare out the window, not speaking to her anymore.

As such, Nicole only felt that it was too quiet, and the empty ship was giving a sort of suppressive vibe.


“Do you want to know what the heavy assault cruiser I mentioned looks like?” Nicole asked.

Xia Fei lit a cigarette. Nicole actually hated the scent of cigarettes, but for some reason, she tolerated that smelly tobacco and pretended not to be bothered by it.

“It couldn’t be more powerful than this warship, could it? On the surface, it looks like any other Tristan-class frigate, but this ship isn’t anything simple. I believe that it’s the legendary Comet-class,” Xia Fei said.

Nicole nodded. “To think you’d have quite a good understanding of warships. That’s right; this ship is actually a Comet-class, specially manufactured for the Alliance’s elite Tristan-class special force fleets, the Alligators. Every of them costs well over 900 million star coins, and that is just the price of this one ship. If we also include the equipment, I’m afraid that the number will go up close to two billion star coins.”

Xia Fei could not help but be flabbergasted. The Comet-class frigate boasted both powerful combat strength and defensive capabilities. He had only read about it in books, and this was the first time he had heard of a frigate costing 900 million star coins, which was enough to buy a battleship several times stronger. This ship was essentially carved out of solid gold.

“What a pity that such a powerful ship is no longer in production,” Xia Fei said regretfully.

Nicole mysteriously laughed. “Do you know why these top-notch warships ceased production?”


“I’m not telling you.” Nicole strolled over to the coffee machine and brought over two cups of coffee. “You’ll understand once you see that heavy-assault cruiser I’ve mentioned before.”

The frigate arrived on a planet which was teeming with life. Xia Fei followed Nicole off the frigate and looked around, puzzled. They were in the midst of a grove of ancient trees, with birds and the fragrance of flowers all around them. There was a mountain, which reached into the clouds, a distance away. It was completely covered in snow, with several mountain eagles flying above, searching for a meal. This looked to be a great tourist destination, but Xia Fei had no idea why would Nicole bring him into such a place.

There was a small airfield in this forest, seemingly able to contain no more than several dozens of frigates or six cruisers. This was exactly where their Comet-class frigate got parked.

The staff carried two chairs over, even setting up a parasol between, with fruits and little cakes neatly set on a table. Nicole sat down as she crossed her leg in a figure of four. “Let’s take a seat first.”

“Miss Nicole, where is this heavy assault cruiser you told me about?” Xia Fei asked.

“There’s no rush. Accompany me for tea first.” Nicole took a teacup to her lips as she said this. The red tea inside was steaming, so she lightly blew on it and took a sip.

Xia Fei had no choice but to play along. Sitting down with Nicole, his eyes subconsciously went over the scars on her wrist. Nicole had very casual makeup on her face, and the high heels and cumbersome maxi dress were gone; all in all, she was wearing less elaborate getup today.

“Actually, you can get laser surgery to completely cover up those sorts of scars,” Xia Fei said softly.

Nicole’s expression changed. Her fingers subconsciously fingered her scars for a while before saying, “I know, but I want to keep them. There are some things that I don’t ever want to forget my whole life, and they serve as a reminder even after a long time has passed.”

Xia Fei smiled. “The real scars are more suitable to be buried in your heart, not anywhere else.”

Nicole froze abruptly, her eyes turning glossy before she nodded lightly, silent.

After some time, a spacecraft elevator from beneath a landing apron opened, then an army-green warship was slowly raised from below.

Xia Fei tossed the cigarette butt in hand and walked over to the ship in a daze.

“This is amazing. This ship’s too spectacular! High-precision tritanium alloy as its hull, possessing an enhanced neutron cannon blaster with an anti-warp disruptor. Oh, heavens! This isn’t just a ship; it’s a good-to-honest killing weapon.” Xia Fei was beside himself with excitement. “I dare to bet that even a battleship, a ship two grades above a frigate, may not be its match. I’ve never seen such a pure gunship.”

Nicole set her teacup down, evidently delighted with herself as she walked to Xia Fei. “So was the wait worth it?”

Xia Fei nodded deeply. “Very much so. Is this the heavy-assault cruiser you mentioned?”

Nicole giggled. “Look at how excited you got. If a single heavy-assault cruiser already got you so animated, won’t you just faint with giddiness if you see the latest model, the Ishtar-class?”

Xia Fei did not ask about this other heavy assault cruiser that Nicole mentioned. He was touching the sturdy hull of the ship right in front of his eyes, thrilled. “What’s it called?”

“Gaia Company, the standard Deimos-class heavy-assault cruiser,” Nicole said. Xia Fei was very enthusiastic about his company products, and the same could be said of Nicole. She was very happy as well—something that genuinely came from the bottom of her heart.

“Deimos-class heavy-assault cruiser.” Xia Fei asked, “Why have I never read any information about such a warship? Could this be the new model that you’re discussing with Thuram about?”

Nicole laughed. “Oh, no. Uncle Thuram will be getting a different heavy-assault cruiser, which is that Ishtar-class I’ve just mentioned. The Deimos-class is a pure gunship, while the Ishtar-class heavy-assault cruiser is a drone-assault warship. The two fight differently, and I think a professional like you will completely understand what I mean after taking a look around the ship once.”

Xia Fei nodded, eagerly boarding the ship. Nicole did not follow Xia Fei, choosing instead to continue drinking her tea under the sun, tasting the delicious little treats.

She lifted her bracelet, lightly brushing her fingers across her scars over and over as she muttered to herself, “Do I really have to leave you?”


It was more than an hour later when Xia Fei finally got off the Deimos-class heavy-assault cruiser. He took a cup of tea, drank it in one go, and used his sleeve to clean the corners of his lips before he sat down on the chair and let out a long sigh.

“You missed a spot.” Nicole took out a silk handkerchief from her breast pocket and handed it toward Xia Fei.


Xia Fei laughed heartily and used his sleeves to clean his mouth again. “Better?”

Nicole was a little disappointed, nodding her head as she dropped the handkerchief on the table.

Xia Fei continued. “I gave this Deimos-class heavy-assault cruiser a very thorough examination; this is a very impressive ship.”

Nicole sighed. “If only it’s as good as you claimed. The military refused to buy this ship, which was why we had to redesign a different heavy-assault cruiser for them.”

Xia Fei nodded. “I’m not at all surprised. The design of this ship is so outstanding that its fate is already sealed from the get-go.

“If I’m not mistaken, this ship should have a firepower rating well over 600 points, right?” Xia Fei probed.

Nicole nodded. “That’s right. It has a firepower rating at 640 points, and if modified more, this number can be pushed even further.”

Xia Fei laughed. “Taking the Alliance ship size grade into account, with the frigates being the smallest, it’s the destroyer, cruiser, battlecruiser, battleship, capital ship, and the supercapital ship. The Deimos ought to be around a third-grade, cruiser if we go by the size of the ship. The standard cruiser’s firepower won’t be rated over 250 points though, and even a battlecruiser won’t be rated higher than 500 point, but the firepower of this ship actually achieved the shocking 640 points rating; that’s a battleship-grade firepower.”

“The person who designed this ship must have been insane. In order to raise its firepower, he abandoned all long-range combat capabilities, installing something as insanely powerful like the enhanced neutron blasters. That’s why the Deimos-class heavy assault cruiser only has a single way to do battle, and that’s to charge straight into the midst of the enemy and recklessly take the battle to them, using its tremendous firepower to bombard the enemy into smithereens.”

Nico furrowed her brows. “Actually, the Deimos-class also has its own drone bay, able to send out drones to engage in long-range combat.”

Xia Fei chuckled. “Miss Nicole, you’ve got to be kidding me. Its firepower system dominates a large chunk of space in this ship, and the drone bay you speak of can only send ten light-combat drones at best; what can they take down with such meager firepower? Even a normal frigate won’t be troubled by it.”

Nicole was speechless. The strength of ten light-combat drones was absolutely paltry, unable to cause any harm to anyone. That was why the long-range capabilities of the Deimos-class heavy-assault cruiser was as good as nonexistent.

“An organization like the military won’t allow such a sacrificial warship to be part of their fleet; the pilot of this ship will be required to have the determination to die, rushing right into the enemy lines to fight recklessly, which is completely incongruent with the uniform combat-style that the Alliance Military emphasizes on; hence, they rejected to include this Deimos,” Xia Fei said.

Nicole explained, “That’s what General Tai said as well. He said that the Deimos-class is more suited for those with a deathwish, and a firepower-focused warship, which seeks only to attack, won’t be suitable for the military.”

Xia Fei commented, “Tai’s correct; this warship isn’t suited for the military, but it’s perfect for me.”

Nina frowned. “Why is that?”

“Because it’s crazy, enough,” replied Xia Fei, beside himself with excitement.

Nicole tittered, throwing a furtive glance to her assistant. Very soon, another heavy-assault cruiser appeared from underground.

“What if I let you choose between the two?”


Xia Fei was very elated today. The heavy-assault cruiser was a warship that had not been formally incorporated into the military, and it was an Alliance-level secret. Today, not only did he get to see such a ship first-hand, he actually managed to see two of them.”

“What are your thoughts on this Ishtar-class, comparing it to the Deimos-class heavy-assault cruiser?” Nicole asked.

Xia Fei mulled over his answer for a while. “The two ships engage in battle differently; Deimos rely on its powerful blasters to take on the enemy at close range, while Ishtar is more of an all-rounder. It’s able to release fifty heavy combat drones, shredding the enemy into scrap like ants overwhelming the bigger foe. In conclusion, Ishtar focuses on guile, while Deimos is a lot more vicious.”

“Which would you choose between the two?”

“The Deimos-class,” Xia Fei said without a moment’s hesitation.


Nicole was skeptical. “You’ve already said that the Ishtar-class is more of an all-rounder, possessing plenty of means to take on the enemy. Furthermore, it is guileful, so why would you still choose the Deimos-class heavy-assault cruiser despite it being limited to just a single style of fighting?”

Xia Fei answered, “Because of its firepower.”

“Firepower? Is the Ishtar-class not enough on that front?”

“No, it’s enough. As a cruiser, being able to have a firepower that goes beyond that of a battlecruiser is good, but the Deimos-class has an even greater firepower, comparable to that which a battleship has.”

Nicole helplessly shook her head

“And here I was thinking that you’re a smart man; to think you’re just so-so. The Deimos-class has a tremendous firepower, but that strength will first require it to get in front of the enemy. After all, the range of those enhanced neutron blasters fitted on the warship have a very short range. What would you do if you were to come across an enemy that you couldn’t get near? Wouldn’t you end up becoming passively beaten up?”

Xia Fei did not answer Nicole’s question. He simply lit a cigarette.”Seven blasters might be pushing it, but it could easily fit in six blasters. If I were to tweak the weapons system and upgrade it accordingly, its firepower might even break 800 points.”


Xia Fei interrupted Nicole. “There’s no buts. That’s an 800-firepower rating we’re talking about. The standard firepower rating calculation is done with geometrical algorithms. Though it will have more than three times the firepower a normal cruiser possesses on paper, its actual attack effect it can achieve at least twelve times of that. Even the stronger battleship will have trouble reaching such numbers, so why would I forgo such a heaven-defying firepower and seek to be more guileful?”

Nicole shook her head.”What about the fact that it can’t do anything other than recklessly put its life on the line to fight?”

Xia Fei smiled in response. “I already have a very shameless warship in my Vampire, so a ship which possesses outrageous damage output is far more attractive to me. Though I’m someone who more often fights unconventionally than not, I’m able to put my life on the line and go for broke when backes into a corner.”

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