Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1529 - 1529 Flattening Planet 4 and Shocking God Metropolis!

1529 Flattening Planet 4 and Shocking God Metropolis!

The reason why the sapient beasts regarded every other living thing with disdain, was not just because of their physical strength but also their increase in intelligence. They were not just some brainless exotic beasts anymore, but true beast kings, existences that stood atop the beast kingdom’s food chain!

Over twenty of these sapient beasts immediately transformed into their massive beasts forms when they saw Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan come charging down from the mountain peak with a vengeance, even very tacitly getting into formation, ready to explode at any time and assault the two humans.

Each and every gigantic figure appeared from out of nowhere at the waist of the mountain, their sharp fangs and claws exuding a terrifying light.

There was a big bear that stood well over a hundred meters tall, with long shaggy fur that flowed in the wind. His eyes exuded a killing intent that made him look like a troll.

Similarly, there was a golden leopard that was also over a hundred meters tall. Even his eyes were golden, and his entire body was pressed to the ground, the muscles across his body taut, ready to pounce and kill at any moment.

“They are just two humans, what’s so scary about them!?”

“Charge! Kill them!”

“Skin the humans!”

The sapient beasts all hollered, making for a very strange scene. This was a pack of beasts that were speaking a human language, and there were even some that did not transform to their beast forms, remaining in their humanoid form, holding weapons in their hands.

The first came charging in was that big red-furred bear. His entire body was muscled, and he was immensely strong. His claws were like scimitars, the sunlight glimmering as it shone off them.

Facing Xia Fan, who was closing in quickly, the red bear swept its front paws out, slamming them down hard. His sharp claws made the wind whistle as they cut through the air, ending with a terrifying explosion.


The strength of the bear was truly extraordinary. Though he did not manage to hit Xia Fan, he was able to turn several hundred tons of boulders to dust, instantly making the land tremble like an earthquake. The entire mountain swayed, sending countless loose rocks and gravel flying.

“Careful! He’s behind you!” a beast king yelled.

That was when the giant bear realized how wide the gap between him and Xia Fan was, and how frightening Speedsters were. One would assume they had struck them, but in the end, all they struck was empty air. In actuality, the Speedsters had already unknowingly circled to their backs!

The bear could feel his heart race, and a cold chill ran up his spine.

Xia Fan let out a bellow and tensed his legs. He leapt up a hundred meters into the sky. His left arm swelled with power, and a knife suddenly appeared in his hand like magic. Its keen edge instantly tore through the air, and like a dazzling aurora, it sliced across the bear’s neck in an instant.


The bear’s large head dropped down his shoulders as fresh blood shot forth at such velocity that it created a mist of blood.

The one cut was so clean, quick, and ruthless that it made all the watching beasts gasp. The giant bear was one of the most outstanding in terms of strength among them; to think he could not even last a round against Xia Fan! In less than a second, the head of the bear had dropped to the ground.

What an incredible show of prowess!

At that moment, Traveling Buddha had also arrived in front of Xia Fan, and the amazing duo began the fight in their most familiar style.


Traveling Buddha’s entire body was covered in a glaring gold light, an indestructible layer of gold. It was tougher than any armor, like he was a golden tank, moving ever onward. No matter what technique his enemies used, Traveling Buddha would just kill them with the power of the Killer Buddha, crushing them alive.

Meanwhile, Xia Fan turned into a god of death, moving at his top speed, circling around Traveling Buddha. He searched for any chance to strike fatal blows, or to circle around to their flanks and deal a stab to the backs of any beasts Traveling Buddha confronted.

Blood quickly dyed the mountain peak red. The scariest thing about the combination of Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan was how seamlessly they worked together, which was practically impeccable.

In terms of toughness, was there anything tougher than the Holy Buddha Clan?

In terms of speed and nimbleness, who could be faster or more nimble than the Fiendish Blade Skywings?

In terms of their auras, Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha were basically two combat madmen!

“This Little Buddha shall kill you all!” Traveling Buddha roared fiercely, as if he was truly a Buddha that had descended upon the mortal realm.

Any and every attack that struck Traveling Buddha was ineffective. The lad was like a diamond, virtually indestructible! No matter what attacks came his way, Traveling Buddha would always fight back harder!

Xia Fan looked calm and collected, pacing around Traveling Buddha. With Traveling Buddha acting as his meat shield, drawing away all the aggro and firepower, Xia Fan’s work was simply too easy. All he needed to do was find the perfect opportunity and charge in at a speed of over four thousand meters a second, ending the lives of his targets in one lunge.



In a blink of an eye, a fierce assault rained down from Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan. They were like flowing mercury, possessing both hardness and softness. This combination of strength and flexibility was unprecedented, and the group of beast kings had no way of fighting back.

Now that Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan were both utilizing Law Power, their combat strength had elevated greatly. They were definitely not a force that these average sapient beasts could resist!

As the final king beast collapsed in their own blood, the entire planet was absolutely silent. Xia Fan used his knife to cleave open a beast king’s head and pulled out the still bloody beast crystal there.

“They really do have beast crystals!” Xia Fan said to Traveling Buddha, smiling brightly.

Traveling Buddha was elated. The two promptly continued to cut open the skulls of the beast kings, searching for their energy crystals. These crystals were not for their use, but were being used to enhance the two daggers that Xia Fan had forged, helping them gather more frightening power within.

“They slew them all?!”

“What the heck, just what is the background of those two men? Aren’t they being too savage and ruthless?”

The warriors onboard the stealthed frigate hailing from the Four Great Clans were all staring, flabbergasted, stiff expressions on their faces.

They had thought they would get to witness a bloody battle, but what they saw was a massacre. Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan struck without mercy, and mowed down over twenty king beasts in the span of a minute or two. After they were done killing them, the two acted as if nothing unusual had happened and began splitting the heads of the beasts open, looking for crystals…

The recording of the fight was very quickly sent back to headquarters, and it promptly sent shockwaves all around!

The entirety of God Metropolis was sent into an upheaval!

Planet 4 was originally designated as the territory of these king beasts, and even the Four Great Clans did not dare set foot on it.

But now?

The mysterious crystals growing on Planet 4 had been stolen by Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha, while those beast kings had been heartlessly slaughtered by the two madmen. Corpses were strewn everywhere, and the blood from the scene flowed as freely as a river. It was a gruesome sight that many would tremble upon seeing, frightened out of their minds.

The combination duo of Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha was no different from two gods descending upon the world!

Traveling Buddha was indestructible, rampaging recklessly, capable of fending off any attack that he encountered!

Xia Fan had an average speed above four thousand meters per second, but could break past eight thousand at his top speed, very much near the major threshold of ten thousand meters per second!

Just what did that mean?

Speedsters were considered Heavenly Venerates upon reaching Star Domain rank, and a speed of nine thousand meters meant he had almost reached Star River rank!

If Xia Fan were to imbue himself with the Immortality WIne, then he could display the terrifying Star River rank. A speed at that rank and beyond was practically godlike!

Planet 4’s defenders were eradicated by the hands of Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha. The news was like a clap of thunder that penetrated through nine heavens, shocking God Metropolis thoroughly!

Through video analysis, people could very easily determine that Traveling Buddha had already reached Legendary rank, while Xia Fan was close to Star River rank.

In truth, their rank was not the most crucial factor here. What really mattered was their special abilities. Were Speed and Battle Buddha’s Golden Light considered ordinary special abilities?

No! Definitely not!

The two young men possessed special abilities that were one in a million, demonstrating the apex of violence! It was simply far too frightening!

“Have you heard? There’s a Speedster whose rank is close to Star River rank!”

“Seriously? So fierce? A Speedster that attains Star River Rank would be no different from a deity descending!”

“Then there’s also a descendant of the Holy Buddha Clan who has reached Legendary rank!”

“That’s simply unbelievable. How did these two powerful warriors appear out of nowhere overnight?!”

“Yes, and it seems those two are partners.”

“Partners? Please don’t scare me like that. A Legendary Holy Buddha with a Speedster partnering up together? That’s some crazy tempo!”

“They ARE already crazy! Those two practically flattened Planet 4!”

All of a sudden, the rumors spread rampantly. The entire God Metropolis was spreading the crazy deeds of Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan all over, and even three-year-old children were made aware of this apex duo, the Legendary rank Holy Buddha and the Star River Speedster, who had flattened Planet 4 overnight!

With the identity of Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha exposed, everyone soon came to understand that these two ferocious figures were the underlings of the local tyrant’s silly son.

“M*th*rf*ck*r! Just how did these two powerful people end up with Dragon Dou?”

The various leaders from the Great Clans were all sighing, stunned. Never did the expect that the two brutes that could fight Hidden Wind to a stalemate and flatten Planet 4 would actually be underlings of Dragon Du?

Upon hearing this news, everyone was dumbfounded. Even the people from the Dragon Clan were uncertain just who Dragon Dou was. It could not be helped, as the foolish son of the local tyrant was simply too much of a loser that no one usually bothered to pay any attention to, and they had completely forgotten about his existence in the process.

Despite that, this wastrel of theirs had actually come into possession of two of the most popular and powerful war gods right now! So many people were envious of him. Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha’s combat strength was definitely at the point where they could stand shoulder to shoulder with the elders of the Four Great Clans! They were right on the cusp of catching up to those old monsters that never revealed their faces to the public!

Plus, Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha’s combat strength had more than doubled in a very short time. That meant they possessed great potential! Countless people of the upper echelon hated themselves for not discovering the two monsters in advance. Had they been notified of their existences earlier, they would have been willing to poach them even at an astronomical price.

But it was already too late to do anything like that now. Dragon Dou’s residence was already full of people, and even the elders of the Dragon Clan personally came forth for a visit.

Given the turn of events, the foolish child of the local tyrant was beside himself with happiness. His bloodline had been considered useless for many generations; Dragon Dou’s father, and his father’s father were all the most useless individuals in the clan. Now that he was suddenly receiving so much attention from the clan, he was momentarily the hottest individual across all Four Great Clans!

Xia Fan never imagined that Traveling Buddha and him would become famous, and that even extended into the circle of the sapient beasts. Without even realizing what had happened, the two had flattened the Heavenly King Mountain, while the video of Xia Fan challenging Hidden Wind had also been obtained by the sapient beasts.

There was a saying that went: the fox would be sad when rabbits were killed. After the beast kings of Planets 4 were eradicated, the inhabitants of Planets 1, 2 and 3 reacted accordingly!

“These two humans are dangerous. We need to hide as far away from them as possible,” many of the beast kings instructed their underlings.

Right now, the sapient beasts were on the rise. They had only obtained their humanoid forms not too long ago, and while they were able to come to fight to a draw against the Four Great Clans, it was not a stable equilibrium. Many beast kings were worried that with the appearance of Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan, the Four Great Clans would have their confidence bolstered and renew their war against the beasts.

“Hmph! If those two dare come to us at Planet 2, then I’ll personally send them to their graves!”

There were also beast kings who were threatened by Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha, and gave a kill order toward them.

In any case, Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha secretly running off to Planet 4 had ended up with the massacre of the sapient beasts there and started an uproar in God Metropolis. People uninvolved said all kinds of things about their feat, with people blaming the two for breaking the peace between the beasts and humans, while there were those who cheered them on. However, the leaders of both sides had not said a word about the deed yet, and were silently watching the situation unfold.

There was no way for the two of them to remain in Dragon Dou’s home any longer. They were annoyed at having to deal with the invitations to parties all day and being bothered by mundane affairs. Neither of them had expected their actions to cause such a huge disturbance.

It just so happened at that time that Hidden Wind sent an invite over, calling Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha over to his training grounds to spar a little, and so study their Law Powers.

Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha considered the offer. It was not a bad idea for them to hide over at Hidden Wind’s place for a bit, so they packed up their bags and moved there.

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