Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1522 - 1522 A Powerful Impact; Shocking the Hidden Clan!

1522 A Powerful Impact; Shocking the Hidden Clan!

The Skywing Clan had all sorts of strange people, but not one of them was the sort who would admit defeat.

As his seventh brain region opened up and Xia Fan was granted the power of speed, the Skywing’s blood hidden in his body had also gradually returned. Against an opponent as powerful as Hidden Wind, Xia Fan had no wish to admit defeat. Instead, he became even more crazy, injecting Immortality Wine straight into his body without any hesitation whatsoever!


The blood of Yggdragon, surging with energy, instantly activated a mysterious element in Xia Fan’s body that allowed his speed to burst forth, now twelve times the speed of sound, his speed breaking past 4000 m/s!



Hidden Wind drew out two more semi-circles with his hands, none other than his signature move, Wind’s Arclight! The speed of sound was incomparable, allowing him to instantly dish out an attack that was comparable to lightning!

Still, the expression of Hidden Wind’s face at this time was no longer relaxed. His pupils had contracted as if he was facing a powerful foe. After all, this was a speed of 4000 m/s! Xia Fan was practically a bolt of lightning, turning with sharp arcs while utilizing his extraordinary body, long nurtured by energy crystals of the highest grade. After he dodged, he closed in on Hidden Wind once more.

“What powerful speed! How refreshing!” Hidden Wind exhorted, his eyes shining. His hands were a blur, like two dragons swimming in the air, drawing circle after circle.

In a flash, a gale began to circulate around them, forming into a huge tornado that enveloped thousands of square meters of verdant fields, wrapping all the grass and trees. Even the boulders up in the hills and mountains were caught up in the gust as it became a force of destruction!

The very land rumbled and trembled, like there was a crazed demon attempting to break through the ground. The sound was deafening, capable of sweeping away armies that numbered in the thousands. Hills after mountains were leveled in a blink of an eye, as the entire world around them was promptly transformed beyond recognition!

Hidden Water was dumbfounded. Was there a need for her grandfather to use such shocking power just to deal with Xia Fan?

Even Traveling Buddha was flabbergasted. Had Hidden Wind used this frighteningly powerful attack against him from the start, he might have had a difficult time surviving, even if he had Battle Buddha’s Golden Light protecting himself. After all, this kind of power had already reached the level of annihilation! As the strong winds continued to accelerate and rotate, the resulting damage turned everything, even mountains that were several hundred meters tall, into powder in an instant!

The moment the Wind special ability reached the level of Law, its strength became absolutely stunning!

The endlessly rotating winds moving at high speeds were several times more powerful than Hidden Wind’s wind blades or wind walls. After all, this was wind, and right now, when directed to rotate at such astonishing speeds, the vortex only intensified the gravitational winds constantly! If Hidden Wind did not stop, there was a very high chance that an area of a hundred mile radius would be stripped barren!

But what shocked Traveling Buddha even more was Xia Fan’s performance!

To think Xia Fan was actually becoming stronger and stronger! He was just like a flexible bamboo, pliant yet tenacious. Hidden Wind kept up with his relentless assault, while Xia Fan retreated. The moment Hidden Wind’s attacks slightly let up, Xia Fan would turn around and charge in right at him. When the enemy advance, retreat, and when they choose to retreat, strike! This was the creed of the Skywings, never giving up even in the face of immense odds, an indomitable spirit that was incisive and vivid!

At this time, even while Hidden Wind was unleashing a power that could wipe out vast swathes of land, he was actually helpless against Xia Fan. That person looked like a wolf who had its prey in its sights, his eyes exploding with a fierce glare, searching for any flaws that he could exploit as he ducked and wove through the strong winds.

‘Beautifully done! Truly you like up to the name of Xia, a son of Xia Fei!’ Pearl was delighted, cheering loudly in Xia Fan’s conscience as a strange brilliance bloomed in her alert eyes.

The reason why the dragons had followed Skywing for all those years, enduring plenty of hardships and fighting in many battles, yet never abandoning them, being one of the most loyal allies of the clan, was all due to their ardent adulation to the Skywing Clan’s wild fighting spirit! As the proud dragon race, there were not many who they would admire, but the moment they were subdued, they demonstrated a loyalty like no others.

Pearl was a daughter of the Frostseal Megadragons, and it was evident she had been similarly influenced. She enjoyed watching Xia Fan when he was being serious, or when he went wild. Every time she saw Xia Fan’s eyes go red, turning into an inexhaustible pest to his enemies, Pearl’s little heart could not help but thump rapidly.

The battle had already entered a fevered pitch, and as the fierce winds became even more powerful, Xia Fan nevertheless did not back down, determined to see this fight through to the end.

A black frigate stealthily approached from the sky. Everyone onboard was scared witless when they saw the terrifying scene, afraid that Hidden Wind would go crazy and strike their warship down. Hidden Wind was definitely capable of performing such a feat,given that he was a person with a high status in the Hidden Clan.

“Oh my god, who is that madman fighting against now?”

“Just what wandering expert could this person be, to force Hidden Wind to unleash such destructive power!”

The people onboard were all astonished after they quickly discovered Xia Fan, his speed so high that he was weaving left and right against the high winds. No matter how terrible the wind was, that person showed no intention of giving in!

“Who is that?’

“Who knows, but I’ve never heard such an expert Speed special ability user existing among the Four Great Clans!”

“Well, let’s not bother with that for now. Quick, record everything that’s happening now. A Speedster versus the old madman! It’s rare to chance upon a fight of this caliber!”

The people onboard were all members of the Hidden Clan. Coincidentally, the clan patriarch of the Hidden Clan was looking for Hidden Wind regarding a certain matter today, otherwise they would not have dared to take a step into Hidden Wind’s training grounds. After all, this old madman had an extremely strange personality. He was someone who dared to stand up against someone like the patriarch when angered, and was seen as the number one madman in the clan.

Hidden Wind was despondent. He knew about the ship drawing closer behind him. Anyone who dared trespass on his training grounds had to be sent from the clan patriarch. He had every intention to end this battle once and for all, but Xia Fan was like a stone that was wedged into a pit, something that refused to budge even an inch as it stubbornly laid there.

Hidden Wind was indignant. This was hateful! Speedsters were too detestable!

Truly, it was the most unreasonable special ability in the entire universe. When they met their match, Xia Fan could just run, and once he was done running, he could still return. The moment a speedster latched onto an enemy, it would simply be the former tormenting the latter alive!

Hidden Wind let out a long sigh as he very unwillingly stopped the violent winds. Xia Fan used the opportunity to close in toward him, until he was just right in front of Hidden Wind, a slight smile on his face.

Hidden Wind looked up to the sky at the frigate and frowned, “The Patriarch is looking for me, it must be because of the recent planet fission matter. I need to head on over.”

Xia Fan smiled and replied, “Then we’ll return to the city.”

Hidden Wind nodded, “Don’t run off. Head to my home and wait for me there. I have something to share with you two.”

With that, Hidden Wind did not wait for the frigate to land and simply extended his arms, stirring up a gust of wind that blew him right up to the clouds. The frigate opened their bay doors and Hidden Wind stepped inside.

“Good day, Great Uncle,” a fair-skinned young man bowed to Hidden Wind. This person was Hidden Spring. By blood relation, calling Hidden Wind his Great Uncle was not excessive.

Hidden Wind nodded slightly, and sat down in the middle of the ship. As the frigate accelerated, blue flames burned from its thrusters, and it disappeared into the horizon.

In no time at all, this frigate landed in the center of a quaint and old-fashioned palace. This was where the Hidden Clan’s Patriarch lived. It covered a vast area but was very unassuming. There were no carved beams or great works of art. The only thing that made the place stand out were the many green plants that grew freely about it.

Hidden Wind stepped into the palace, off to meet the Patriarch. Meanwhile, Hidden Spring went to meet a group of juniors, taking out the video that they had just recorded to show everyone.

“F*ck, has the old madman gotten so powerful already? That’s more than a dozen mountains that were instantly flattened, right?” a young man of the clan gasped in surprise.

Hidden Spring pointed at a small black spot on the screen and said, “This impressive display is all due to this person here. Looking at his age, he ought to be younger than us by quite a bit. To think he could force the old madman to use Turbulent Winds! That’s very remarkable!”

“Which clan is he from?”

“I have no clue, but he shouldn’t be someone from the Four Great Clans.”

“Isn’t he a bit too fast? He’s practically lightspeed!”

“Speedsters become Heavenly Venerates the moment they reach Star Domain rank. We have a Speed Heavenly Venerate here!”

“I wonder if he has a patron. With planet fission becoming faster and faster, the Four Great Clans will have to gather what strength they can muster as soon as possible. It would be great if this person could come over to us, the Hidden Clan!”

Instantly, the video that Hidden Spring had casually recorded caused quite a stir among the people of the Hidden Clan. Everyone was shocked at the unparalleled speed Xia Fan had displayed. After all, speed was the hardest special ability to cultivate and train in this world. Anyone that reached Star Domain rank would be considered a Heavenly Venerate!

The person in the video was far too young, yet he had already become a Heavenly Venerate, plus he was capable of forcing Hidden Wind to such a degree. His future was sure to be terrifying!

“Here, let me transfer my video to all of you. You can investigate the background of this person later,” Hidden Spring stroked his chin after some thought.

“Hey, Brother Spring, you better not send it to the group!”

“I didn’t group send,” Hidden Spring was startled as he hurriedly flicked on the screen and peered at it closely.

Hidden Spring was abruptly dumbfounded. There were two group chats in his communicator. One was a group for all his brothers in Hidden Clan, while the other was the mass group that included many other members from the Four Great Clans. Hidden Spring had accidentally sent the video to the latter!

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