Chapter 1341: Battle on the Heavenly Steps!

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales


Xia Fei descended from the sky, and crashed right into the center of the Hell Brigade!

“Fiend Lock! Burst!” Xia Fei roared! He attached the Fiend Tears that had been pumped with one million units of spirit energy to the Fiend Lock, and in a flash, the hair-thin Lock swelled in size!

Xia Fei swung his arms in a circle, unleashing the Fiend Lock!

Each step of the God’s Eden was one square kilometer in area, an area the Fiend Lock was completely capable of covering!


In a flash of lightning, the Fiend Lock swept around him. At the same time, Xia Fei used his speed that exceeded sixty million meters per second to charge into the ranks of the Hell Brigade. Peacock Blue unfurled, its enormous size immediately pushing several hundred Hell Brigade soldiers into the abyss!

In just a few seconds, Xia Fei had completely cleared the Hell Brigade soldiers that had packed this step! He now stood in the middle of a field of corpses!

Xia Fei planted Peacock Blue into the ground like it was a jade-green celestial saber!

His eyes gleaming with savagery, Xia Fei confronted the innumerable forces of the Hell Brigade and fiercely declared, “Here is where I make my stand! Let’s see who manages to get past me!”He was one man who intended to single-handedly hold off a horde!

Chu Jingfeng and Xu Luanbu were stunned by the sight. So this was Xia Fei’s plan!

The Heavenly Steps leading to God’s Eden were very strange. They could only be ascended in order, jumping from one step to the next.

If you didn’t do that, it didn’t even matter if you could fly. You still wouldn’t be able to get even one step closer to God’s Eden!

At this moment, several Hell Brigade soldiers jumped through the void, attempting to avoid the Heavenly Step that Xia Fei was guarding and come at him from above.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Those guys ended up crashing into the ceiling and swiftly coming back down!

“Fiend Lock! Slash!”

The Fiend Lock swept out as fast as lightning, slicing through the warriors like a laser and cutting them into pieces!

Blood rained down!

Xia Fei was going to hold this Heavenly Step, using his fiendish speed, his numerous powerful weapons, and his seemingly endless energy!

With 1.2 million units of spirit energy, Xia Fei didn’t fear a protracted battle! So long as he wished, he could battle here for an entire year! That was just how absurd such a huge reserve of energy was!

“Roar!” The Hell Brigade understood now. If they wanted to attack God’s Eden, they would have to get past this warrior who was brimming with fiendish energy! Countless foes began to jump onto the step that Xia Fei occupied and attack him!

It was often said that small locations weren’t the best places for one to exhibit one’s speed, but that was only for ordinary speed warriors. Xia Fei didn’t just have speed, but Peacock Blue, Nirvana, and the Fiend Lock, three mighty weapons!

While Nirvana’s attack range was a little lacking, the Fiend Lock and Peacock Blue could sweep the entire area! Such a small space could easily be covered by Xia Fei’s firepower!

There was also Little Goldie and Furball. These two guys were very sinister, forming a duo and targeting only the enemies who were in mid-air!

Going from a lower step to a higher step required a powerful jump, and anyone jumping would be in the air for a while. This opening was when the enemy’s defenses were at their weakest! Furball and Little Goldie were both small guys, so they shot back and forth like bullets! Many of the enemies died to the two before they could even get close to Xia Fei!

Chu Jingfeng and Xu Luanbu were dumbfounded. Xia Fei’s display of power gave them no chance to intervene! The madman and his similarly insane subordinates had put this Heavenly Step under his complete control!

The terrifying Hell Brigade? They died as quickly as they came!

As the minutes and seconds went by, a terrifying scene played out on the battlefield!

The Heavenly Step where Xia Fei was located became a sea of blood and a mountain of corpses!

It was impossible to count the number of enemies Xia Fei had killed. In short, Xia Fei was standing in the middle of utter carnage!

The corpses got in the way, so Xia Fei used Peacock Blue to sweep them off with a crashing boom!

The dismembered corpses and the blood poured into space like a waterfall, dying the entire army below red! Some of these mangled corpses fell right in the middle of the Hell Brigade!

Even the wicked puppets of the Hell Brigade were stunned! They backed away and looked up at the intimidating Xia Fei on the Heavenly Step above!

There was a slight break in the battle. Chu Jingfeng and Xu Luanbu planned to join Xia Fei in battle, but Xia Fei held out a hand and stopped them.

“I don’t need you right now! Protect my retreat path!” Xia Fei said sternly.

This was Xia Fei’s habit, always leaving behind a back-up plan, a way to retreat!

Something strange happened. The Hell Brigade began to retreat, and soon, the area beneath the Heavenly Step was completely empty.

“The enemy might be up to something!” Radix whispered into Xia Fei’s ear.

Xia Fei nodded. Suddenly, the sounds of marching could be heard, and Xia Fei saw an orderly army appear!

Blue! Their bodies were completely blue!

They had the heads and tails of monsters, and translucent bodies that flashed blue!

These were the higher-level existences of the Hell Brigade, the Blueblood puppets!

Unlike the human puppets, the Blueblood puppets were made entirely of Soulgems! Each one was a pure energy vessel!

Xia Fei clenched his fists. Yggdragon King Yangguang had been right when he said that each Blueblood puppets had the combat power of one thousand ordinary warriors! This force could not be underestimated!

There was no signs of stopping. The number of their enemies continued to soar!

Xia Fei’s face turned blue, all because of the light of the Blueblood puppets! The entire Heavenly Step was blue! Their enemy was too numerous, unimaginably numerous!

“Heavens! So many enemies!” Xu Luanbu swallowed his saliva.

No one knew how the dragons had managed to transport this force to Annihilator, but that was no longer important. What was important was that they were facing this million-man army all by themselves!

And it wasn’t just the Blueblood automations! There were also the human automations and the brigade commanders to consider!

As the saying went, two fists found it hard to beat four hands. The Hell Brigade was absurdly large. Could they still hold out against them!?

The Blueblood puppet army was different from the ones before it. They moved with unison and discipline. The first row of warriors suddenly squatted, preparing to jump.

Around five hundred Hell Brigade warriors shot into the air!

And then a second row! A third row! A fourth row!

It was like a cannon barrage! The blue cannonballs were all shot at Xia Fei!

“All of you, die!” Xia Fei bellowed! Peacock Blue, Nirvana, the Fiend Lock, Furball, and Little Goldie threw themselves into the battle!

The fighting method was the same as before, but the enemy had changed. The Blueblood puppets’ Soulgems were very tough, even tougher than armor!

Peacock Blue could sweep the enemy into the abyss, but it couldn’t kill them!

The Nirvana Fiend Blade had to chop twice to kill one!

The Fiend Lock was infused with astronomical amounts of spirit energy, but despite its strength, it wasn’t as overwhelming as before. The number of enemies was simply too great!

With every passing second, thousands of enemies jumped up! With each minute, more than one hundred thousand warriors joined the fray!

Xia Fei was slowly pushed back. While he had formidable speed, his killing power had encountered severe resistance!

Even if he pushed the enemies into the abyss, it wouldn’t be long before they were back!

At the same time, more soldiers gathered below. Xia Fei even suspected that the dragons had ordered the entirety of the Hell Brigade to take God’s Eden!

Xia Fei wasn’t in the worst scenario yet. He had his speed, letting him dodge the enemy attacks. But the pressure on Chu Jingfeng and Xu Luanbu was rising!

They weren’t as agile as Xia Fei, and in the face of the long-range attacks from their foes, they were so suppressed that they couldn’t even counterattack! Some of the enemy even managed to use their numbers to reach the Heavenly Step that the two were guarding!

As time went by, the difficulty of the battle began to far exceed Xia Fei’s calculations!

The enemy was coming in too quickly, so quickly that even Xia Fei, with his astounding speed, was reaching the limits of what he could deal with!

“Break!” Xia Fei used all his power to push a large number of enemies into the abyss!

Frowning, Xia Fei panted for breath, his eyes cold.

Twelve hours. Xia Fei had been holding off the Hell Brigade for more than twelve hours! By now, half of the one thousand Heavenly Steps had been lost, but the number of enemies was still inestimable.

Looking down from the Heavenly Step, he felt like the entirety of space had turned blue!

“Xia Fei! We can’t keep doing this forever!” Chu Jingfeng called out.

Xia Fei said nothing. His brain had already analyzed the combat situation tens of thousands of times, and the conclusion was not good.

“Follow me!” Xia Fei grabbed Furball and Little Goldie, and then he put his arms around Chu Jingfeng and Xu Luanbu and retreated to God’s Eden.

“What are you doing? Weren’t we going to defend the Heavenly Steps!?” Xu Luanbu asked in surprise.

“There’s no hope of victory in continuing to defend. We need to resort to serious measures!” Xia Fei said savagely.

“What are you talking about!?” Chu Jingfeng and Xu Luanbu asked in unison.

Xia Fei had already brought them back to God’s Eden. As they looked back, they saw the Hell Brigade rushing upward like a tsunami. It wouldn’t be long before they arrived. Xia Fei didn’t have much time!

Xia Fei hardened his heart and gave the order, “Destroy the Heavenly Steps!”

“Destroy it!? Then how do we leave!?” Chu Jingfeng asked in shock.

The Heavenly Steps was the only path to God’s Eden. If it was destroyed, the space would collapse. Others wouldn’t be able to get in, but they wouldn’t be able to get out!

Moreover, spatial collapse could easily cause a Lock reaction that would put the entire garden in danger!

“Law of Primal Chaos!”


Xia Fei didn’t give time for Chu Jingfeng to think, immediately using the Law of Primal Chaos!

The Law of Primal Chaos possessed astounding power. After all, it was at maximum rank, and backed by Xia Fei’s astronomical spirit energy reserve!

The Heavenly Step nearest to the garden began to shudder. Xia Fei punched again and again, creating ten-some holes in the step!

Chu Jingfeng and Xu Luanbu were stunned. After all, that was a Heavenly Step, a creation of the Four Great Sky Devils, but Xia Fei was actually managing to destroy it!

For the next step, the Fiend Lock infused with one million units of spirit energy lashed out like a whip of the lightning god!

BOOM! The Heavenly Step shattered! Xia Fei had succeeded!

With a great thunderous din, the nearby stars began to shake!

“It’s over! The space is collapsing!” Chu Jingfeng cried out in shock. Spatial collapse meant universal distortion! In the end, it would become a black hole that devoured everything!

The chain reaction that all of them had hoped wouldn’t happen had still happened!

At that moment, Xia Fei suddenly cried out in shock!

Chu Jingfeng hastily turned around, and he saw that Xia Fei’s Fiend Lock had gone back to normal, and the Fiend Tears had been completely drained of energy, dropping to the floor with a clank.

“Spirit energy! Where’s your spirit energy!?” Chu Jingfeng asked urgently.

Xia Fei’s eyes were as wide as if he had seen a ghost. Pointing at his feet, at God’s Eden, he said, “God’s Eden sucked it all away!”

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