Chapter 1319: Conflict Erupts!

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

He had finally appeared: You Man, the holder of Fire Immemorial Mystical Armament Lux Gloria, Xia Fei’s destined foe!

You Man was tall and bulky. As he debarked from his ship, he looked around. It was like he could sense the signal from the Immemorial Mystical Armament and was searching for Xia Fei.

Xia Fei was in the very back of the crowd and had concealed his Aura with Breath Control, making him very inconspicuous. You Man appeared to be very laid back, so after snorting, he swaggered off to stand at the front of the Destiny Dragoons.

It seemed the Bluebloods were also very afraid of You Man, parting and emptying out a large space around You Man for him to enjoy, and there was even a warrior there to attend to his needs.

“Brutes will be brutes. That person from the Blueblood Royal Man Clan really doesn’t have much etiquette, showing off so much,” a warrior next to Xia Fei grunted coldly.


Xia Fei was taken aback, but then he smiled and asked, “Where does that big Blueblood come from?”

The person glanced at Xia Fei, and after seeing Xia Fei’s harmless face, humble demeanor, and friendly aura, he replied, “That guy is called You Man. He’s the grandson of the Blueblood Race’s Royal Man Clan’s Patriarch. The Royal Man Clan is quite the odd one, still living in an old-fashioned style, even in this era.

“They reside on the distant border like a pack of natives, wearing beast hides, living in caves, eating roast meat, and drinking cheap barley alcohol. But the Blueblood Race seems to have a lot of respect for the Royal Man Clan, as if their ancestors had done something amazing for their race.”

Xia Fei nodded. It seemed like You Man had a lot of status in the Blueblood Race, making him difficult to target.

After a brief pause, the man continued, “When the evaluation starts in a little while, it’s best if you keep your distance from him. That brute doesn’t really care about the rules. Our Holy Light Dragoons and the Destiny Dragoons are the two strongest Annihilator armies, and we both respect each other so as to not hurt the relationship between us. This has been a rule for many years now.

“But that guy is very unreasonable. He might suddenly throw a tantrum and start fighting, but there’s no need to fight with him. If you have the time, it would be more worthwhile to earn points by beating up the Dark Moon Dragoons.”

The man pointed at the group Lone Peak Shen and Turbid Shadow Lin were standing in. His meaning was that they could beat up the Dark Moon Dragons whenever, for that inferior Annihilator force existed to be trampled on so as to show off the power of the Holy Light Dragoons and Destiny Dragoons.

At that moment, the steward of Furnace Citadel, Deng Wen, walked onto the stage and began giving a rousing speech. But those attending had all heard the speech for so many years that they were sick of it.

Xia Fei’s attention was on the screen that suddenly appeared. On it were the scores of the various Annihilator Dragoon champions over the various years.

For many years, starting from the very first session: the Devil Shadow Dragoons! Devil Shadow Dragoons! Devil Shadow Dragoons!

It was all the Devil Shadow Dragoons!

Xia Fei was stunned!

Before the betrayal of the Fiend Race, not a single army had been able to surpass the Devil Shadow Dragoons! They had held first place throughout their tenure!

That was absolute power!

It was no wonder that people always mentioned the strongest tacticians when speaking about the Fiend Race and the Devil Shadow Dragoons. This was hard proof!

When the Devil Shadow Dragoons had still been around, they had taken all the championships! No one had ever been able to match them!


In a flash, Xia Fei felt the blood rushing to his head. As a descendant of the Fiend Race, even if he wasn’t a pure one, he still felt incredible pride and honor!

The Fiend Race and Devil Shadow Dragoons had truly been amazing, monopolizing all the championships!

Alas, after the battle against the massive dragon, the Fiend Race had been thoroughly purged, and their name had ceased to exist in the annals of history.

It was only many years later that the Annihilators reestablished the Devil Shadow Dragoons, but because they were fewer in number, they were ranked dead last. Even the Dark Moon Dragoons were far superior.

As Xia Fei thought about the past, he became a little agitated. Suddenly, he realized that everyone was looking at him for some reason!

Upon closer inspection, he realized that someone had stuck a sign in the ground, and written on it were the words “Devil Shadow Dragoons!”

On the stage, Deng Wen smiled wickedly, turning to Xia Fei and announcing, “Xia Fei, you are the Devil Shadow Dragoon, so why are you with the Holy Light Dragoons? Quickly, quickly, go to your assigned spot.”


The place exploded!

Whether it was the Neophyte Dragoons or the various bigshots spectating the Annihilators, few people knew that the Devil Shadow Dragoons still existed, let alone the name of Xia Fei. Deng Wen’s words left everyone stunned!

It turned out that there was still a Devil Shadow Dragoon among the Annihilators!

Countless eyes turned to Xia Fei, some of loathing, some of disdain, and some of sympathy…

Shane was in a tough spot as he looked at the stage, not expecting Deng Wen to pick Xia Fei out. This essentially made Xia Fei into a public enemy!

His face ashen, Shane took out an orb and covered his mouth with his sleeve as he reported to somebody.

Suddenly, the shocked Shane stood up from his seat.

He watched Xia Fei stride out from the crowd and go alone to that empty spot, his head held high as he faced everyone down.

Kane, who had had his arm broken by Xia Fei a few days ago, made a vengeful gesture at Xia Fei, his face smug.

In truth, there was no need for Kane to do anything. The fact that Xia Fei was a Devil Shadow Dragoon was enough to make everyone spurn him, or even become his enemy. Many people were rubbing their palms, anxious to teach Xia Fei a lesson!

Many ancestors of these Neophyte Dragoons had died in that vicious battle with the enormous dragon, and in that battle, the traitor Fiend Race had been made the primary culprit!

Thus, when these Annihilator scions saw someone carrying the name of the Devil Shadow Dragoons, hatred bloomed in their hearts!

Surprisingly, Xia Fei was very calm, and even felt a little excited!

He scanned the area coldly, and then his eyes turned sharp as he stared at Deng Wen and shouted, “Devil Shadow Dragoon Neophyte Xia Fei, present!”


His explosive voice rang out like a thunderclap. Xia Fei glared at Deng Wen as he proclaimed his existence to all present.

He placed particularly strong emphasis on “present”, and not only was his voice loud, it was bursting with a sort of resistance. In the words of some schemers, it was a challenge!

It was as if Xia Fei was saying, ‘Were you looking for me? I’m right here! Come and get me!’

Why had the Fiend Race been so powerful back then? Because they had been blackhearted, ruthless, and united!

Xia Fei’s words seemed to bring all of them back to the era when the Devil Shadow Dragoons ruled the universe, fully embodying the word ‘ruthless’!

The crowd was in an uproar. After all, who couldn’t tell what Xia Fei was saying? He was challenging everyone!

Everyone grew excited, gossip and slander running rampant through the crowd!

Xia Fei’s eyes remained resolved, not caring what those people thought.

“Chief, are you telling the truth?” Shane frowned once he had finished listening to Zetian’s words. It seemed like Zetian had asked him to do something absurd.

After clarifying Zetian’s intentions, Shane closed the call.

He tied up his clothes, walked down from the stands, and raised a black card up high.

“Look! Someone from the 29th Office!”

“Dark Soul? Why is the secret service taking part in this Dragoon matter?”

“I’m not sure. In any case, nothing good happens when the 29th Place is around.”

“Look, he’s walking toward Xia Fei! Is the 29th Place going to make their move using this Devil Shadow Dragoon!?”

“This is exciting! Dark Soul versus the Devil Shadow Dragoon! They both suck, so the harder they go at each other, the better!”

Shane intentionally walked slowly so that everyone could see the image of the dragon lunging at the flame on the black card he was holding. This was the personal ID card of the 29th Place of the Secret Service! With this card, one could go wherever one wanted in the universe!

Countless people had mischievous smiles on their faces as they waited for the show to start. The appearance of the 29th Place had pushed the mood to a high point!

Once he had reached Xia Fei, Shane chuckled bitterly, “Brother, didn’t you say that you didn’t want to cause a commotion? You were speaking quite boldly just now!”

Xia Fei said nothing. Perhaps it was because of his personality, and perhaps because he had been affected by the glorious past of the Devil Shadow Dragoons. In short, under pressure, Xia Fei had decided to not bow his head down, but to completely explode!

Shane seemed to be showing off, intentionally holding the card in the air for a few seconds, and then he took the ID card representing the Shadow Division and hung it around Xia Fei’s neck.


The area exploded again!

What was going on!? That was saying that the 29th Place was supporting Xia Fei! Xia Fei was part of Dark Soul!

No one dared to believe their eyes! How old was Xia Fei? How many days had he been an Annihilator? He wasn’t even an official Dragoon yet, but he was already in the mysterious organization known as the 29th Place!?

Dark Soul was the most secret squad of the Annihilators, an underworld-like existence! Once you were dragged in, even if you survived, you would end up with your flesh flayed!

“What connections does this Xia Fei guy have? How could he be part of the 29th Place!?”

“I’m not sure, but let’s just observe the situation for now. Nothing good will happen by provoking the Soul of Darkness.”

The voices dwindled away, for the 29th Place was far too infamous. Quite a few people chose to wait and see.

Xia Fei smiled and asked, “Is that really necessary?”

Shane replied firmly, “Of course! You think that this is all your own affair? That Deng Wen clearly knows that you’re a member of Dark Soul, but he still caused trouble for you. Someone had clearly instructed him to do this!

“Starting from now, this isn’t just your war, but a war against the entire 29th Place! In the end, even if our pride isn’t worth anything, that old man behind the 29th Place won’t stand to be humiliated!”

Xia Fei was taken aback. Chu Jingfeng had told Xia Fei long ago that there was some amazing old man standing behind Ze Tian, but not even Chu Jingfeng had been able to find out who.

It seemed now that the rumors were true. Xia Fei was part of Dark Soul, and if someone was conspiring against him, they were conspiring against all of the 29th Place. This was essentially bringing shame on that old man standing behind the 29th Place, so Shane had to wash away that shame!

Shane didn’t return to his seat, instead walking in a slow and eerie manner toward the stage. He stared at Furnace Citadel’s chief steward, Deng Wen, the culprit behind this uproar.

Deng Wen panicked, bowing and nodding quickly to Shane.

Alas, Shane wasn’t falling for it. He went up to the stage and stood less than a meter from Deng Wen, whose face was now green and covered in sweat.

“You’re Deng Wen?”

“Yes, this one is Deng Wen, chief steward of Furnace Citadel!” Deng Wen smiled weakly.

“Exactly who I was looking for!” Shane’s face turned stiff, his eyes going cold. He said loudly, “Follow me! The 29th Place invites you to tea! Right now!”

These words resounded in the skies of Furnace Citadel for everyone to hear!

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