Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1074 - Sudden Evaluation

Chapter 1074: Sudden Evaluation

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

At the same moment when Xia Fei started to repair the soul weapons, the personal bodyguard from the Venus of Eternal Night, Sivatu, began his report to his patriarch. Besides Zesyr Night’s daily routine, this report included a new name: Xia Fei.

“You said that his surname is Xia? Which clan is he from?” Ye Yun stroked his beard and asked.

Sivatu replied, “From what I know, that Xia Fei fellow isn’t from any major clan.”

‘The current patriarch of the Venus of Eternal Night, Ye Yun, chuckled and said, “This is rather amusing. He’s not from a major clan and doesn’t give off any energy pulses, but he managed to order that rogue from the Sebastian Clan to betray and kill his master.

“Forget it. Regardless, he treats Zesyr rather well, so there’s no need to cause him any trouble.”

Sivatu nodded. He then frowned and asked, “What do we know about the Laz Clan?”

Ye Yun replied, “Since those Laz good-for-nothings are all dead, there’s no need to seek redress from their clan. We’ll just treat this matter as if it never happened, but if they dare to try anything again, I’ll go and settle things with them personally!

“Starting from now, besides watching Zesyr, you are to investigate that young man Xia Fei. I sense that he will be very interesting.”

For three days in a row, Xia Fei did not appear at the Aurora Clan’s external compound, and both Wistview and Little Schott felt a little lonely. At least, Xia Fei was someone with a story behind him, and the three of them had fun chatting together.

Wistful Northgaze had sent people to ask for Xia Fei twice in this time; this was so he could invite him to come and eat in the clan. Since Xia Fei was not present, he decided to leave behind a message, telling Little Schott to bring Xia Fei over once he was back.

On the evening of the fourth day, an inconspicuous, hyperspeed warship silently approached Garde 83. A passenger on this ship found a very ordinary hotel to stay at, all of which was very ordinary and drew no attention.

Just past midnight, the reception hall of the Laz Clan suddenly turned its lights on. From the outside, one could see that the current patriarch of Laz Clan, Lazaha, had meekly gotten on one knee in front of an elder. This elder had a very relaxed expression and was casually sipping tea.

“Young Zaha, there’s no need to be so polite. Sit down,” said the old man coolly.

Lazaha, who had ruled the Laz Clan for many years, had a certain level of status within the Alpha Universe, but this elder easily addressing him as “Young Zaha’ clearly showed he was a man that held an even higher status.


Lazaha smiled as he seated himself and said, “Grand Ancestor, you’ve finally come—”

Before he could finish speaking, the elder cut him off with a sigh. “I was a good friend of your father’s, so it’s very uncomfortable for you to call me ‘grand ancestor’. Stick with the generation and call me Uncle Li.”

Lazaha grinned, as Uncle Li was a far more intimate way of addressing the latter, meaning that this elder was very nostalgic. This was a good sign to him, for he was very likely to succeed in that matter!

Li Jindou lowered his voice and asked, “So, tell me, what’s the situation?”

Lazaha replied, “Yes, Uncle Li. The planet of Garde 83, which our Laz Clan resides on, currently hosts three major clans. Besides our Laz, there is the Aurora and the Ping, The Ping Clan has average strength. Be it reputation, fighting power, or number of soul weapons, it is worse than us in all aspects. We

have nothing to fear from that clan.

“The situation with the Auroreans is very different. Although the clan is on the decline, when it comes to reputation, there’s simply no way ours can compare to it. In this tier evaluation, the Aurora Clan is bound to be a very difficult opponent of us.”

Li Jindou nodded. “Yes, the Auroreans may not be a first-tier clan, but its reputation is truly first tier. After all, that’s something that they have worked on for generations. Even in Chaos Society, there is no one who doesn’t know about the Aurorean. In one of the major categories being evaluated,

reputation, it goes without saying that your clan and the Ping Clan have already lost.”

Lazaha sighed. “Reputation isn’t something that can be accumulated in just one or two generations. Ever since I assumed leadership, we’ve done everything we could to raise the clan’s reputation, but this simply can’t compare to the tens of thousands of years under the Wist’s belt.

“However’—Lazaha suddenly changed his tone—”reputation isn’t the only thing being evaluated. There is also combat power and soul weapons. This is our chance. Since Chaos Society has already decided that it will only give Garde 83 one second-tier spot, we can only push out the Aurora Clan to win. The

reason why I sincerely requested for your early return is so that we can launch a sneak attack.”

His intentions were obvious at this point. It tuned out that the Laz Clan had caught wind some time ago that only one clan on this entire planet could enter the second tier, with the rest being evaluated as third tier or even lower.

After all, this evaluation was different from the past, for it was directly related to soul weapons, and the number of such was limited. Thus, Chaos Society was planning to suppress some of the weaker clans secretly, or else how would there be enough soul weapons to go around?

After learning of this news, the Laz Clan naturally regarded the far more illustrious Aurora Clan as a thorn in its side. Those hoodlums that had taken up residence in the external compound and the fake soul weapons sold to the Aurora Clan were all the Laz Clan’s handiwork.

Li Jindou smiled. “Well, I’m here now, but success will depend on your methods. If you fail to move the mountain that is the Aurora, you can’t blame me for not warning you.”

Lazaha said hastily, “Sir, please be at ease. While the Aurora Clan beats us in terms of reputation, we’re equals when it comes to combat power. As for the last category, soul weapons, that’s the Aurora Clan’s greatest weakness. I heard that they’d sent a large number of soul weapons to Heavenly Treasure in

hopes of reversing their fortunes.

“The distance between the branch and headquarters is vast, and it will take a month for a round trip at the fastest speed. The Aurora Clan Clan is very weak, with half of its soul weapons out for repair. They are certain to suffer a bitter defeat in that area.”

Li Jindou shook his head. “In the three categories, Aurora wins in terms of reputation, you draw in combat power, and you win in soul weapons. In other words, your clan has only managed to tie with the Aurora at best. You still don’t have a shot at victory.”

Lazaha was undaunted, furtively passing Li Jindou a spatial ring as he whispered, “This is why I asked for your help. Old Sir, please carry out this task for my Laz Clan.”

Li Jindou lightly brushed a finger across the spatial ring. To get the Tier 2 spot, the Laz Clan was truly bleeding itself out. The wealth in this ring was enough for an ordinary family to live out the rest of their life in abundance. After inspecting Lazaha’s gift, Li Jindou smiled and said, “Relax. As long as you

can create a big enough gap between you and the Aurorean when it comes to soul weapons, I can guarantee that Garde 83’s sole second-tier spot will be yours.”


Chaos Society’s branch on Garde 83 had just opened its doors when three energetic elders with several subordinates strode in.

“Call out Liu Bao. Just tell him that the evaluation team from headquarters is here to evaluate the tiers of the various clans of Garde 83!” A blustering subordinate waved his hand and shouted, while the three elders sat on a sofa as if no one were around and started chatting.

‘The members of the Garde 83 branch saw that these were people of some status, so they hurried off to inform the head, conversing as they did.

“Wasn’t the assessment supposed to be four months from now? Why now?”

“I don’t know. Maybe some bigshot upstairs had a sudden urge.”

It was not long before the branch head, Liu Bao, came into the reception. When he saw the three elders, his eyes almost fell out of their sockets. He had not believed the words of his subordinates, as the evaluation date had been set long in advance, but these three really were venerable elders of the

supervision team!

To evaluate all the clans as quickly as possible, Chaos Society had dispatched a whole one hundred evaluation teams to travel across the universe. There were also five supervision teams, which decided whether people were following the rules or abusing their positions. These were teams possessing

incredible authority.

Li Jindou, Ding Qingrui, and Tong Duoduo were three bigshots of Supervision Team 4!

Only prestigious figures of Chaos Society were allowed in the supervision teams, and even a minor branch head like Liu Bao recognized these three.

“Elder Li, Elder Ding, Lady Tong, why are you here?!” Liu Bao called their names and hastily had his subordinates prepare snacks.

Of these three, Ding Qingrui was the chief evaluator while Li Jindou and Tong Duoduo were his assistants.

Ding Qingrui waved his hand and said, “There’s no need for all the trouble. Hurry up and tell the clans taking part in the evaluation to come over. We’re very busy and need to leave tonight.”

Liu Bao quickly agreed, inviting the three into the inner courtyard.

Although the supervision team was mostly meant for supervision, there was no rule saying that they could not take part in the evaluations. There was a lot to do, and rather than complain, people would praise a supervision team if it took off some of the load, taking them to be righteous folk for helping

out their subordinates.

‘The news quickly reached the Aurora Clan, and Patriarch Wistful Heizus quickly gathered the lynchpin of the clan into his study for a meeting. Everyone went pale when they heard about the sudden visit from Chaos Society, particularly Xia Fei’s great grandfather, Wistful Northgaze. His heart leaped to his

throat and his eyes nearly popped out!

“It can’t be! We just sent out half of our soul weapons for repair, and now Chaos Society has come for its evaluation! What are we going to do?!

“Soul weapons are one of the three categories being evaluated, and it’s our clan’s weakness. For this to have come so suddenly, is someone targeting us?”

Wistful Heizus waved his hand and said sternly, “Don’t panic. We can’t lose the elegance of our clan. When we arrive at the Chaos Society’s office, I will explain things to the evaluator. I’m sure that they will understand our situation.”

Everyone fell silent, their hearts restless.

‘When the Aurora Clan had been at its peak, elegance and grace had won it a great reputation. As the Aurora Clan had been strong enough, no one had dared to play tricks on them.

Alas, things were different now. The Aurora Clan was on the decline, and more and more people were beginning to coldly regard the Wist family. Trying to maintain their elegance at this time would inevitably cause them to suffer a loss. Everyone understood this, but the traditions and lessons passed

down by their ancestors over tens of thousands of years could not be changed so quickly.

‘The patriarchs of the Laz, Ping, and Aurora, these three major clans of Garde 83, gathered at Chaos Society’s branch office. The Laz was led by Lazaha, the Aurora was led by Wistful Heizus, and the Ping was led by Patriarch Ping Xiaowu.

The three clans waited in the outer reception hall for them to be called. Wistful Heizus was extremely elegant and graceful, his gaze unswerving and his disposition neither too proud nor too meek. The Ping Clan had always been weak. Knowing that they were no match for the Aurora Clan and the Laz

Clan, Ping Xiaowu was rather calm.

As for Lazaha, he was staring at Wistful Heizus, getting happier by the minute.

‘A clan of elegant gentlemen, but I’d like to see how long your Wist family could keep your elegance!” Lazaha cursed inwardly..

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