Chapter 1276: The Eye of Darkness!

The outer edge of the Alpha Universe, the Red Pine Nebula.

Dark red stars were grouped together in an interstellar cloud, which peacefully drifted about the blackness of the universe.

If not for this time, Xia Fei really would not have paid any attention to this nebula on the border. After all, the universe was too big. Time and distance all needed to be calculated in astronomical terms.

The Silver Specter emerged from the spatial gate and hid in the middle of an asteroid belt. Radix used the hyper-long-range radar to make an initial scan of the target region.

“Lower the frequency to the lowest possible setting. I certainly don’t want to draw over all the Dark Spiritualists,” Xia Fei said coolly as he lit a cigarette.

Radix replied, “Relax. After several modifications, the electronics of the Silver Specter have become top-class in Alpha. Unless the other side makes a targeted scan on this area or the frequencies of two radars run into each other, we won’t be discovered.”

*Beep beep...*

The command deck grew very quiet, the beeping of the radar sounding loud and clear.

Low-frequency radar scanning was very slow, but it was not easily discovered. Out of caution, Xia Fei was using this sort of advanced low-frequency scanner. Ten-some minutes later, a map of the star system appeared on the screen.

“What is that blackness in the middle?” Xia Fei pointed at the indistinct mass of darkness in the center of the screen.

“Not sure. I’ll increase the frequency by fifteen percent and scan again,” Radix replied.

After ten minutes or so, the black mass had cleared up, and Xia Fei and Radix both gasped. This was clearly a Cosmic Gate!

There were said to be several roads between Alpha and the Law Realm, but the largest one was the Cosmic Gate! The place where Xia Fei had fought a great war with the Inverse and where the Law Realm was currently skirmishing.

The Cosmic Gate here was identical to the one Xia Fei had seen before, but which universe did it lead to?

The Law Realm was called the Wild Glacier by the Annihilators, so this Cosmic Gate had to be linked to the Undercurrent, Rainbow Glass, or Torrent! Perhaps it even led to the Annihilators!

The starmap carved into the red soul had led Xia Fei here!? What was the reason!?

Frowning, Xia Fei said, “Execute a hyper-long-range lifeform scan.”

Turning around, Xia Fei used the Bixia Orb to get in touch with White Haze. White Haze was seemingly still asleep, and it took a while for his tired face to appear. “Can’t you let me sleep for a while? What happened now?”

Xia Fei transmitted the starmap data to White Haze and asked urgently, “There’s a Cosmic Gate here. Where does it lead?”

White Haze focused immediately on where he saw the starmap. After looking through his files, he voiced in confusion, “The Red Pine Nebula? The link between Alpha and Torrent. Why did you go there? Does it have to do with the Dark Spiritualists?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll inform you as soon as I learn anything new,” Xia Fei said solemnly.

The seconds continued to drip by, and Radix still did not detect any lifeform signatures.

Suddenly, as though someone had turned on a flashlight in the darkness, a dazzling light appeared in the river of stars! Obvious to all!

“What a powerful lifeform signature! Xia Fei, look over there!”

Xia Fei quickly ran over to the screen, where the radar was practically going crazy. The energy value of the detected lifeform was nearing one million standard units!

“Such a high energy value! What is it?!” Xia Fei muttered, his face grim.

“This is too crazy! According to the detection results, it’s as though someone poured around one million units of energy all at once into that lifeform! While some was lost in the process, nearly nine hundred thousand units were absorbed!” Radix pointed at the screen and said panically.


A lifeform with nine hundred thousand units of energy?

It must be understood that Xia Fei had forty thousand units of spirit energy stored in his brain region, and that was already a shocking number! Moreover, this was almost at the limit of what he could store. What sort of lifeform was the one before them for it to be capable of accepting one million units of energy at one go and keeping nine hundred thousand units of it?!

Even if this energy was not as pure as Xia Fei’s spirit energy, it was still a rare number!


Xia Fei walked out with a dark face, entering space and found a place to stand.

Xia Fei looked in the direction of those coordinates, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Radix, Furball, and Little Goldie were very worried about Xia Fei, so they also left the warship.

“Peak Ocular Cognition Art of the Origin of Heaven! Eye of Darkness!”


Xia Fei’s eyes flew open, and a black ray shot out of them! His two eyes had also turned pitch-black!

Veins bulged on his thin face, his appearance becoming horrifying to behold!

This was the Eye of Darkness, the hyper-long-distance energy node observation art of the Triclopean Fiend Clan!

In terms of energy, it consumed an astonishing one hundred units every second!

When Xia Fei used Ocular Cognition, a strange phenomenon appeared in space! Xia Fei’s eyes became like vortices, sucking in all the nearby energy particles!

Over this vast distance, the supreme Ocular Cognition art, the Eye of Darkness, allowed Xia Fei to see everything!

He saw a group of people standing around that gate leading to the Torrent Universe, and in the middle of them was a vast number of corpses, beast corpses!

Farther off was a soul array. Annihilator-grade soul weapons served as the formation cores, and there were five hundred coresin all!

Perhaps because Xia Fei’s Eye of Darkness was just too powerful, it drew the attention of those warriors. One of them, who had a face that Xia Fei knew well, even turned and smiled in Xia Fei’s direction.


Xia Fei clearly saw two warships set off in his direction.


Xia Fei bellowed and dropped to his knees. The Eye of Darkness was powerful, but it also harshly damaged his body. His eyes felt like they were on fire, as if someone had taken a red-hot piece of metal and stabbed it into his eyes.

“Are you alright?!” Radix came over and asked worriedly; Little Goldie and Furball also appeared to be very concerned.

“We’ve been discovered!” Xia Fei gritted his teeth and growled.

Radix was stunned, and then he soothed Xia Fei. “We’re so far away that they’ll need a long time to get here. If we can’t win, we can just withdraw.”

“We can’t!” Xia Fei gritted his teeth and said.

“Why?” Radix asked in confusion.

“The Skywings are already on their way. If we withdraw now, Xia Guanghai and the others will be surrounded. Even if they destroy this spatial gate, there will still be immense danger!” Xia Fei stood up and tried to open his eyes.

Radix was startled. The Skywings were on their way, but they were far away, so even if they used spatial arrays, they would not be arriving anytime soon. However, Xia Guanghai and the others were probably in the middle of a spatial transfer. In other words, even if they knew of the danger here, they could not turn around, for spatial transfer was one-way! Xia Guanghai would need to arrive at this spatial gate before turning around and going somewhere else.

If this spatial gate was destroyed, there would be big trouble, and Xia Guanghai’s group would be devoured by primordial chaos. If their luck was good, they would be teleported to some unknown region of space, but if their luck was bad, the chaos would tear them apart!

Spatial transfer arrays had never been without risk!

Radix returned swiftly to the command deck, and about one minute later, he dejectedly came over to Xia Fei. Swallowing, he said, “Xia Guanghai is too fast. They’re really already on their way.”

You needed to confirm that?!

Of course, the Skywings were fast, and they cared about family the most! The moment Xia Fei had given the word, Xia Guanghai had rushed over! He did not even need to ask any questions!

“Are the enemies very strong?” Radix asked after some thought.

“Shu Yuhe and Nan Shazi are both there! Also, there are thirteen enemies I’ve never seen before. When it comes to only Annihilators, there are fourteen of them!” Xia Fei said grimly.

“Fourteen Annihilators?!” Radix grabbed his head, a look of terror on his face.

“Besides that, they also laid down a mega soul array with five hundred soul cores!”

“A soul array with five hundred soul cores?!” Radix’s eyes turned red.

“In the center of the array is the remains of that beast stolen from Jadewater City, the dragon beast, the Water Dragon Screech! That one million units of spirit was absorbed by the Water Dragon Screech!”

“A dragon beast!” Radix jumped up and shouted. “Heavens! You actually got it right! These madmen are trying to revive a dragon beast!”

“I’m not sure if revival is their goal.” Xia Fei turned around, his eyes red as he went back to the Silver Specter. “That soul array is very weird. It’s clearly a spatial array, but a dragon beast corpse is placed in the center, and not even one million units of soul energy is enough to activate the array. To tell the truth, I’ve never heard of such a powerful array before.”

‘A soul array that not even one million units of energy could activate?!’ Radix almost fainted. What sort of soul array was that?! Even Spirit Mountain’s array had only 256 soul cores! Now, not only had the Dark Spiritualists gotten their hands on a dragon beast’s corpse, they had also gotten a super soul array with five hundred soul cores! How could one not be shocked?!

“Let’s go,” Xia Fei said coolly, his voice brimming with resolve.

“To do what?” Radix asked.

“To intercept those two ships. We can’t let them get close, or Xia Guanghai and the others will be finished!” Xia Fei replied coldly.


The Silver Specter swiftly accelerated, going to full horsepower, its radar system fully activating!

Since he had already been discovered, he did not have to fear being discovered!

Nonetheless, he had to protect this spatial gate until Xia Guanghai and the others arrived.

Xia Fei stood silently in the command deck, his eyes staring at the two rapidly approaching dots on the radar.

“They’re almost as fast as the Silver Specter! Maybe even faster!” Radix cried in panic.

“Don’t be shocked. The Silver Specter is a warship that Aquamarine took from the Annihilators, and their ships are also from there, so this speed is very normal,” Xia Fei said calmly.

He placed his left hand on the Silver Specter’s energy module, also known as the super soul cannon of the Blueblood Clan, the Dark Gem Spirit-gathering Tower!


Xia Fei sent in his spirit energy! This was the purest energy, spirit energy! The Silver Specter accelerated to a crazy speed with this spirit power!

“This is?” Radix asked.

“Don’t worry about it. Stick to your duties! Lock the radar on the warship on the left and stop it!” Xia Fei called.

“You want a collision!? No can do! That warship is also from Annihilator! If the Silver Specter crashes into it, both of them will be severely damaged,” Radix said, breaking out in a cold sweat.

As he spoke, another dazzling nova erupted through the universe! Again from that distant soul array!

Radix’s eyes flew open. “Xia Fei, it’s two million standard units of spirit energy, but that soul array still hasn’t activated!”

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