Chapter 1258: Rainbow Glass

Xia Fei sighed. “Unfortunately, I am still unable to completely cure Fuchen.”

Roderick hurriedly corrected him, “You can’t say that. Though you failed to heal the Seal on Fuchen’s brain region, you managed to save his life through your actions! A Sealed brain region is a terminal debilitation, and what you managed to achieve is already amazing. There’s probably less than a handful of Spiritualists of Healing with high status in the Annihilation Universe who might be able to replicate the feat you pulled off.”

Actually, Xia Fei had only revealed half of the truth. There was definitely no way Xia Fei could heal Fuchen had he not previously obtained the mysterious Gastronomy Treatment Manual, Serpent Swallowing Whale. Now that Xia Fei had mastered both Healing and Serpent Swallowing Whale, he was at least 90% confident that he could treat Fuchen’s ailment!

But even Xia Fei himself was not aware that were it not for the initial primer that his healing Spirit Energy had provided, even if Fuchen had consumed a Divine Beast that could heal the soul, he might not have been able to make a recovery. Only when the two ultimate recovery skills of his healing powers and the Serpent Swallowing Whale worked in tandem was it possible to maximize the effect of the treatment.

There was a pause before Roderick continued, “I have an old friend who has succumbed to a very strange illness, and it worries me quite a lot. That is why I was wondering if you were willing to take a look, and see if you’re able to do your best and treat him.”

Xia Fei did not even spare a moment to mull over this offer as he shook his head, “I should be able to comply with this request of yours, but right now the Alpha Universe is in turmoil, and the Dark Spiritualists are making waves as we speak. I’ve crossed swords with them quite a few times during this time, and I’m watching as these Dark Spiritualists become even more brazen as the days go by. There’s no way I could stay too far away from my comrades, so it’s best if we wait until this matter with the Dark Spiritualists has been managed before we talk about this any further.”

Xia Fei was speaking the truth. Whether it was the Skywings or the Auroreans, they both needed Xia Fei’s assistance. Besides, Xia Fei was once a businessman, and he had a few tricks up his sleeves when it came to haggling. If Xia Fei were to agree to Roderick’s request immediately, then he would have made a big mistake as a businessman. Price rises when demand goes up, and there was no way Xia Fei would act so easily if there was insufficient benefit for him to do so.

Roderick chuckled helplessly. He could of course tell that Xia Fei was looking to discuss conditions, which was why he offered, “As the Patriarch of the Zadin Clan, I’m still fairly capable. As long as you agree to make a trip out to the Rainbow Glass Universe, I guarantee your people will be kept much safer than when you’re around.

“What the Dark Spiritualists want the most is your life, and staying here with your people would easily make them worry for you. It’s best if you use this period of time to travel about, while I send the Iron Guards from my clan to protect your people.”

What Roderick said made sense. Xia Fei would indeed be easily ambushed if he remained with the Skywings. It was too bad that Xia Fei had always been a falcon that would not act without first seeing the hare; this was a level of commitment that Xia Fei could not completely ignore.

“The Aurora Clan and the Skywing Clan, each will have a team of my Destiny Dragoons attached to them. That should keep your mind at ease, right?” Roderick bit the bullet and made his offer when he saw Xia Fei hesitate.


Xia Fei was taken aback. This was a grand gesture on Roderick’s part! Two teams of Destiny Dragoons? That was the most powerful fighting force from the Bluebloods, and having them protect the Skywings and Aurorans was more than enough!

Contemplating further, Xia Fei sighed, “Elder, it is not like you’re unaware, but while I do have a bit of skill when it comes to Spiritual Healing, this is something that consumes a lot of energy, and I’m just a Spiritualist from the Alpha Universe. With my lowly stature, how much energy could I muster? Even if I were to promise you my aid today, I’m afraid I won’t have that much Spirit Energy to help your old friend.”

Roderick suddenly felt the strong desire to beat Xia Fei up. Others might be unaware, but he knew clearer than anyone else that Xia Fei’s seventh brain region had more than six thousand standard units of Spiritual Energy stored inside! Even an official Dragoon from the Annihilation Universe might not have a greater store of energy than Xia Fei here. Xia Fei might very well be the second richest individual out here in Alpha Universe, if not the first!

He clearly had a lot of energy, yet he was trying to bemoan his poverty. Xia Fei’s insatiable greed was really on full display here.

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The wrinkles on his face relaxed. Roderick could tell that there was no way he could impel Xia Fei to act without paying a high price, so he very emphatically stated, “Energy is no problem. I’ll first get someone to prepare 10,000 standard units for you, feel free to contact me after if that’s not enough. On top of that, this friend of mine who needs your help is very affluent, too.”

As expected of someone from the Annihilation Universe, Roderick could be very generous when he wanted to be.

Xia Fei nodded then, agreeing to Roderick’s request to make a trip out to Rainbow Glass Universe.

Right now, Xia Fei was in the middle of leveling, and he was using upward of two hundred standard units of Spirit Energy every day. Such an insane rate of expenditure was forcing Xia Fei to keep earning money!

“Alright, I’ll immediately get men to escort you to Rainbow Glass,” Roderick said with a sigh of relief.

Xia Fei shook his head, “Not just yet. I need to make a trip back to Skywing first. There are still some things that I need to deal with now.”

Roderick was slightly surprised, but instantly called Soza over, somewhat displeased as he instructed, “Xia Fei is going on a trip, somewhere really far. You’ll send him off.”



In only one day, Xia Fei made it back from the Undercurrent to the Law realm fortress located at the fringe of the Alpha Universe. It was no wonder Roderick had Soza escort Xia Fei. It turned out that the Alpha Universe actually had a Super teleportation device, one able to rapidly send one person or an entire ship to their destination.

It was just that such a teleportation device was not controlled by the Alpha Universe, almost as if the Annihilation Universe had intentionally kept it a secret to limit the Alpha Universe. With Soza traveling along with him, XIa Fei was able to use these secret channels, and very quickly made his way home.

He gathered the Skywing Wolfpack into the meeting room and addressed them with a smile, “This time I’ve brought some very fun toys for you all.”

Xia Guanghai shouted, “If these are loot you’ve seized, then just tell that to us straight. We’re all family here, and no one will be embarrassed if this was seized. It’ll only be embarrassing if you failed to do so!”

The Skywing Wolfpack broke out into laughter. Strictly speaking, these Soul Weapons that Xia Fei had obtained were indeed seized loot, and they were obtained from the hands of a Dragoon!


Xia Fei took the soul weapons out, and the Skywing Wolfpack members were all immediately stunned. That was because there were ten Annihilator-grade soul weapons in the pile!

In the Alpha Universe, it was already a rare sight to find Founder-grade soul weapons, let alone those at Annihilator-grade. The equipment that the Skywing Clan had now would definitely rank them first in this universe!

“These are not just Annihilator-grade soul weapons, but they are also authentic Fiend soul weapons. But all of you must remember, Fiend soul weapons are taboo, so you mustn’t use these unless absolutely necessary,” Xia Fei explained solemnly.

Xia Fei was an Evil Shadow Dragoon, and it was only natural for him to be seen using Fiend soul weapons. But if the Skywing Clan were to go about recklessly attacking people with Fiend soul weapons and the higher-ups were to find out about it, the entire matter would surely be trouble.

That was why Xia Fei listed out all the Fiend soul weapons individually, making them the hidden trump cards for the clan. This was a habit of Xia Fei’s, and he had passed it on to his clan.

The Skywing Wolfpack would of course not care what was Fiend and what was not Fiend, but they were very willing to listen to Xia Fei. Everyone knew that Xia Fei always had plenty of problems, and if they were to randomly use these soul weapons, it would be Xia Fei who would bear the brunt of the trouble.

The Skywing Wolfpack were very excited. As they examined the soul weapons that Xia Fei had brought them, Xia Fei took Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng to one side and handed the container Zumi was in to him. Perhaps it was because Xia Fei had struck him a bit too hard, but even after almost forty-eight hours, Zumi was still unconscious.

“What is this?” Xia Gucheng was shocked. He had not met a Blueblood before, and was very curious.

“He is a Blueblood Spiritualist. Keep him alive because I have a use for him. I’m about to travel to the Rainbow Glass Universe, which is why I have to bother you to keep an eye on him. See if he could be of use to us,” Xia Fei informed him.

Xia Gucheng nodded, “Rest easy. I usually have a very good eye for people. If this person harbors ill intent, I’ll immediately have him killed and he won’t even greet you.”

Xia Fei agreed to this plan, and the Grand Ancestor patted Xia Fei on his shoulder, “You’re in too much of a rush, leaving so soon after just coming back. Why don’t you head on back and see Avril for a bit? It’s been almost a year, and the two of you have barely spent three days together. I’m still waiting to meet my grandson. You’re a speedster, and everything you do is fast, so why are you so slow when it comes to this matter?”

Xia Fei was speechless for a good while before jokingly saying, “That isn’t the sort of thing that one should be fast at. Avril wouldn’t be able to take it if I was too fast!”


The joke had the Grand Ancestor bursting into laughter. He playfully punched Xia Fei on his shoulder, “What I’m referring to is having a child; who’s interested in talking about that sort of thing. Thinking back to my younger days, I was known to be a speed control expert…”


Radix was nearly rolling on the floor with laughter. How could this ancestor and descendant pair be chatting idly about such a topic?!

Returning to the Law Realm from the Alpha Universe was very convenient. Xia Fei only needed to pass through the Cosmic Gate and then use the Spatial Traversal array, which did not take more than a dozen or so minutes. However, Xia Fei still found it difficult to find the time to do just that, despite how little time it took.


Sunset Villa…

The moment Xia Fei returned, Pod and Xiao Yu came crowding in on him. Pod hurried off to prepare XIa Fei’s favorite fried paste noodles, while Xiao Yu asked somewhat whiningly, “Big Brother Xia Fei, how many days will you be staying this time?”

Xia Fei was somewhat embarrassed. Avril was pretending to be unconcerned, put he could tell that she had pricked her ears up to eavesdrop on his answer.

Xia Fei bit the bullet and replied, “I’ll be leaving tomorrow.”

Xiao Yu had always been very obedient, but even she could not help but angrily complain, “You just come and go like this every time! Big sister Avril is always worrying about you.”

“I know,” Xia Fei said as he reached for a cigarette.

“If you know that, then why are you always never home, and always leaving the moment you’re back?” Xiao Yu lamented while Avril lowered her head.

Xia Fei’s gaze was complex as he softly replied, “Actually, I know home is the best. I, too, wish I could just stay at home, but there are some things that ultimately need doing, so unless there comes a day where I’m able to be certain that there’s no one in this world that would seek to threaten me and the people I care about, I’ll always be on the road.”

Actually, both Xiao Yu and Avril understand Xia Fei’s thinking. Some people were destined to be restless, and Xia Fei was one such person. That was also what attracted Avril to Xia Fei. If Xia Fei were to only know how to laze idly from morning to night, that was definitely nothing good, either. It was why the nagging was nothing more than the fragmented thoughts of the women, and was understandable.

Very soon, Xia Fei began telling stories. Xiao Yu, Avril, and Pod surrounded him and listened intently, and even the robot Pod could not help but scream whenever the stories got to the thrilling bits.

Honestly speaking, Xia Fei was really capable at this, and he was always able to cheer up the two ladies.

Unfortunately, the happy times were short-lived, and on the morning of the next day, Xia Fei departed quietly, as always.

After meeting up with Soza, who had been waiting for him. Xia Fei took his first step into the Lower Five Stars, heading for the Rainbow Glass Universe.

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