Chapter 1243: Blasting the Fog Fortress!

“I don’t know about other people, but Xia Fei is definitely bold enough!” Shu Yuhe said grimly, his teeth clenched. As he recalled how Xia Fei had repeatedly ruined the plans of the Dark Spiritualists, he even felt like devouring Xia Fei’s heart.

Yuntian was stunned into silence. He had always trusted Shu Yuhe and knew that the Dark Spiritualists had supporters among the upper echelons. How could he possibly feel fine when Shu Yuhe had said that the Fog Fortress would definitely be blasted into the ground?

“Master! You have to think of a way! If something happens to our Fog Fortress, there’s no way I’ll be able to gather up the one hundred thousand units of spirit power you need so soon!” Yuntian kowtowed frantically.

“Idiot! What are you panicking for!?” Shu Yuhe barked. “You said just now that Xia Fei was alone!?”

“Yes, but there’s a kid from the Zadin with him,” Yuntian said.

Shu Yuhe nodded, killing intent in his eyes. “You immediately try to have your father not have a direct confrontation with Xia Fei. Do that first, and then we’ll talk! For Xia Fei to dare and come to Undercurrent to investigate you all by himself, he must have received orders from above. But he’s still just one person! There might be a chance!”


Dark space, the Fog Fortress...

Yun Zahir ascended to the fortress tower and peered into the distance.

He saw that Xia Fei had stuck a cannon standing about two meters tall in the ground and was squinting at him.


Yun Zahir scowled, first because Xia Fei’s carefree posture was very arrogant, and second because this arrogant scoundrel was so young!

Xia Fei’s gaze was incredibly sharp, so he immediately picked Yun Zahir out of his escort, identifying him as the patriarch.

“Yun Zahir!” Xia Fei pointed at the Fog Fortress and shouted, “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll hand your son Yuntian over, or else I’ll stop being polite!”

Being threatened?!...Yun Zahir was indignant. He had lived for so long and ruled the Fog Fortress for so long that there was no one who didn’t know of his fame. Let alone threaten him, an ordinary person wouldn’t even look him straight in the eye. Yet this young man had threatened him twice in short order!

Yun Zahir could no longer restrain himself, gnashing his teeth and saying, “With just you? A lone human?”

“What do you think?” Xia Fei responded with a smile.

“I think you’re the biggest idiot in the world!” Yun Zahir was about to go crazy from anger. Caring little about his dignity, he hopped around and cursed, “Look closely at this fortress before you! It’s called the Fog Fortress! A mighty castle that my Cebu Yun Clan took countless years to build! A mere human with that lousy cannon of yours wants to blast it down!? In your dreams!

“If you know what’s good for you, then kneel down before the gate and give me ten thousand kowtows! Perhaps then I might be merciful and leave your body intact! Otherwise, I’ll crush both you and your cannon! Then I’ll make a hole for it and use it as a cesspit!”


Xia Fei seemed unmoved, but Yun Zahir’s subordinates were quite alarmed. The old man had always been dignified and taciturn, but he was acting too abnormally today. Xia Fei had probably enraged him...

In the distance, Xia Fei suddenly erupted in laughter. The sight of his enemy enraged only made him happier.

“If that’s what you say, then I’ll let you witness the power of this so-called lousy cannon!”


The metal barrel around the Dark Gem Spirit-Gathering Tower fell away, revealing a conical shaped crystal, brimming with energy and killing intent!

A subordinate of Yun Zahir’s instantly recognized the Dark Gem Spirit-Gathering Tower and cried out in surprise, “The Dark Gem Spirit Gathering Tower!? Good heavens, it’s a dark gem spirit cannon! The Fog Fortress is in danger!”

This weapon had been made by a Blueblood Spiritualist, so many people had read about it in books and could recognize it. Xia Fei was truly sinister, making a useless gunbarrel and placing the soul cannon inside, only revealing its true form at the end.


Yun Zahir almost threw up blood on the spot. It now appeared that he was the real idiot! Xia Fei had a lethal weapon in hand, yet Yun Zahir had scoffed that it was a useless cannon!

A second later, that lousy cannon went crazy!

A black beam of energy engulfed the world, and in the middle of it was a bolt of lightning!


That one shot sheered away one-sixth of the Fog Fortress! Mournful howls resounded through the air!

The King Fog Snakes who had been preparing to ambush Xia Fei instantly ran off. Animals avoided danger and moved toward what benefitted them, and their intuition told them that this was a deadly threat. They threw aside their masters and fled for their lives!

Yun Zahir’s blue face turned white, cold sweat caking it. This blast had been aimed to his left, and when he turned his head, he saw that everything on his left had been rendered void, like some monster had taken a bite out of his castle. The emptiness was so close to him that the slightest deviation would have had him going to see the king of the underworld.

Yun Zahir’s eyes flew open, and he stared at Xia Fei like he was a fiend. A normal person would brandish a powerful weapon just to threaten the other side into giving in, not actually using the thing. But Xia Fei was different, not wasting the time with the threats and moving straight to the beating!

“Nice! So powerful!” Xia Fei looked in disbelief at the Dark Crystal Spirit-Gathering Tower. Not even he had expected it to be that powerful!

This was a superfortress ten thousand meters tall and ten thousand meters wide, but one blast from this cannon had almost shattered it. Its power was simply heaven-defying!

But the pitch-black crystal had turned grayish-white. It was clear that the blast had consumed enormous amounts of energy.

“Yun Zahir! You forced me to do this! If you don’t have over Yuntian now, the Fog Fortress will cease to exist!” Xia Fei once more aimed the Dark Crystal Spirit-Gathering Tower at the Fog Fortress as he shouted.

What an absolute scoundrel! Xia Fei was saying that Yun Zahir had forced him to fire? If Xia Fei hadn’t made that gunbarrel to hide the soul cannon, Yun Zahir would have begged for mercy the moment he saw it. This was clearly part of Xia Fei’s scheme!


Yun Zahir truly was about to throw up blood from anger. He had encountered people who were hard to deal with, but he had never encountered someone this unreasonable and this troublesome. This man clearly wanted to push the Fog Fortress over the cliff!

Even more infuriating was that even if the Fog Fortress was destroyed, other people would simply blame Yun Zahir for being blind. This guy brought a Dark Gem Spirit-Gathering Tower and you still acted so stubborn? Wasn’t that just asking for it? But they would have no idea that Xia Fei had really been holding some lousy gunbarrel, which didn’t look powerful at all.

“Three! Two ! One!” Xia Fei started to count down, and just when he was about to fire a second time, Yuntian made the unusual action of jumping out of the fortress.

“Don’t shoot! I’m Yuntian!”

Xia Fei pouted, muttering, “Why did you come out so quickly!?”

Merry almost fainted. If Yuntian hadn’t come out, the Fog Fortress really would have been done for! It seemed like Xia Fei had never planned to spare it! He not only wanted the life of the fugitive, but also the Fog Fortress!

Yun Zahir pointed at Yuntian and cursed him, “Get back here! Our Cebu Clan has no cowards! We’ll just go together and fight to the death with this annoying human!”

Yuntian turned around and kneeled, “Father, you can’t! Your son was unfilial! Father, you might have heard that the Dark Spiritualists from the Alpha Universe had stolen a large number of soul weapons from the Collapsed Expanse of the Founders. I was the traitor that’s helping the Dark Spiritualists sell those stolen goods! This person came here to arrest me! He was sent by the Annihilators!”


Yun Zahir shuddered and almost fell from his tower.

It wasn’t just Alpha who used the Expanse of the Founders. Undercurrent used it as well, so Yun Zahir had also heard about what had happened there.

It was now clear that Xia Fei hadn’t been causing trouble for no reason at all. He had come on official orders, representing the Annihilators in his investigation of Undercurrent!

What sort of person could represent the Annihilators in Undercurrent? Only the Dragoons! In other words, this young man who seemed to be in his early twenties was a Dragoon of the Annihilators!

If he had really fought Xia Fei, fought a Dragoon, he would undoubtedly have drawn the ire of those above!

Yun Zahir fell completely apart, his eyes losing focus as he stared blankly at Yuntian below.

“A man should take responsibility for his actions! I will go confess and submit myself to judgment! I will not burden the clan!” Yuntian seemed to find his backbone, striding toward Xia Fei.

Xia Fei looked at Merry and sighed softly.

It was clear that while Merry was nominally Xia Fei’s guide, he was actually a plant working for the Zadin Clan.

Before this, it wouldn’t have been excessive for Xia Fei to flatten the Fog Fortress, as the Fog Fortress had been hiding the suspect Yuntian and had even sent someone to kill him. Even if questions were asked, all that could be said was that Xia Fei had been a little too ruthless and excessive in his response.

But now, Yuntian had presented himself and even said who Xia Fei was. The entire Fog Fortress had submitted, so if Xia Fei attacked now, he would no longer have reason on his side.

Radix had been quietly watching Xia Fei this entire time, and he saw Xia Fei very calmly accept this, putting away the soul cannon and gesturing at Yuntian for him to come over.

Radix was quite sullen. Someone with Xia Fei’s personality shouldn’t have given up so easily. After all, Xia Fei hated being sneak-attacked. In the past, Xia Fei would have blasted down the Fog Fortress even if Yuntian had handed himself over. He must have had another idea brewing in mind...


Xia Fei grabbed Yuntian with one hand and Merry with the other and silently vanished into the darkness.


In a part of dark space, Xia Fei threw Yuntian to the ground and said to Merry, “Go there and keep watch. Don’t let anyone get close.”

Merry frowned. Was there anyone around? He couldn’t even see a ghost. It was clear that Xia Fei was making him go away.

Once Merry was gone, Xia Fei looked at Yuntian, who was feigning composure, and asked, “Talk! What’s up with Snake Ghost? Is he part of your Blueblood Race or not?”

Yuntian froze. He had been thinking up excuses this entire time, but he had never expected Xia Fei’s first question to not be about the Fiend Race soul weapons or the stolen goods from the Expanse of the Founders, but about Snake Ghost! The snake charmer of the Cebu Clan!”

Yuntian swallowed and asked, “Sir, you’ve met Snake Ghost?”

“I haven’t just met him. I killed him,” Xia Fei replied indifferently.

Yuntian was startled, and then his eyes gleamed with a cunning light. It was like Snake Ghost’s death made him rather happy?

This was truly strange. Merry and Yuntian, two Bluebloods, had learned that Snake Ghost was dead, and they had both been quite pleased about it!?

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