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Chapter 1223 - A reasonable Xia Fei is more frightening than an unreasonable one!

Chapter 1223: A reasonable Xia Fei is more frightening than an unreasonable one!

Big Dipper emerged with an impressive aura!

With a whoosh, the wall of spirit power protected the survivors of the Unrestricted Spirit Sect. Big Dipper bellowed out, “All of you, stop!”

Basalt and Lingxing had been pressed so hard that they could barely breathe, and they regarded Big Dipper like their savior. Basalt called out energetically, “Chairman, save me! This scoundrel Xia Fei wants to disband the Unrestricted Spirit Sect! Venerable Sir, you must stand up for us!”

Xia Fei was instantly disgusted. It was precisely those three who had made the illustrious Unrestricteds so notorious, so this was essentially a thief crying thief!

Big Dipper frowned as he turned to Xia Fei.

After some thought, Big Dipper asked, “You are Xia Fei? What is your purpose in taking Fuchen’s Golden Seal and disbanding the Unrestricted Sect?”

Xia Fei snorted. He threw the fiendish blade Nirvana into the air and said, “You’re the Chairman of the Spiritualist Association, but you chose to hide in the shadows and quietly watch all this transpire, waiting until I was about to kill those three scoundrels before suddenly interfering! I’m the one who should be asking what’s your purpose!? Are you trying to win the hearts of the people!?”

The crowd was aghast!

Xia Fei was so vicious! These words had exposed Big Dipper’s ulterior motives to everyone, and he had even thrown abuse at Big Dipper!

Yes, Big Dipper could not possibly have only just arrived. He had been around for some time! When he saw that Lingxing and the others were in danger, Big Dipper felt like he had an opportunity, so he decided to save them so that he could recruit them while also suppressing the brazen Xia Fei!

Alas, Big Dipper was unaware that Xia Fei’s brazenness was in his bones! He was not somebody that could just be bullied around because someone wanted to!


Countless eyes turned to Big Dipper, and they suddenly realized that his face was white with embarrassment. It turned out that he was no divine immortal, so easily out-talked by some obscure young man!


“Hmph! Young man, you shouldn’t say things so recklessly. You can’t abolish the Unrestricted Sect with just your words alone! Unrestricted Spirit is a treasure of the entire Alpha Universe, one of the oldest Spiritualist sects! Without the approval of my Spiritualist Association, you can’t even take control of the Unrestricted Sect, let alone close it down!”

Big Dipper was still quite the shrewd schemer. He avoided the accusation, refusing to mention that he had been hiding in waiting for the right opportunity, instead raising the issue about Xia Fei’s authority over the Unrestricteds.

Big Dipper had burnished the Unrestricted Sect’s reputation as soon he started talking, saying that it was some treasure of the universe that couldn’t be closed on a whim by Xia Fei. He was clearly drawing on the power of other factions to try and apply pressure on Xia Fei!

Xia Fei smiled eerily. Raising an arm, he pointed at Big Dipper’s nose and loudly asked, “Treasure of the entire universe!? The Spiritualist Association’s approval!? Let me ask you, when Fuchen was driven out of his sect by these good-for-nothings, was that with your Spiritualist Association’s approval? Which of you stepped forward to protect the so-called treasure of the universe!?

“And now you want to protect it? Let me tell you, you’re too late! Even if the Heavenly King himself came out today to try and stop me, I would still wipe the Unrestricted Sect from this world!”


Everyone was shocked. Today was truly strange. The illustrious Big Dipper simply couldn’t out-talk Xia Fei!

Everyone suddenly regarded Xia Fei in a new light. The unreasonable Xia Fei was scary, but the reasonable Xia Fei was even scarier! It was because he was always able to find the flaw in the opposing argument. Nobody could out-debate him!

It was tragic;. Big Dipper had never expected to run into a monster like Xia Fei!

There was truly had no good reason to bring up the Association. The Spiritualist Association had essentially pretended not to see what had happened to Fuchen, so there was no reason they should suddenly start intervening now!


For the first time, Big Dipper seemed to lose his composure, his black hair suddenly standing on ends!

It was only natural Big Dipper did not stop Fuchen from being banished, because Fuchen hated how the Association did things, and Big Dipper wanted nothing more than to see him dead. That had now become a flaw that Xia Fei could exploit!

Big Dipper’s lips trembled, and he was so angry that his eyes turned red, but he couldn’t say a word.

Behind Xia Fei, Wistful Buyi pulled on Wistful Heizus’s sleeve and asked, “Is this Xia Fei really of our bloodline? Could you have made a mistake?”

Wistful Heizus nodded woodenly, “He should be...”

Should be? What did that mean!?

But the Aurora Clan could not be blamed for their reactions. The fiendish Xia Fei was considered a freak even among the Skywings, let alone a family of nice guys like the Aurora Clan. The difference was just enormous!

Who was Xia Fei facing? None other than the chairman of the Spiritualist Association, the number one Spiritualist, Big Dipper!

A normal person would be considered quite the tough guy if they didn’t drop to their knees and pay respects to Big Dipper, but Xia Fei had not only not done that, but also insulted Big Dipper twice! This was a stubborn bull who feared nothing!

Everyone thought that Xia Fei was already quite formidable for rendering Big Dipper speechless, but they still didn’t understand Xia Fei. They did not realize that was only the beginning!

Sweeping his eyes across Big Dipper and the Unrestricted Spiritualists, Xia Fei then stared again at Big Dipper and said coldly, “Big Dipper! In my view, you should stop being the chairman of the Spiritualist Association! Are your eyes only for eating!? Hei Wuji and Basalt have been colluding with the Dark Spiritualists for ages, preparing to take your life at any time, but now, you’re speaking up for them! I think you’ve gone senile in your position!”


Another bomb! The summit of Spirit Mountain exploded!

Ulan was dumbfounded!

The Aurora Clan was dumbfounded!

Everyone became as dumb as wooden chickens!

Putting aside Xia Fei cursing at Big Dipper twice, that sharp tongue of his was pushing Big Dipper to his demise!

If everything Xia Fei said was true, then Big Dipper was truly the stupidest chairman of the Spiritualist Association in history!

Everyone knew that the Dark Spiritualists were aiming for the Association, but the chairman of the association, Big Dipper, was protecting the Dark Spiritualists’ people! This was the greatest joke in history!

Let alone resigning, it wouldn’t be excessive if Big Dipper committed suicide out of shame!

“This is slander! Who doesn’t know that we serve the Spiritualist Association!? How could we collude with the Dark Spiritualists!?”

“That’s right, chairman! Don’t believe his words! Xia Fei is willing to do anything to take Unrestricted for himself!”

Basalt and Lingxing quickly shouted out, swearing that they were loyal to the Association. On the other end, Big Dipper seemed at a loss, probably dizzy from Xia Fei’s verbal offensive.

There was a cold laugh! Xia Fei sighed and said, “Old Fuchen, have you seen it? Do you understand now why I have to close down this accursed Unrestricted Spirit?”

Xia Fei turned his sharp eyes to Basalt and Lingxing, declaring loudly, “As Fuchen’s disciples, shouldn’t you have a little more self-respect!? If you want to collude with the Dark Spiritualists, go ahead, but be men about it! Don’t turn yourself into dogs of the Spiritualist Association!

“Someone like you wants to command Unrestricted!? Has there ever been such a meek Sectmaster for the Unrestricted Sect before!? The illustrious orthodox Spiritualist lineage! The owners of the Unrestricted Soul Spirit Mark! I wasn’t the one who made you turn them into such a mess!”


After all that was said, everyone suddenly had an improved opinion of Xia Fei. Warriors had their dignity! They were disciples of the Unrestricted Sect, yet they were swearing fealty to the Spiritualist Association!? Lingxing and company had thrown away all of the dignity of the Unrestricteds!

“Now, I will tell the whole universe about what you’ve done!”


Xia Fei threw a ball into the air. The ball released a 360-degree projection that displayed Lingxing’s meeting that day with Master Nan Shazi.

Ulan was furious! Those guys wanted to destroy him and the Plant lineage!

The Skywings were furious! It was no wonder Xia Fei had been so brutal! It turned out that these people had been targeting them!

Big Dipper was also furious! The mighty Chairman of the Spiritualist Association had been played worse than a monkey!

Xia Fei pointed and ordered, “No survivors!”

The Wolfpack Formation rumbled to life, and the Plant Spiritualists also turned vicious. To see the Plant Spiritualists fighting alongside others was truly rare, but it was just a sign of how wicked Fuchen’s disciples really were.

To everyone’s surprise, Spiritualist Chairman Big Dipper was leading the charge!

This was what it meant for a cornered dog to be capable of jumping over the wall. Big Dipper had been utterly humiliated, and he felt that if he could personally kill Lingxing’s group, he might be able to salvage a little of his reputation. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to show himself in daylight again.

Thus, Big Dipper’s reaction was the most intense, starting off with his strongest move!

“Seven Star Flight!”

The sky rumbled as Big Dipper thrust his hands forward and used his most famous skill!

Spirit power turned into seven stars, which took the shape of scimitars and swept toward Lingxing’s crew.

Lingxing and his comrades had been pushed to the edge of a cliff and had nowhere to run. They had all heard of how powerful Big Dipper’s Seven Star Flight was, and they did not dare to take it directly, so they decided to just jump off the mountainside!

“Oh no! They’re getting away!” Xia Fei bellowed as he led his men in pursuit.

He had just arrived at the cliff edge and was about to jump down, when suddenly there was an eruption of wind, an air current so strong that Big Dipper’s Seven Star Flight was blown up into the heavens!

Big Dipper scowled. Could he be any more humiliated today!? Even his ultimate move had been countered! Who was it this time!?

The Skywing Wolves instantly sensed that the situation was bad and fell back, but Big Dipper clenched his teeth and continued forward, swinging his arms around as he prepared to make another move!


But the wind only intensified, seemingly intent on tearing apart the heavens! A giant gap was torn out of the sky over Spirit Mountain, revealing the countless stars above! Even this planet’s atmosphere was no match for this opponent’s power!


A second later, a warship emerged from the base of the mountain!

A group of people stood on it, one of them using his hands to tear apart the sky, a savage look on his face!

“Master Nan Shazi!”

“The number one Dark Spiritualist!”

Some people cried out in shock. Yes, the newcomer was none other than Master Nan Shazi! With him were several dozen Dark Spiritualist experts, their hands held behind their backs as they surveyed the crowd coldly. As for Lingxing’s group, they had landed on the warship and were currently sitting on the deck.

“Finished! Spirit Mountain is finished!”

Someone quickly caught on to the situation and ran off. Battles between Spiritualists were often extremely bitter! Even fools knew to stay as far away as possible!

Spirit Mountain was thrown into chaos!

Big Dipper steadied himself and demanded, “Master Nan Shazi! What are you trying to do!?”

“Do?” Master Southsand replied coldly. ” The person I was waiting for didn’t come, but you showed up instead! You’re quite the bold one, coming alone to Spirit Mountain, and even showing yourself! Today, all thirty-seven peak Spiritualists of my Dark Spiritualist lineage are here! What do you think I’m going to do!?”

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