Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 62 - Chapter 62: Chapter 62 “Going Home

Chapter 62: Chapter 62 “Going Home

Lin Shen followed Ye Yuzhen into the castle, which was quite compact due to its modest footprint.

There was no grand garden or the like; instead, there were various buildings and defensive structures everywhere, indicating that the castle’s owner was a cautious person who planned ahead.

In such a compact layout, there were impressive design details to marvel at, like the subtle elegance of a floral pattern in a corner that added warmth and beauty to this steel fortress.

“A meticulous male host and a tender female host, a tiger and a rose together, make a perfect match.” The iron walls and decorative greenery gave Lin Shen a favorable impression of the castle’s owner before even meeting them; he always preferred places that were both safe and comfortable.

There were hardly any servants or maids in sight within the castle, only Mutators coming and going, each dressed in a carefully tailored uniform.

On the left breast of the deep blue uniforms these people wore, Lin Shen noticed a very special flower emblem, although he couldn’t recognize what type of flower it was.

Ye Yuzhen led Lin Shen to a building at the very center of the castle. Ye Yuzhen glanced at Lin Shen and took a deep breath before pushing the door open and entering.

Inside was a retro-styled living room where a woman in her thirties, looking every bit the lady of the house, sat on a sofa holding a sleek black cat, her fingers gently stroking its ears.

“Lin Shen, let me introduce you to…” Ye Yuzhen started to introduce Lin Shen to the lady but was cut off by him.

“Is an introduction necessary? You both look so similar and beautiful; it’s obvious, you must be Yuzhen’s sister, right? My name is Lin Shen, and I’m Yuzhen’s boyfriend…” Lin Shen preempted.

The lady just smiled, not saying a word, while Ye Yuzhen, annoyed, chided, “Sister your big head, this is my mom.”

“Sorry, sorry, I really didn’t notice. I can’t believe you’re so young and actually Yuzhen’s mom,” Lin Shen quickly apologized.

“Yuzhen, your boyfriend is quite interesting. Why don’t you stay for dinner tonight?” the lady suggested with a smile.

Ye Yuzhen was about to say that Lin Shen couldn’t stay, but Lin Shen beat her to it, saying, “Thank you, Auntie.”

“You kids have fun. I need to step out for a bit, and if I’m not back by six, go ahead and eat without waiting for me. Lin Shen, if you don’t have any urgent business, feel free to stay at our place for a few days. We’ll have a good chat when there’s time,” the lady said as she stood up and walked towards the door. She picked a hat with a veil from the coat rack, donning it to cover her mature beauty.

As she was about to leave, she paused and half-turned to say to Lin Shen, “You can also call me Yi.”

With that, the lady left.

Lin Shen and Ye Yuzhen both paused briefly, puzzled by the lady’s parting words.

Ye Yuzhen glared at him fiercely. “Who let you agree to stay here? What exactly are you up to?” she demanded.

“Yi asked me to stay; go ask her,” Lin Shen said, sinking into the sofa with a tired expression. “Why don’t you help me get the guest room ready? I’m a bit tired and want to rest for a bit.”

He had just been through a big battle and used Super-Base Change, exhausting his energy, on top of running for his life and shopping in the market, he was indeed very fatigued.

If he didn’t have to be considerate of Ye Yuzhen’s family, he would have already lain down on the sofa.

“Don’t even think about it, get out of here,” Ye Yuzhen retorted, grabbing a pillow and hurling it towards Lin Shen angrily.

“What was that… What’s it called again?” Lin Shen feigned forgetting.

“Don’t you know anything else to say?” Ye Yuzhen was on the verge of biting her lip through.

“If you think it’s inconvenient for me to stay in the guest room, I don’t mind taking a loss and staying in your room,” Lin Shen said, catching the pillow.

“Dream on. Take him to the guest room on the third floor,” Ye Yuzhen snarled, glaring hard at Lin Shen before calling the old butler over to give the order.

The butler politely invited Lin Shen and Wei Wufu upstairs, and surprisingly, there was even an elevator.

After settling into the guest room, Lin Shen fell asleep as soon as he touched the bed, as he was truly exhausted from the day.

He slept very soundly, waking only when it was already dark outside. It was the persistent knocking on the door that roused Lin Shen; without it, he might have slept straight through until the next day.

“Mr. Lin, it’s time for dinner. The young lady invites you to dine downstairs,” the butler said very politely as Lin Shen opened the door.

“Has Madam Ye returned?” Lin Shen asked after a moment’s thought.

“The madam has not yet returned,” the butler replied.

“Understood, I’ll wash my face and come down immediately,” Lin Shen said before he returned to his room, closed the door, and did not go to the bathroom to wash his face.

He took out his backpack and pulled out the mosaic-covered Spiraled Snail Base Mutation Egg; surely enough, the mosaic had disappeared.

In fact, Lin Shen didn’t need to look to know that the mosaic should be gone; a new Fire Seed information had already emerged in his mind upon waking.

[Failed Super-Base Evolutionary Seed—Gun Fighting Skill: Shake the wrist at the instant of firing, bestowing the bullet with centrifugal force, causing it to travel along a curved trajectory.]

“Isn’t this just bullets that bend?” Lin Shen thought hard and his eyes lit up.

Gun Fighting Skill only existed in past films and television works, and practically no human had ever managed to achieve it.

In fact, teams had conducted experiments before and discovered that not only could humans not shake their wrists to make bullets fly in an arc, even mechanical arms, which were much stronger and faster than humans, could not achieve curved bullet trajectories.

This was another skill that seemed to make sense but had no practical application and only existed in the imagination.

The skill wouldn’t be of much use to most people, but Lin Shen had an Angel Revolver capable of .44-speed shooting, so the Gun Fighting Skill was very useful for him.

Without Gun Fighting Skill, he would have to shoot directly, which would expose him to the danger of enemy attack.

With Gun Fighting Skill, he could completely hide in the shadows, not even showing his face, and shoot the enemy with these bending bullets; others wouldn’t even see how or when he fired the gun, making it a must-have secret technique for a sneak attack.

With Gun Fighting Skill, who would want to be a close-combat gunman, foolishly shooting face-to-face? Wasn’t it better to take pot shots from places unseen by the enemy?

Regrettably, although Lin Shen really liked Gun Fighting Skill, this Fire Seed ability couldn’t enhance his strength substantially.

“I’ll go back to the market later to see if I can find a few more Base Mutation Eggs with Fire Seeds.” Lin Shen knew well that to control his own fate, these were still not enough.

After washing his face, Lin Shen called Wei Wufu and went downstairs with him to the dining room, where he saw Ye Yuzhen already waiting at the table.

Besides Ye Yuzhen, there was another person present, but it wasn’t Madam Ye; it was a man.

“Brother, let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend Lin Shen, he’s really amazing,” Ye Yuzhen suddenly acted as if she had become a different person, coming over to warmly cling to Lin Shen’s arm, her face expressing happiness as she cozied up next to Lin Shen, looking like they were truly a couple in love.

Lin Shen felt his arm sinking into something soft and elastic, warm and comfortable, yet he couldn’t help but frown and think: “Something’s wrong, Ye Yuzhen is up to something; there must be a scheme.”

“Lin Shen, right? You’ve got guts, I like that. But let’s get one thing straight; although I admire you, I took an oath that anyone who dares to have designs on my sister must get past me first. I cannot break that oath. You came prepared, didn’t you?” the man said with a smile as he approached Lin Shen.

“Sorry, I don’t know how to fight,” Lin Shen said as he pulled out a chair and sat down, sipping water from a cup. He had no intention of taking any test. That was just too cliché.

“That’s quite a coincidence, I don’t know how to fight either,” the man still wore a smile on his face.

“Then what can you do?” Lin Shen asked, taken aback, his question reflecting a subconscious challenge. This was not going according to his expectations.

“I… can… play… the… Xiao…” the man said solemnly.

“Cough… cough…” The water Lin Shen had been drinking almost spurted out. It went up his nose, making him tear up from the acidity.

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