Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 46 - Chapter 46: Chapter 46: Hatching an Aberration

Chapter 46: Chapter 46: Hatching an Aberration

“Damaged by all the tossing around?” Lin Shen saw the cracks on the Base Mutation Egg and his first thought was that it might have been damaged when it rolled down the mountain.

But then he thought, this was a Giant King’s Base Mutation Egg, surely it was not so easily damaged.

“If it’s not damaged from the tossing around, then it’s probably just the right time for it to hatch,” Lin Shen thought.

Wei Wufu stood by silently, not speaking, but silently using his Base Mutation strength. A mysterious substance poured out from within his body, transforming into a carapace to protect him.

According to Lin Shen, the Giant King was likely of Mutated Crystal Base Level, so its offspring would naturally be of Mutated Crystal Base Level too. Even if it was just born, confused and unaware, taming it was probably not going to be easy.

The cracks on the Base Mutation Egg multiplied, and Lin Shen also took out his Capsule Gun, ready to give a harsh lesson to whatever little thing that might attack him.

Click! Click!

The cracks on the Base Mutation Egg became more numerous, and suddenly it split in half, a round object rolling out from within.

Both Lin Shen and Wei Wufu, who had been prepared for a fierce battle to tame the creature, were stunned when they saw clearly what the object looked like.

Even the way they looked at it was filled with shock and disbelief.

“What on earth is this…” Lin Shen rubbed his eyes, doubting if there was something wrong with them.

But no matter how much Lin Shen rubbed, what he saw remained the same plump thing.

What had rolled out of the Base Mutation Egg was not a Base Variant Creature.

The reason it wasn’t considered a Base Variant Creature was that there were no metallic objects on it, just white feathers, a round body, red eyes, and pink claws—it was nothing more than a fat white pigeon.

A Base Variant Creature could not possibly be just flesh and blood, so this white, fat bird didn’t look like one at all.

Yet it had clearly emerged from a Base Mutation Egg—if not a Base Variant Creature, then what could it be?

Not only Lin Shen, even Wei Wufu was completely baffled.

While both men were full of question marks, the little thing wobbled its body and toddled over to the fragments of the Base Mutation Egg.

Possibly because it was too fat, it walked like a duck, waddling its bottom comically yet somewhat adorably.

The little thing pecked down, startling both Lin Shen and Wei Wufu.

The Base Mutation Egg was not only heavy but also extremely hard; it had rolled down the mountain and smashed big rocks into pieces without any damage to itself.

Yet this stout creature easily broke these hard fragments into pieces and swiftly swallowed them.

“This fat bird must still be a Base Variant Creature after all, I just don’t know why it turned out this way. Anyway, let’s tame it first,” Lin Shen rushed forward aiming to snatch the fragments and intending to tame this strange Base Variant Creature using his usual methods.

Lin Shen had just gotten close to the fragments and hadn’t even picked them up when he noticed his fat bird waddling towards him.

This startled Lin Shen, making him retreat a few steps, while Wei Wufua also prepared for battle.

The fat bird, because of its weight, did not walk fast, and in its haste, it fluttered its wings a few times. Perhaps it was indeed too fat, because it couldn’t even muster a jump, let alone fly, and it failed to catch up with Lin Shen.

While Lin Shen watched its ridiculous antics and felt an urge to both cry and laugh, the fat bird’s figure suddenly flashed and then vanished from the spot.

“Not good!” Lin Shen immediately realized something was amiss. Before he could react, he noticed the vanished fat bird appeared at his feet, rubbing its round head against his calf, looking as if it was trying to act cute and coquettish.

“This…” Lin Shen felt today was truly an eye-opener. He had neither seen nor heard of such a Base Variant Creature before.

He carefully reached out his hand to stroke the fat bird’s feathers. The fat bird didn’t resist at all and even leaned its body against Lin Shen’s hand.

Upon touching, Lin Shen was even more certain that it was indeed a creature of flesh and blood. Beneath the fluffy white feathers was warm flesh, not cold metal.

“What on earth is this thing? Does it have a Pet Key on it?” Lin Shen picked up the fat bird to examine it more closely. The bird cooperated by staying perfectly still, tucking in its neck, and looking at Lin Shen with equally curious red eyes.

It was bad enough that the Giant King’s egg didn’t turn into a little Giant King, but Lin Shen could somehow wrap his head around the appearance of a bird. However, what puzzled him was how it turned into a flesh-and-blood fat pigeon.

After examining it for a while, he couldn’t see where on its body it could possibly hide a Pet Key.

“Key… do you have a key… give me the key…” Lin Shen spoke to the fat bird.

The fat bird tilted its head, looking at him with confusion written all over its face.

Seeing that the fat bird didn’t understand, Lin Shen put it down and took out a Pet Key to show it: “This… do you have this thing… give it to me…”

Still, the fat bird didn’t understand. Its small face was filled with bewilderment and ignorance. It waddled over to Lin Shen’s feet, rubbing its head affectionately against his leg and making cooing sounds.

“Alright, alright, stop rubbing. Go eat something,” Lin Shen said in a tone mixed with bemusement and resignation as he picked up the fat bird and placed it back beside the Base Mutation Egg shards.

The fat bird pecked happily at the shards, twisting and turning in a way that actually looked quite silly and adorable.

“What do you think?” Lin Shen asked Wei Wufu with a wry smile.

Wei Wufu stared at the fat bird for a long time before he squeezed out four words: “Too fat, lose weight.”

“I know it’s fat… I’m not talking about that… never mind… forget I asked…” Lin Shen was at a loss for words.

The fat bird was about the same size as an ordinary pigeon, only much fatter, practically round. Coupled with its white feathers, it resembled a snowball from a distance.

Although it wasn’t large, it had a big appetite. It had gobbled up all the Base Mutation Egg shards in just a moment.

It was a mystery how such a small-bodied creature could consume so many shards.

After eating, the fat bird wobbled back over to Lin Shen and once again started rubbing its head against him, its little claws scrabbling up his body, seemingly trying to climb up.

Lin Shen picked it up, and the fat bird’s weight hadn’t increased at all.

The Base Mutation Egg was so heavy that even Lin Shen, reinforced by the power of Sacrifice to Heaven, struggled to lift it. Yet after the fat bird consumed all the shards, it remained surprisingly light, not much heavier than a regular pigeon—as if it hadn’t eaten those shards at all.

“Let’s just go back for now,” Lin Shen said as he placed the fat bird inside his backpack, leaving the top open, unlocked.

This backpack, which he had gotten from Tian Xin, was a Heaven Brand product, considered a luxury in the planet he lived on.

The fat bird was well-behaved, just sitting inside the bag, its round head poking out, its red eyes curiously scanning everything around.

“Not sure whether bringing this thing with me will turn out to be a blessing or a curse,” Lin Shen thought to himself. He now felt somewhat reluctant to part with the fat bird.

Although the creature was somewhat odd, anyone could see that it possessed strong abilities.

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