Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 250 I Have My Own Ways, of Course

Chapter 250 I Have My Own Ways, of Course

Jiang Ze had a cigarette in his mouth, as he stood by the entrance of the dock. Beside him, there were three tall men, who were impeccably dressed. All of them had hostile expressions on their faces, and the only thing lacking, were dark glasses and "I’m a bad guy" tattoos, written on their foreheads! It was clear from their stances, that they were far from being just your average ruffians or gangsters.

"Later, when he arrives, if he doesn’t agree to receive the compensation and relocate, we’ll beat him until he conforms!" Jiang Ze said with high spirits, while resolutely flicking his cigarette butt away.

The three people with him were the company’s top thugs. They were used to dealing with stubborn inhabitants like these. Hence, there was no need to bring a whole big group of them.

As for the person called Chen Yongfeng, Jiang Ze had been asking around about him in Zhongyun City, but everyone claimed to never have heard of this person before...

Right at this moment, the automatic metal gate in front of Jiang Ze went "Clank!", before opening up, like curtains on a stage. As it opened, Chen Fan’s emotionless face came into full view.

Chen Fan was ready to go ashore and return to the hotel, when he unexpectedly saw four young men standing there. These men obviously harbored malicious intentions. The most sloppy one in front, was none other than that little jerk Jiang Ze, who almost caused his lungs to burst just a few days ago!

"Hi, Mr. Chen, so we meet again!" As usual, Jiang Ze took a Yuxi cigarette out from it’s casing, before handing it to Chen Fan. "How about it? Have you thoroughly considered whether to accept the compensation or not?"

"I choose the third option!" Chen Fan smiled, taking the cigarette. Then, in front of four pairs of startled eyes, he threw the cigarette onto the ground, then crushed it with his feet. "The third option is to not let you build the villa!"

He must be insane, everyone thought, before staring at him as if they had seen a ghost.

"You, you, you...." Jiang Ze was stuck in a trance, but managed to regain his composure after quite a while. His sharp face looked like a frostbitten pork liver, quickly turning from red to purple. "Damn you! Don’t refuse a toast, only to be forced to drink a forfeit! In the end, the compensation might not be enough to cover your hospital fees!"

Chen Fan simply muttered something undecipherable under his breath, before immediately making a move that stunned Jiang Ze. Just as he was going to dodge the hit, a fist landed on his face, causing him to wail and fall to the ground.

Chen Fan bent his knee to squat down, before patting his red and swollen face. "I happen to like drinking a forfeit, as well as going to the hospital. What are you going to do about that?"

The three top notch thugs were extremely surprised by this absurd scene! Their mouths fell wide open, and their brains stopped working momentarily.

"Shoot!" Once their thoughts came back to them, the three top thugs shouted at the same time, before raising their fists and legs to hit Chen Fan.

"Wait!" Chen Fan took a step back suddenly. It was unclear whether it was intentional or not, but he had coincidentally stepped on Jiang Ze’s finger. "I would like to inform you that, once you take action, the consequences will be unimaginable! So, don’t blame me for not warning you!"

"Hit him, quick!" Jiang Ze’s expression was twisted in pain, as he issued commands. "Ah! Attack him quickly!"

The three top thugs were not easily intimidated. They paused for only a second, before rushing straight to Chen Fan with ferocious and terrifying faces. Chen Fan was spineless, as he took a few steps back and shouted, "Stupid Wang Bing, are you enjoying the view? Come and settle them!"

The three men paused again, then turned their heads slightly in order to see where Chen Fan was looking.

"Boss, obviously you can handle them yourself!" As if he had been wronged, Wang Bing whined bitterly, while walking out from behind the Odyssey.

"Pooh!" Jiang Ze spat out blood and saliva. He was still stubborn, despite the fact that he was about to die. "If you want to call for help, then at least get more of them. But you brought this thin monkey instead, did you plan on going to the ICU together?


Chen Fan did not continue to speak nonsense with him, but directly landed a kick on his abdomen. The intensely strong attack led Jiang Ze to wail, before he instantly became limp, like a wet noodle, gasping for air madly.

"I’ll hand those three over to you!" Chen Fan clapped his hands, then stepped back to watch the show.

"Take care of the one called Wang Bing first!"

The three top thugs surrounded Wang Bing in the shape of a crescent moon. As long as they were willing to attack, it didn’t matter who got hit first. Anyhow, the both of them must be defeated, so it was just a matter of sequence.

"Take care of me?" Wang Bing looked at him with an expression of disbelief. Then, he pretended to take his phone out. "I never thought that I would encounter violent gangsters on such a fine day. I’m going to call 120!"

"Crazy guy, are you so scared that you’re brain stopped working? You should call 110!" The man in the middle doubled over in laughter.

"Hehe, I was just concerned that you guys won’t even have the strength to call 120 later. Since you didn’t appreciate my efforts, so be it!" Wang Bing kept his phone and said, "Come on, all together then!"

Following his words, the long-haired guy on the left suddenly lifted his feet in the air. He was precisely half a head taller than Wang Bing.

After he raised his leg above Wang Bing’s head, he smashed it down with all his might. The whole action was clean, with him barely even moving his upper body. It seemed like he had put in a lot of effort to train his legs for just such moves.

He’s fast!

But, someone was faster than him. While his leg was smashing downwards, Wang Bing had already jabbed his liver with an elbow. This unfortunate thug instantly lost all his strength, and his face became so red, that it looked like it had caught fire! After falling onto the ground,he scratched and clawed wildly, wishing that he could take out his liver.

Dong dong!

With two dull thuds, the two remaining thugs, who had yet to even make their attacks, were sent flying with a kick from Wang Bing. One of them landed on the Honda Odyssey with a loud bang, making a big dent on the car.

"Can you still call 120?" Wang Bing walked to the guy who had called him crazy. He casually picked up a pebble, arched his eyebrow, and said, "I’ll give you 20 seconds. If you manage to utter a single word, I’ll eat this pebble!"

As if he had been drastically humiliated, his retina tore little by little, and his mouth opened mechanically, as he wanted to use any sort of action to refute his disdain. However, this small voice, which could normally go on for hours and hours, suddenly was hushed. His eyes were almost bulging out, but he could not make a single sound come out of his mouth!

Have you ever experienced being punched below your ribs?

That’s where the liver is. The pain experienced from this hit was suffocating. In fact, it was so painful, that it would make you drip in a cold sweat and find it difficult to even breathe! Moreover, the pain lasts for a very long time. He was currently enduring this type of sufferingl!


At 8 a.m. in the morning, the sunshine entered from the east window. Then, after passing through the screens, it was sieved into shadows.

"Did that person really use only one move on each of you, to make you guys end up like this?" Chang Le stood by the wall with a scowl. He pulled on the tightly strapped gold necklace, then said in a stone-cold voice, "I’ve always told you guys not to waste time on women, but to spend time on training instead. But, everything I said goes in the left ear and out the right ear. Now, you can’t even beat him, but instead are beaten straight into the hospital! If those wolves had seen the situation, I wouldn’t be able to make any money with this project! At that point, all of you will have to roll up your sleeping bags and go home."

"Don’t...don’t...please don’t......Boss...." The top thug, Xia Li, who was lying by the window, said weakly, before groaning like a woman. "We...will bring our brothers and try to get the factory back again. If all else fails, then we’ll bring the ’puncher’. If he dares to move a muscle, it’ll turn him into an iron sandbag!"

He was severely wounded, as his soft tissue was damaged and his liver was quite swollen. Fortunately, there was no internal bleeding. But, this was still enough to turn him into ’Lin Daiyu’ for a month. This was because, if he accidentally raised his voice or was harsh with his movements, it would aggravate the pain in his liver.

"Yes Boss!" Jiang Ze sat up on his bed animatedly. Due to the sudden movement, which affected the injury on his face, he grimaced in pain. " matter how strong that brat is, he still won’t be able to stand a chance against a gun, right? If you put the barrel against his head and ask him to stab himself, even he would have to obey obediently."

"To hell with your punch. Did you think that you were still bouncers, like before?" Chang Le was so angry, even his eyebrows were raised. "A bunch of idiots. We are now businessmen! Businessmen, you hear me? Anything on a small scale is acceptable. Demolishing someone’s house and not giving compensation, that’s alright too. But we can’t beat up anyone. Once people find out about this, then we’ve reached the government’s limit. The government will never tolerate real estate developers who threaten people with guns. With the current developments in information technology, once it’s on the web, the whole world will know about it. Then, god knows what would happen to us!"

"It would be fine if we did it without leaving a single trace!" someone muttered.

"Shut your mouth!" Chang Le said sternly.

A brat with blond-dyed hair bit his tongue for quite a while. In the end, he just slapped himself in the face.

"Boss, we can’t just let this go. Our opponent may be strong, but we shouldn’t be afraid of him!" Once he was out of the hospital, a middle age man with glasses opened the door for him and said with a doubtful tone.

"F*ck, of course not!" Chang Le’s ferocious eyes were spitting venom in waves. "He started this feud. No matter how strong he is, I’m going to make him unable to stand on his own feet. Otherwise, when we start our construction work, we would be screwed if we have to delay our deadlines, due to his interrupting every few days."

"So, how are we going to handle him? They fight so well! Iif we don’t use our weapons, I’m afraid we can’t hold them off."

"You don’t always have to handle people with guns!" Chang Le glared intensely at the roof of the car. "Have all the other docks been demolished and relocated?"

"It is all done. There were two uncooperative fishermen, but once they saw the malicious thugs standing at the entrance, they conformed immediately. Now, that’s the only dock that has not been demolished and relocated yet."

"Okay, then go get a bulldozer from the engineering department!"

"Boss, if we hastily demolish the house, without coming to an agreement on the compensation beforehand, won’t it drive him to do something desperate?"

"I have my own ways, of course!"

Chapter 251 Could This Be Bought Wholesale?

It was four o’clock in the afternoon. The cloudy sky was darkening gradually. All of a sudden, the strong gusts of wind stilled, and it felt as if it was about to begin raining.

A bright yellow XCMG wheel loader roared past, splashing up the muddy water from a pothole. This sort of large wheel loader was usually used in mines to cart stones, or even utilized as a bulldozer, since it could easily demolish a house due to its huge amount of horsepower.

Only this one driver had been sent out this day. Rather than sending out a hundred people, just this one loader, with its beast-like level of expertise, was more than sufficient.

"XCMG, the perfect companion to your success!" The bald youth in the cab of the loader excitedly rubbed his bald head, while he was driving the loader. He entered into the dock area, trespassing as if nobody was watching.

It was simply thrilling to him to wreak havoc with this huge rig. To him, it was an unadulterated combination of steel and strength. In particular, the bamboo-like power that one felt when ramming the backhoe against the walls was especially thrilling.

When the loader had charged to the front of the dock, Baldy honked several times. He was trying to see if he could intimidate any of the thieves, then force them to run.

With a creak, the closed metal doors were pushed to the side, and a tall thief with a lean appearance came rushing out. The thief was wearing a placid smile and standing in a nonchalant manner.

Despite having an air of nonchalance, his gaze was sharp as a knife, brimming with confidence and disdain. As such, Baldy could not bring himself to meet his piercingly sharp gaze.

Beep beep!

Baldy honked twice, aggressively. He was here to demolish the place, not to murder anyone. In order to do that, he had to chase away this thief first!

It was as if the thief was deaf. He did not respond to the ear-piercing honks at all, but merely stood there, his nonchalant expression unchanging.

"Hey, are you the fellow they call Wang Bing?" Grumbling, Baldy wound down his window and shouted across the iron railings, "Get out of my way, unless you want me to use this backhoe to mow you down."

"Oh this guy’s got guts. You want to mow me down?" Wang Bing scratched an itch in his ear, then took a few purposeful steps to stop right in front of the loader. "Come on, let’s see if your guts are as strong as this loader."

"You’re looking for death!" Baldy went crazy when he heard this challenge.

Alright, I’ll show him that I’m no coward!

Baldy’s right hand immediately pulled up the joystick, prepared to use the backhoe to flatten him like a piece of paper. In the five seconds it took for him to grab hold of the joystick and for the backhoe of the loader to ascend quickly, Wang Bing had climbed up to the threshold of the cab with a single whoosh. He was now quietly watching him with a small smile.

Baldy was stunned for a moment, then roared into laughter. The very reason the rebars were welded on the outside of the loader was precisely to prevent situations such as these, where a man of exceptional agility might try to drag the driver out to beat him up.

Hence, the car door was locked from the inside, unless the thief could use brute strength to tear off the rebars...

"Hold tight, I want to see which is thicker, your skin or the dock!" Baldy let out a firecracker-like maniacal laugh, then released the clutch while stepping on the accelerator.

He was preparing to change gears to ram the dock. But, before his right hand could even touch the gearbox, his loader stalled.

"Idiot! Why don’t you just continue driving! I want to see which is thicker, your head or a copper-jacketed bullet!" Wang Bing used his finger to lightly release the safety catch of his Beretta M9. With a click, the bolt was ready to fire.

While the rebars were bulletproof, they were set in a criss-crossing pattern, with gaps huge enough to fit a fist inside them. Thus, one certainly could not rely on glass alone, which could be shattered with a single punch, to stop a bullet.

Baldy had some experience handling guns. The company that he worked for owned some guns, which were made in a workshop in the Guizhou Province Songtao County. However, he still never used the guns much. The government’s persecution of illegal gun use was very strict, so he always tried to only use guns when it was absolutely necessary.

He had made all sorts of preparations, but he had never once expected that the guy would pull a gun on him. With his knowledge of guns, he could easily tell that this gun was the real deal. Even the click that he had heard just now was the sound that could only be made when the gun was loaded. Thus, it was obviously not a gun with an empty barrel.

He shook, while he was retracting his hand. He then said mournfully, "Big brother, please let me go. I’ll leave right away."

"No. Since you’re already here, how can you leave so soon?" Wang Bing nonchalantly whistled, while gesturing with his gun. "Go ahead and drive your loader into the dock."

"Ah, okay... okay!" Baldy was as docile as a kitten now.

Once the loader was gradually driven into the dock, Wang Bing flicked a coin with his left finger, hitting the red switch that controlled the main gate.

"Get out of the car!"

"Ah okay, okay!" Baldy rolled down the car window, then squatted down automatically.

"Stand in front of that pillar!" Wang Bing took out a bundle of rope and chased him to the pillar, as if he was herding cattle.

Whether it was because Wang Bing was overly confident in his skills or he simply did not think Baldy would fight back, he just left his unloaded Beretta M9 tucked into the waistband at the back of his pants while he was cornering the thief.

"Heh, heh, heh," Baldy still had an obsequious expression, but a calculating gleam shone in his eye.

Using his clothes as a barrier, he used his left hand to sneakily take out a black box the size of a name card from his back pocket, holding it in his hand. The black box had two metal receptors at the top, and a red button on the side, with a lightning sign engraved on it.

"Head high, chest out!" Wang Bing started tying him to the pillar with nylon rope.


The top of the black box in Baldy’s left hand suddenly erupted into a white arc of light, which he quickly thrust into Wang Bing’s stomach. That’s right, he was holding a taser, which would cause a person to collapse senseless onto the floor for a few seconds the minute it came into contact with his upper body.


Baldy cradled his palm and wailed, because Wang Bing had grabbed and twisted his wrist.

"Aren’t you embarrassed, taking out that plaything of high school students?" Wang Bing toyed with the plastic taser. "Have you ever played with an electric taser? The kind that could set a newspaper on fire, and could cause a human’s nerve and muscle activity to be immediately paralyzed? Your little toy would only cause extreme pain and numbness to the body."

Once Wang Bing had secured him to the pillar, he poked Baldy with the taser. He then turned on the switch! The funny thing was, the crackling sound of the taser’s electric arc vanished immediately after making contact with human skin. It then became utterly silent.

"Ow!" Baldy gave out a loud wail, then started struggling violently.

"So? Your toy isn’t that impressive after all!"

His eyes rolled to the back of his skull like a beached carp. It was several seconds before he managed to open his eyes with much difficulty. He was vexed and fuming, but dared not say anything.

A thought suddenly struck Wang Bing. "Do you remember how we used to play with tasers?"

"I... I don’t know..." Baldy’s forehead was wet with cold sweat.

"Let me show you. It’s really fun!" Wang Bing smiled placidly. "To start off, prepare some sewing needles, then stick the needles in randomly. Next, use the taser to electrify the needles, and the needles will then fly out of the flesh. Then, you’ll see strings of red shooting out from the hole that was poked by the needle. But don’t worry, that’s just blood! However, if the needle is poked into the belly button or the soles of the feet, then the effect would be that much more incredible!"

"Brother, I’m begging you. I’m just a lackey that was hired to do the dirty work. I didn’t want to do this. I’d actually started despising Chang Le long ago..."

Seeing the iron nails that had just been brought out by Wang Bing from god knows where, Baldy’s eyeballs became bigger than balloons.


Watching the arrow, which was shot out by Chen Fan, Argyll’s eyeballs became bigger than balloons.

Sniggering, Chen Fan walked towards the big tree, which was a hundred meters away, and pointed towards the arrow. He could clearly see that the arrow had a third of its hilt buried in the bark.

He then said, "Apart from its slow shooting speed, the killing power and precision of the bow is not inferior to a handgun. Also, this type is called a chace moon crossbow, and it has an effective firing range of up to 150 or 160 meters. Thus, in a large scale battle, killing a person from 300 meters away would not be a problem."

"Awesome..." Argyll stared hungrily at the crossbow in Chen Fan’s hands, then stuttered several unintelligible Chinese words.

After a few days of cramming, Argyll could just barely express himself in very basic Chinese, while that white python, which was called Snow Queen, was slightly dumber than Argyll. She could only catch the gist of Chen Fan’s words, and could not express herself at all yet.

This killing range of 300 meters could only be achieved with a great horn composite crossbow. But, that sort of bow was extremely unwieldy, taking three people to lift it, as well as requiring a lot of effort just to load the bow. Also, its aim was surprisingly so bad, it missed its mark almost every time!

Whereas, this so-called chace moon medium-sized crossbow, which was made of unknown materials, could be loaded quickly by stepping on the pedal in front. Moreover, the time between loading and firing the bow was not much slower than a bow-and-arrow, yet it covered five times the shooting range!

If there were ten thousand soldiers, all of whom were equipped with this type of bow, they could easily shoot and kill 40,000 people. Moreover, the archers, who were defending the city from its walls, could even shoot down a hundred thousand people!

Most importantly, this exceptionally convenient crossbow could be bought wholesale, so the only thing left to do was to ask its final price!

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