Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 89 Time with No Cliffs

Angel roughly understood Sanders explanation. That is to say, there must be something contaminated by the breath of the Nightmare Plane in order for it to be used as an anchor. In order to re-enter the Nightmare Plane, one can follow the breath to the original source.

But what Angel cares more about is this, why did Sanders say that his anchor is a wound to the soul?

When he tested his talent in Pat Manor, did he actually enter or did his soul enter? Then how did his Mentor enter with his true body and was able to leave his blood behind?

Angel asks this question regarding his doubts, Sanders just smiles and answers. “This has something to do with your talent. Leave it for now. I need to verify something first and then I’ll be able to tell you when we get back from the Nightmare Plane.”

Sanders continued: “Before we enter the Nightmare Plane, I’ll explain to you the destination of this adventure.”

Sanders took out a transparent crystal ball and put it on the table. The palm of his hand gently rubbed on the surface of the crystal ball, and a glow flashed from within.

Sanders motioned Angel to come and see.

Angel went to the table and looked into the crystal ball. Now there were images in it, similar to the images taken by the Holographic Tablet.

The scene inside the crystal ball is of a completely barren abandoned building, all the stone steps are covered with a thick layer of moss, and one can only vaguely see the prosperity of the past. The picture keeps wandering while more and more abandoned buildings appeared in view. Continuously passing these buildings is like watching scenes fixed in time, showing the mottled traces of civilization fused with nature.

A beautiful statue with broken arms comes into view, followed by delicate eaves grayed by ash, a white fountain lined with gold was shown covered in moss, and an arched walkway that was left in broken ruins by time.

If there are ruin enthusiasts near this plot, they may love it here, because it shows the solidified view of prosperity in the past that just contrasts with the future of mankind. Looking carefully, one can even imagine the previously gorgeous images, watching the tall rising buildings, imagining the feasts and festivities that welcomed guests, and finally watching it all crumble away!

“This is a relic built by an ancient wizard in the hinterland of the Guman Kingdom. Who built it, or what its name is, has never been fully verified, and the remains of this place were swept away when they were unearthed, tens of thousands of years ago. But now it is called: Flower Garden Labyrinth.” Sanders lamented slightly at the images: “Before I made it and became an official wizard, I had been here to explore, and from here, I entered the Nightmare Plane for the first time.”

“At that time, the entrance to the Nightmare Plane had coincidentally appeared in the Flower Garden Labyrinth, and I accidentally stepped into it. The Flower Garden Labyrinth in the Nightmare Plane is not a ruin, but a complete and exquisite city.”

“There, I met a powerful demon, and since it was a matter regarding life and death, I hid in the sewers of the city.”

At this point, Sanders suddenly changed the subject: “Do you know why it is called the Flower Garden Labyrinth?”

Without waiting for Angel’s response, Sanders told him, “Because the sewers of these ruins is a huge and magnificent flower garden!”

“When I was chased by the demon, I stepped into the sewers. Although temporarily dodging the pursuit of the demon, in fact, compared with the demon, the emergence of creatures in the sewers was even more terrifying. Moreover, as soon as I entered the sewers, I fell into a labyrinth in which I could not find the exit to at all. “

“There are a lot of strange things in the labyrinth, and powerful demons prowl everywhere at the scene. I dodged them all carefully with a little luck at the time, and held on until the moment a passage reappeared and was able to leave from the Nightmare Plane.” Sanders paused: “As for the special Guidance Method I’m referring to, it’s in this sewer labyrinth.”


Sanders spoke so plainly though Angel knew that many details were omitted, but he could still hear the horror and danger implied from the ambiguous words.

“This time, I will go along with you. Although there is an anchor in hand, and the two of us will be entering the Nightmare Plane together, we will not be transported into the same place. We will be randomly transmitted to different locations. I’ll give you a few coordinates, and you’ll have to follow them to any of the destinations as soon as possible and hide. I’ll come and check each coordinate one by one in order to find you.” Sanders solemnly said, “After we head into the Nightmare Plane, wait until I find you. This time you have to deal with these dangers alone, this will be your most dangerous period. ”

“With your ability, don’t try to meet the enemy head-on. Try to rely on your wisdom to get through this period, okay?” Sanders said.

Angel takes in a deep breath and secretly inspires himself from the bottom of his heart: You can do this!

“Do you understand?” Sanders asked again.

“En!” Angel answered without hesitation.

Sanders nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the image in the crystal ball and said, “Remember these coordinates well, remember each location carefully, and when you’re ready, we’ll go into the Nightmare Plane.”

Angel answered decisively, but in fact he is now a little restless, confused, and completely unprepared. Moreover, all kinds of bad scenarios rush into the bottom of his heart. He did not imagine success, but worries more about possible failure.

Angel is not in a good state of mind. He can be called thoughtful or careful, but on the flip side, this can also possibly be viewed as a bad thing, because it shows signs of weakness!

Angel himself sees very clearly, that if he wants to go further in this world, he must overcome this weakness! So no matter how many terrible consequences come into mind, he did not voice concern or outwardly show weakness.

In the eyes of Sanders, Angel is very indifferent and his expression appears to be normal. And with him taking a higher point of view, this spirit of fearlessness in the face of danger is also one of the necessary qualities of becoming a wizard.

It was not until Angel marked each path clearly and restored the landmarks near the coordinates in his mind many times that he was assured of the right locations, he then nodded at Sanders to signal he was ready.

Sanders then took the Twisted Protozoa he had received from Barbie’s Restaurant out of his space pouch.

Sanders put the Twisted Protozoa in a glass bottle containing his blood, and soon the Twisted Protozoa began to devour it. When the last drop of blood was swallowed up by the Protozoa, a strange wave emanated out from it.

“Before we go into the Nightmare Plane, I will say this one last time. This adventure is very likely to have us coming out with no gains and has a meteoric levels of risk associated with it, you have to be psychologically prepared for this outcome.” Sanders said.

Angel gritted his teeth. “I am prepared!”

Sanders nodded again in satisfaction.

At this point, Angel suddenly said, “Mentor, will the position remain the same when we enter the Nightmare Plane from here? If the position of the airship for our passage to the Nightmare Plane remains the same, and when we come out, will we not appear directly in mid-air?”

Angel’s question made Sanders laugh: “Don’t worry about that, the Nightmare Plane is very special. The other thing is that the flow of time is different from all other planes. It’s a world where time never comes to precipitate.”

“Time with No Cliffs cannot climb the shore, we will come and go in only a moment.”

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