As soon as Dany looked back, she saw the source of the voice, Symbian looked viciously at Poku’s face. Although there was no loudspeaker spell, the wizards’ attention was focused on Gravity Forest, and his words had been heard by everyone.

Dany looked at Symbian and wanted to spit blood. She had known for a long time that Symbian was small and narrow minded, but she didn’t care, because vengeance was pervasive between wizards, which was nothing new. But she did not expect Symbian to not only be stingy, but also lack an overall vision of the situation, most importantly, he also pit his teammates!

Dany’s teeth itched with hate, and her expression was so gloomy that she almost formed a dark mist around her.

Symbian seemed to feel Lady Dany’s anger, subconsciously turned his head back, and saw Lady Dany’s dark eyes, suddenly feeling scared into a cold sweat. It was not until then that he realized what he had just said.

Usually in private, how they pit or how they provoke, Lady Dany will not care; But in this case, cheating teammates means uncovering the discord within Gravity Forest in full view of the public, although each Wizard Organization has something to hide, it does not mean that it is willing to put it on display for the public to see.

Symbian was silenced by Dany. But before then, because he was so quick, the sequelae of his action pushed Poku out in full view had began to ferment.

Everyone looked at Poku, a lot of bad eyes made Poku want to cry without tears.

“It turns out that Poku, the tree man, was the lucky one. ”

“So he should have some Fragment of Constant too? ”

“Hey, hey, can we talk… alone? … ”

“Tree man Poku, I remember, this is a wizard on the branch of blood, and he implanted an exotic plant blood, the battle ability should not be strong.”

“The same level 1 wizard, not setting foot on the bloody road, what is there to be afraid of, let’s just do it!”

There were all kinds of discussions.

When Dany heard them, she was even more angry. She had a little resentment against Poku, but now all the anger in her heart was replaced by this fool Symbian.

The noise became louder and louder, and Dany had no time to trouble Symbian. Instead, she told Poku to come forward so that she can deal with it. Now that they have been pushed out by Symbian, they don’t need to hide it and speak out. With her behind his backs, they did not dare to really begin. And Dany herself wondered how Poku had screwed all this stuff up; she had been informed by Poku, with him saying only that he had inadvertently caused a Plane Fusion without giving further details.

So not to mention the curiosity of others, even Gravity Forest’s people are very curious.

Poku heard Lady Dany’s voice, hesitated for a moment, and finally stood up, but before he showed up, he rubbed his face hard, which made his face formed by wrinkled bark even more messy. His eyes were not his eyes, and his mouth was not his mouth. His face also crooked to one side.

Dany frowned and asked, “What happened to your face?”


Poku’s eyes rolled and whispered, “I’m afraid I’ll be liked by Bogula. I have to keep a low profile!”

When Dany heard this, she almost spat out blood. How come both of these people is worth less than one regular one, one is small and mindless, and the other is thick-skinned and greedy for money. Also, does he not look in a mirror, other people know that the people Bogula likes are beauties! With your face, you’re afraid of being targeted?

Dany took a deep breath, pressed down the swearing that was already ready to run out of her mouth, and nodded stiffly to Poku to signal him to speak.

Poku is still immersed in the beautiful delusion of “being killed”, trembling and glancing at the perverted smiling Bogula.

A shiver ran, Poku was just in full view of the public, slowly speaking his own experience.

Poku omitted the reason why he went to the Devil’s Sea domain, saying only that he had received an arraignment from “Mad Bear Saab” and asked him to help escort the Bohemia. On his way there, he appeared on an island filled with Lustrous Velvet Leaf. Lustrous Velvet Leaf is a magic plant from an Exotic Plane. Although, Lustrous Velvet Leaf, the main material for making Lustrous Velvet, is not expensive, the Wizard Plane has no copies of this plant and no record of a successful transplantation of it as well.

Although Poku is not good at refining medicine, he has exotic blood in his body and is born with a sense of affinity for plants. With this talent, he has transplanted a lot of magic plants to make deals with other wizards. It can be said that he is very good at transplanting magic plants.

However, it has always been a pity that Poku has still failed to transplant the Exotic Plane’s Lustrous Velvet Leaf to the Wizard Plane… he was stunned when there were large tracts of Lustrous Velvet Leaf growing on an island in the Devil’s Sea domain. Not knowing whether it was native or transplanted, he resolutely stayed on the island and wanted to observe the growth conditions of Lustrous Velvet Leaf in order to transplant it to his own magic garden.

He had been watching Lustrous Velvet Leaf for more than a month, soil, moisture, wind, wetness, and so on, and the records were all recorded, so he decided to start the transplant. As a result, he dug down with the first shovel, but before he could find a root of the Lustrous Velvet Leaf, the wind and clouds rose, his head felt faint, and he saw another world.

It was a world full of green plants, and what he saw was one of grasslands, the ground filled with glittering, dandelion-like Lustrous Velvet Leaf.

He glanced at it, and then the vision of the other world disappeared, followed by clouds, lightning, thunder, and cracks in the space began forming… …

When Poku is done speaking, it is natural for everyone to know that the world of plants that Poku is referring to should be the place of the plane fusion with the Wizard Plane at this time.

… A vast grassland covered with Lustrous Velvet Leaf… People are in reverie, one after another at the thought.

Although Lustrous Velvet Leaf is an Exotic Plane magic plant, and it is itself a low-level magic plant, the demand is quite large, several Wizard Organization have been operating a Lustrous Velvet Leaf cross-plane resale, so it is not very valuable.

But even though Lustrous Velvet Leaf is worthless by itself, but a prairie made up of Lustrous Velvet Leaf is valuable! According to the current price of the Wizard Plane, a single Lustrous Velvet Leaf is about 5 magic crystal, then factoring in this value, the entire prairie’s worth of Lustrous Velvet Leaf is almost up to everyones’ imagination.

What’s more, what Poku sees is only a tiny portion of the exotic world. Although they don’t know whether the potential plane is large or small, no matter how small the potential plane is, it will be counted in tens of millions of square kilometers.

A small plane is already so valuable, what about the other larger planes? Will there be even more exciting material?

Everyone wants to dance, this Plane Fusion, even if the only harvest is Lustrous Velvet Leaf, has been regarded as a great harvest!

After Poku finished talking about his experience, he was ready to return to Gravity Forest’s camp.

He spoke of the Lustrous Velvet Leaf prairie, attracting everyones’ attention, not only reducing attention to the “Fragment of Constant”, but also reducing his sense of existence. For a moment, few people paid attention to whether he, as the first witness, had the ‘true’ opportunity from Fragment of Constant.

However, as soon as Poku was about to return to his own camp, he heard Bogula call and say, “Stay!”

Poku shivered, his thoughts wriggled in his heart. One moment he thought “Bad, and sure enough, even if my face was crooked, it could not hide my boundless beauty.” The next moment he thought “In order to not be made into a puppet by Bogula, even if he makes me do this or that, ooxx, I will have to allow it!”

Poku’s wild thoughts are clearly superfluous. Because Bogula stopped him, not for his “beauty” at all, as he didn’t even look at him.

“You said Saab asked you to escort the Bohemia?” Because Poku mentioned Saab earlier, Bogula obviously sounded much better this time than the last time: “Saab is also in the Devil’s Sea domain, why don’t I see anyone else here?”

Although Bogula has a strange personality, there are others who can control him, that is, his academic Mentor–Midora.

And Midora is Saab’s Mentor as well, although the position and the starting point are different, but speaking of him and Saab, in fact, it is also the relationship between mentor and brothers.

In the mind of Poku, he wondered when they were going to talk about their “boundless spring”, but listening to Bogula’s question clearly, he unexpectedly was not ‘wanted’, in his heart, an inexplicably trace of regret rose.

“Saab is escorting a group of talents back to the south. As the keeper of the ship, they should not dare to venture too far away.” Poku also does not know the details of the Bohemia, so he can only logically speculate.

“Oh, I see.”

“You didn’t go to the escort before. Did you apologize to Saab?”

Poku looks so confused, why would he apologize?! But looking at Bogula’s “If you didn’t apologize, I’m going to kill you,” expression, Poku nodded without hesitation.

“Oh, I’m sorry, then.” Bogula did not ask another question after hearing this, nodded and believed him.

The other wizards of Sky Machinery City, standing behind Bogula, could not help but have three lines on their foreheads when they saw Bogula’s very trusting expression.

In fact, the extremely abnormal Bogula in the rumor is not interested in selfish gains and losses, and is very easily trusting of others, even if the other party is lying, he does not see the truth, his pureness is comparable to a child.

Although there is a pure good side, but when it comes to his personal interests, he becomes very shrewd and extremely domineering. So, like a demon and an angel, evil and innocence. They merged into one, this is the real Bogula.

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