There had been thunderstorms while he was on the Bohemia. But it had never lasted so long, because a ship is dead and the crew alive. The ocean current was used to sail the Bohemia, and even wide ranges of thunderstorms in the sky can be left behind in dozens of minutes at most.

Now that he is on the Cloud Whale, the Cloud Whale has been flying nonstop for a full seven hours. At the rate the Cloud Whale is traveling, it is enough to travel from through Old Land, in Big 6 in a week and a half, but now it is unable to fly beyond the range of these thunderclouds! This makes Angel very surprised.

How wide is the range of thunderclouds? Does it cover the entire Devil’s Sea domain? Angel could not believe it was possible. If there was such a wide range of thunderclouds as he guessed, it would be comparable to the Dead Thunder myth in the Canary Empire.

But the truth was before him, he could think of any other explanation than that.

Even if this was the “thunder of tribulation”, he is now a mortal, if the sky were to fall against such a big person, the consequences would be unimaginable, and with this idea, Angel’s thoughts broadened. But soon, Angel began to worry about Toby.

“In a thunderstorm like this, I don’t know if Toby made it back to the tent.” Although Toby is a naughty rascal, but after getting along with him for nearly a month, Angel has accepted him in his heart.

While Angel was thinking about these things, the door of the library was suddenly knocked.

“Come in, please.” Angel put away the uneasiness on his face and returned to his usual cold expression.

A man in a black robe wearing a gorgeous totem mask came in, saluted Angel respectfully, and then said in turn, “Master Pat, dinner is ready. The lord has invited you to come over for dinner.”

These masked men in black robes were seen many times on the Cloud Whale, they seem to be servants of Sanders. They prepare the food that Angel eats every day, and when the food is delivered, they would leave immediately. Angel did not know where they lived or what they did. He could not even tell whether they were men or women under the mask.

“Mentor invited me to come over for dinner?” Angel’s puzzling question.

The black robed servant nodded, then stood to the side, stretched a hand out and gestured to him, “please come this way.”

Angel nodded calmly and followed him out. However, his heart was not as calm as his expression. He usually eats alone. Why would Sanders invite him to dinner today?

Can it be that Sanders can’t wait to know his choice?

Although Angel has decided to go to the Nightmare Plane for a breakthrough, even though he believed in the expression “plans can’t keep up with changes,” he had planned to put it off until the last day. In case Sanders changes his attitude in the meantime, he still has time to renegotiate.

With mixed feelings, Angel came to the dining hall.

This is the first time Angel has come to the hall, the floor is covered with soft carpets, there are red walls covered with oil paintings, and a wide dining table with lit candles on top that was placed in the middle of the hall.

Of course, it is not comparable to the luxurious Gold Card VIP room at Barbie’s Restaurant, but it has a style matching his mentor.


Sanders and Flora are sitting, and Sanders is sitting at the head seat, dressed in a black tuxedo, with a pocket square tucked in his chest pocket by his slender fingers. Flora sat on his right hand side. Today, instead of wearing her signature red rose dress, she was wearing a dark purple lace fluffy dress. She was cutting something with a knife. Little Red still clings to Flora’s back, seeing him arrive, it invites Angel to come, as Little Red’s ghostly eyes bends from round orbs into crescents, it then slowly extends the white bony arm and touches his chest.

Angel smiled back at Little Red.

“This way.” Sanders pointed to his left hand side.

Angel came to the left side of Sanders and nodded slightly to Flora before he sat down.

Flora returned it with a chuckle that spookily echoed around the hall.

“Angel, if you have nothing to do in the evenings, you will come here for dinner. Goode will lead you here. ” Sanders took care of the cutlery in front of him as he said this to Angel.

Goode? Angel did not react for a moment, and it was not until Flora pointed to the black robed person that he suddenly realized that he was still there.

It turns out the black robe’s name is Goode. Angel looked curiously at Goode, his mask was all encompassing. Not only could he not see his face, he could not even see the eyes.

“Goode is the leader of the Dark Shadow Demons here and Mentor’s housekeeper.” Flora said: “There are red and yellow blood magic lines in the middle of Goode’s mask, and none of the other shadow demon servants have it, so don’t mistake him for another person. Hee, hee.”

If Flora did not say, he really would not have noticed that the black robe’s totem mask was different.

The food is one meal per person, the staple food is sweet corn and eggs, with seafood soup, and an unknown barbecued meat. Although the taste is good, what Angel misses most is Chinese food made by Jon.

Unfortunately, he can’t eat it. Just as he was feeling a little bit down in his heart, he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a lot of recipes stored in the Holographic Tablet. There are many recipes, and maybe he can learn to cook some for himself, Angel believed.

No one spoke during the meal, and even Flora ate properly, maintaining traditional and elegant table manners.

After dinner, no one spoke. The silence lasted almost ten minutes.

Angel looked at Sanders, with a cold face and looked at Flora, who was immersed in her own world. “Are they waiting for me to speak?” Angel thought.

Waiting for him to say what? Maybe his choice, of course it has to be that!

In that instance, Angel thought that even after ten days, he would still make the same choice.

In the end, Angel took the initiative to break the silence: “Mentor, I thought about it for a long time last night and decided to choose the third one.”

Before Sanders answered, Flora spoke first.

“The third one? What third kind? ” Flora’s tone was puzzled, followed by a smirk: “Heeh, are you going behind my back and making unspeakable deals?” ”

Angel didn’t understand Flora’s jokes, but he still froze.

The three choices Sanders gave him, didn’t Flora know about it? So they weren’t waiting for me to speak? Was this just normal silence?

Sure enough, Sanders words proved once and for all that Angel was just completely paranoid.

“Making a choice so soon? I warned you to choose carefully. ” Sanders’s eyebrows scrunched with a hint of doubt in his tone.

Looking at Sanders slightly dissatisfied expression, Angel wanted to cry but had no tears. Just now he thought that they were not speaking because they were waiting for him to make a decision. It turned out that he had been thinking too much!

But now that all the words had been said, Angel had to swallow his broken teeth.

So with Sanders question, Angel did not hesitate to nod.

“Yes, it was a well-thought-out decision.” No, please no.

Sanders was silent for a moment. “Well, when I get back, I’ll start preparing for us to enter the Nightmare Plane.”

“Enter the Nightmare Plane?” Flora looked at Sanders, in looked in amazement at Angel, “You mean him?”

Sanders nodded. “That Guidance Method, should lay a good foundation for him.”

It turned out, that him entering the Nightmare Plane was for that Guidance Method. Flora was suddenly silent. She had been with Sanders for so many years. How could she not know what he was referring to?

How can Angel get that Guidance Method, which Sanders had not succeeded in getting for nearly 200 years? Flora’s mind continued turning, until finally it stopped on Angel’s talent.

Angel can create the red rose from Little Red, which is unique to the Nightmare Plane’s idea of “Create Truth”. Does his talent allow him to 100% “Create Truth”? Then this is too outrageous, the Nightmare Plane is a world full of treasures!

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