As the cloud whale shuttled through the thin clouds among the stars.

Had it not been for the constant appearance and disappearance of the surrounding clouds, Angel would not have believed the cloud whale was moving at all.

If he could have such a large mount similar to this cloud whale, would he be able to travel the world with his brother and mentor?

Angel dreams beautifully, he doesn’t know the frightful cost of feeding a cloud whale, even a year’s worth of funds for a small wizard organization is insufficient.

While Angel was imagining, Flora had taken him outside of Sanders ornate tent.

“Go in. Our mentor is waiting for you.”

Angel thought Flora would go in with him, but Flora didn’t seem to have any plans to go with him at all.

Opening the curtain for the tent, Angel walked orderly in.

The tent looked small, but there was a lot of space inside, and Angel speculated that there might be some kind of space expanding spell craft inside, because his mentor’s black tent cloth was shining with golden runes.

“Are you surprised?” Sanders was still dressed in a black coat and sat at his desk with his legs folded. He was not wearing his gloves today, so his long, smooth fingers clasped while he looked at Angel through his gold monocle.

“Good evening mentor.” Angel performed an arm folding ceremony in accordance with aristocratic etiquette.

“Make yourself at home. As an apprentice of Sanders, you should have your own character. I don’t want to train apprentices who don’t even know who they are. ” Saunders said, “Are you surprised there’s more space in here than it appears outside?”

“Mm-hmm. Is this what wizards can do? ”

“It’s for some wizard’s paths, but not all wizards can do this, including me.” Sanders picked up his walking cane and pointed to the golden rune on the tent cloth: “If you want to extend the space, you can’t just perform it in one step. There are a lot of steps involved. The tent cloth is made of alchemy materials, and the shining symbols on it are magic lines to stably extend the space. ”

“To achieve these two steps alone, you must be proficient in alchemy and spell craft. As for how to extend the space, it is another subject. ” Saunders continues: “This is one type of wizard. A lot of things can’t be summed up in one simple question. But are you ready to enter the world of wizards?”

Sanders simple question, however, lets Angel feel that he is front of a shining door just ready to be open, and behind this door, is a different world far removed from the present one on this side. A world full of formulas and symbols, danger and opportunity, a beginning and no end, with truth and philosophy, and its name: The World of Wizards.

Angel nodded heavily, he was ready, even if he did not have his mentor blessing, he also wanted to step into the world of wizards, if the journey of life was not so wonderful, he would just die!

Sanders nodded with satisfaction, and even though he had accepted Angel because his talent was of great use to him, now that he had become his official apprentice, he was responsible for Angel’s future.


“I guess that apprentice, Morrow, once gave you some knowledge of wizards. So, what I’m trying to tell you right now, is if you want to go on the path of a true wizard, then starting today, forget everything that person taught you. A wizard can not be defined. You have to see it for yourself, think for yourself, and find your own wizard’s path. ”

Sanders took Angel to a room with more than a dozen double-sided shelves of books filled with paper books, each bookcase about four or five meters high, with a pulley-mounted push ladder in the middle of each aisle.

“What do you know? That’s another question you need to answer.” Sanders pointed to the full bookshelf: “Before you can answer, you need to learn a lot of basic things. This is my private collection of books, which will be open to you 24/7 before returning to the Savage Grottoes. You can read or learn anything you want. But first of all, I would like to remind you that a guidance method, as well as some low-level spells, you don’t need to know them as of yet, since it is best not to rush to learn these things now. “

“Of course, if your goal is just to qualify as a wizard apprentice, it’s up to you whether to learn it or not.”

When Sanders finished, he threw him a gold coin, the front of which was a row of flowers that says: “The rose is invincible, and the glory is everlasting.”

On the back of the emblem: A long winged sword inserted directly on top of thorns and roses.

This is a typical aristocratic emblem, Angel looked somewhat puzzled at Sanders, he did not know why his mentor tossed him this emblem.

“This is a pass for this tent. With it, you can enter here at will. If you don’t have it, you will be turned into dust since there is an anti-magic eradication energy array. ”

Turning living people into dust? Angel shivered at the thought of the image. He did not expect that it would be so dangerous to enter a tent. Sure enough, all things of wizards need to be carefully scrutinized, otherwise, one mistake will forever condemn you ah!

“Well now, do you want to go back or stay here, make a decision on whatever you want to do.”

Angel saw Sanders hinting at his departure, he arrived here today in order to answer his biggest doubt, which has not been solved and hastily said: “Mentor, may I ask a question?”

With Angel’s expectant eyes.

Sanders looked back at Angel and smiled.


Sanders turned and left.

As Sanders smiled, Angel thought he would be given an answer. He had even thought of the wording to the question, but Sanders refused mercilessly and left without hesitation.

By the way, is this what being molested feels like?! Do not give me hope, and then fool me by pulling a wool over my eyes with that smile ah!

Looking at Sanders departing back, Angel only felt filled with grievances.

“I know what you want to ask. I’ll let you know one day when you become a wizard.” Sanders ethereal voice echoed and spread to Angel’s ears.

Sanders left, and Angel thought he could get an answer today, but he ended with nothing.

It seems that his perturbed mood will continue. However, there was a harvest coming here today, with no tablet these days, being able to study here, is also a kind of joy. Not to mention, the books here are all about wizards, which is definitely a feast for this knowledge glutton Angel, who has received more than a decades worth of reading and scientific education.

Looking at the rare books, Angel’s mood was lifted high into the clouds.

What puzzles Angel, however, is that there are not many rare leather scrolls here, most of the books are pulp and paper scripts.

In the Canary Empire, leather scrolls are particularly popular among the upper class, while pulp and paper scripts are more popular among ordinary people. The price gap between the two is great, but also evidenced to the fact that scrolls are treasured books.

But in Sanders collection, there are very few rare scrolls, which are all stacked up in a corner, and if you look closely, you can see that there is a thick layer of dust on them, which shows that Sanders does not attach much importance to these rare leather scrolls.

Of the more than a dozen rows of bookshelves, 95% are pulp and paper books.

“Is it true that in Big 6, pulp and paper books are the mainstream books?” Angel took a thick pulp and paper book at random.

The title of the book is “Comment on the 15 Popular Thoughts From Countries that Never Sleep.”

Meditation, in fact, is also method of guidance, a long time ago, or shall we say during ancient times. In modern times however, because of the rise of idealism, there gave rise to idealistic “meditation”, which was then called “guidance” by some. Later on, after it spread, the wizards thought that calling it guidance method was a far more appropriate name, and it continued to be used.

There is also an interesting story about the origin of the name. One wizard apprentice, who could not stand the boredom of calling it guidance, one day presented a rebuttal in a small journal for other wizard apprentices, that were not worth mentioning, but it goes as follows that a “war” that had lasted for many years began because of this dispute.

This is a famous dispute regarding the naming of “guidance method” and “meditation”.

In the wizard’s version of the salty sweet soft tofu pudding dispute between apprentices, this was probably the case, but in fact, everyone was holding a playful attitude as if watching a theatre performance, occasionally fanning the flames of dispute further.

Later on, even some official wizards were dragged into this muddy water, which made the southern wizard world wonder whether or not to laugh or cry.

The wizard apprentice, who initially refuted the article, probably did not expect to cause such an “uproar.”


When Angel opened the book, the paper inside was white and smooth, the pulp was delicate and there was no bumps, and the black print was clear and visible. It is many times better than the yellowed and grayed paper of the Canary Empire.

Angel had only been looking at it for a moment, but his prejudice against pulp and paper books were completely dispelled.

So clean and clear, but also floating a faint fragrance of ink on the paper print, all people who truly loved books will enjoy it!

Angel felt much happier reading the books like this. No wonder mentor’s rare leather scrolls fell from the bookshelf and turned to ash!

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