Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 271 Luxurious Nightmare Environmen

Everything born in front of the crowd had happened in a twinkling of an eye.

David even felt that one second he was teasing Angel, and the next, Angel and Toby were dying in full view of the public.

“What are we going to do?” David is very anxious now. He has no idea what he can do to help Angel in this matter.

His eyes were flushed with anxiety as he turned to look at Promi.

Promi, on the other hand, closed his eyes and shook his head bitterly: “The wizard is to the apprentice what a mountain is to a mound. I can never shake their realm, so I can’t save him.”


At this time, Angel, who has almost plunged into the abyss, suddenly heard a sound of footsteps, reaching far and near.

Angel raised his head and saw Twilight standing several meters away in front of Angel.

Twilight looked at Angel coldly with her head held high as she said: “Come on, tell me why did you attacked our Twilight Auction House?”

Angel didn’t say anything. It was their fault. But when it comes to his motive, what other motives could he have in mind? Toby was just blinded by a moment of anger, and he had no choice but to save him.

Impulse is the original sin, which can only be said to be his fate.

Angel’s silence didn’t leave Twilight feeling anything more, she just showed a look of disdain.

Angel has been looking at Toby, and Toby’s eyes have been resting on Angel. Perhaps this moment will be the last scene in their lives of each other.

“Anyway, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to talk. It has something to do with that No Eyed Man. Whether you want to save him or whatever, now the result is clear. The only fate awaiting you is death.” After Twilight finished, she turned her head and slowly walked towards the auction platform.

As Twilight turned her back, she raised her hand, and a faint ray of light emerged from her palm.

“Twilight, you really have no compassion.” Lydia’s playful voice resounded through the In-House area as she said: “Look at this bird and that handsome young man, what a beautiful emotional bond between the two. This drama has almost moved me to tears. This play is even more fascinating than tomorrow’s Feast Dance Charm.”

“Lady Red Lotus, don’t you also enjoy watching beautiful dramas being destroyed?” Twilight said calmly.

“You really know me well.” Lydia’s voice suddenly changed, like a gentle lover turning into an evil witch: “I just like this kind of cruel play. I need more cruelty in this scene to make it look even better, ha ha ha ha!”

Twilight didn’t respond but thought: To dare make trouble in Twilight Auction House is to challenge the authority of the entire Twilight Deep Well. No matter who, they must pay the price.

During their conversation, Angel and Toby’s eye contact seemed to come to an end. Suddenly, Jon’s shadow flashed in his dying mind.

How can I die?! My agreement with Jon hasn’t been fulfilled yet. How can I fall halfway?

He hasn’t come home to see his brother marry and have children. He hasn’t seen the Pat family flourish. He hasn’t witnessed the glory of the Lion Heart Fire, he hasn’t… He has so much to do, he doesn’t want to die yet!

But under such circumstances, how can he not die?

A formal wizard against a first level apprentice.

He is alone with countless giants from Twilight watching. How can he survive?

The first thing in Angel’s mind was to call for help.

For today’s action, who can save him?

Flora? Angel raised his head and looked at private room No. 35 with a hint of hope. He believed Flora must’ve seen him and Toby… However, Flora made no movements, only showing a cold silence.

Angel remembered when he climbed over the second-floor railing and rushing towards the auction platform, it seemed Flora began lamenting he had overreached himself.

Flora’s decision, Angel understood.

He once said he would no longer leave his fate in the hands of others. But at a time like this, he still expects others to save him? Indeed as expected, he is still too naive.

In the indifferent “Wizard Plane,” why should he expect others to save him? Just like the previous Feathered Race saint Gabriel, expecting others to avenge her was nothing but a dream.

Watching the ray of light in Twilight’s hands getting more intense, Angel lowered his brows slightly.

At present, the only way is to save himself. However, he is trapped by the sealing magic array and cannot cast spells at all. Even if casts a spell, he can’t fight against an enemy formal wizard. With so many Twilight Wizards around him, why does he think he can escape from their encirclement?

So, is there really nothing he can do?

In this desperate situation, Angel’s mind began spinning wildly, hoping only to win a chance at survival…

Wrong! Although casting spells doesn’t work, it seems the fantasy world still works? Didn’t the music box cause a fantasy world just now?!

Whether the fantasy world is useful or not, Angel decided to arrange it first.

There was a lot of noise around. Angel wanted to set up a fantasy world, but the reality was always contrary to his beliefs. He wants to cast an illusion spell node, but with the magic power he had now, he can’t cast with his body at all!

The sealing magic array is still working.

Then he remembered the music box’s fantasy world only worked because it was opened on the auction platform. This is where there was no sealing magic array. Only when the fantasy world isn’t aggressive then it won’t touch the counterattack mechanism of the magic array covering the entire In-House area.

The fantasy world cannot be cast and his hope is one point less for survival.

So what can he do now?

Angel’s heart was beating like a drum. He foresees that if he can’t figure a way out, in the next second, he will be killed by the ray of light in Twilight’s hand.

Listening to his pounding heartbeat, Angel’s eyes suddenly lit up.

He remembered Sanders using heartbeats to build a sound-based fantasy world. The microcosmic illusion he used in refining the magic falcon ornament and music box followed this thought process as well.

Can an illusion spell node be built in the body? If not, I will build it in my body! With my five internal organs as the node and my brain as the core, I will make myself the vessel for the illusion spell!

At this point, he has reached the moment of his life and death crisis. Angel no longer dare to delay. He quickly used his internal organs in his body as his nodes to layout the fantasy world. When the first node is lit, there is a sharp pain, but these pains are only a drop in the bucket when compared to his inner pain. Angel did not stop. He continuously lights up the next node without the slightest pause. Almost in a split second, from Angel’s forehead to the tip of his brow and then to his whole body. Every pore is flowing out with sweat and dirty blood.

Angel’s action hasn’t been hidden from any wizards present, including Twilight.

Twilight saw through Angel’s movements at a glance. He was setting up a fantasy world, and it seemed to be a Rewind Sound Illusion. She doesn’t care about a fantasy world arranged by an apprentice at all.

Only the gentleman of private room No. 19 opened his eyes under the crisscross of light and shadow as he said: “What nonsense is this?”

Twilight didn’t interrupt Angel’s fantasy world layout. She even stopped sending energy to the palm of her hand in this period. She would like to see what this… Childish wizard apprentice’s dying struggle will look like?

When Angel was building up the fantasy world, he completely forgets about the others around him.

Angel is suddenly enlightened by the fantasy world from this past couple of days. He noticed he can even rely on the fantasy world to deceive other people’s senses. But this doesn’t work against formal wizards, so Angel has to find another way.

He remembered Mirror Ji once mentioning… There is a trace of the Nightmare Plane breath attached to his fantasy world. As for why, Angel’s guess is when he is building the fantasy world, his mind is thinking of the Nightmare Plane. But it doesn’t make any sense why the fantasy world has the breath of the Nightmare Plane. Is it just because of his thoughts?

Moreover, even if he builds the fantasy world, can he really escape from the formal wizards? So what should he do? Even if the fantasy world attaches the breath of the Nightmare Plane. Even if he can influence other people’s emotions, can his power class allow him to escape from Twilight?

Power class… At the mention of this phrase, Angel suddenly thought of a person?

If he can attach the feelings to that person, can he delay the wizard a little?

No matter what, Angel is building the fantasy world. At the same time, his mind is thinking of a person, a woman who once gave him a… scar.


“Construct a fantasy world while using himself as the vessel. It seems that Angel has made great progress. This is a good way of arranging a microcosmic illusion… It’s just it’s a bit foolish to use your own body to lay out a fantasy world.” Flora laughed but then frowned slightly: “However, in such a situation, this method can certainly display a fantasy world. But even if you set up a fantasy world, do you have any other follow-up strategies?”

Flora floated into the air, talking to herself with a smile.

At this moment, Little Red behind her suddenly and abnormally loosened from Flora, and the white boned hand hugged her skull.

“Little Red, what’s the matter with you?” Flora wondered.

“Save him…” The deep and remote flame in the eye socket of the skull flickered as if it would go out the next second.

“Save Angel?” Flora pouted and snorted: “Why should I save him? When so many enemies came after me, mentor didn’t save me.”

Instead of continuing to express its feelings to Flora, Little Red held its head in agony.

“Little Red? What is wrong with you?”

Not mentioning on Flora’s side, when Angel finishes building the fantasy world, white gas continuously flowed out of his body… As the white gas spreads out, strange trees from the fantasy world appeared in the In-House area. Strange animals from the fantasy world also appeared in one moment, but then it returned to reality the next, looking more like a montage of clips chaotically pieced together.

“Tut tut tut, it is really a spectacle for a fantasy world to be so poorly constructed.” Lydia scoffs at the abnormal fantasy world, which changes from one moment to the next. Compared with the previous music box creator, this is simply worlds apart.

Twilight also shook her head with a look of disdain.

However, the man in private room No. 19 frowned with a flicker of doubt in his eyes.

“What a farce, let’s call it a day.” Looking at the rubbish-looking fantasy world, Twilight raised her hand lightly and a ray of light rushed towards Angel.

When the ray of light was about to reach the centre of Angel’s brows, the fantasy world suddenly changed as more white fog poured out from Angel.

In the past, it was just a faint white gas overflowing. But now, it was full-bodied white smoke reaching the sky!

With the white smoke soaring into the sky, the ray of light only went so far before disappearing.

Twilight looked at Angel in astonishment as she thought: What’s going on? Can this fantasy world resist my Traceless Light?

At this time, a strange sound of beating drums, gongs and trumpets emerged from the white fog.

Everyone couldn’t see what was happening for a moment. In the next second, the environment of the In-House area changes, and everyone appears in a luxurious castle hall.

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