Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 205 Urgent Situation

Angel felt that all his limbs were as heavy as lead, and every bone seemed to be bound by some kind of tight strap. So his movements were very stiff and couldn’t keep up with his bearings as he turned to leave the platform slower than usual.

Previously, when he just wanted to move his neck. His spine would automatically arch up like he had a broken back, raising his head up directly. Almost exposing his true face.

Therefore, Angel can only bury his head the rest of the time and then walk unsteadily off the arena platform.

Toby slowly landed on Angel’s shoulder with a look of worry on his eyes.

But who would know, when Toby just landed on Angel’s shoulder. It would cause Angel to kneel down with one knee the next second with one foot still planted on the ground, constantly gasping for breath.

Toby’s very light weight is usually no burden on Angel’s shoulder at all. But Angel’s body was stiff and tense from before, with just some semblance of control in his movements. Even with this slight increase in weight, it was the last straw to break the camel’s back.

Angel’s sudden fall to his knee did not only scare Toby.

The audience members around the edge of the arena also looked bewildered.

How did Milk Baron appear to be so seriously injured? Clearly, from the beginning to the end of the match, Parasitic Mother did not physically fight with Milk Baron.

By this time, some people were already thinking about this strange “scheduled match.”

From the very beginning, it was very strange that this scheduled match was left unpublicized in advance. At the beginning of the match, Milk Baron was in a trance, while Parasitic Mother was kicked to death after a serious injury without reason. Of course, now they know it was Milk Baron’s pet that kicked her. However, Milk Baron’s dazed spirit is still very strange, and this blank stare continued on for a long time.

What is even stranger is the match organizers did not even announce the results of the match yet and still claimed that the match was still going on.

After a short interval, Milk Baron fell onto the arena floor, which was also another strange point.

Most curious of all is when at last, Milk Baron finally stood up. He appeared to be badly injured, had eyes filled with hatred and ordered his pet to kill Parasitic Mother.

What exactly happened in the middle of this match which caused Milk Baron to have such fierce hatred directed towards Parasitic Mother? This was all so strange!

Now Milk Baron fell to his knee again. The look of pain and sound of gasping for breath were not an act. So he was truly seriously injured? But when did he get hurt?

A slightly more rational part of the audience members have now stopped shouting at Milk Baron and started thinking of the deeper implications.

However, not all members of the audience were rational people. There were not a few who climbed down from the guardrails of the audience stands. Ran to the edge of the arena and shouted slogans with “kill” at Milk Baron. Especially when they saw the ground of the battle arena filled with the blood and brain matter from Parasitic Mother. They became even more frenzied at a close-up sight.

At that time, the whole edge of the arena was filled with many people. Had it not been for the magic array on the arena platform. These fanatical fans would have already directly rushed onto the arena stage.

Most of these people are first level apprentices… If Milk Baron is in good condition at this time, they wouldn’t dare to be so arrogant. However, it just so happens that Milk Baron looked seriously injured, and some people had set an example by leading a siege. The herd effect was leading the lowest level of existence in the Wizard Plane. At this moment, the herd also began expanding.

Angel knelt on the ground, still gasping for breath, and blood even began dripping from his mouth and nasal cavity, forming a small pool of blood on the ground.

Such a weak-looking Milk Baron makes these junior apprentices around the battle arena display even more fanatical and fascinated eyes. These fans roared out with excitement.

The audience is now in a state of extreme chaos. When seeing the situation in the battle arena deteriorating, David also left the stands and ran anxiously towards the VIP stands.

“Master Promi, what are we going to do now? With so many people running around the arena, An… Milk Baron is in a very Urgent Situation.” At this point, David was no longer concerned about the life or death of Parasitic Mother. He saw Angel was in a very bad situation and wants to help him out. But he couldn’t rescue Angel with his own power, so he ran straight to Promi to ask for help.

“Stop being upset first, then we can calmly look at the situation.” Instead of replying immediately to David, Promi frowned and showed a thoughtful expression on his face: “This match is too strange. According to the character of your little friend, he should not have killed Parasitic Mother… And beforehand, I begged Parasitic Mother not to lay too heavy a hand on him. In this situation, there is also this strange scene. There may be some insider information we are missing, so it is better not to take part in this performance.”

Promi is a research apprentice. In his life, he hates getting involved in trouble the most. It’s not as though he can’t save Angel, but he always thinks there is something strange about this situation. Maybe there will be a lot of trouble if he wades into it this muddy pool. Therefore, Promi hesitated a little.

How could David not see Promi’s perfunctory attitude? Looking at Angel’s “pain-filled” posture, he balled his hidden fist under his cuff and silently looked to Angel: “Sorry, the situation is dire now, I may have to break my promise…”

When he made up his mind, David turned his head and looked solemnly at Master Promi.

“Master, didn’t you always say you were looking for the alchemy wizard who knows about enchantment?” David’s words attracted Promi’s attention.

“Do you want to threaten me with this request to save him?” Promi questioned David with an ugly expression.

“No.” David looked at Promi’s face. Years of accumulated timidity had made his feet tremble, but he fought back the idea of backing out, grit his teeth and told the truth: “There is no other alchemy wizard. All those alchemy weapons are… because of him.” David pointed his trembling finger at Angel on the battle arena floor: “He made it all by himself.”

“Do you know what you are saying? Those little golden arrows with enchantment effects were all made by him?” Promi’s face was full of doubt. Angel had clearly only entered the transcendent world for more than half a year. Not even mentioning learning enchantment, learning how to use Heat Blend Art is already unlikely!

“Yes, he actually agreed to master’s request, he said he wanted to meet master after he climbed to the top of Sky Tower. So, he let me hide this news for the time being… However, given the current circumstances, I have no choice but to break my promise with him. If master does not make a move, I am afraid he will be taken away by those fanatical fans…”

David did not say the following words, but they both understand the consequences Angel would face if those fanatical fans kindled those violent emotions during this herding effect.

Promi responded: “What?! Are you telling me the truth? Does he really know about enchantment?”

David nodded firmly: “It’s true. I’ve personally visited his alchemy laboratory myself. This is absolutely true!”

Hearing this new information, Promi saw no sign of lying on David’s face. He gradually believed what was said in his heart.

If Angel is really the alchemy wizard, whoever saves him now can still get a favour from him… When Promi thought of this, his fat body suddenly stands up straight and then flies directly to the battle arena: “Then keep up, we have to move fast, let’s save this man!”

With a look of joy on his face, David nodded heavily, keeping up with Promi’s footsteps and tumbling over the railing of the VIP stands.

“Director Melanctha, the audience members are rioting. Shall we announce the results?” A staff member walked up and said to Melanctha.

After the results are announced, the magic array on the battle arena stage will appear. If those rioting spectators rush onto the stage and try to do harm to the contestants at that point, it will violate Sky Tower’s protection regulations. Therefore, they delayed announcing the outcome until Parasitic Mother was struck on the head.

Melanctha was silent for a long time: “First, don’t rush to announce the results…”

Although Boyi’s death made her feel a little distressed, since Angel has survived, she must act in accordance with the rules.

Baroque suddenly said: “No, let’s just announce the results.”

Melanctha frowned and said: “Lord Baroque, this does not conform to Sky Tower’s regulations of protecting contestants after a battle. Even if Angel is… we cannot do this.”

Because there are staff members nearby, Melanctha’s words are vague.

Baroque laughed and said: “Sky Tower’s contestant protection regulations? I am also well aware of them. The regulations do protect contestants from being pursued by opponents after the results of a match are announced. However, this regulation is aimed at contestants, not the audience members. Therefore, it is not a violation of the regulations.”

“Although the regulations are so, but….” Melanctha glanced at the staff member and spoke to Baroque with voice transmission: “But you and I both know Angel’s current situation, and he can hardly resist this mob under his present circumstances.”

“With that magic bird around, at best he will suffer losing some flesh and blood.” Baroque also uses voice transmission.


“Don’t mention it. Even though he killed Boyi, I don’t have any deep-seated grudges against him. The reason I asked you to announce the results was to see if Sanders would appear.” Baroque told Melanctha.

The presence or absence of Sanders is sufficient to show how much value Sanders attaches to Angel. They want to investigate Angel’s level of importance in his eyes.

Melanctha thought about it for a moment, this could also be a reason, then turned to her staff and said: “Announce the results directly.”

The people clamouring around the edge of the arena are already in a state of frenzy. Some of them are no longer trying to get justice for Parasitic Mother, but simply want to take this opportunity to vent their discontent.

“Let’s all unite. After the magic array of the arena platform is withdrawn, we’ll go in and run at Milk Baron together!”

“If he dares makes an excuse for hurting Parasitic Mother, we must break him up into pieces as an apology!”

“Kill him! He must be killed!”

The direction of the wind was deliberately lit in the atmosphere.

This frenzied atmosphere gave these people the illusion that they are at the bottom of the Wizard Plane. That may be true, but as long as they unite, they can also bring down an elite contestant who climb to the Three Floors of Death!

As the frenzied atmosphere became hotter, a sudden row of words appeared on the big screen above the battle arena platform:

[The match is over! Milk Baron wins!]

With the emergence of this row of texts, the magic arrays around the battle arena platform slowly disappeared…

“The magic array has disappeared. Come on, everybody! We have to avenge Parasitic Mother! We must kill Milk Baron!”

No one knows who shouted this, but then the audience members in the stands saw the dark mob around the platform rush onto the battle arena.

Angel also sensed the danger at the scene, but he is unable to move at all now. The green pollen deposited in his body seems to cause his body to be out of balance without the host of the Mother Body. The pain is like a tidal wave swept up by a hurricane, one wave coming after another, which becomes stronger than the previous one. Almost completely submerging Angel in pain.

Toby already sensed the initial purpose of this group during their ruckus.

Therefore, when this crowd of people sprinted onto the arena stage, he did not hesitate to attack them.

He kicked and sent wave after wave of people flying, but there are still too many people remaining. Taking into account the other side. Without Angel’s instructions, he did not dare to kill these people at will, so at that time Toby’s wing was somewhat tied behind his back.

Just then, a wizard apprentice appeared next to Angel with a full face of excitement, raised his foot and got ready to stomp it down onto Angel’s head.

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