The combination of Dust and Frostfall Techniques create a small area of fog, which was not truly fog.

It is a phenomenon similar to “Dust.”

Angel named this Composite Magic [Dust Storm Technique], which is essentially the most appropriate name for it.

In fact, the scope of application for Dust Storm Technique is very small. At most it can block the enemy’s line of sight and be comparable with other fog spells, it has a great defect: After all, breathing dust into the nasal cavities will certainly cause an accumulation of dust particles.

Because of this defect, the Dust Storm Technique is still not a perfect magic spell. But the actual application is still rather wide. As long as the caster endures a moment of dusty haze, they can also achieve the effect of a “foggy cover.”

Angel’s current state is covering his nose. Fortunately, there is Dust Particle Removal depiction on his wizard robe, making his robe uncontaminated with the dust.

“Toby, start!”

Angel lets Toby fight with the Blood-Eyed Fox Demon. Toby resisted the tiny dust storm in the air and went forward to attack the Blood-Eyed Fox Demon.

The Blood Eye Fox Devil is a very advanced summoning beast which is good at illusion at its peak. When reach the peak, it can even cover hundreds of miles with its illusion. Of course, this is the case if the Blood-Eyed Fox Demon is at its peak. The Blood-Eyed Fox Demon summoned now by Shepherd Fox is only about 5-10 years old at most. As a long-lived species, the Blood-Eyed Fox Demon is still a long way away from reaching its peak.

So, after Toby went to fight, and after a couple of confrontations, the Blood-Eyed Fox Demon was kicked into a daze. Had it not been for Angel’s command to not make too much noise. Toby would have easily killed the Blood-Eyed Fox Demon with one claw.

During Toby’s dogfight with the Blood-Eyed Fox, Angel looked at the other end of the arena. The Dust Storm Technique is ultimately different from other fog spells. It can obscure the other party’s vision as well as Angel’s own vision. So, he could only vaguely see the shadow of Shepherd Fox.

But a shadow was enough for him to understand the situation.

As Angel had expected, Shepherd Fox still didn’t take the initiative to approach him. When he saw Angel cast the Dust Storm Technique, he didn’t come near. Even when his Blood-Eyed Fox Demon is obscured by dust. Apparently, he is determined to fight with him to the bitter end through the Blood-Eyed Fox Demon.

Looking at the thickness of the dusty storm, Angel covered his nose as he said: “This should be enough.”

In the next moment, a magic power ripple shot out from Angel.

When Shepherd Fox saw this “fog,” his heart began to thump and he had felt something was wrong. But soon, when he could vaguely see the inner scene through the fog, he felt a little more relieved.

Although his view is not very clear, Shepherd Fox can see the fierce battle going on between his Blood-Eyed Fox Demon and Angel. Even when he sensed his beast through his summoned beast’s spiritual connection. He can only vaguely feel the Blood-Eyed Fox Demon fighting vigorously and had no time to give him a response.

“I didn’t expect this Milk Baron’s close combat ability to also be quite strong. Unexpectedly, he was able to stand up against my Blood-Eyed Fox Demon for such a long time.” Shepherd Fox’s face flashed a hint of darkness: “But Milk Baron will be stopped here. Once I use my spells along with the Blood-Eyed Fox Demon, he will surely die!”

When Shepherd Fox had this idea, he began his performance.

Various shadow magic spells were thrown towards Milk Baron during the dusty storm effect.

In the audience stands, the audience members looked from afar had no idea what was going on during the battle. They were so far away from the battle arena that they couldn’t even see a shadow in the fog. There is also a protective magic array around the battle arena, preventing spectators from exploring and probing the situation with their mental force tentacles. As low to mid-level apprentices, they can only watch the scene happening before them.

Only Baroque could clearly see what was happening on the arena stage. But even though he saw clearly what was going on, he was still puzzled and full of doubts as to what he was seeing.

Angel had used the fog. Baroque thought he would do something with it, but with Angel’s move right now, it left him very speechless. Angel had actually constructed an illusion of the fight with the fog as his foundation.

—The illusion is of him fighting with the Blood-Eyed Fox Demon.

The combination of basic illusions and fog is actually a common tactic. But what is the significance of constructing this illusion?

Of course, the illusion was not recognized by Shepherd Fox. Shepherd Fox kept using remote magic spells to attack the “Illusion of Milk Baron.” However, he didn’t know what he was actually attacking was his own summoned beast, Blood-Eyed Fox Demon.

When Baroque saw this, he thought to himself: “Does Angel intend to consume Shepherd Fox’s magic power? However, if he uses his alchemy weapon at this time, he will surely win. There is no need to take so many steps and struggle so hard.”

“The ideas of young people nowadays are really getting harder and harder to comprehend.” Baroque laments.

One may ask, why is Angel working so hard?

He was just looking for a reason to kill Shepherd Fox. Human nature is the most fickle and elusive nature to figure out. Bad people have their bright spots. Good people also have their own dark sides. Angel doesn’t want to bother going to great lengths to ponder over the other party’s human nature, regardless of whether they are good or bad. He only needs to know one thing: Does Shepherd Fox have the heart to kill him or not?

Once it was determined that Shepherd Fox will direct a murderous intent at him, he will not tolerate whether Shepherd Fox’s human nature is good or bad.

Through an illusion of a “close-quarters combat match,” with remote casting from Shepherd Fox. The “close-quarters combat match” illusion has gradually turned into a “disadvantage” for Angel.

The more tragic the scene for Milk Baron in the Dust Storm Technique magic was, the more excited Shepherd Fox became. Instead of slowly probing what was happening, he attacked Milk Baron’s fatal points with even more sinister magic.

Milk Baron screamed: “You… Damn it! I want to thro…”

“Want to throw in the towel? No way!” Shepherd Fox threw another spell at him, with the Blood-Eyed Fox Demon assisting, Milk Baron was knocked to the ground and could no longer move.

From Shepherd Fox’s point of view, Milk Baron’s hands have been broken and he could no longer throw out his information card to admit defeat.

Seeing that Milk Baron’s hands and feet have been wasted, Shepherd Fox slowly approached him at a relaxed and comfortable pace.

“Why do you want to kill me? I’ve thrown in the towel.” Milk Baron’s voice faintly passed into Shepherd Fox’s ears. Shepherd Fox did not even notice the other party’s voice was without any pains in his excitement. The voice was cold and clearly unlabored.

Shepherd Fox snorted coldly: “You know this answer very well, don’t you? Think about what you’ve done!”

“What did I do? What was it? ” Angel’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Don’t even try denying it. It was you. You killed Pudong.” At this moment, Shepherd Fox’s expression finally ceased to pretend to be a thin and tall master but revealed a trace of hatred under his brows.

“So, you knew about it.” Angel sighs secretly. As David had said, Shepherd Fox not only knew that Pudong, the Dog Tamer had died by his hands. But also had killing intent in his heart.

“Ha-ha, even if I don’t kill you first, Blanco will still kill you. So, it’s better for you to die in the battle arena. It will make you look even more glorious, right? So, you should thank me.”

Blanco is the vice-head under Red Butterfly’s skirt. Angel has already received this information from David. But Blanco is not currently in the Savage Grottoes. So, it is unnecessary to consider him taking revenge for the time being.

Angel looked at Shepherd Fox with undisguised malice: “In that case, then—Goodbye.”

In the dusty storm, Angel looked at the dead Blood-Eyed Fox Demon. Then looked at Shepherd Fox slowly approaching him, sighing slightly as he shot out a small golden arrow flashing a magic pattern out of his cuff.

When Shepherd Fox had stepped into the illusion, he was completely unaware of the imminent danger.

It was not until the golden arrow depicting a sharpened edge magic pattern fell into Shepherd Fox’s throat that he revealed a face full of fear. But by then, it was too late.

Watching the illusion slowly fade away, Shepherd Fox reached out his finger and pointed to Milk Baron for a long time. But eventually, he finally collapsed to the ground with regret and despair.

Baroque had watched the entire process. It wasn’t until after the conversation between Shepherd Fox and Angel that he had a bit of understanding as to why Angel was putting on this play.

He was probably… finding a reason to kill him to keep his peace of mind.

Baroque did not fail to understand Angel’s mentality, but he still felt—

This was too pretentious and melodramatic!

If one wants to kill, kill. After searching for such a long time for a reason, one may not even find a reason to kill in the end. This serves no purpose at all!

Sanders, who is famous for his decisive killings, had accepted such an apprentice. He would be the butt of many jokes if this were to spread!

Baroque didn’t bother looking at this play any more. He picked up the < Cool Summer > which was cushioned under his buttocks and left the audience stands with an obscene look on his face.

When the effects of the fog had dissipated, the bodies of Shepherd Fox and his Blood-Eyed Fox Demon appeared on the ground. The audience members were still in an unresponsive state.

One second ago, didn’t Shepherd Fox elegantly cast a spell, even vaguely showing an expression of certain victory. How could he die in the next moment? And even his summoned beast attached to him was also dead.

There’s no pit on the ground like the one that appeared in the battle with Selena yesterday, so how exactly… Did Milk Baron kill Shepherd Fox?

Many people are thinking about Milk Baron’s means, but more people are grieving over the death of Shepherd Fox.

The vast majority of the audience members were female apprentices. Almost all of whom were Shepherd Fox’s admirers. The death of Shepherd Fox was totally beyond their expectation. One has to know; Milk Baron has never killed anyone on his Sky Tower climb. Even if his opponent had maliciously provoked him… So, they never expected that their idol would die today.

Because of the death of Shepherd Fox, the entire audience seemed to enter a sea of sorrow. Angel felt the full atmosphere of sadness when he stood in the centre of the battle arena.

Slightly looking around at the audience members, he received countless glares from white eyes unexpectedly.

Angel suddenly had some doubts about whether it was a wrong decision to kill Shepherd Fox. After listening to David, he killed Shepherd Fox because he was trying to kill him in revenge for Dog Tamer. If Shepherd Fox was killed, his fanatical and die-hard fans would come and try to kill him, one by one and two by twos. Wouldn’t he end up having to kill more and more? Does he have to embark on the path of “being an enemy of the whole world?”

Angel silently wiped his sweat for this terrible future and then stepped down to retreat from the arena in an indifferent and haughty posture amid the booing.

This time no one came up to stop him all the way back to the backstage. This is one of the benefits he can see after he started killing.

Angel was initially reluctant to kill Shepherd Fox, but when he killed Shepherd Fox, he didn’t feel much guilt. Just like the last time he killed Red Butterfly and Dog Tamer, he had no intention of killing them in his heart. But it seems he doesn’t care too much about killing people.

As the ancient sages of Earth once said, whoever kills will always end up being killed. Especially in the lawless World of Wizards, where there are no legal or moral restrictions. In this world, death is not an end; and can also likely be only the beginning.

Angel is not a saint who loves the world dearly and appreciates life. In such a dog eat dog world. The only thing he can do is abide by his own moral bottom line, appreciate the beauty of human nature, and not exclude the evil side of this nature.

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