“You want to sign up?” The registry staff member took out a registration form and placed it in front of Angel.

When the staff member saw Angel pick up the pen and also saw that he had started filling out the registration form—

“Sir, you may not understand, but your name recorded in the Sky Tower will accompany you all the way…”

“Stop!” Angel waved to stop the staff member from nagging him: “I know, the bigger the name, the better!”

The staff member smiled: “If Sir knows, then I won’t disturb Sir anymorw.”

Angel picked up the pen, filled in the name he had already thought of, and then put it in front of the staff member in a fierce manner.

The staff member smiled and picked up the registration form to see what the handsome and knowledgeable teenager would use as a nickname… When the staff member’s eyes looked at the top of the form, their smiling expression froze for a moment.

“Mhmm! Yes! Really! What is the reason?”

Angel said triumphantly, “Well, this is the big name I’ve thought about for the past two weeks!”

The staff member was stiff-faced and forced a smile: “Sir, this name is definitely a big one. But it would not be good as a nickname.”

Angel blinked. “What’s wrong with it? I think it’s very good.”

The staff member twitched the corner of their lip: “Sir, you have to think about it carefully. If you become a formal Wizard one day, the name will spread everywhere. Is this what you want people to call you as your Wizard title? To call you the ‘Wizard of Truth’? I can’t even look you straight in the face.”

“If you say it like that…” Angel receives a new registration form and quickly fills in a name after two seconds of careful thought.

The staff took a second look at the form and their face still remained unchanged: “Absolute Truth.”

“Sir, this name is not so easy to pronounce. Why not rename it to Sage of Truth? What about Man of Truth?” The staff sincerely suggests to Angel.

Angel shook his head. Sage or whatever. He doesn’t want to be called that.

“What does the gentleman wish to change the name to?”

“Lover of animals?”

“This is not a name, but a short sentence.”

“Well… I have a bird. ” Angel points to Toby on his shoulder and Toby immediately straightens his chest out at once.

“This name is not very good, it will be misunderstood. Think about it and give me another one.” The staff member is still smiling, but their mind has begun to freak out. They have seen a person giving an explosive name on the second attempt, but they have never seen a person go beyond two attempts!

Now the staff just wants Angel to think of a name. It can be apples, strawberries, flowers, or whatever. Now it doesn’t matter whether the name is big or not!

Seeing Angel still hesitating, the staff member suggests, “Sir, it’s better to choose what you like and add a noble title. For example, what about Brown Sugar Prince, Prince of Swords, or maybe Prince of something?

“Is that so? How about… Milk Baron?” As soon as Angel said it, he immediately denied it: “No, this name doesn’t fit my tall image at all!”

“Milk Baron, right? Okay, I’ve written it down.” The staff member’s ears picked up at the name. They sincerely had a smile on their face this time. The pen in their hand quickly wrote down the title, and then pushed Angel out the door.

“Sir Milk Baron, if you want to go to the battle arena now. Please head to the drawing area, please…. Bang!” As the staff member spoke, they were taking advantage of Angel’s ignorance in order to slam the door to the registry office.

By the way, they also threw a shiny and translucent card in front of Angel on his way out.

Angel quickly turned around and knocked hard on the door: “No, I want to change my name! Please, this name doesn’t suit me!”

Inside the door, the staff member took out two lumps of cotton from the drawer and immediately stuffed them into their ears. Then they proceeded with the graceful handling of the paperwork.

Angel knocked and shouted for a long time, attracting the attention of the whole registry office. From their chilly eyes, Angel had to put on a brave face and give up knocking on the door.

“Milk Baron, my name is just Milk Baron. Anyway, when I go to the battle arena. I can still wear a hood, right? If nobody can see my face, this name won’t be able to influence my tall image… Right?”

Angel said with a tinge of sadness on his face. He covered his face in the hood with the black sheet and picked up the card on the ground. He then proceeded to run away from the registry office with tears of disgrace streaming down his face.

In fact, the drawing area is connected to the backstage of the registration area. Angel went through the curtain of the drawing area gate and walked in. Now all the contestants are staying here.

The contestants were all dressed strangely. As if they were in a dressing room for a costume ball. Angel walked through the huge drawing area and stayed for a long time, smelling all kinds of strange smells before coming to the drawing box location.

When Angel stood in front of the drawing box, almost all the contestants looked over. Maybe Angel’s name was already drawn, and they were naturally very concerned about it.

All kinds of murderous, gloomy, oppressive, enchanting and cynical eyes swept across Angel’s body.

“Contestant, please show me your personal information.” Behind the drawing box was a middle-aged woman in a black-grey uniform. She had high bun hairstyle and a serious look on her face.

Angel took out the thin, shiny card.

The middle-aged woman picked it up and brushed it on a crystal-like alchemy machine. Angel’s name immediately appeared on the transparent screen on the table.

“Milk Baron…” The middle-aged woman took a look at the name. The originally serious expression was suddenly stupefied. The corners of her mouth gently showed signs of upturning. Taking a look at this young man in front of her. Although he wears a hood, she can clearly see his body and bones have obviously not fully matured yet. He is still young, she inexplicably felt the name of the person in front of her was very suitable.

At the same time, other contestants in the backstage also saw the name. In an instant, the whole crowd erupted into laughter.

“Milk Baron, that’s his name! He’s a kid, isn’t he?”

“Ha-ha, such a little farting child, I can hit ten at a time! Be sure to line him up for me and watch me use my Blue Blade of Death and cut him in half with my knife!”

“Blue Blade of Death? Ha-ha, I refuse to accept such a name by the authority of the holy order! “

“Get out of my way and let me, the Bishop of Dawn, drink this glass of milk!”

The middle-aged woman behind the drawing box said in a rare and gentle tone, “Sir Milk Baron, do you want to start the match drawing now?”

“Mhmm.” A low squeak came from under the black hood.

“Yes, please this way.” The middle-aged woman motioned Angel to go to the drawing area.

The drawing box was a small square box. Angel put his hand in it and realized the space in the box was unexpectedly large. He did not expect that a small drawing box had an extend-space magic pattern. Sky Machinery City is really too strong.

Angel casually took out a ball on which there was a row of numbers: 038794.

The middle-aged woman took the ball and recorded something quickly. After a while, the transparent screen in front of her showed a row of words: Milk Baron Vs Blackjack. Half an hour later, Sky Tower 1st Floor of the 7th Battle Arena.

When the middle-aged woman saw the other contestant for Angel’s battle. She frowned slightly and looked at Angel with a touch of pity and regret.

“It’s Blackjack. I guess he’s a goner.”

“What happened? This kid’s first battle is against Blackjack. I guess his psychological shadow will be boundless after this battle…”

“Future? Ha-ha, I guess this little guy doesn’t have a future. Thinking about Blackjack’s means.”

Angel’s ears are filled with the voices behind him. Listening to the comments from other contestants, doesn’t this Blackjack seem to be quite powerful? Angel recalls the information compiled by David on the Sky Tower top seeds. He doesn’t recall anyone named Blackjack on the profile list.

What did he have to fear?

Angel indifferently accepts back his card and then turns to head to the contestant area.

Angel didn’t want to communicate with anyone because his name was too tarnished for his tall image. Instead, he went to the place where the contestants did not gather. He found a corner to nest in.

The wait time was boring, so Angel simply began meditating.

But soon after meditation, he heard footsteps go “pat pat pat.” Angel frowned. He chose a place where few people went. How could there be footsteps near him?

When he opened his eyes, he saw a single strangely dressed man standing in front of him.

Yes, Angel uses the quantifier “single.”

Because the person in front of him is wearing a White Bear costume and a white bear earmuff on his head. Plus, he had a white and plump face. And if he did not look carefully, he would’ve thought this was a life-sized stuffed bear doll.

“Hello, Milk Baron…” This White Bear waved to Angel.

With this friendly greeting from the other person and with Angel’s usual character. He would certainly respond amicably. But at this point, because his name was too humiliating. Angel decided to set up a high and cold tone of an aloof person for the disgraceful title of “Milk Baron.” He refused to reveal his true identity by making his image appear a thousand miles away from his true self.

Thinking of his own image, Angel gave a haughty cold snort and did not respond to White Bear’s greetings.

Angel’s attitude did not make White Bear flinch. Instead, he sat near Angel and smiled before saying. “Milk Baron, I like milk too. Let’s be friends.”

Be friends? Angel looked at the other person through his hood without commenting on his White Bear doll costume. His face was chubby, and he looked to be in his twenties. A bit like an older version of Alan Monne.

Angel continued to coldly sneer. “I’m uninterested in milk…” he said. “The name is a misunderstanding!”

White Bear smiled: “It doesn’t matter. Fate made you choose milk as your name, even if it was a misunderstanding. Maybe this misunderstanding was specially created by fate to guide us to meet each other. So let’s be friends. My name is Earth Bear. You can call me White Bear or Care Bear.”

Care Bear… Angel shivered wildly with goose bumps. This man talking about “fate,” reminds him of fortune-tellers in the martial arts novels. When the divine send messages, they don’t do so in regular forms.

“Humph—” Angel snorted with his nose, putting on an arrogant performance compared to his true self.

White Bear did not care about Angel’s attitude, but continued to smile and say to him. “I just happened to see your first opponent was Blackjack. You have to be careful of Blackjack, this guy… Is not a good guy.”

Seeing Angel still not responding, White Bear paused before he continued: “Blackjack is famous on the first floor of Sky Tower. His strength can be seen as the top on this floor. But he is not fighting for contribution points or promotion. Because… he is a famous sadist. And also a strong sadist at that. The younger his opponent, the more excited he becomes at abusing them. So stay away from the first floor when Nail picks new people to fight against him. “

“Blackjack is the Wizard Apprentice in the Mystical Branch. No one has yet seen which system he belongs to. But he has a way to silence people and make them unable to speak.” White Bear paused: “So if you’re not sure you can win, be sure to throw in the towel before the referee announces the start of the battle.”

Angel doesn’t care about Blackjack’s strength. He looked at White Bear and said, “Say, what’s your purpose in getting close to me?”

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