Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 139 Promi Alchemy Shop

Angel’s anger did not just dissipate, and David felt it all at once. He scratched his head with embarrassment and looked at him innocently.

Angel clenched his fist and slowly approached David.

“Didn’t you say it was an aircraft? You can’t even control the direction it flies, so how dare you call that an aircraft?! If it hadn’t been for Toby’s cleverness, he would have been left without bones.” Angel cracked his fingers.

“This is my first time making an aircraft…”

“That’s not an excuse. If you told us about this in advance, I wouldn’t allow Toby to take on such a risk.” Angel approached and threatened.

“Don’t hit me! I was wrong!” Seeing Angel ready to beat him up, David completely forgot that he was actually a Wizard Apprentice. He squatted down and shouted with his arms raised to cover his head.

Toby thought Angel was so good to him that he would fight with a Wizard Apprentice to defend him. When Angel fell to the wind later, he would rush and help fight for him.

Toby was almost moved to tears.

Angel looked at David’s timid face and was unamused. Was this also an apprentice? How does this guy give the impression that he is weaker than Aubrey?

David said: “Why don’t I pay some contribution points to compensate you?”

“How much?”

“5 points?”

Angel shook his head decisively. “Not enough.”

“10 points?”

“Not enough.”

“50 points?”

“Not enough.” One has to know when he went to Old Book. The teleportation fees alone cost him 700 contribution points. Using just 50 contribution points to bribe him, don’t even think about it!

David grimaced: “50 points are already a lot, so what do you want me to do?”

“What shall you do? Hum.”

Toby also rolled up his wings and formed a fist to seemingly express: Angel won’t give in to money, give up! You can die! He’s gonna kick your ass!

“Cough, what alchemy shop did you say you worked in?”

“Promi Alchemy Shop!” David looked proud. “Master Promi, the shop owner, is an intermediate alchemy apprentice!”

“Yes, I know. Give me a scale that can test mental force value, and I’ll forgive you.” Angel said.

As he dropped this sentence, Toby on his shoulder suddenly turned back and looked at Angel with a look of disbelief.

—I can’t believe you succumbed to money. I was wrong about you!

Angel touched Toby’s little head and saw his expression was slightly unnatural. He whispered in his ear: “You’re okay. When I blackmail this scale from him, I will save many magic crystals. Then with that extra money, we can go buy you some dried deep-sea fish!”

Dried deep-sea fish!? Toby looked suspiciously at Angel and finally hummed two sentences, before finally stopping.

Promi Alchemy Shop lies deep in an alley.

David came to the end of the alley with one person and one bird while pointing down a winding tunnel: “Down here, you can connect to the Apprentice Town Apprentice Market. Promi Alchemy Shop is inside.”

“Is this trading market, underground?” This is the first time Angel has come here, so he is a little curious.

“You’re a newcomer this year. You probably don’t know about it yet. Almost every Apprentice Town in the Savage Grottoes has an underground market.” David said in a smug tone. “There is a lot of stuff with a wide variety of things. Whether good or bad, you may be able to find some treasures that suit your tastes.”

“By the way, if you want to buy materials with stable prices in the market. You can go to nearby villages and towns. They offer stable prices because of the Shadow Demon Kingdom’s economic intervention.”

After walking in the tunnel for about five minutes, the group came to the underground trading market smoothly.

For the first time, Angel was stunned by the hustle and bustle of the large open spaced underground market. No wonder there was no apprentices on the surface. They were all gathered here. He had mistakenly thought that the apprentices were all at home practising. In fact, he was too ignorant. This time, if he hadn’t met David. He wouldn’t know how long it would have been before he found out about this upbeat place!

There are hundreds of shops on every road.

At a glance, he is afraid there are 30 or 40 crossing streets in the whole cave. One can imagine how terrible the number of shops there are!

In these rows of shops, Angel saw several buildings that were tens of meters high. The largest of which was the silver-white metal tower near the centre which had a total of 15 stories. Each of the floors had several cables connected to it, and each of which was thousands of meters long. From the tower, it connected the Savage Grottoes like a huge net.

There is a cable connecting the tall building just below Angel’s slope.

“Those cables are actually cableways. See the metal boxes on them? Those are actually carriages. You can get to Sky Tower quickly with them.” David said.

“Sky Tower?” Angel looked at the silver-white metal tower and felt as if he had heard of it somewhere before.

“That’s right, Sky Tower.” There was a complex expression on David’s face that showed both yearning and fear: “Sky Tower is actually a battle tower that Sky Machinery City has set up everywhere.”

“Battle tower?” Angel suddenly remembered that when Aubrey was explaining about a Wizard Lord. She once mentioned a place: “Sky Machinery City’s Infinity Battle Tower?”

“You’ve heard of Infinity Battle Tower, too?” David was somewhat surprised; these things were typically unknown to the newcomers. He had worked at Promi Alchemy Shop for two years and had inadvertently overheard it from two Third Level Apprentices.

Angel held his chin before he told him how Aubrey explained it to his group at one time.

“So, it was Aubrey… She is at the bottom of the list, but she is well informed. I heard that as soon as she receives a contribution point. She heads off to High Cloud Library in order to read a book. Aubrey knowing about Infinity Battle Tower is normal.” David laments.

“What? Is Aubrey quite famous?” The two men chatted as they walked.

“She’s famous, but not in the good sense of the word fame. She and I were in the same session. When Lord Tree Spirit tested our talents. In the beginning, when they found out she was a rare Mystical Branch bias. She attracted the envy and admiration of many people at that time. But later, because she was too weak or as long as there was a collective effort. She always lagged behind. Later, she was called the shame of our apprentices.” David said.

“So, Aubrey belongs to the Mystical Branch?”

“Yes, she is in the Mystical Branch Summoning System. She often rides on her tricolour deer, her summon.” David pouted his lips and said with some disdain: “The tricolour deer is completely powerless and can be used as a travelling mount at best. Forget about her, let’s talk about Sky Tower.”

David pointed to the towering steeple: “Sky Tower has fifteen floors. Each with dozens of arenas on each floor. Three points to win a game, four points to lose a game and no points to end in a draw. As long as you score enough points on each floor or get enough total points in each quarter to rank in the top ten. Then you can advance to the next level. As long as you arrive at whichever floor level, you’re on, you can take the corresponding number of cable rides to Sky Tower. Being able to take Sky Tower cableway, in fact, is a symbol of strength.”

“When you get through the fifteenth floor. You can qualify for the Infinity Battle Tower challenge. Therefore, Sky Tower and Infinity Battle Tower’s relationship are actually the “acceptance” of the battle system.” David’s face was delighted, “The highest talent in our year has reached the thirteenth floor!”

“What about you?”


“Yes, what floor did you reach?”

David chuckled and said, “Well, I’m not interested in fighting, so…”

Not interested? Angel laughed in his heart, He did not forget that when David looked up at Sky Tower just now. He could not stop the yearning in his eyes.

He’s interested but can’t fight.

Angel was also curious about the Sky Tower. It seemed like a good place to hone his battle skills, but he is interested in the ideas behind the fighting, not in the fact he will be watched.

Promi Alchemy Shop is located in a remote location on the edge of a cave wall which was obscured by a tall building.

If one doesn’t bypass the tall building, they will not see the shop at all.

“Don’t look at the surface. Business is actually very good! Because the shop owner is an intermediate level alchemist apprentice. He is a great presence throughout the Savage Grottoes. Not only people in Apprentice Town No. 8 but also other people from other Apprentice Towns come here.” David said proudly.

It seems that the status of an alchemist apprentice is very high. Angel thought to himself.

The door of Promi Alchemy Shop was closed, but even so, several people were standing and waiting at the door. When they saw David, they all gathered around them. David explained to them that the owner was not here for a while before persuading them to leave.

At this point, David came up and said, “They’re all looking for Master Promi. Unfortunately, he’s not here.”

David sighed, “Master Promi is only here 9% of the time in the year. Otherwise, he is not in the store. Alchemy masters are busy and they can’t be around all the time.”

As he spoke, David led Angel into the store.

The shop is small, but the shelves are full of strange objects. Most of which are made of metal.

“These are Master Promi’s masterpieces. Although he usually does not come to the shop, the alchemy products he refines are stacked in his warehouse. I collect them every half a month.” David said.

“Just look around, and I’ll get you the mental force scale. Fortunately, the mental force scale is not expensive. If you asked for something else, I dare not make a promise to give it to you.” David muttered while lifting the boards of the underground warehouse and climbed in.

All of a sudden, there was only one person and one bird left in the shop.

Angel’s eyes drifted slowly along the shelf. These refined alchemy products looked exquisite but had a little practical effect. They are not up to standard when even compared to the first few pages of the < Basic Collection of Primary Alchemy >.

But such a level of alchemist apprentice can be called “master”, which shows how many alchemists have achieved great success.

Angel thought when he completed his third step. He would go to study alchemy whenever he had the time. What a waste it would be when he had a treasure mountain and did not make use of it.

[Sound Killing Box. High-frequency sound and low-frequency sound interact to produce a kind of harsh sound wave. Can attack the human mind but use limited to only 3 times. After 3 times, the Sound Killing Box will break down. Price 5000 Contribution Points.]

Angel picked up a beautiful and delicate heart-shaped metal box. If it hadn’t been for the introduction under the box, Angel would have thought it was a brooch box.

“Can this only be used three times? It seems that there is something wrong with the refining technique, or there is something wrong with the internal structure.” Angel put it down. A defective product can sell for 5000 contribution points? Is alchemy money so easy to earn? For these materials, it is estimated that even two Magic Crystal are not needed.

Suddenly, Angel heard a murmur behind him. Looking back, it was Toby shouting in front of a lavender trumpet flower.

Angel walked over to see what was wrong with the trumpet flower when the trumpet flower suddenly uttered the sound of “mumbling-“.

“Hey, is this Toby’s voice?” Angel looks at Toby on the other side in a daze.

Then the trumpet flower spoke again: “Hey, is this Toby’s voice?”

This time it was Angel’s voice it repeated.

“What a wonder, these flowers can record sound?” Angel said in surprise.

Trumpet Flower: “What a wonder, these flowers can record sound?”

At this time, David climbed out of the underground warehouse, and saw the confused Angel and Toby and smiled: “That is an Echo Flower. Toby, do not step on its roots.”

Toby flew out of the range of the trumpet flower.

“As long as you don’t step on its roots and leaves, it will echo whatever sound you make. This is a kind of material for Sound Wave System alchemy props.” David said.

“Here Angel.” David threw a scale to Angel: “This is the mental force scale, and also my apology to you.”

Angel took the scale and said in his heart that he had “earned” it. But he had a clear expression on his face that showed ‘Well, I will reluctantly accept your compensation.’

Angel got the scale and was ready to go home. What if he took advantage of him and didn’t leave?

When he left, he saw that Toby seemed to like the Echo Flower a lot and asked the price, “How much does the Echo Flower cost?”

David is wiping his goggles when he hears Angel’s question. He shows a “you can’t afford it” expression and said: “128 Contribution Points. I know you only entered the Savage Grottoes last month. You can’t afford it.”

Angel snorted, took out his bone card and handed it to David: “Swipe the card. I’ll take it!”

Angel was still in a good mood when he returned home. He couldn’t help laughing when David saw the bone card balance with a messy expression on his face.

He made a lot of profit this time. Not to mention getting the mental force scale, just knowing there was an underground market was a great harvest.

Angel had planned to put the Echo Flower in the greenhouse but considering Toby’s love for the Echo Flower. He simply placed it in the flowerpot directly in Toby’s room and put a wooden spoon near to water it.

“Don’t forget to water the flower and use this wooden spoon to scoop water from the nearby stream. Otherwise, if the flower dies, don’t blame me.” Angel said.

Arranging everything, Angel plans to report to Sanders in the next few days. Before going, he concentrates on the third step of the introduction.

But before heading on his way to Phantom Island, he had one more thing to do—

Test his mental force value!

Last night, he outlined the mysterious pattern in his mind and didn’t know if the aftereffects would affect his mental force value. It would be fine if it increased the… If he did not drink the Cold Night Potion and added mental force value out of thin air. Everyone would be suspicious. If mental force was so easy to increase, why would everyone still struggle to find talents? Sanders is such a shrewd person. Angel is worried that he will reveal the truth. How can he explain that he can still view the pattern on the wall?

Angel’s hand still trembled when he picked up the mental force scale. The pain it had caused him was still fresh in his memory.

But in order to confirm his mental force, Angel gnashed his teeth to start the test.

Two golden lines began to climb…

With the same test, the same pain. Angel was sweating and set aside the scale after he was finished.

Angel didn’t pick up the scale until the end when his breathing had calmed down. He looked at the final result.


The mental force value did not change.

Angel is both disappointed and grateful for this value.

To his disappointment, the wall should have little effect on mental force growth. Of course, it is also possible he outlined too few patterns.

Fortunately, the mental force value remains unchanged. At least it is left unnoticed by Sanders.

Looking at the scale. Angel suddenly turned out to be wrong.

Although the scale is 15.00, the position of the gold line seems to be a little higher than the last time he tested it.

Or is this his delusion?

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