Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 130 Golden Flier Invitation Card

The resource allocation hall is bigger than all the halls they’ve visited before. There were many people coming in and going out from the hall. Whether in front of the counter or in the rest area. It was completely crowded with Wizard Apprentices. When the group stepped into the hall, they saw another group of apprentices covered in colourful robes. These apprentices only looked up slightly and snorted a few times before they held their nose up high. Apparently already guessing their identities.

“Aubrey, you’re a real waste for doing some of these garbage tasks. You don’t even have the courage to step out of the Savage Grottoes. I can estimate you will be a junior apprentice for the rest of your life.” A fellow in a black robe sneered coldly.

“Talents of this session look here. This female apprentice named Aubrey is the shame of the apprentices. She is in last place for our session. You’d better stay away from her in the future, so you don’t get infected by this waste! Hahaha!”

Along the way, the Wizard Apprentices sneered at Aubrey. These verbal assaults also affected some of the smaller group of talents. Hookedick’s group deliberately stayed far away and avoided Aubrey like some sort of plague.

Aubrey didn’t say a word in retort. But bowed her head as she led the group to the second floor. Her silence was completely different from the lively and innocent Aubrey they had seen along the way. She was like a totally different person as she walked alone on the path in front of her.

When she reached the second floor, Aubrey sat the group down in a nearby rest area. She then walked alone to a counter and chatted with the female apprentice inside. After a while, Aubrey came over with a silver disc in hand.

Aubrey placed the silver disc on a low table in the middle of the room and signalled the group to come over.

“This is the card receiver. You have to take out your bone card and put them here.” Aubrey pointed to the bottom of the silver disc. There happened to be a circular groove that matched the size and shape of the bone card: “When you have put it in, you’ll know if there is a Mentor Flier Invitation Card for you.”

After Aubrey finished her explaination, she sat on the other side of the rest area and signalled the group to begin.

The talents looked at each other. It looked like no one wanted to be the first to start. Nausica, being the closest to the silver disc, shrugged her shoulders and said. “Since you’re all so modest, I’ll start first.”

As soon as she began placing her card, everyone’s eyes were immediately glued to the disc. They didn’t want to be the first ones to use the disc, for fear of losing face by not receiving a Flier Invitation Card. Some people taste crabs first, while others had them in mind.

Nausica took out her bone card and inserted it into the groove. After a while, a white light began shining from the centre of the disc.

A moment later, two cards with different shapes and images appeared from the disc.

“You’re lucky, two mentors are interested in you after reading your profile. You can choose between the two mentors.” Aubrey’s eyes glistened with envy as she spoke to the crowd. “It seems that there are too few talents recruited this time, so the Wizard Lords are starting to grab people. Perhaps this time, each of you will receive a Flier Invitation Card!”

Aubrey’s words let everyone’s eyes fill with excitement. If this really was the case, as Aubrey stated, everyone receiving a Flier Invitation Card would be great!

Nausica picked up the two cards with different markings. One was a square card with a green background in a circular pattern which read: Van Tesser.Komedya.

The other is in the shape of a diamond, with a dark black chassis and a blood-red rose breaking through the ground. On the other side are words written in floral characters: Flora.

“The names on the two cards should belong to the Wizard Lord. But without a reference, who should I choose?” Nausica thought to herself as she looked at Aubrey for advice.

“Introducing you to a mentor’s identity is also one of my tasks.” Aubrey smiled and took the two cards.

“Gee, ‘Cochlea’ Van Tesser! This Lord hasn’t had an apprentice for more than a decade!” Aubrey looked at the name on the card and exclaimed. “He’s a Wizard in the Blood Branch. He has been living in seclusion like a hermit for some time in the Savage Grottoes. But his combat strength is absolutely not vulgar. Before he advanced to an official Wizard, he hit the 100th floor of the Infinity Battle Tower in Sky Machinery City! If Lord Tree Spirit has recommended a Blood Branch bias for you, then Lord Van Tesser is a great choice!”

When Aubrey finished explaining. She picked up the other card. When she saw the name on it, her eyes suddenly became round.

“Blo… Bloody Witch Flora!” Aubrey’s voice was louder than her previous exclamation. Many of the apprentices around also heard Aubrey’s voice. When they heard Flora’s name, the pupils of all the apprentices began shrinking as they showed frightened expressions.

“Who is she? Is she worse than Lord Van Tesser?” Nausica asked doubtfully.

Aubrey took a deep breath: “She is one of the most famous Witches in the southern region. She is not famous for her appearance, but for her brutal means and bloodthirsty behaviour. She has won many famous battles, such as…”

As Angel listened to Aubrey’s story, his heart was filled with many emotions. He did not expect that stubborn looking witch lady, unexpectedly had such a wicked and ferocious title!

“As for Lord Van Tesser. I don’t know who is better among the two, after all, I’m just an apprentice…”

Nausica nodded, also full of admiration for Flora. How much pride does this woman have in order to reach her status as a powerhouse in the south!

“So, Lord Flora is also a Blood Branch Wizard too?” Asked Nausica.

“That’s not the case, and Lord Flora is in the Mystical Branch. As for which system, I don’t know.” Aubrey said.

When she heard Aubrey’s words, Nausica frowned a little. She was in the Blood Branch herself and naturally preferred to be instructed by a mentor in the Blood Branch. But as a woman, she also wanted her mentor to be Flora, another woman. Which made her quite entangled in making her decision.

Nevertheless, Nausica is a very decisive woman. A turn of her mind, she throws aside all the fantasies that could have been and chose the best person for herself.

Nausica puts Flora’s card back on the silver disc and picks up Van Tesser’s card before stepping aside.

After Nausica led by example. The silver disc was ready for someone else to come up and use. The talents put their bone card into the disk one by one.

Perhaps, as Aubrey said, there are too few the talents in this session. Basically, as long as someone puts a bone card in the silver disk, there will be a Flier Invitation Card.

“This is Lord Wallace. He is the Academic Faction’s boss…”

“This is Lord Fire Charm in the Elemental Branch!”

Aubrey introduced the mentors one by one. In which Forsa took the Flier Invitation Card for “Cochlea” Van Tesser. Shalem got a Flier Invitation Card for Carlyle, also known as “Dark Night Sage” Carlyle, which not only surprised Aubrey but even the other Wizard Apprentices around. They had been watching the actions of this group with looks of amazement on their faces!

Although Aubrey’s introduction to Carlyle is only a few words. It can be inferred from everyone’s reaction around that Carlyle is by no means an idle person.

At this point, Hookedick also put his bone card on the silver disk.

The next second, a golden flashing square card appeared in the centre of the disc!

“This is… the Golden Flier Invitation Card!” When Aubrey spoke of the Golden Flier Invitation Card, not only did the talents freeze but also the onlooking Wizard Apprentices exclaimed. “Which Lord is it? I can’t believe there is an actual recipient of one of these!”

“The strongest person from our session, after receiving a Golden Flier Invitation Card, soared from a mediocre talent to an official Wizard today!”

“This… Golden Flier Invitation Card is an invitation by an official Wizard!”

The Wizard Apprentices whispered, and the group also heard it. Although it is unclear what a Golden Flier Invitation Card was. But from the discussion around by the apprentices, one can infer the value of the Golden Flier Invitation Card is not low. So, everyone gave Hookedick many envious looks. Even the calm Shalem had a feeling of eating ****: “God is really blind, even this big bad egg is blessed!”

Having so many envious stares by everyone, Hookedick felt completely refreshed. He even straightened his back more and proudly picked up the Golden Flier Invitation Card for everyone to see. By the way, he also showed off with his nostrils flaring at Angel. He held a proud expression as he performed a “neck swiping” action directed against Angel.

Angel gave a sneer and showed no concern. When Hookedick saw this, instead of waiting to be ridiculed, he heard someone next to him ask Aubrey:

“What do you mean by Golden Flier Invitation Card? Why is everyone…?”

Hookedick also wanted to know what the Golden Flier Invitation Card was for. So he ignored Angel and raised his ears to listen to Aubrey’s explanation.

Before Aubrey could answer, some onlooking Wizard Apprentice explained. “Just because you got a Mentor Flier Invitation Card, does not mean you can worship a Mentor. At best, you’re one of their many apprentices. They’ll give you some advice when they’re in a good mood. But most of the time, you have to work around the Wizard Lord. The specific performance is on the bone card. Everyone’s mentor column should be empty.”

“And the Golden Flier Invitation Card means that when the Wizard Lord decides to receive an apprentice. Receiving this Golden Flier Invitation Card means that you are their true disciple. They will do their best to teach you and help you grow. This is like having a formal Wizard as a guide, so the Golden Flier Invitation Card is also called ‘Invite of a Wizard’! And at this point, your bone card in the section for mentor should also appear the Wizard Lord’s name.”

When everyone heard this, they all opened up their bone card and looked at their mentor column.

Sure enough, as this Wizard Apprentice said, even if they got a Mentor Flier Invitation Card. Their bone card mentor column was still showing a blank.

As the crowd noisily compared their bone card information with each other, Angel sat silently while looking at the last column of information on his bone card:

[Mentor: Sanders]

Well, looking at the lost expressions from the people around. Angel quietly put away his bone card.

“Sure enough, it’s blank.” Shalem sitting next to Angel leaned over and pointed dejectedly at his bone card.

“Angel, where’s your bone card?”

“Oh… I put it away. Everyone’s information is the same. Aha…” Seeing the incredulous expression on Shalem’s face, Angel hurriedly pointed to Hookedick and said, “I don’t know which Wizard Lord wants to accept him as an apprentice. Look, he’s reading the name now.”

Hookedick looked at the name on his card in anticipation, as he slowly read, “Nyssa.Baira.”

“Nyssa.Baira? Who’s that? Why haven’t I heard of them before?” There were many people in discussion: “It can’t be a new Wizard, right? That shouldn’t be the case, ah, there are the only high-level Wizard Apprentices who have reached the bottleneck period. Why haven’t I heard of this name?”

At this point, Aubrey walks up to Hookedick and looks down at his bone card from the side.

Suddenly, Aubrey covered her mouth and laughed. “Hahaha, this is killing me, it’s not Nyssa.Baira. It’s Lord Nisi! ”

“Lord Nisi?”

“Lord Nisi.Byron nicknamed ‘Redemption of the Dead’?”

Aubrey nodded. “Yes, this Wizard Lord is in the Mystical Branch Soul System!”

“It turns out to be Lord Nisi… Ah, I was wondering who Nyssa.Baira was. It was Nisi… Byron… lucky little fellow, you can’t be illiterate, can you? ” Originally, the Wizard Apprentices around Hookedick were full of envy. But after this uproar, everyone looked down on him. This big man, who looks almost 30 years old, doesn’t even know how to read. It can be estimated that even if the Wizard Lord gives some advice, he won’t even be able to understand.

Hookedick, as a former tribal chief of Phelan, Big 6. At this moment is white and red-faced. Although his name sounds tribal, he was not as primitive as one would imagine. At least he is rich and powerful enough to know how to speak the common language of Big 6. He is the exception among this group. Because he likes fishing for sex, loved killing, and his ordinary entertainment was spent on women and bloody excursions. He did not spend too much time learning the common language. Which led him to learn many words in a half-baked manner. Him being half-literate accounted for the majority of this situation.

Previously, as he was “half-literate.” He thought he read all the words correctly, but he did not expect he would mispronounce his mentor’s name.

“Even his mentor’s name is mispronounced. This…” Someone shook his head and looked at this joke with emotion.

Hookedick, under the jeering by all his peers, opened his mouth coldly: “Common text, I can learn slowly. However, I am the only one with a Golden Flier Invitation Card. Even if you are a famous scholar with a great reputation in some country. You cannot get a Golden Flier Invitation Card. So, laugh as much as you like.”

When Hookedick had finished, he stepped aside and sat down with a hateful glare at all the people who laughed at him. Among them, Aubrey is included of course.

Receiving a cold sharp glare from Hookedick’s eyes, Aubrey seemed to notice something wrong. After all, the other party is a talent who received a Golden Flier Invitation Card. Maybe he won’t take long to pass her… to be remembered and hated by such a promising talent. This is not what she wants in her heart.

But at this point, Aubrey didn’t know how to remedy the situation. She just laughed awkwardly and sat silently aside.

“Who else hasn’t received a Flier Invitation Card?” Asked Aubrey.

Two people stood up at the same time. One was Angel, and the other was Baruba.

Baruba looked at Angel and stood aside. “You go first.”

“I didn’t expect Baruba who looks rude is so polite.” Shalem whispered in Angel’s ear.

Angel nodded at Baruba and went to the silver disc.


Just as Angel took out his bone card and was ready to put it into the disc. A funny hum came from an oblique direction. Angel looked over and saw Hookedick sneer at him while throwing his golden Flier Invitation Card up and down in his hands. The meaning of the demonstration was self-evident.

Angel smiled at Hookedick and put his bone card in the groove.

White lights flash…

After a while, nothing appeared on the disc.

The onlookers thought it was normal, but the talents were stunned. Angel had been very close to a Wizard Lord. Without experiencing the Nine Bloodbath Cabins, he was brought directly to the Savage Grottoes… They thought Angel’s talent was very good, but they did not expect no mentor was willing to accept him?!

“Bahahaha! I can’t believe no mentor wants to accept you, ha-ha!” Hookedick laughed loudly, his eyes filled with malice and satire: “Hum, even if a Wizard Lord doesn’t kill you, one day I will!”

Some time ago, Hookedick, because of his fear of Angel’s “force from behind” did not dare to offend Angel. But only performed some small acts of intimidation in private. At this moment though, Angel does not even have a mentor. The suppression he felt for the past couple of days was immediately released. If there were not so many witnesses around, he would have liked to kill Angel on the spot!

Nausica and Shalem looked at each other, Nausica with doubt in her eyes and Shalem with a touch of anxiety and worry.

On the Cloud Whale, no one else knows, but Nausica was near Angel’s tent. She knows very well that not only do the shadow servants respect Angel like a Wizard Lord. But the Cloud Whale also often talks and laughs with Angel. How could such a person who seemed to have a deep background not even have a mentor?

Just as Hookedick was laughing merrily, there was a sudden flash of light on the disk–

Then, in full view of the public, a handsome middle-aged man appeared in the light and shadow.

“Angel, when you’re assigned a place to live, I’ll let my alchemy pet come and guide you to me. Remember to bring the gold coin I gave you earlier, that gold coin is my Flier Invitation Card.” A deep and hoarse male voice came out of the middle-aged man’s mouth.

Angel was startled by his mentor’s figure but quickly recovered and nodded.

Sanders nodded and disappeared into the light and shadow.

When the disk returned to its normal state, everyone was quiet.

This year’s talents did not know the man in the light and shadow, but how could the Wizard Apprentices here not know him?!

“That’s…” An apprentice trembled while pointing his fingers and swallowing some saliva. He dared not even mention the man’s name.

“You’re… hi… his disciple? ” Aubrey looked at Angel with a look of horror on her face.

At this point, Angel knew he could not hide any longer. So, he nodded noncommittally and took out his bone card to highlight his mentor column.

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