“Mystical Branch Phantom System.”

As expected, Angel said goodbye to the Tree Spirit and left the compartment.

When Shalem learned about Angel’s talent bias, he couldn’t stop envying him. Angel also did not know what to say. The spell system has no difference. It depends on the individual that uses it. The Phantom System is a rare Mystical Branch, but its starting point is the same as the Elemental Branch and Blood Branch. The final achievements depend on individual efforts.

When the talents left Lord Tree Spirit one by one, everyone’s talent bias came out. Given the scarcity of the Mystical Branch, Angel thought he was the only one who was in the Mystical Branch. He didn’t expect one more person in this session of talents was also included in the Mystical Branch.

Hookedick, Mystical Branch Soul System.

Hookedick reported his system when they said their farewells to the Tree Spirit. Appearing very proud, he intentionally looked at Angel unkindly while proudly showing off. Angel sneered contemptuously at Hookedick’s complacent expression and he immediately subsided.

There are three people in the Blood Branch, Nausica, Forsa and Baruba. The rest of the people in the group are in the Elemental Branch.

Of all the people, only Shalem, Angel and Hookedick have a specific system recommendation. The others only received recommendations for which of the Three Major Structures they belong to. They can only wait until they have a mentor before determining their respective system.

After testing everyone’s talent bias, the Tree Spirit continued to lazily bask in the sun. The talents returned to the previous Tree Spirit Hall under the arrangement of a waiter.

At Melanie’s side, the test results have been simultaneously updated at the same time. Where everyone’s talent bias and mental force values have been entered into each bone card individually. Although she is mortal, she has worked in the Tree Spirit Hall for many years. She is naturally familiar with some aspects of the Wizard’s Three Major Structures. She knows there is no difference in power between the Three Major Structures. So, whether one is in the Mystical Branch or the Elemental Branch, she records it down with a normal state of mind.

Because of that matter at home, she had to attach herself to a transcendent person. The so-called attachment is to give everything to the other person, including ***. So, in her initial selection, she focused on the two of the most handsome characters, Angel and Baruba. Unfortunately, Angel was already surrounded by another gorgeous woman, and Baruba did not pretend to flirt back with her. In this case, she had to choose Forsa.

When she saw the results of Forsa’s test came out, Melanie paid special attention to it.

[Forsa: Blood Branch. Mental Force: 12.00]

The result was neither high or low. But the result shows that there will be little chance he will be promoted to an official Wizard in the future. But now that Forsa was her chosen, Melanie stopped being picky. With a slight sigh, she continued on with recording.

When Melanie recorded the last bone card, she saw Angel’s name.

[Angel: Mystical Branch Phantom System. Mental Force Value: 15.00]

This result is considered to be above average in many of the talents. After Melanie recorded the words in a bone card, she suddenly saw a new row of text beneath.

As soon as she saw this, Melanie’s eyes popped out!

[Mentor: Sanders]

This legendary Wizard accepted him as a new disciple?! Sanders prestige is not only widely spread in the southern region, but also famous among the Savage Grottoes. He is almost the strongest Wizard under the authority of the Savage Grottoes! All the apprentices are flocking to him as the target!

Such a powerful Lord unexpectedly accepted a recently joined talent as an apprentice?!

One has to know that these talents will also be assigned to various Wizard apprentices. But these are only apprentices, not apprentices under a teacher. Only if Wizard confirms an apprentice will, the identity information appears on the bone card. Otherwise, the mentor information in the bone card will always be left blank!

The name Sanders appearing on Angel’s bone card represents he is already one of Sanders closest disciples. This is totally different from the other apprentices.

Melanie’s face suddenly flashed a trace of regret. If she had known that Sanders had taken Angel as an apprentice. Even if there were more women around him, she would have gone up and tried to woo him! Because of Sanders guidance, the likelihood of Angel advancing as a Wizard will be greatly increased!

Being attached to a Wizard apprentice is not as strong as being attached to a Wizard after all.

When Angel returned to the Tree Spirit Hall, he kept noticing that Melanie was trying to flirt with him.

Forsa was face was half dark at this situation. He had planned to **** Melanie tonight. But when he came out, he saw Melanie had changed her mind and went to stick to that little white face who had not even participated in Nine Bloodbath Cabins!

Forsa snorted coldly while Melanie turned pale and tried to say something, but in the end, she did not speak.

Forsa took his bone card and glared at Angel coldly. He quickly left the Tree Spirit Hall as fast as he could.

Angel has a puzzled look on his face. What’s wrong with this woman? Looking at Melanie, who kept clinging to him all the time. Angel had no sense of bliss at all but felt goosebumps all over his body.

With Melanie’s excessive flirting, she thought her biggest hindrance would be Nausica. Who knew that Nausica went straight away and held a funny look on her face? Seeing Nausica so “aware” of the situation, Melanie’s flirting was even bolder.

Angel has a gentle personality. Although he is a little disgusted by Melanie’s actions, he has not opened his mouth to drive this person away. As a result, Melanie felt that she saw promise and put on a bird’s face. Holding out her hand to take Angel’s arm.

Just as Melanie grabbed him, Angel pushed her away with a wave of his hand.

Melanie was pushed straight to the ground, feeling embarrassed and ugly by what has happened. As Angel looked on, she showed a sad, anxious and worried expression.

On the other side, a female co-worker ran over to help Melanie up. She then turned to look at Angel with a hostile expression:

“Did you know that if it wasn’t for… the situation in Melanie’s home, how would she stoop so…?”

Melanie put her hand over her mouth and sobbed, “Mila, don’t say it… I’ll just take it all on my own.”

Mila looked at Melanie with a sad expression on her face. “Melanie, why do you like suffering so much?”

The interaction between Mila and Melanie made the talents present in the hall all show a strange expression. There was some hidden agenda. No wonder they came up… as soon as they saw the talents… but ladies, you’re acting is a little too fake.

“Angel, why don’t you…?” Simple Shalem looked at this scene and tried to persuade Angel to help them. But as soon as he opened his mouth, he didn’t know what to say. Why did he try persuading Angel to help? He doesn’t even know what Melanie wants.

Shalem’s desire to help made Angel’s face worse.

Angel doesn’t know Melanie at all. Such a woman, he did not know she suddenly came up and started to flirt with him. Why would he go along with it? Because Melanie is a woman and he is a man? He is not a hotblooded man filled with thoughts of women all day. As if he was a saint that will break through the sky.

And a woman who doesn’t love herself is hard for him to accept. So even if Melanie shows an “I have pain” expression, Angel does not care at all. A lot of people in the world have a painful past. Would you expect a person to climb off their high horse or block a knife for you because of your painful past?

What happened to them in the past? That’s none of his business.

Angel completely ignored the Bitter Play of the two women on the ground, turned around and left.

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