Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 119 Arrive at the Savage Grottoes Bottom

The wind on the plateau cut through like a knife. Every time it cuts through the skin, people visually felt as if they had been bled.

Today happens to be the sixth day of the Month of Harvest, everyone here did not know that the Savage Grottoes was located on a plateau, so most of the people wore short shirts and thin clothes, and as the cold wind blows by, everyone shivers.

“Oh, there’s no one here, have we been abandoned?” A young man in a black-and-white velvet hat fell down to his knees with a sad expression. It was not enough for this young man to just kneel down on his knees. He went so far as to lie down and act as if he were dying with his eyes streaming full of tears.

As he lay down crying in a fetal position, his knight’s sword wrapped in rags around his waist touched the ground, making a crisp metallic clack.

“The feeling of being abandoned is so painful, my heart hurts, and I feel as though I am dying.” The young man lay pompously on the ground and rolled around.

Looking at the performance of the young man, everyone silently moves away to one side… … who was this man? They don’t know him at all.

Only a big man with a mustache and sideburns squatted down beside the young man with a smile. “Oh, I think I just saw a wormflower just now, it can add some flavor to the sauce and the cow tail tenderloin.”

After the big man finished saying this, he gently poked the young man lying on the ground: “Do you want to eat some of this for lunch Orlando?”

The young man named Orlando brightened his eyes immediately and nodded, “Yes! I want some!”

“Then stand up if you want some.” The big man replied.

Orlando stood up very obediently and followed behind the mustache and sideburn man with a look of worship on his face.

The mustache and sideburn man turned his head to the crowd and silently uttered two words with his lips: “I did it!”

Looking at the interaction between the two, Angel also found them fascinating. Speaking of which, there are very few Savage Grottoes talents who were not hostile to him, and these two are ones who were not considered hostile to him.

“My name is Ludwig, from Black, Big 6.” These words were said to the crowd by the mustache and sideburn man, after introducing himself, he pointed to the young man behind him: “He is Orlando, my best friend.”

“Orlando’s personality is a little wayward, so please be tolerant of him.” After Ludwig finished his introduction, he pulled Orlando into the crowd.

Ludwig and Orlando, who rarely made an appearance, made many people believe that they were too proud to show their faces, but when they saw their act today, it didn’t seem to be the case.

Shalem pulled Angel’s coat and whispered, “The young man named Orlando, despite his personality, is the only one here who has been admitted as a formal knight, he must not be underestimated.”

Becoming a formal knight for Shalem was the only dream he knew before entering the World of Wizards, so he paid particular attention to Orlando, the young man with a knight’s sword.

“What now? Have we been deceived? There is no one here.” At this time, a pockmarked youth who often hung around Hookedick spoke in a displeased tone.

“Is it because they don’t think we’re worthy enough that they left us here on the way, is that why?” The person who spoke is a big fat teen around the pockmarked face teenager, the big fat teen’s voice began to cry a little: “I miss my mother, I want to go home… …”

Although he gave a crying sound, there was no trace of sadness in the fat teen’s eyes at all.

After crying to attract everyone’s attention, the big fat teen suddenly changed his tune and said, “I miss my mom, I want to go home, I want some beef tenderloin with sauce and that… … what kind of flower was it…?”

“Fatty, you’re so stupid, it’s a wormflower!” The pockmarked face teen yelled.

The cooperation between these two people was not very tacit, and at first glance, it seemed to be a kind of skit.

Hearing the banter between these two, everyone secretly glanced at Ludwig, who was now hidden among the crowd. He showed a very speechless expression while turning his eyes towards the sky.

“Another strange duo.” Angel was speechless as well, the pockmarked face teenager and the big fat teen seemed to be Hookedick’s cronies, because every time Angel passes by their side, he will harvest a few sneers from them. He thought the two were just rude, but he didn’t expect them to be so cheeky as well.

Hookedick taking these two in as cronies felt like he was tricked into it… … Angel feels bad for Hookedick while looking at them, this usually arrogant man was covering his face, too ashamed to face the others.

He looks like he’s used to it, Angel silently observes.

Because Ludwig did not come out and say anything or invite them to come to eat some of his food, the fake crying from the big fat teen continued on for some time. The formerly silent plateau was full of shameless false cries.

At this time, a low, hoarse male voice suddenly yelled out to stifle the crying, as if thunder sounded in everyone’s ears: “Shut up, cry again, and I’ll kill you.”

The speaker was a bald teenager with very dark brown, almost black skin.

His upper body showed his washboard abs, which seemed to have been molded through battle, and his lower body wore a pair of short leather trousers, with suede shoes covering his ankle and feet, showing thick leg hair, and a tiger skirt around his waist.

His exposed skin did not have goose pimples because of the cold, and because the sun beat down on the plateau, it gave him a glossy glow, as if he had been rubbed down by oil. This person scattered a wild breath.

“Baruba!” His name appeared in the hearts of people in this place.

As one of the strongest of this batch of talents, after hearing Baruba’s angry rebuke, the fat teenager immediately went silent, not even daring to breathe with this momentum. Also, Hookedick quietly bowed his head at him, and if anyone noticed, one could see an expression of disdain and fear hidden on his face.

With Baruba’s current momentum, even Nausica avoided him a bit.

Because of Baruba’s sudden outburst, everyone went silent, those who wanted to interrupt did not speak, and the strange silence was not broken until a low voice came ten minutes later.

“Angel, do you know what’s going on?” It was Shalem who was next to Angel, he deliberately lowered his voice to whisper to Angel, but now that the scene was so quiet, everyone heard his voice.

Shalem seemed to notice this too, and his face turned pale as he turned to Baruba, for fear of being reprimanded by him.

But Baruba did not speak this time, and with Shalem’s question, he looked towards Angel.

It should be said that at the site, everyone looked at Angel.

Although many people are hostile to Angel, they also know that Angel seems to have a hidden connection to an official wizard on the Cloud Whale, as can be seen from his free access to the official wizard’s tent.

It is because of this layer of contact that Hookedick dared not directly attack Angel. He also did not use some underhanded means on him but wanted to work directly with the people around him and break down Angel’s line of defense. Unfortunately, he ended up being beaten up by Nausica instead.

Everyones’ eyes are on Angel, Nausica, Hookedick, Baruba…. …

Angel’s face did not change and continued looking calm. His eyes secretly glanced at a particular direction in the air, and then slowly said: “What the current situation is, I do not know. However, they probably want to let us wait, but rest assured, we should not wait too long.”

After Angel finished speaking, he patted Shalem on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

Angel’s remark made the people around feel a little strange, but most of the people listening did not think too deeply about it. There were only three people present who were aware of what was happening, and with a glimmer of contemplation in their eyes, Nausica was naturally one of them. She was lost in thought after hearing Angel’s words, and soon, her expression recovered with a light of brilliance in her eyes.

Orlando is also one of them, regardless of his willfulness, ego, or childishness, he is the second person to react.

The last one, however, is Baruba. As an exotic plane hybrid, Baruba obviously inherits not only the power of the exotic plane barbarians, but also the wisdom of mankind, and can even cast out a blue totem.

“Thank you!” Nausica silently mouthed thanks to Angel with her lips.

On the other side, Orlando and Baruba who also reacted, nodded to Angel, saying nothing as well, but expressing a touch of familiarity.

Angel smiled noncommittally at the reaction of the three people. In fact, he doesn’t know any further details, it’s just… … when Angel glanced again at a particular direction in the air, he had to sigh helplessly.

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