Super Card System

Chapter 468: Captivating Expressions

Chapter 468: Captivating Expressions

In the forbidden area beneath the vine, Luffy and his group also arrived at the location of the vine. Originally, they were following Robin and Nami, intending to find the golden city of Skypiea. However, they encountered the guardian of the skies, Satori, and the divine army of Enel.

Although Satori was the only remaining priest, he faithfully carried out Enels orders and attacked Luffy and his group. He knew that God Enel was engaged in a battle with a powerful enemy, and he couldnt be of assistance there. However, he could only eliminate the intruders, the mice who entered the forbidden area.

Unfortunately for him, this time he was facing the entire Straw Hat Pirates crew alone, with Reiju supporting them from behind. Although Reijus combat power was inferior to Ians, she was much stronger than Satori. Most importantly, her raid suit abilities were somewhat similar to Skypieas unique Sky Battle techniques, making her well-adapted to the fighting style on this island.

However, in the end, Reiju did not take the shot, it was Zoro who dealt the final blow to Satori!

Zoro, who had obtained the Izumi Kanesada, had been wanting to find an opponent to test his new sword. Therefore, he was the one who fought against Satori in the end.

After eliminating Satori, the group unexpectedly encountered the Guerilla Soldiers of Skypiea, who had infiltrated the forbidden area. Their leader, Wyper, held some hostility towards the Blue Sea people, so he directly attacked Luffy and his group.

Although it was just a few casual attacks, he couldnt harm Luffy and his group. Seeing this, Wyper did not continue to engage them. Their target was the army under Enels command.

However, when all of Enels divine army was eliminated by the Skypieans, Wyper started feeling that something was amiss.

This isnt it too easy? Wyper raised his head in confusion and looked up at the vines. Although he had personally witnessed Ian defeating three priests, he didnt notice any signs of Enel taking action when he fought against the guerilla soldiers and the divine army.

Wyper was well aware of Enels power. He knew how powerful Enel was, and this time, when they attacked his army in the forbidden area, he had even prepared countermeasures specifically against Enel.


Indeed, Wyper and his comrades were well aware that Enel was no god. He was merely a powerful Logia Devil Fruit user with control over the forces of lighting. The concept of Devil Fruits was not foreign to Skypiea either; in fact, the Skypieans knew a thing or two about countering Devil Fruit abilities so their answer lay in the mystical substance known as Seastone.

This knowledge was brought to Skypiea by individuals who had traveled from the Blue Sea. Unfortunately, Skypiea itself had reserves of Seastone, making it a convenient location. Seastone was a unique mineral that was found only in certain specific regions of the Grand Line. Due to its extraordinary ability to nullify and suppress Devil Fruit powers, it was tightly controlled by the Marines and the World Government. It was the possession of Seastone that allowed the Marines to capture Devil Fruit users.

However, what made it peculiar was that the volcanic eruptions in the region where Seastone formed often propelled its components into the sky. Particularly, the crystallization of rock salt among these components was a significant factor in the formation of the floating islands of Skypiea.

Given the presence of these components, it was not entirely surprising that they could recombine under fortuitous circumstances to form Seastone. Although naturally occurring Seastone on Skypiea was quite rare, it did exist.

However, it was only on the larger floating islands that one could have a chance of finding it. The island where Angel Island was situated happened to be one such sizable floating island.

Seastone was predominantly controlled by the Marines and the World Government, with only the members of the Seven Warlords of the Sea having the privilege to request a quota of Seastone from them. Nevertheless, these allocations were usually limited, indicating the strict control exerted by the Marines and the World Government. Skypiea, on the other hand, provided a unique opportunity to acquire Seastone outside the jurisdiction of the Marines and the World Government.

Within the ranks of Ians Pirate group, there was a scientist named Varua who had conducted research on the Kairoseki. As he had worked alongside Vegapunk in the past, who had been involved in the study of Seastone, Varua had acquired some knowledge about it. When the Dragon Hunters secured the abandoned ruins of Ballon Terminal as their base, he suggested to Ian that they should try to search for naturally occurring Seastone on the island.

Unfortunately, the Balloon Ruins were relatively small, so Ian hadnt found any Seastone there before. Thats why, after arriving at Angel Island, Ians main objective was to prevent Enel from causing further destruction, but deep down, he also hoped to find Seastone on the island. If Enel mindlessly unleashed the Deathpiea, destroying potential locations where Seastone could appear, it would hinder their plans.

As for Wyper, he hadnt thought much beyond his immediate goal. He simply wanted to defeat Enel when they found him, using his explosives combined with Seastone strikes.

However, the expected appearance of Enel didnt happen. Above them, at the top of the vine, although they could hear the thunderous rumbling, strangely, there were no lightning bolts striking down to attack them.

Whats going on? Wyper pondered, his cigarette dangling from his mouth as he led the guerrilla fighters toward the location of the vine.

Enel has a Mantra ability just like Aisa. He cant be unaware of our presence. But he hasnt shown himself. Theres only one explanation: hes also engaged in a battle! Wyper suddenly remembered Ian, whom they encountered at the edge of the Forbidden Zone. Could it be that the Blue Sea man is currently fighting against Enel? Are those Blue Sea people we encountered earlier his companions? He may be strong, capable of defeating three priests with a single strike, but does he really stand a chance against Enel?

No! I must go and help him! Wyper made up his mind. Although he didnt like the Blue Sea people, having a powerful ally among them would greatly increase their chances of defeating Enel.

However, when the Shandia warriors, led by Wyper, arrived at the bottom of the vine and accelerated their ascent, they once again encountered Luffy and his crew.

Ah, its you guys again! Luffy couldnt help but exclaim upon seeing Wyper, his anger evident in his voice. Are you here to fight us again?

Zoro, Sanji, and the others assumed battle stances, ready to fight. However, Wyper, with a cigarette in his mouth and a rocket launcher slung over his shoulder, portraying a tough-guy image, didnt answer Luffys question. Instead, he asked, Do you have another companion? One with a bandage wrapped around his hand and a bell hanging from the bandage?

Ah! Its big brother Ian, isnt it? Nami exclaimed, surprised. She couldnt help but blurt out, Have you seen him?

In fact, the main reason Nami and the others came to the Forbidden Land was to find Ian. While Nami knew that Ian was here to find the Golden City of Shandora, she also knew that there was a powerful enemy on this island known as the god. So when Wyper mentioned Ian, she couldnt resist asking.

Zoro, Robin, and the others listened attentively, momentarily taken aback. They perked up their ears, eager to hear Wypers response.

However, Wyper raised his head and looked at the clouds above the vine, saying, If Im not mistaken, he is fighting against Enel. He might need assistance!

Is this so-called god Enel really that powerful? Zoro couldnt help but ask, Im myself strong. Cant I defeat Enel?

Hmph! Wyper snorted, Dont you know that theres a saying circulating on this island? Gods are invincible!

Just as Wyper uttered those words, a voice echoed in the sky, saying, Hes right. Enels power instills despair in the hearts of all who oppose him!

Everyone looked up and saw a flamboyantly colored Pegasus. The person who arrived was none other than the former ruler of Skypiea, Gan Fall.

Ah! Its the old mercenary, Grandpa Gan Fall! Chopper pointed at Gan Fall.

Gan Fall, what are you doing here? Wyper certainly recognized Gan Fall and couldnt help but sneer, As one of Enels defeated underlings, do you have the courage to fight him?

Gan Fall tightened his grip on his knights spear and responded with a serious expression, He and I have unfinished business

Then lets join forces! Wyper glanced at Gan Fall and then at Luffy and his crew. The Shandia warriors will surely reignite the flame of Shandora, but everything will happen after we defeat Enel!

With Wyper and Gan Fall appearing and discussing the possibility of joining forces, their cautious demeanor made even Zoro and Sanji take notice.

Alright, lets go and see what this invincible god is really made of! Zoro said, gripping the hilt of his sword. If I can cut him down, does that mean Ive killed a god?

Assuming you dont die in the process! Wyper glanced at him and said, Lets go, towards the Divine Palace!

Just as everyone was filled with confidence and apprehension, preparing to climb the vine, Robin suddenly looked up at the sky and spoke, Wait, something seems to be falling from above!

Everyone followed up, tilting their heads upward, and indeed, they saw a small dot emerging from the clouds.

However, as the dot descended and became clearer, everyone was dumbfounded.

Because standing before them was none other than Ian!

And when Wyper saw Enel, who was being held by Ian with a swollen and bruised face, his cigarette fell from his mouth with a snap

At that moment, both Wyper and Gan Fall wore the most incredible expressions on their faces

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