70 Zeline Is Fed Up With Kalea’s Naivety

“Are you planning on going back to class?” Aluna asked.

“Ah, I-”

“I think you’d better go home for today, Lea!” Aluna cut with a serious face. “Everyone is talking about you, you definitely won’t focus on studying.”

Kalea smiled stiffly, then said, “I already intend to go home, Luna.”

“Oh? Is that so? Ahaha, okay! Go home, am I also better off going home, huh? To accompany you so you’re not alone,” Aluna said, pursed her lips sadly.

Kalea immediately shook her head disapprovingly. She didn’t want her friend’s academics to be disrupted. “I’m fine, Luna. You have to keep studying.”

“Uh ... are you sure?”

“Yes, there’s no need to worry,” the girl with the brunette hair said, smiling slightly so that her best friend wouldn’t have to worry.

Aluna escorted Kalea out of the faculty building, even though Kalea kept forbidding her because she didn’t want Aluna to be looked at cynically by the others. However, Aluna is a stubborn girl. Aluna was still adamant to accompany her.


Kalea returned to her apartment using a public bus, but almost missed the stop she used to get off of. Hurriedly, she got off the bus, her eyes blank like a dead fish.

The girl put her backpack on the study table after arriving at the penthouse. It was still two o’clock in the afternoon, but she was already in the penthouse. She didn’t know what to do because her life had been busy with work and academic.

She had not done various kinds of work again because she had a contract with Arthur. And the job of being a teaching assistant had to disappear because her secret was exposed. Kalea seemed to have lost her way, had no purpose. The girl grabbed her cell phone and typed Arthur’s contact to call the man.

Without waiting long, Arthur was already connected to the call.

[Yes? What is it?]

“For today and the next few days, you don’t need to go to the apartment. I’m staying at my parents’ house.”

[How long?]

“I don’t know, I’ll tell you again.”

[Alright, don’t take too long. I’m going crazy missing you.]

Kalea bit her lower lip, then nodded slowly even though Arthur wouldn’t be able to see it. “Okay,” she said and ended the call. The girl’s vision began to blur because the tears pooled there, soon the tears dripped and flowed down her smooth cheeks.

Kalea was unable to contain the pain in her heart, she was crying so hard that it was difficult to breathe because of the tightness in her chest. Kalea was suffering as a result of everyone’s evil deeds against her today. Seeing the disappointed looks on Garren’s and other lecturers’ faces added to the burden for the girl.

What she said to Arthur was of course a lie. She doesn’t go home to her mother. Kalea just didn’t want him to know the problem she was having and see her weak and fragile like this. The girl shuffled onto the floor, hugging her knees and burying her face in them. Even though it had happened, Kalea couldn’t accept the situation.

Why? Why is her life so hard to be happy? After this, what else will be snatched by God? Kalea only has Aluna and Freya. Only those she loves, will they be kept away from her after this? Kalea was really desperate.

The girl continued to cry until her sobs were difficult to come out because she had been lamenting the bad luck that always came to Kalea. Her tears were no longer able to come out, the traces of her tears on her cheeks had dried up. Kalea fell asleep on the floor because she was too tired to cry.

Until finally night came, the hazel eyes opened and the first sight Kalea saw was her dark room and only got light from the skyscrapers that sparkled so beautifully.

Kalea walked unsteadily to the bathroom to wash her body. She was surprised by her own appearance. The girl’s face was so swollen, especially around her eyes.

“This is why I hate crying for too long,” Kalea muttered as she held her very swollen eyes. She barely even recognized her own face because it was too different. Kalea took a deep breath, she didn’t want to cry like before again. No matter how hard her life is.

Kalea’s promise to herself, but is always broken. Because no matter how strong the girl was, she couldn’t hold back the tightness in her chest for too long.


After two days had passed, things remained the same. Kalea is still being treated badly by other students. She was utterly despised, and increasingly ostracized. Kalea is officially a student who has to pay tuition every semester.

Kalea was surprised when her table was doused with drinking water that was accidentally spilled there, hitting her face and clothes. “W-what are you doing, Violet?” Kalea asked looking up, looking at the culprit who had the heart to do that.

“Oops, sorry! I thought this was a trash can!” Violet said as she covered her mouth with a mocking expression. Accompanied by laughter from her other friends. While Aluna just looked at her from afar. The burgundy haired girl’s face also looked sad.

“Hey, your clothes are getting wet. Why don’t you just take them off? Aren’t you used to being naked?” Another girl said as she pulled the clothes worn by Kalea. “No need to pretend to be a nerd again, you bitch!”

Kalea remained silent while being bullied by them. “N-no!” Kalea shrieked as the girls forced her to undress and tug at Kalea’s hair tie.

“Fuck you, stop bothering her!” someone snapped, making everyone in the class silent and turning their attention to the figure.

“Huh? What? It’s none of your business, bitch number one,” Violet sneered with a sly smile.

“Your make-up and clothes are just right for a bitch, but why don’t you sell your body to men? Ah, I know why! Because you are not attractive to them!” Zeline stabbed at Violet’s heart, feeling offended.

“W-what? You insulted me?!” Violet snapped.

“You are despicable.” Zeline approached the group of girls and pushed Violet’s body away from Kalea. Zeline’s face was very cold, looking at the girl with the brunette hair who was looking down with a disheveled appearance caused by Violet and her friends.

“What do you want?!” Violet shouted so deafening. Zeline covered her ears and glared at the girl.

“Shut the fuck your mouth, it’s only right that you don’t sell well among men,” Zeline mocked again endlessly.

Violet’s face was red from holding back the overflowing emotions. Zeline really embarrasses herself in front of the others.

Zeline turned her attention back to Kalea. “How long are you going to be silent when you are being bullied?” Zeline asked annoyed but Kalea remained silent, not even looking at her. The blonde girl snorted in annoyance, she didn’t know why she couldn’t let Kalea be bullied by many people. It was as if her body was moving on its own. She doesn’t matter and doesn’t care when she is talked about badly by others. However, people treated Kalea more harshly.

Because Kalea is an outstanding student and is always hailed by the lecturers. This was indeed very shocking for the whole campus compared to her who was never interested in studying and often did not attend class.

“The bitches encourage each other,” another student mocked and then cheered mockingly at Zeline and Kalea. The blonde girl immediately glared at the people.

“Wake up, Kalea. If you continue like this, they’ll be happier bullying you,” Zeline said, not caring that everyone was watching the two of them. Zeline glanced at Aluna who remained silent at her desk as if enjoying the spectacle. A thin grin spread across the blonde girl’s beautiful face, making Aluna gasp in surprise and turn her face in another direction. “See, the friend that you are always proud of has no intention of defending you. And you still consider Aluna your friend? Are you an idiot?” Zeline asked mockingly.

“Hey, Luna is forbidden by us from being friends with bitches like you guys!” Violet said again, opening her voice.

“Shut up, you ugly! I’m not talking to you!” Zeline shouted without even turning to look at Violet. Zeline couldn’t stand it like this, so she pulled Kalea’s arm to get her up from her seat. “Wake up! You’re not a statue!” Zeline snapped in annoyance.

Zeline pulled Kalea out of the classroom, not caring about the mocking cheers made by her classmates. She let go of her hand when she was in a quieter place. Kalea’s condition was really worrying.

Zeline was annoyed at Kalea, and herself. She didn’t know from the start if the secret was revealed because on that day Zeline didn’t go to college due to one or two things. She snorted annoyed that Kalea still didn’t speak. She gripped the chin of the hazel-haired girl until Kalea looked up and looked at her. “You really are pathetic, Lea.”

Kalea smiled bitterly, as if agreeing with the blonde girl’s words. “You’re right.”

“Do you know who made you suffer like this?”

Kalea was silent, waiting for Zeline to say who it was.

“Your best friend, Aluna.”

Netra Kalea rounded perfectly, then shook her head while laughing softly. “Don’t joke, Zeline,” Kalea said as she removed the blonde girl’s hand from her chin.

Zeline was silent with a serious face, making Kalea stop laughing. Kalea is silenced, she clearly couldn’t believe it was Aluna who did that.

“I know you hate Luna, but you can’t slander her like this,” Kalea said, looking at Zeline sharply.

“Huh? Are you seriously saying that? Wow,” Zeline sighed heavily as she rolled her eyes. She didn’t expect Kalea to be this stupid. Zeline leaned forward until the distance between them remained a few centimeters. “You’re really naive, Lea. It makes me sick.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“It’s up to you, I’m not begging to get your trust. But think again, who else knows your secret besides her? Me? There’s no profit for me to do it, because we are one fate,” Zeline said, trying to open Kalea’s eyes so she could think logically.

“But she has promised not to tell the others. She always accompanies and comforts me, we have been friends for almost 5 years.” Kalea’s tone began to tremble, she didn’t want to believe that Aluna was the culprit.

“Haah ... you’ve gone blind with that fake friendship.”

“We’re not fake!” Kalea exclaimed, subconsciously raising her voice.

“Lea, the more you deny, the more I pity you. You don’t know, right? If Aluna and Arthur are playing behind your back?”


Kalea’s heart seemed to have been hit by a big stone when she heard the words that came out of Zeline’s mouth.

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